コード例 #1
MStatus DDConvexHullCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args)
    if (args.length() != 1)
        MGlobal::displayError("Needs at least 2 args");
        return MS::kFailure;
    MString input = args.asString(0);
    MString output = args.asString(1);
    // Get the mObject for the input
    MSelectionList selList;
    MDagPath inputMesh;
    selList.getDagPath(0, inputMesh);
    // Ensure we're looking at the shape

    // Create output object
    MDagModifier dm;
    MObject outMeshNode = dm.createNode(MFn::kMesh);
    MFnDependencyNode outMeshDag(outMeshNode);
    DDConvexHullUtils::hullOpts hullOptions;
    return DDConvexHullUtils::generateMayaHull(outMeshNode,
                                               inputMesh.node(), hullOptions);

コード例 #2
ファイル: offsetNode.cpp プロジェクト: DimondTheCat/xray
/* override */
offset::accessoryNodeSetup(MDagModifier& cmd)
//	Description:
//		This method is called when the deformer is created by the
//		"deformer" command. You can add to the cmds in the MDagModifier
//		cmd in order to hook up any additional nodes that your node needs
//		to operate.
//		In this example, we create a locator and attach its matrix attribute
//		to the matrix input on the offset node. The locator is used to
//		set the direction and scale of the random field.
//	Description:
//		This method is optional.
	MStatus result;

	// hook up the accessory node
	MObject objLoc = cmd.createNode(MString("locator"),

	if (MS::kSuccess == result) {
		MFnDependencyNode fnLoc(objLoc);
		MString attrName;
		MObject attrMat = fnLoc.attribute(attrName);

		result = cmd.connect(objLoc,attrMat,this->thisMObject(),offset::offsetMatrix);
	return result;
コード例 #3
MObject lrutils::createJointFromLocation(MVectorArray location, MString prefix, unsigned int num, MObject parent) {
    MStatus status = MS::kFailure;
    MObject jointObj;

    //make joint object
    MDagModifier dagMod;
    jointObj = dagMod.createNode( "joint", MObject::kNullObj, &status );
    MyCheckStatus(status, "MDagModifier.createNode() failed");
    //set position
    lrutils::setLocation(jointObj, location, MFnTransform::MFnTransform(), true, false, false);
    //set name        
    MString jointName = prefix + "_Skel" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(num).c_str() + "_JNT";
    dagMod.renameNode(jointObj, jointName);
    MFnTransform jointFn(jointObj);
    //parent the joint to its parent, if not null
    if(parent != MObject::kNullObj) {
        MFnTransform parentFn(parent);
        MGlobal::executeCommand("parent " + jointFn.fullPathName() + " " + parentFn.fullPathName() + ";");

    return jointObj;
コード例 #4
ファイル: translatorUtil.cpp プロジェクト: 400dama/USD
/* static */
        const MString& nodeName,
        const MString& nodeTypeName,
        MObject& parentNode,
        MStatus* status,
        MObject* mayaNodeObj)
    // XXX:
    // Using MFnDagNode::create() results in nodes that are not properly
    // registered with parent scene assemblies. For now, just massaging the
    // transform code accordingly so that child scene assemblies properly post
    // their edits to their parents-- if this is indeed the best pattern for
    // this, all Maya*Reader node creation needs to be adjusted accordingly (for
    // much less trivial cases like MFnMesh).
    MDagModifier dagMod;
    *mayaNodeObj = dagMod.createNode(nodeTypeName, parentNode, status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(*status, false);
    *status = dagMod.renameNode(*mayaNodeObj, nodeName);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(*status, false);
    *status = dagMod.doIt();
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(*status, false);

    return TF_VERIFY(not mayaNodeObj->isNull());
コード例 #5
MStatus lrutils::makeHomeNull(MObject obj, MFnTransform& transformFn, MObject& groupObj) {
    MStatus status = MS::kFailure;
    status = transformFn.setObject(obj);
    MyCheckStatusReturn(status, "invalid MObject provided for MFnTransform.setObject()");

    if( status == MS::kSuccess ) {
        MDagModifier dagMod;
        groupObj = dagMod.createNode( "transform", MObject::kNullObj, &status );
        MyCheckStatusReturn(status, "MDagModifier.createNode() failed");

        MFnTransform groupFn;
        MString groupName = transformFn.name();
        groupName = groupName.substring(0, groupName.numChars() - 4);
        groupName += "GRP";

    return status;
コード例 #6
/* static */
        const UsdGeomCamera& usdCamera,
        MObject parentNode,
        const UsdMayaPrimReaderArgs& args,
        UsdMayaPrimReaderContext* context)
    if (!usdCamera) {
        return false;

    const UsdPrim& prim = usdCamera.GetPrim();
    const SdfPath primPath = prim.GetPath();

    MStatus status;

