MStatus CVData::readASCII ( const MArgList& args, unsigned& lastParsedElement ) { MStatus status; _intData = args.asInt( lastParsedElement++, &status ); if ( status == MS::kSuccess ) { _doubleData = args.asDouble( lastParsedElement++, &status ); } return status; }
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args ) { // Parse the arguments. MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; // some defaults for the number of voxels we might want to print requestedVoxels = -1; if( args.length() < 1 ) { MGlobal::displayError( "Missing fluid node name argument." ); return MS::kFailure; } else if( args.length() > 2 ) { MGlobal::displayError( "Too many arguments." ); return MS::kFailure; } fluidName = args.asString( 0, &stat ); if (stat != MS::kSuccess) { MGlobal::displayError( "Failed to parse fluid node name argument." ); return MS::kFailure; } if(args.length() == 1) { // assume that the user wants to print all the voxels // they probably won't do this more than once requestedVoxels = -1; } else { requestedVoxels = args.asInt( 1, &stat ); if (stat != MS::kSuccess) { MGlobal::displayError( "Failed to parse num voxels to pribt argument." ); return MS::kFailure; } } nodeFromName( fluidName, fluidNode ); if( fluidNode.isNull() ) { MGlobal::displayError( "There is no fluid node with the given name." ); return MS::kFailure; } if( ! fluidNode.hasFn( MFn::kFluid ) ) { MGlobal::displayError( "The named node is not a fluid." ); return MS::kFailure; } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus ParameterisedHolderModificationCmd::doIt( const MArgList &argList ) { // get the node we're operating on MSelectionList selection; selection.add( argList.asString( 0 ) ); selection.getDependNode( 0, m_node ); if( m_node.isNull() ) { return MS::kFailure; } MFnDependencyNode fnNode( m_node ); MPxNode *userNode = fnNode.userNode(); m_parameterisedHolder = dynamic_cast<ParameterisedHolderInterface *>( userNode ); if( !m_parameterisedHolder ) { return MStatus::kFailure; } // if we're being asked to change class then store the details of the class we want to set // and the one we're replacing if( argList.length() == 4 ) { std::string originalClassName; std::string originalSearchPathEnvVar; m_parameterisedHolder->getParameterised( &originalClassName, &m_originalClassVersion, &originalSearchPathEnvVar ); m_originalClassName = originalClassName.c_str(); m_originalSearchPathEnvVar = originalSearchPathEnvVar.c_str(); m_newClassName = argList.asString( 1 ); m_newClassVersion = argList.asInt( 2 ); m_newSearchPathEnvVar = argList.asString( 3 ); m_changingClass = true; } else if( argList.length() != 1 ) { displayError( "ieParameterisedHolderSetParameterised : wrong number of arguments." ); return MS::kFailure; } // store the original and new values of everything. these are just passed in from // the FnParameterisedHolder. in the case of changing the held class we won't have // any new values. m_originalValues = g_originalValue; m_originalClasses = g_originalClasses; m_newValues = g_newValue; m_newClasses = g_newClasses; g_originalValue = 0; g_originalClasses = 0; g_newValue = 0; g_newClasses = 0; // change the maya side class or monkey with the maya side class parameters as requested. then remember the new values // of everything and which parameters are changing so we can push them in and out during undo and redo. if( m_changingClass ) { MStatus s = m_parameterisedHolder->setParameterised( m_newClassName.asChar(), m_newClassVersion, m_newSearchPathEnvVar.asChar() ); if ( !s ) { return s; } m_newValues = m_parameterisedHolder->getParameterisedInterface()->parameters()->getValue()->copy(); storeParametersWithNewValues( m_originalValues.get(), m_newValues.get(), "" ); despatchSetParameterisedCallbacks(); } else { storeParametersWithNewValues( m_originalValues.get(), m_newValues.get(), "" ); m_parameterisedHolder->updateParameterised(); setNodeValuesForParametersWithNewValues(); despatchClassSetCallbacks(); } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus testExCameraSetCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args) // // Parses the command line arguments. // { MStatus status; // Get the flags. If the create or help flags are used, return success and ignore the other flags. createUsed = (args.flagIndex(kCreateFlag, kCreateFlagLong) != