コード例 #1
ファイル: grasp_set.cpp プロジェクト: 2scholz/gpg
void GraspSet::evaluateHypotheses(const PointList& point_list, const LocalFrame& local_frame)
  sample_ = local_frame.getSample();
  is_valid_ = Eigen::Array<bool, 1, Eigen::Dynamic>::Constant(1, angles_.size(), false);

  FingerHand finger_hand(hand_geometry_.finger_width_, hand_geometry_.outer_diameter_, hand_geometry_.depth_);
  Eigen::Matrix3d rot_binormal;

  // Set the lateral and forward axis of the robot hand frame (closing direction and grasp approach direction).
  if (rotation_axis_ == ROTATION_AXIS_CURVATURE_AXIS)

    // Rotation about binormal by 180 degrees (reverses direction of normal)
    rot_binormal <<  -1.0,  0.0,  0.0,
      0.0,  1.0,  0.0,
      0.0,  0.0, -1.0;

  // Local reference frame
  Eigen::Matrix3d local_frame_mat;
  local_frame_mat << local_frame.getNormal(), local_frame.getBinormal(), local_frame.getCurvatureAxis();

  // Evaluate grasp at each hand orientation.
  for (int i = 0; i < angles_.rows(); i++)
    // Rotation about curvature axis by <angles_(i)> radians
    Eigen::Matrix3d rot;
    rot <<  cos(angles_(i)),  -1.0 * sin(angles_(i)),   0.0,
      sin(angles_(i)),  cos(angles_(i)),          0.0,
      0.0,              0.0,                      1.0;

    // Rotate points into this hand orientation.
    Eigen::Matrix3d frame_rot;
    frame_rot.noalias() = local_frame_mat * rot_binormal * rot;
    PointList point_list_frame = point_list.rotatePointList(frame_rot.transpose());

    // Crop points on hand height.
    PointList point_list_cropped = point_list_frame.cropByHandHeight(hand_geometry_.height_);

    // Evaluate finger placements for this orientation.
    finger_hand.evaluateFingers(point_list_cropped.getPoints(), hand_geometry_.init_bite_);

    // Check that there is at least one feasible 2-finger placement.

    if (finger_hand.getHand().any())
      // Try to move the hand as deep as possible onto the object.
      int finger_idx = finger_hand.deepenHand(point_list_cropped.getPoints(), hand_geometry_.init_bite_, hand_geometry_.depth_);

      // Calculate points in the closing region of the hand.
      std::vector<int> indices_closing = finger_hand.computePointsInClosingRegion(point_list_cropped.getPoints(), finger_idx);
      if (indices_closing.size() == 0)

      // create the grasp hypothesis
      Grasp hand = createHypothesis(local_frame.getSample(), point_list_cropped, indices_closing, frame_rot,
      hands_[i] = hand;
      is_valid_[i] = true;