    // Create the transform node for the camera.
    MObject transformObj;
    if (!UsdMayaTranslatorUtil::CreateTransformNode(prim,
                                                       &transformObj)) {
        return false;

    // Create the camera shape node.
    MDagModifier dagMod;
    MObject cameraObj = dagMod.createNode(_tokens->MayaCameraTypeName.GetText(),
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, false);
    status = dagMod.doIt();
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, false);

    MFnCamera cameraFn(cameraObj, &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, false);
    const std::string cameraShapeName = prim.GetName().GetString() +
    cameraFn.setName(cameraShapeName.c_str(), &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, false);
    if (context) {
        const SdfPath shapePrimPath = primPath.AppendChild(TfToken(cameraShapeName));
        context->RegisterNewMayaNode(shapePrimPath.GetString(), cameraObj);

    return _ReadToCamera(usdCamera, cameraFn, args, context);
MStatus SwirlDeformer::accessoryNodeSetup( MDagModifier &dagMod )
MStatus stat;

MObject locObj = dagMod.createNode( "locator", MObject::kNullObj, &stat );
if( !stat )
	return stat;

dagMod.renameNode( locObj, "swirlHandle" );

MFnDependencyNode locFn( locObj );
MObject attrMat = locFn.attribute( "matrix" );
stat = dagMod.connect( locObj, attrMat, thisMObject(), deformSpace );

return stat;
コード例 #8
MStatus lrutils::makeGroup(MObject & obj, MString name) {
    MStatus status = MS::kFailure;

    MDagModifier dagMod;
    MObject groupObj = dagMod.createNode( "transform", MObject::kNullObj, &status );
    MyCheckStatusReturn(status, "MDagModifier.createNode() failed");

    MFnTransform groupFn;
    MString groupName = name;
    groupName += "_GRP";

    obj = groupObj;

    return status;
コード例 #9
bool CacheRepresentation::activate()
   AssemblyDefinition* const assembly =
      dynamic_cast< AssemblyDefinition* >( getAssembly() );
   if ( assembly == 0 ) {
      return false;

   // Create a gpuCache node, and parent it to our container.
   MDagModifier dagMod;   
   MStatus status;
   MObject cacheObj = dagMod.createNode(
      MString("gpuCache"), assembly->thisMObject(), &status);

   if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
      int	isLoaded = false;
      // Validate that the gpuCache plugin is loaded.
      MGlobal::executeCommand( "pluginInfo -query -loaded gpuCache", isLoaded );
	     MString errorString = MStringResource::getString(rCreateGPUCacheNodeError, status);	     
      return false;
   status = dagMod.doIt();
   if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
      return false;
   // Set the cache attribute to point to our Alembic file.
   MFnDependencyNode cache(cacheObj);
   MPlug fileName = cache.findPlug(MString("cacheFileName"), true, &status);
   if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
      return false;

   return status == MStatus::kSuccess;
コード例 #10
void atomImport::connectionFailedCallback(MPlug& srcPlug,
										  MPlug& dstPlug,
										  const MString& srcName,
										  const MString& dstName,
										  void* clientData)
//	MString output = "Connection failed callback: ";
//	output += srcName;  output += " ";	output += dstName;
//	MGlobal::displayInfo(output);

	atomEditsHelper* helper = (NULL != clientData) ? (atomEditsHelper*)clientData : NULL;
	atomNodeNameReplacer* replacer = (NULL != helper) ? helper->fReplacer : NULL;
	atomTemplateReader* templateReader = (NULL != helper) ? helper->fTemplateReader : NULL;

	if (NULL != replacer && srcPlug.isNull()) {
		// Import of the edits didn't find a match for the source name, use the 
		// replacer and see if that helps
		if (replaceNameAndFindPlug(srcName,*replacer,srcPlug)) {
			if (!dstPlug.isNull()) {
				// we've found the proper source plug to use and we already
				// had a dest, so connect them up and we're done
				MDagModifier mod;

	if (NULL != replacer && dstPlug.isNull()) {
		// Import of the edits didn't find a match for the dest name, use the 
		// replacer and see if that helps
		if (replaceNameAndFindPlug(dstName,*replacer,dstPlug)) {
			MStringArray dstParts;
			dstName.split('.', dstParts);			
			if (!checkPlugAgainstTemplate(dstParts[0],dstPlug,templateReader))

			if (!srcPlug.isNull()) {
				// we've found the proper dest plug to use and we already
				// had a source, so connect them up and we're done
				MDagModifier mod;
	if (!dstPlug.isNull()) {
		MObject dstNode = dstPlug.node();

		// Check whether the failed connection was to a setDrivenKey curve
		if (dstNode.hasFn(MFn::kAnimCurveUnitlessToAngular) ||
			dstNode.hasFn(MFn::kAnimCurveUnitlessToDistance) ||
			dstNode.hasFn(MFn::kAnimCurveUnitlessToTime) ||
			dstNode.hasFn(MFn::kAnimCurveUnitlessToUnitless)) {