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); editUsed = (args.flagIndex(kEditFlag, kEditFlagLong) != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); queryUsed = (args.flagIndex(kQueryFlag, kQueryFlagLong) != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); helpUsed = (args.flagIndex(kHelpFlag, kHelpFlagLong) != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); numLayersUsed = (args.flagIndex(kNumLayersFlag, kNumLayersFlagLong) != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); // If flags are used which require no other information, return now. if (createUsed || helpUsed) return MS::kSuccess; unsigned int maxArg = args.length() - 1; unsigned int activeIndex = args.flagIndex(kActiveFlag, kActiveFlagLong); unsigned int appendCameraIndex = args.flagIndex(kAppendCameraFlag, kAppendCameraFlagLong); unsigned int appendCameraAndSetIndex = args.flagIndex(kAppendCameraAndSetFlag, kAppendCameraAndSetFlagLong); unsigned int cameraIndex = args.flagIndex(kCameraFlag, kCameraFlagLong); unsigned int deleteLayerIndex = args.flagIndex(kDeleteLayerFlag, kDeleteLayerFlagLong); unsigned int layerIndex = args.flagIndex(kLayerFlag, kLayerFlagLong); unsigned int layerTypeIndex = args.flagIndex(kLayerTypeFlag, kLayerTypeFlagLong); unsigned int setIndex = args.flagIndex(kSetFlag, kSetFlagLong); activeUsed = (activeIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); appendCameraUsed = (appendCameraIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); appendCameraAndSetUsed = (appendCameraAndSetIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); cameraUsed = (cameraIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); deleteLayerUsed = (deleteLayerIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); layerUsed = (layerIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); layerTypeUsed = (layerTypeIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); setUsed = (setIndex != MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex); // Process each flag. bool maxArgUsed = false; if (activeUsed) { if (editUsed) { activeVal = args.asBool((activeIndex+1), &status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MGlobal::displayError("-active must be either true or false"); return status; } if ((layerTypeIndex+1) == maxArg) maxArgUsed = true; } } if (appendCameraUsed) { camName = args.asString((appendCameraIndex+1), &status); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MGlobal::displayError("-appendCamera must have a valid camera node specified"); return status; } if ((appendCameraIndex+1) == maxArg) maxArgUsed = true; } if (appendCameraAndSetUsed) { camName = args.asString((appendCameraAndSetIndex+1)); setName = args.asString((appendCameraAndSetIndex+2)); if ((appendCameraAndSetIndex+2) == maxArg) maxArgUsed = true; } if (cameraUsed) { if (editUsed) { camName = args.asString(cameraIndex+1); if ((cameraIndex+1) == maxArg) maxArgUsed = true; } } if (deleteLayerUsed) { cameraLayer = args.asInt(deleteLayerIndex+1); if ((deleteLayerIndex+1) == maxArg) maxArgUsed = true; } if (layerUsed) { cameraLayer = args.asInt(layerIndex+1); if ((layerIndex+1) == maxArg) maxArgUsed = true; } if (layerTypeUsed) { if (editUsed) { layerTypeVal = args.asString(layerTypeIndex+1); if ((layerTypeIndex+1) == maxArg) maxArgUsed = true; } } if (setUsed) { if (editUsed) { setName = args.asString(setIndex+1); if ((setIndex+1) == maxArg) maxArgUsed = true; } } // If all of the arguments have been used, get the cameraSet node from the selection list. // Otherwise, get it from the last argument. if (maxArgUsed) MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(list); else list.add(args.asString(maxArg)); return MS::kSuccess; }
