SUMOReal GUIEdge::getOccupancy() const { SUMOReal occ = 0; for (MESegment* segment = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(*this); segment != 0; segment = segment->getNextSegment()) { occ += segment->getOccupancy(); } return occ / (*myLanes)[0]->getLength() / (SUMOReal)(myLanes->size()); }
void GUIEdge::drawGL(const GUIVisualizationSettings& s) const { if (s.hideConnectors && myFunction == MSEdge::EDGEFUNCTION_CONNECTOR) { return; } if (MSGlobals::gUseMesoSim) { glPushName(getGlID()); } // draw the lanes for (LaneWrapperVector::const_iterator i = myLaneGeoms.begin(); i != myLaneGeoms.end(); ++i) { #ifdef HAVE_INTERNAL if (MSGlobals::gUseMesoSim) { setColor(s); } #endif (*i)->drawGL(s); } #ifdef HAVE_INTERNAL if (MSGlobals::gUseMesoSim) { const GUIVisualizationTextSettings& nameSettings = s.vehicleName; GUIMEVehicleControl* vehicleControl = GUINet::getGUIInstance()->getGUIMEVehicleControl(); if (vehicleControl != 0) { // draw the meso vehicles vehicleControl->secureVehicles(); size_t laneIndex = 0; MESegment::Queue queue; for (LaneWrapperVector::const_iterator l = myLaneGeoms.begin(); l != myLaneGeoms.end(); ++l, ++laneIndex) { const PositionVector& shape = (*l)->getShape(); const std::vector<SUMOReal>& shapeRotations = (*l)->getShapeRotations(); const std::vector<SUMOReal>& shapeLengths = (*l)->getShapeLengths(); const Position& laneBeg = shape[0]; glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(laneBeg.x(), laneBeg.y(), 0); glRotated(shapeRotations[0], 0, 0, 1); // go through the vehicles int shapeIndex = 0; SUMOReal shapeOffset = 0; // ofset at start of current shape SUMOReal segmentOffset = 0; // offset at start of current segment for (MESegment* segment = MSGlobals::gMesoNet->getSegmentForEdge(*this); segment != 0; segment = segment->getNextSegment()) { const SUMOReal length = segment->getLength(); if (laneIndex < segment->numQueues()) { // make a copy so we don't have to worry about synchronization queue = segment->getQueue(laneIndex); const SUMOReal avgCarSize = segment->getOccupancy() / segment->getCarNumber(); const size_t queueSize = queue.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < queueSize; i++) { MSBaseVehicle* veh = queue[queueSize - i - 1]; setVehicleColor(s, veh); SUMOReal vehiclePosition = segmentOffset + length - i * avgCarSize; SUMOReal xOff = 0.f; while (vehiclePosition < segmentOffset) { // if there is only a single queue for a // multi-lane edge shift vehicles and start // drawing again from the end of the segment vehiclePosition += length; xOff += 0.5f; } while (shapeIndex < (int)shapeRotations.size() - 1 && vehiclePosition > shapeOffset + shapeLengths[shapeIndex]) { glPopMatrix(); shapeOffset += shapeLengths[shapeIndex]; shapeIndex++; glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(shape[shapeIndex].x(), shape[shapeIndex].y(), 0); glRotated(shapeRotations[shapeIndex], 0, 0, 1); } glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(xOff, -(vehiclePosition - shapeOffset), GLO_VEHICLE); glPushMatrix(); glScaled(1, avgCarSize, 1); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex2d(0, 0); glVertex2d(0 - 1.25, 1); glVertex2d(0 + 1.25, 1); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix(); if ( { GLHelper::drawText(veh->getID(), Position(xOff, -(vehiclePosition - shapeOffset)), GLO_MAX, nameSettings.size / s.scale, nameSettings.color, 0); } } } segmentOffset += length; } glPopMatrix(); } vehicleControl->releaseVehicles(); } glPopName(); } #endif // (optionally) draw the name and/or the street name const bool drawEdgeName = && myFunction == EDGEFUNCTION_NORMAL; const bool drawInternalEdgeName = && myFunction != EDGEFUNCTION_NORMAL; const bool drawStreetName = && myStreetName != ""; if (drawEdgeName || drawInternalEdgeName || drawStreetName) { GUILaneWrapper* lane1 = myLaneGeoms[0]; GUILaneWrapper* lane2 = myLaneGeoms[myLaneGeoms.size() - 1]; Position p = lane1->getShape().positionAtLengthPosition(lane1->getShape().length() / (SUMOReal) 2.); p.add(lane2->getShape().positionAtLengthPosition(lane2->getShape().length() / (SUMOReal) 2.)); p.mul(.5); SUMOReal angle = lane1->getShape().rotationDegreeAtLengthPosition(lane1->getShape().length() / (SUMOReal) 2.); angle += 90; if (angle > 90 && angle < 270) { angle -= 180; } if (drawEdgeName) { drawName(p, s.scale, s.edgeName, angle); } else if (drawInternalEdgeName) { drawName(p, s.scale, s.internalEdgeName, angle); } if (drawStreetName) { GLHelper::drawText(getStreetName(), p, GLO_MAX, s.streetName.size / s.scale, s.streetName.color, angle); } } myLock.lock(); for (std::set<MSPerson*>::const_iterator i = myPersons.begin(); i != myPersons.end(); ++i) { GUIPerson* person = dynamic_cast<GUIPerson*>(*i); assert(person != 0); person->drawGL(s); } myLock.unlock(); }