コード例 #1
MStatus CVstSelectCoincidentFacesCmd::DoSelect()
	MSelectionList meshList;
	GetSpecifiedMeshes( meshList );

	MSelectionList coincidentList;

	MDagPath mDagPath;
	MObject cObj;

	MPointArray points;
	MIntArray iIndexes;
	MIntArray jIndexes;

	uint iCount;
	bool addI;
	bool same;
	bool foundVertex;

	double tolerance( MPoint_kTol );
	if ( m_undo.ArgDatabase().isFlagSet( kOptTolerance ) )
		MDistance optTolerance;
		m_undo.ArgDatabase().getFlagArgument( kOptTolerance, 0U, optTolerance );
		tolerance = optTolerance.as( MDistance::internalUnit() );

	for ( MItSelectionList sIt( meshList ); !sIt.isDone(); sIt.next() )
		if ( !sIt.getDagPath( mDagPath, cObj ) )

		MFnSingleIndexedComponent sFn;
		MObject sObj( sFn.create( MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent ) );

		MFnMesh meshFn( mDagPath );
		meshFn.getPoints( points );

		if ( !sIt.hasComponents() )
			const uint nFaces( meshFn.numPolygons() );
			for ( uint i( 0U ); i != nFaces; ++i )
				meshFn.getPolygonVertices( i, iIndexes );
				iCount = iIndexes.length();

				addI = false;

				for ( uint j( i + 1 ); j < nFaces; ++j )
					meshFn.getPolygonVertices( j, jIndexes );
					if ( jIndexes.length() == iCount )
						same = true;

						for ( uint k( 0U ); k != iCount; ++k )
							foundVertex = false;

							const MPoint &kPoint( points[ iIndexes[ k ] ] );

							for ( uint l( 0U ); l < iCount; ++l )
								if ( kPoint.isEquivalent( points[ jIndexes[ l ] ], tolerance ) )
									foundVertex = true;

							if ( !foundVertex )
								same = false;

						if ( same )
							addI = true;
							sFn.addElement( j );

				if ( addI )
					sFn.addElement( i );
			MFnSingleIndexedComponent cFn( cObj );
			MIntArray cA;
			MFnSingleIndexedComponent( cObj ).getElements( cA );

			const uint nFaces( cA.length() );

			for ( uint i( 0U ); i != nFaces; ++i )
				meshFn.getPolygonVertices( cA[ i ], iIndexes );
				iCount = iIndexes.length();

				addI = false;

				for ( uint j( i + 1U ); j < nFaces; ++j )
					meshFn.getPolygonVertices( cA[ j ], jIndexes );
					if ( jIndexes.length() == iCount )
						same = true;

						for ( uint k( 0U ); k != iCount; ++k )
							foundVertex = false;

							const MPoint &kPoint( points[ iIndexes[ k ] ] );

							for ( uint l( 0U ); l < iCount; ++l )
								if ( kPoint.isEquivalent( points[ jIndexes[ l ] ], tolerance ) )
									foundVertex = true;

							if ( !foundVertex )
								same = false;

						if ( same )
							addI = true;
							sFn.addElement( cA[ j ] );

				if ( addI )
					sFn.addElement( cA[ i ] );

		if ( sFn.elementCount() > 0 )
			coincidentList.add( mDagPath, sObj );
			MSelectionList tmpList;
			tmpList.add( mDagPath, cObj );
			MStringArray tmpA;
			tmpList.getSelectionStrings( tmpA );

			minfo << "No coincident faces on:";
			for ( uint i( 0U ); i != tmpA.length(); ++i )
				minfo << " " << tmpA[ i ];
			minfo << std::endl;

	if ( coincidentList.length() )
		MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( coincidentList );
		MStringArray tmpA;
		coincidentList.getSelectionStrings( tmpA );
		setResult( tmpA );
		if ( meshList.length() > 0U )
			minfo << "No coincident faces found" << std::endl;

	return MS::kSuccess;
コード例 #2
	void DocumentExporter::exportAsset()
		COLLADASW::Asset asset(&mStreamWriter);

        // Add contributor information
        // Set the author
        char* userName = getenv ( USERNAME );

        if ( !userName || *userName == 0 ) 
			userName = getenv ( USER );
        if ( userName && *userName != 0 ) 
			asset.getContributor().mAuthor = NativeString( userName ).toUtf8String();