/* emits particles with color sampled from specified shading node/shading engine */ MStatus sampleParticles::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { unsigned int i; bool shadow = 0; bool reuse = 0; for ( i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) if ( args.asString(i) == MString("-shadow") || args.asString(i) == MString("-s") ) shadow = 1; else if ( args.asString(i) == MString("-reuse") || args.asString(i) == MString("-r") ) reuse = 1; else break; if ( args.length() - i < 5 ) { displayError( "Usage: sampleParticles [-shadow|-reuse] particleName <shadingEngine|shadingNode.plug> resX resY scale\n" " Example: sampleParticles -shadow particle1 phong1SG 64 64 10;\n" " Example: sampleParticles particle1 file1.outColor 128 128 5;\n" ); return MS::kFailure; } if ( reuse && !shadow ) // can only reuse if shadow is turned on reuse = 0; MString particleName = args.asString( i ); MString node = args.asString( i+1 ); int resX = args.asInt( i+2 ); int resY = args.asInt( i+3 ); double scale = args.asDouble( i+4 ); if ( scale <= 0.0 ) scale = 1.0; MFloatArray uCoord, vCoord; MFloatPointArray points; MFloatVectorArray normals, tanUs, tanVs; if ( resX <= 0 ) resX = 1; if ( resY <= 0 ) resY = 1; MString command( "emit -o " ); command += particleName; char tmp[2048]; float stepU = (float) (1.0 / resX); float stepV = (float) (1.0 / resY); // stuff sample data by iterating over grid // Y is set to arch along the X axis int x, y; for ( y = 0; y < resY; y++ ) for ( x = 0; x < resX; x++ ) { uCoord.append( stepU * x ); vCoord.append( stepV * y ); float curY = (float) (sin( stepU * (x) * M_PI )*2.0); MFloatPoint curPt( (float) (stepU * x * scale), curY, (float) (stepV * y * scale )); MFloatPoint uPt( (float) (stepU * (x+1) * scale), (float) (sin( stepU * (x+1) * M_PI )*2.0), (float) (stepV * y * scale )); MFloatPoint vPt( (float) (stepU * (x) * scale), curY, (float) (stepV * (y+1) * scale )); MFloatVector du, dv, n; du = uPt-curPt; dv = vPt-curPt; n = dv^du; // normal is based on dU x dV n = n.normal(); normals.append( n ); du.normal(); dv.normal(); tanUs.append( du ); tanVs.append( dv ); points.append( curPt ); } // get current camera's world matrix MDagPath cameraPath; M3dView::active3dView().getCamera( cameraPath ); MMatrix mat = cameraPath.inclusiveMatrix(); MFloatMatrix cameraMat( mat.matrix ); MFloatVectorArray colors, transps; if ( MS::kSuccess == MRenderUtil::sampleShadingNetwork( node, points.length(), shadow, reuse, cameraMat, &points, &uCoord, &vCoord, &normals, &points, &tanUs, &tanVs, NULL, // don't need filterSize colors, transps ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%u points sampled...\n", points.length() ); for ( i = 0; i < uCoord.length(); i++ ) { sprintf( tmp, " -pos %g %g %g -at velocity -vv %g %g %g -at rgbPP -vv %g %g %g", points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z, normals[i].x, normals[i].y, normals[i].z, colors[i].x, colors[i].y, colors[i].z ); command += MString( tmp ); // execute emit command once every 512 samples if ( i % 512 == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%u...\n", i ); MGlobal::executeCommand( command, false, false ); command = MString( "emit -o " ); command += particleName; } } if ( i % 512 ) MGlobal::executeCommand( command, true, true ); } else { displayError( node + MString(" is not a shading engine! Specify node.attr or shading group node." ) ); } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus meshOp::doIt( const MArgList& argList ) // // Description: // implements the MEL meshOp command. // // Arguments: // argList - the argument list that was passes to the command from MEL // // Return Value: // MS::kSuccess - command succeeded // MS::kFailure - command failed (returning this value will cause the // MEL script that is being run to terminate unless the // error is caught using a "catch" statement. // { MStatus status; bool badArgument = false; // Only one parameter is expected to be passed to this command: the mesh // operation type. Get it, validate it or stop prematurely // if (argList.length() == 1) { int operationTypeArgument = argList.asInt(0); if (operationTypeArgument < 0 || operationTypeArgument > kMeshOperationCount - 1) { badArgument = true; } else { fOperation = (MeshOperation)operationTypeArgument; } } else badArgument = true; if (badArgument) { cerr << "Expecting one parameter: