bool DatabaseManager::removeDetection(DetectionJob* job, const bool& cascade) { SDPASSERT(Logger::instancePtr()); Logger* log = Logger::instancePtr(); if ( !detectionExists(job->id()) ) { log->addMessage(Logger::WARNING, __func__, QString("Failed to remove detection job %1 from database. Item not found.").arg(job->id())); return false; } if ( cascade ) { QSqlQuery selTrig(QString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main.Trigger WHERE detection_id LIKE '%1'").arg(job->id())); if ( ) log->addMessage(Logger::INFO, __func__, QString("%1 triggers of detection object %2 will be removed from database.") .arg(selTrig.value(0).toString()).arg(job->id())); QSqlQuery rmTrig(QString("DELETE FROM main.Trigger WHERE detection_id LIKE '%1'").arg(job->id())); if ( rmTrig.exec() ) log->addMessage(Logger::INFO, __func__, QString("Removed detection object's %1 triggers from database.").arg(job->id())); } Logger::instancePtr()->addMessage(Logger::INFO, __func__, QString("Removing detection object %1 from database.").arg(job->id()), true); return ::removeRecord(__db, "main.Detection", job->id()); }
void Attribute::setLink(Attribute *attribute) { if (!attribute) throw ProjectException("Cannot set a null link to an attribute."); switch (attribute->getType()) { case Attribute::LIFE: case Attribute::ENERGY: case Attribute::EVASION: case Attribute::AGILITY: throw ProjectException("A standard attribute cannot be linked."); break; } switch (getType()) { case Attribute::LIFE: case Attribute::ENERGY: case Attribute::EVASION: case Attribute::AGILITY: throw ProjectException("This attribute cannot be linked to one of the standard attributes."); break; } if (_type == attribute->getType()) throw ProjectException("A link can only be established between an offensive and a defensive attribute."); if (!!_link) disconnect(_link, 0, this, 0); _link = attribute; connect(_link, SIGNAL(deleteSignal(QString)), this, SLOT(attributeDeleted(QString))); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Linked an attribute to attribute " + _name); logger->setStatus(true); }
bool ParameterManager::registerObjectParameter(const QString& objectName, const QString& name, QVariant data) { Logger* log = Logger::instancePtr(); if ( __objectParameters.contains(objectName) ) { ParameterList& l = __objectParameters[objectName]; if ( l.contains(name) ) { log->addMessage(Logger::WARNING, __func__, QString("Object %1 parameter already stored in list.") .arg(objectName).arg(name)); return false; } else { l.insert(name, data); } } else { ParameterList l; l.insert(name, data); __objectParameters.insert(objectName, l); } return true; }
Attribute::~Attribute() { emit deleteSignal(_name); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->setStatus(true); logger->addMessage("Destroyed attribute " + _name); }
CharacterSystem::CharacterSystem() : _characters(0) { Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Created a character system"); logger->setStatus(true); }
/** * Standard destructor. */ Tileset::~Tileset() { emit deleteSignal(_name); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->setStatus(true); logger->addMessage("Destroyed tileset " + _name); }
ClassSystem::ClassSystem() : _classes(0) { Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Created an cat system"); logger->setStatus(true); }
/** * Delete all messages of this text event. */ void TextEvent::removeAllMessages() { _messages.clear(); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Removed all messages from text event " + _name); logger->setStatus(true); }
BattleEvent::BattleEvent(QString ID, Event::Trigger trigger) : Event(ID, Event::BATTLE, trigger), _activation(1), _groups(0) { Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Created battle event with ID " + _name); logger->setStatus(true); }
/** * Constructs a text event with name <i>name</i> and trigger <i>trigger</i>. */ TextEvent::TextEvent(QString name, Event::Trigger trigger) : Event(name, Event::TEXT, trigger), _messages(QVector<QString>(0)) { Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Created text event with ID " + _name); logger->setStatus(true); }
Attribute::Attribute(QString name, Attribute::Type type) : _name(name), _type(type), _link(0) { Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->setStatus(true); logger->addMessage("Created attribute " + _name); }
/** * Add a message to the end of this text event. */ void TextEvent::addMessage(QString message) { _messages.append(message); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Added message to text event " + _name); logger->setStatus(true); }
Element::Element(QString name) : _name(name), _resistant(QVector<Element*>(0)), _vulnerable(QVector<Element*>(0)) { Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->setStatus(true); logger->addMessage("Created element " + _name); }