        // Source is the scene we have exported from
        String currentScene = MFileIO::currentFile().asChar();
        if ( currentScene.size() > 0 )
            COLLADASW::URI sourceFileUri ( COLLADASW::URI::nativePathToUri ( currentScene ) );
            if ( sourceFileUri.getScheme ().empty () )
                sourceFileUri.setScheme ( COLLADASW::URI::SCHEME_FILE );
            asset.getContributor().mSourceData = sourceFileUri.getURIString();
		std::size_t foundLast = COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.find_last_of(".");
		std::size_t foundFirst = COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.find_first_of(".");
		String versionMajor = COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.substr(0, foundFirst);
		String versionMinor = COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.substr(foundFirst + 1, foundLast - foundFirst -1 );

		asset.getContributor().mAuthoringTool = AUTHORING_TOOL_NAME + MGlobal::mayaVersion().asChar() +
			(COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.empty() ? "" : String(";  ") + String("Version: ") + versionMajor + "." + versionMinor) +
			(COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.empty() ? "" : String(";  ") + String("Revision: ") + COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.substr(foundLast + 1));
        // comments
		MString optstr = MString("\n\t\t\tColladaMaya export options: ")
			+ "\n\t\t\tbakeTransforms=" + ExportOptions::bakeTransforms()
			+ ";relativePaths=" + ExportOptions::relativePaths()
			+ ";preserveSourceTree=" + ExportOptions::preserveSourceTree()
			+ ";copyTextures=" + ExportOptions::copyTextures()
			+ ";exportTriangles=" + ExportOptions::exportTriangles()
			+ ";exportCgfxFileReferences=" + ExportOptions::exportCgfxFileReferences()
			+ ";\n\t\t\tisSampling=" + ExportOptions::isSampling()
			+ ";curveConstrainSampling=" + ExportOptions::curveConstrainSampling()
			+ ";removeStaticCurves=" + ExportOptions::removeStaticCurves()
			+ ";exportPhysics=" + ExportOptions::exportPhysics()
            + ";exportConvexMeshGeometries=" + ExportOptions::exportConvexMeshGeometries()
            + ";exportPolygonMeshes=" + ExportOptions::exportPolygonMeshes() 
            + ";exportLights=" + ExportOptions::exportLights() 
            + ";\n\t\t\texportCameras=" + ExportOptions::exportCameras() 
			+ ";exportAnimationsOnly=" + ExportOptions::exportAnimationsOnly()
			+ ";exportSeparateFile=" + ExportOptions::exportSeparateFile()
			+ ";modelNameDAE=" + ExportOptions::getDAEmodelName()
            + ";exportJoints=" + ExportOptions::exportJoints() 
			+ ";exportSkin=" + ExportOptions::exportSkin()
            + ";exportAnimations=" + ExportOptions::exportAnimations()
            + ";exportOptimizedBezierAnimation=" + ExportOptions::exportOptimizedBezierAnimations()
            + ";exportInvisibleNodes=" + ExportOptions::exportInvisibleNodes()
            + ";exportDefaultCameras=" + ExportOptions::exportDefaultCameras()
            + ";\n\t\t\texportTexCoords=" + ExportOptions::exportTexCoords()
            + ";exportNormals=" + ExportOptions::exportNormals() 
            + ";exportNormalsPerVertex=" + ExportOptions::exportNormalsPerVertex() 
            + ";exportVertexColors=" + ExportOptions::exportVertexColors()
            + ";exportVertexColorsPerVertex=" + ExportOptions::exportVertexColorsPerVertex()
            + ";\n\t\t\texportTexTangents=" + ExportOptions::exportTexTangents() 
            + ";exportTangents=" + ExportOptions::exportTangents() 
            + ";exportReferencedMaterials=" + ExportOptions::exportReferencedMaterials() 
            + ";exportMaterialsOnly=" + ExportOptions::exportMaterialsOnly() 
            + ";\n\t\t\texportXRefs=" + ExportOptions::exportXRefs() 
            + ";dereferenceXRefs=" + ExportOptions::dereferenceXRefs() 
            + ";exportCameraAsLookat=" + ExportOptions::exportCameraAsLookat() 
            + ";cameraXFov=" + ExportOptions::cameraXFov() 
            + ";cameraYFov=" + ExportOptions::cameraYFov() 
            + ";doublePrecision=" + ExportOptions::doublePrecision () + "\n\t\t";
        asset.getContributor().mComments = optstr.asChar();

        // Up axis
        if ( MGlobal::isYAxisUp() ) 
            asset.setUpAxisType ( COLLADASW::Asset::Y_UP );
        else if ( MGlobal::isZAxisUp() ) 
            asset.setUpAxisType ( COLLADASW::Asset::Z_UP );

        // Retrieve the linear unit name
        MString mayaLinearUnitName;
        MGlobal::executeCommand ( "currentUnit -q -linear -fullName;", mayaLinearUnitName );
        String linearUnitName = mayaLinearUnitName.asChar();

        // Get the UI unit type (internal units are centimeter, collada want
        // a number relative to meters).
        // All transform components with units will be in maya's internal units
        // (radians for rotations and centimeters for translations).
        MDistance testDistance ( 1.0f, MDistance::uiUnit() );

        // Get the conversion factor relative to meters for the collada document.
        // For example, 1.0 for the name "meter"; 1000 for the name "kilometer";
        // 0.3048 for the name "foot".
        double colladaConversionFactor = ( float ) testDistance.as ( MDistance::kMeters );
        float colladaUnitFactor = float ( 1.0 / colladaConversionFactor );
        asset.setUnit ( linearUnitName, colladaConversionFactor );

        // Asset heraus schreiben