the operation type." << endl; cerr << "Valid types are: " << endl; cerr << " 0 - Subdivide edge(s)." << endl; cerr << " 1 - Subdivide face(s)." << endl; cerr << " 2 - Extrude edge(s)." << endl; cerr << " 3 - Extrude face(s)." << endl; cerr << " 4 - Collapse edge(s)." << endl; cerr << " 5 - Collapse face(s)." << endl; cerr << " 6 - Duplicate face(s)." << endl; cerr << " 7 - Extract face(s)." << endl; cerr << " 8 - Split face(s)." << endl; cerr << " 8 - Chamfer vertex(s)." << endl; displayError(" Expecting one parameter: the operation type."); return MS::kFailure; } // Each mesh operation only supports one type of components // MFn::Type componentType = meshOpFty::getExpectedComponentType(fOperation); // Parse the selection list for selected components of the right type. // To simplify things, we only take the first object that we find with // selected components and operate on that object alone. // // All other objects are ignored and return warning messages indicating // this limitation. // MSelectionList selList; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( selList ); MItSelectionList selListIter( selList ); selListIter.setFilter( MFn::kMesh ); // The meshOperation node only accepts a component list input, so we build // a component list using MFnComponentListData. // // MIntArrays could also be passed into the node to represent the ids, // but are less storage efficient than component lists, since consecutive // components are bundled into a single entry in component lists. // MFnComponentListData compListFn; compListFn.create(); bool found = false; bool foundMultiple = false; for( ; !selListIter.isDone(); ) { MDagPath dagPath; MObject component; selListIter.getDagPath( dagPath, component ); // Check for selected components of the right type // if( component.apiType() == componentType ) { if( !found ) { // The variable 'component' holds all selected components // on the selected object, thus only a single call to // MFnComponentListData::add() is needed to store the selected // components for a given object. // compListFn.add( component ); // Copy the component list created by MFnComponentListData // into our local component list MObject member. // fComponentList = compListFn.object(); // Locally store the actual ids of the selected components so // that this command can directly modify the mesh in the case // when there is no history and history is turned off. // MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn( component ); // Ensure that this DAG path will point to the shape // of our object. Set the DAG path for the polyModifierCmd. // dagPath.extendToShape(); setMeshNode( dagPath ); found = true; } else { // Break once we have found a multiple object holding // selected components, since we are not interested in how // many multiple objects there are, only the fact that there // are multiple objects. // foundMultiple = true; break; } } } if( foundMultiple ) { displayWarning("Found more than one object with selected components."); displayWarning("Only operating on first found object."); } // Initialize the polyModifierCmd node type - mesh node already set // setModifierNodeType( meshOpNode::id ); if( found ) { // Now, pass control over to the polyModifierCmd::doModifyPoly() method // to handle the operation. // status = doModifyPoly(); if( status == MS::kSuccess ) { setResult( "meshOp command succeeded!" ); } else { displayError( "meshOp command failed!" ); } } else { displayError( "meshOp command failed: Unable to find selected components" ); status = MS::kFailure; } return status; }