void Element::setName(QString name) { if (name == QString()) throw ProjectException("An element should not have an empty name."); _name = name; Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->setStatus(true); logger->addMessage("Changed name of element to " + _name); }
/** * Standard constructor. */ EventSystem::EventSystem() : _textEvents(QVector<TextEvent*>(0)), _portalEvents(QVector<PortalEvent*>(0)), _battleEvents(QVector<BattleEvent*>(0)) { Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Created the event system"); logger->setStatus(true); }
/** * Construct a tileset with name <i>name</i>, type <i>type</i> and load the tileset image <i>imagename</i>. */ Tileset::Tileset(QString name, Type type, QString imagename) : _type(type), _name(name), _imagename(imagename) { Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->setStatus(true); logger->addMessage("Created tileset " + _name); }
void Attribute::unsetLink() { if (!!_link) disconnect(_link, 0, this, 0); _link = 0; Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Removed attribute link from attribute " + _name); logger->setStatus(true); }
/** * Remove the message specified at position <i>position</i>. * The position must be valid, a <i>ProjectException</i> is thrown otherwise. */ void TextEvent::removeMessage(int position) { if ((position < 0) || (position >= _messages.size())) throw ProjectException("The index " + QString::number(position) + " does not exist in the text event."); _messages.remove(position); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Removed message from text event " + _name); logger->setStatus(true); }
void BattleEvent::setActivation(int activation) { if ((activation < 1) || (activation > 100)) throw ProjectException("The activation chance of a battle event should lie between 1 and 100"); _activation = activation; Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Changed activation of battle event " + _name); logger->setStatus(true); }
/** * Set the name of the tileset. */ void Tileset::setName(QString name) { if (name == QString()) throw ProjectException("A tileset cannot have an empty name."); _name = name; Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->setStatus(true); logger->addMessage("Changed name of tileset to " + _name); }
Element::~Element() { emit deleteSignal(_name); this->_resistant.clear(); this->_vulnerable.clear(); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->setStatus(true); logger->addMessage("Destroyed element " + _name); }
void Application::runExternalProgram(BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent) const { QString program = Preferences::instance()->getAutoRunProgram(); program.replace("%N", torrent->name()); program.replace("%L", torrent->category()); program.replace("%F", Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->contentPath())); program.replace("%R", Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->rootPath())); program.replace("%D", Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->savePath())); program.replace("%C", QString::number(torrent->filesCount())); program.replace("%Z", QString::number(torrent->totalSize())); program.replace("%T", torrent->currentTracker()); program.replace("%I", torrent->hash()); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage(tr("Torrent: %1, running external program, command: %2").arg(torrent->name()).arg(program)); #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) QProcess::startDetached(QLatin1String("/bin/sh"), {QLatin1String("-c"), program}); #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) // test cmd: `echo "%F" > "c:\ab ba.txt"` program.prepend(QLatin1String("\"")).append(QLatin1String("\"")); program.prepend(Utils::Misc::windowsSystemPath() + QLatin1String("\\cmd.exe /C ")); const int cmdMaxLength = 32768; // max length (incl. terminate char) for `lpCommandLine` in `CreateProcessW()` if ((program.size() + 1) > cmdMaxLength) { logger->addMessage(tr("Torrent: %1, run external program command too long (length > %2), execution failed.").arg(torrent->name()).arg(cmdMaxLength), Log::CRITICAL); return; } STARTUPINFOW si = {0}; si.cb = sizeof(si); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {0}; WCHAR *arg = new WCHAR[program.size() + 1]; program.toWCharArray(arg); arg[program.size()] = L'\0'; if (CreateProcessW(NULL, arg, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } delete[] arg; #else QProcess::startDetached(program); #endif }
void EnemyDrops::setExperience(int experience) { if (experience < 0) throw ProjectException("The experience should be greater than 0."); _experience = experience; Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Set experience of enemy drops"); logger->setStatus(true); }