			// If so, create a stand-in driver for that curve
			MDagModifier mod;
			MObject locator = mod.createNode( "locator", MObject::kNullObj );
			MFnDependencyNode fnLoc(locator);

			MStringArray nameParts;
			srcName.split('.', nameParts);
			MString leafAttr(nameParts[nameParts.length()-1]);
			MPlug leafPlug = fnLoc.findPlug(leafAttr);
			if (!leafPlug.isNull()) {

				// rename the locator to the name of the original source
				// so that any subsequent connections will work
コード例 #11
bool ToMayaLocatorConverter::doConversion( IECore::ConstObjectPtr from, MObject &to, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr operands ) const
	ConstCoordinateSystemPtr coordSys = IECore::runTimeCast<const CoordinateSystem>( from );
	if ( !coordSys )
		IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning, "ToMayaLocatorConverter::doConversion",  "The source object is not an IECore::CoordinateSystem." );
		return false;
	// check if incoming object is a locator itself
	MObject locatorObj;
	if ( to.hasFn( MFn::kLocator ) )
		locatorObj = to;
	// check if incoming object is a parent of an existing locator
	if ( locatorObj.isNull() )
		MFnDagNode fnTo( to );
		for ( unsigned i=0; i < fnTo.childCount(); ++i )
			MObject child = fnTo.child( i );
			if ( child.hasFn( MFn::kLocator ) )
				locatorObj = child;
	// make a new locator and parent it to the incoming object
	if ( locatorObj.isNull() )
		if ( !MFnTransform().hasObj( to ) )
			IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning, "ToMayaLocatorConverter::doConversion",  "Unable to create a locator as a child of the input object." );
			return false;
		MDagModifier dagMod;
		locatorObj = dagMod.createNode( "locator", to );
		dagMod.renameNode( locatorObj, coordSys->getName().c_str() );
		if ( !dagMod.doIt() )
			IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning, "ToMayaLocatorConverter::doConversion",  "Unable to modify the DAG correctly." );
			return false;
	if ( locatorObj.isNull() )
		IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning, "ToMayaLocatorConverter::doConversion",  "Unable to find or create a locator from the input object." );
		return false;
	MFnDagNode fnLocator( locatorObj );
	Imath::M44f m = coordSys->getTransform()->transform();
	Imath::V3f s,h,r,t;
	Imath::extractSHRT(m, s, h, r, t);

	/// obtain local position and scale from locator
	MStatus st;
	MPlug positionPlug = fnLocator.findPlug( "localPositionX", &st );
	if ( !st ) return false;
	positionPlug = fnLocator.findPlug( "localPositionY", &st );
	if ( !st ) return false;
	positionPlug = fnLocator.findPlug( "localPositionZ", &st );
	if ( !st ) return false;

	MPlug scalePlug = fnLocator.findPlug( "localScaleX", &st );
	if ( !st ) return false;
	scalePlug = fnLocator.findPlug( "localScaleY", &st );
	if ( !st ) return false;
	scalePlug = fnLocator.findPlug( "localScaleZ", &st );
	if ( !st ) return false;

	return true;
コード例 #12
bool LocatorRepresentation::activate()
   MPxAssembly* const assembly = getAssembly();

   // Create a locator node, and parent it to our container.
   MDagModifier dagMod;
   MStatus status;
   dagMod.createNode(MString("locator"), assembly->thisMObject(), &status);   
   if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
      return false;
   status = dagMod.doIt();
   if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
      return false;

   // If we have annotation text, create an annotation shape, and a
   // transform for it.  Parent the annotation transform to the assembly.
   if (fAnnotation.numChars() > 0) {
      MObject transformObj = dagMod.createNode(
         MString("transform"), assembly->thisMObject(), &status);

      if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
         return false;

	  MString  annotationName =  "annotation";
	  // the + "#" forces Maya to rename using integers for unique names
	  MString  transformName = annotationName + "#";
      dagMod.renameNode(transformObj, transformName);
      status = dagMod.doIt();
      if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
         return false;

      MObject annotationObj = dagMod.createNode(
         MString("annotationShape"), transformObj, &status);

      if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
         return false;
      status = dagMod.doIt();
      if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
         return false;

      // Set the annotation text.
      MFnDependencyNode annotation(annotationObj);
      MPlug text = annotation.findPlug(MString("text"), true, &status);
      if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
         return false;

      // Get rid of the arrow: our annotation doesn't need to be
      // offset from the locator for readability, since the locator
      // has no volume.  Therefore, we don't need an arrow to point
      // from the annotation back to the object.
      MPlug displayArrow =
         annotation.findPlug(MString("displayArrow"), true, &status);
      if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
         return false;
   return status == MStatus::kSuccess;