void ParamList::parseArgs(const MArgList &args) { MStatus stat; // Parse arguments from command line for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) { if ((MString("-all") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) exportAll = true; else if ((MString("-world") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) exportWorldCoords = true; else if ((MString("-mesh") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportMesh = true; meshFilename = args.asString(++i,&stat); } else if ((MString("-mat") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportMaterial = true; materialFilename = args.asString(++i,&stat); } else if ((MString("-matPrefix") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { matPrefix = args.asString(++i,&stat); } else if ((MString("-copyTex") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { copyTextures = true; texOutputDir = args.asString(++i,&stat); } else if ((MString("-lightOff") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { lightingOff = true; } else if ((MString("-skel") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportSkeleton = true; skeletonFilename = args.asString(++i,&stat); } else if ((MString("-anims") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportAnims = true; } else if ((MString("-animCur") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportAnimCurves = true; animFilename = args.asString(++i,&stat); } else if ((MString("-cam") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportCameras = true; camerasFilename = args.asString(++i,&stat); } else if ((MString("-v") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportVBA = true; } else if ((MString("-n") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportVertNorm = true; } else if ((MString("-c") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportVertCol = true; } else if ((MString("-cw") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportVertCol = true; exportVertColWhite = true; } else if ((MString("-t") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportTexCoord = true; } else if ((MString("-camAnim") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportCamerasAnim = true; } else if ((MString("-meshbin") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportMeshBin = true; } else if ((MString("-skelbin") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportSkelBin = true; } else if ((MString("-particles") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { exportParticles = true; particlesFilename = args.asString(++i,&stat); } else if ((MString("-shared") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { useSharedGeom = true; } else if ((MString("-np") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { MString npType = args.asString(i,&stat); if (npType == "curFrame") neutralPoseType = NPT_CURFRAME; else if (npType == "bindPose") neutralPoseType = NPT_BINDPOSE; else if (npType == "frame") { neutralPoseType = NPT_FRAME; neutralPoseFrame = args.asInt(++i,&stat); } } else if ((MString("-clip") == args.asString(i,&stat)) && (MS::kSuccess == stat)) { //get clip name MString clipName = args.asString(++i,&stat); //get clip range MString clipRangeType = args.asString(++i,&stat); double startTime, stopTime; if (clipRangeType == "startEnd") { startTime = args.asDouble(++i,&stat); stopTime = args.asDouble(++i,&stat); MString rangeUnits = args.asString(++i,&stat); if (rangeUnits == "frames") { //range specified in frames => convert to seconds MTime t1(startTime, MTime::uiUnit()); MTime t2(stopTime, MTime::uiUnit()); startTime =; stopTime =; } } else { //range specified by time slider MTime t1 = MAnimControl::minTime(); MTime t2 = MAnimControl::maxTime(); startTime =; stopTime =; } // get sample rate double rate; MString sampleRateType = args.asString(++i,&stat); if (sampleRateType == "sampleByFrames") { // rate specified in frames int intRate = args.asInt(++i,&stat); MTime t = MTime(intRate, MTime::uiUnit()); rate =; } else { // rate specified in seconds rate = args.asDouble(++i,&stat); } //add clip info clipInfo clip; = clipName; clip.start = startTime; clip.stop = stopTime; clip.rate = rate; clipList.push_back(clip); std::cout << "clip " << clipName.asChar() << "\n"; std::cout << "start: " << startTime << ", stop: " << stopTime << "\n"; std::cout << "rate: " << rate << "\n"; std::cout << "-----------------\n"; } } /* // Read options from exporter window // Gather clips data // Read info about the clips we have to transform int numClips,exportClip,rangeType,rateType,rangeUnits; double startTime,stopTime,rate; MString clipName; //read number of clips MGlobal::executeCommand("eval \"$numClips+=0\"",numClips,false); //read