void CharacterSystem::addCharacter(Character *character) { if (!character) throw ProjectException("Cannot add a null character."); _characters.append(character); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Added character " + character->getName() + " to the project"); logger->setStatus(true); }
void Attribute::setName(QString name) { if (name == QString()) throw ProjectException("An attribute should not have an empty name"); this->_name = name; Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->setStatus(true); logger->addMessage("Changed name of attribute to " + _name); }
/** * Edit the message with text <i>message</i> specified at position <i>position</i>. * The position must be valid, a <i>ProjectException</i> is thrown otherwise. */ void TextEvent::editMessage(QString message, int position) { if ((position < 0) || (position >= _messages.size())) throw ProjectException("The index " + QString::number(position) + " does not exist in the text event."); _messages.replace(position, message); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Edited message of text event " + _name); logger->setStatus(true); }
void Application::runExternalProgram(const BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *torrent) const { QString program = Preferences::instance()->getAutoRunProgram().trimmed(); program.replace("%N", torrent->name()); program.replace("%L", torrent->category()); QStringList tags = torrent->tags().toList(); std::sort(tags.begin(), tags.end(), Utils::String::naturalLessThan<Qt::CaseInsensitive>); program.replace("%G", tags.join(',')); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) const auto chopPathSep = [](const QString &str) -> QString { if (str.endsWith('\\')) return str.mid(0, (str.length() -1)); return str; }; program.replace("%F", chopPathSep(Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->contentPath()))); program.replace("%R", chopPathSep(Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->rootPath()))); program.replace("%D", chopPathSep(Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->savePath()))); #else program.replace("%F", Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->contentPath())); program.replace("%R", Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->rootPath())); program.replace("%D", Utils::Fs::toNativePath(torrent->savePath())); #endif program.replace("%C", QString::number(torrent->filesCount())); program.replace("%Z", QString::number(torrent->totalSize())); program.replace("%T", torrent->currentTracker()); program.replace("%I", torrent->hash()); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage(tr("Torrent: %1, running external program, command: %2").arg(torrent->name(), program)); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> programWchar(new wchar_t[program.length() + 1] {}); program.toWCharArray(programWchar.get()); // Need to split arguments manually because QProcess::startDetached(QString) // will strip off empty parameters. // E.g. `python.exe "1" "" "3"` will become `python.exe "1" "3"` int argCount = 0; LPWSTR *args = ::CommandLineToArgvW(programWchar.get(), &argCount); QStringList argList; for (int i = 1; i < argCount; ++i) argList += QString::fromWCharArray(args[i]); QProcess::startDetached(QString::fromWCharArray(args[0]), argList); ::LocalFree(args); #else QProcess::startDetached(QLatin1String("/bin/sh"), {QLatin1String("-c"), program}); #endif }
void ClassSystem::addClass(Class *cat) { if (!cat) throw ProjectException("Cannot add a null cat."); _classes.append(cat); emit addedClass(cat); Logger *logger = Logger::instance(); logger->addMessage("Added cat " + cat->getName() + " to the project"); logger->setStatus(true); }
QVariant ParameterManager::objectParameter(const QString& objectName, const QString& name) { Logger* log = Logger::instancePtr(); if ( !__objectParameters.contains(objectName) ) { log->addMessage(Logger::WARNING, __func__, QString("Couldn't find Object %1 in list") .arg(objectName)); return false; } ParameterList& l = __objectParameters[objectName]; if ( !l.contains(name) ) { log->addMessage(Logger::WARNING, __func__, QString("Couldn't find Object's %1 parameter %2 in list") .arg(objectName).arg(name)); return false; } return l[name]; }
DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(const QString& filename) : __dbFile(filename) { SDPASSERT(Logger::instancePtr()); Logger* log = Logger::instancePtr(); log->addMessage(Logger::DEBUG, __func__, QString("Initiating application database from file %1...").arg(filename)); if ( openDatabase(filename) ) { log->addMessage(Logger::INFO, __func__, "Database found and opened."); if ( __db.tables().isEmpty() ) { log->addMessage(Logger::INFO, __func__, "Database appears to be empty, setting up entities."); initDatabase(); } } else { log->addMessage(Logger::CRITICAL, __func__, QString("Failed to open database (%1).").arg(filename)); log->addMessage(Logger::WARNING, __func__, "Initiating new database for application."); initDatabase(); } }