clips data for (int i=1; i<=numClips; i++) { MString command = "checkBox -q -v ExportClip"; command += i; MGlobal::executeCommand(command,exportClip,false); if (exportClip) { //get clip name command = "textField -q -tx ClipName"; command += i; MGlobal::executeCommand(command,clipName,false); //get clip range command = "radioButtonGrp -q -sl ClipRangeRadio"; command += i; MGlobal::executeCommand(command,rangeType,false); if (rangeType == 1) { //range specified from user command = "floatField -q -v ClipRangeStart"; command += i; MGlobal::executeCommand(command,startTime,false); command = "floatField -q -v ClipRangeEnd"; command += i; MGlobal::executeCommand(command,stopTime,false); //get range units command = "radioButtonGrp -q -sl ClipRangeUnits"; command += i; MGlobal::executeCommand(command,rangeUnits,false); if (rangeUnits == 1) { //range specified in frames => convert to seconds MTime t1(startTime, MTime::uiUnit()); MTime t2(stopTime, MTime::uiUnit()); startTime =; stopTime =; } } else { //range specified by time slider MTime t1 = MAnimControl::minTime(); MTime t2 = MAnimControl::maxTime(); startTime =; stopTime =; } //get sample rate command = "radioButtonGrp -q -sl ClipRateType"; command += i; MGlobal::executeCommand(command,rateType,false); MTime t; switch (rateType) { case 1: //rate specified in frames command = "intField -q -v ClipRateFrames"; command += i; MGlobal::executeCommand(command,rate,false); t = MTime(rate, MTime::uiUnit()); rate =; break; case 2: //rate specified in seconds command = "floatField -q -v ClipRateSeconds"; command += i; MGlobal::executeCommand(command,rate,false); break; default://rate not specified, get from time slider rate = -1; break; } //add clip info clipInfo clip; = clipName; clip.start = startTime; clip.stop = stopTime; clip.rate = rate; clipList.push_back(clip); std::cout << "clip " << clipName.asChar() << "\n"; std::cout << "start: " << startTime << ", stop: " << stopTime << "\n"; std::cout << "rate: " << rate << "\n"; std::cout << "-----------------\n"; } }*/ }
MStatus pointOnMeshCommand::doIt(const MArgList& args) { // INITIALIZE PRIVATE DATA FOR THE COMMAND: nodeCreated = positionSpecified = normalSpecified = faceIndexSpecified = relativeSpecified = parameterUSpecified = parameterVSpecified = false; meshNodeName = pointOnMeshInfoName = ""; // PARSE THE COMMAND'S ARGUMENTS: for (unsigned i=0; i<args.length(); i++) { if ((MString("-name")==args.asString(i)) || (MString("-na")==args.asString(i))) pointOnMeshInfoName = args.asString(++i); else if ((MString("-position")==args.asString(i)) || (MString("-p")==args.asString(i))) positionSpecified = true; else if ((MString("-normal")==args.asString(i)) || (MString("-nr")==args.asString(i))) normalSpecified = true; else if ((MString("-faceIndex")==args.asString(i)) || (MString("-f")==args.asString(i))) { faceIndexSpecified = true; int temp = args.asInt(++i); if (temp<0) { displayError("Invalid faceIndex!"); return MS::kFailure; } faceIndex = temp; } else if ((MString("-relative")==args.asString(i)) || (MString("-r")==args.asString(i))) { relativeSpecified = true; relative = args.asBool(++i); } else if ((MString("-parameterU")==args.asString(i)) || (MString("-u")==args.asString(i))) { parameterUSpecified = true; double temp = args.asDouble(++i); if ((temp<0) || (temp>1)) { displayError("Invalid parameterU!"); return MS::kFailure; } parameterU = temp; } else if ((MString("-parameterV")==args.asString(i)) || (MString("-v")==args.asString(i))) { parameterVSpecified = true; double temp = args.asDouble(++i); if ((temp<0) || (temp>1)) { displayError("Invalid parameterV!"); return MS::kFailure; } parameterV = temp; } else if (i==(args.length()-1)) meshNodeName = args.asString(i); else { MString errorMessage = "Invalid flag: "; errorMessage += args.asString(i); displayError(errorMessage); return MS::kFailure; } } // MAKE SURE UNSPECIFIED INPUT PARAMETER FLAGS GET DEFAULT VALUES: if (!faceIndexSpecified) faceIndex = 0; if (!relativeSpecified) relative = true; if (!parameterUSpecified) parameterU = 0.5; if (!parameterVSpecified) parameterV = 0.5; // DO THE WORK: return redoIt(); }