int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int c, nchars = 0, retval, n; double fsize, fd; char input_path[512], output_path[512], chkpt_path[512], buf[256]; MFILE out; FILE* state, *infile; for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { if (strstr(argv[i], "early_exit")) early_exit = true; if (strstr(argv[i], "early_crash")) early_crash = true; if (strstr(argv[i], "early_sleep")) early_sleep = true; if (strstr(argv[i], "run_slow")) run_slow = true; if (strstr(argv[i], "critical_section")) critical_section = true; if (strstr(argv[i], "network_usage")) network_usage = true; if (strstr(argv[i], "cpu_time")) { cpu_time = atof(argv[++i]); } if (strstr(argv[i], "trickle_up")) trickle_up = true; if (strstr(argv[i], "trickle_down")) trickle_down = true; } retval = boinc_init(); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s boinc_init returned %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(retval); } fprintf(stderr, "%s app started; CPU time %f, flags:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), cpu_time, early_exit?" early_exit":"", early_crash?" early_crash":"", early_sleep?" early_sleep":"", run_slow?" run_slow":"", critical_section?" critical_section":"", trickle_up?" trickle_up":"", trickle_down?" trickle_down":"" ); // open the input file (resolve logical name first) // boinc_resolve_filename(INPUT_FILENAME, input_path, sizeof(input_path)); infile = boinc_fopen(input_path, "r"); if (!infile) { fprintf(stderr, "%s Couldn't find input file, resolved name %s.\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), input_path ); exit(-1); } // get size of input file (used to compute fraction done) // file_size(input_path, fsize); boinc_resolve_filename(OUTPUT_FILENAME, output_path, sizeof(output_path)); // See if there's a valid checkpoint file. // If so seek input file and truncate output file // boinc_resolve_filename(CHECKPOINT_FILE, chkpt_path, sizeof(chkpt_path)); state = boinc_fopen(chkpt_path, "r"); if (state) { n = fscanf(state, "%d", &nchars); fclose(state); } if (state && n==1) { fseek(infile, nchars, SEEK_SET); boinc_truncate(output_path, nchars); retval =, "ab"); } else { retval =, "wb"); } if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: upper_case output open failed:\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)) ); fprintf(stderr, "%s resolved name %s, retval %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), output_path, retval ); perror("open"); exit(1); } #ifdef APP_GRAPHICS // create shared mem segment for graphics, and arrange to update it // shmem = (UC_SHMEM*)boinc_graphics_make_shmem("uppercase", sizeof(UC_SHMEM)); if (!shmem) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed to create shared mem segment\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)) ); } update_shmem(); boinc_register_timer_callback(update_shmem); #endif if (network_usage) { boinc_network_usage(5., 17.); } // main loop - read characters, convert to UC, write // for (i=0; ; i++) { c = fgetc(infile); if (c == EOF) break; c = toupper(c); out._putchar(c); nchars++; if (run_slow) { boinc_sleep(1.); } if (early_exit && i>30) { exit(-10); } if (early_crash && i>30) { boinc_crash(); } if (early_sleep && i>30) { boinc_disable_timer_thread = true; while (1) boinc_sleep(1); } if (boinc_time_to_checkpoint()) { retval = do_checkpoint(out, nchars); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: upper_case checkpoint failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(retval); } boinc_checkpoint_completed(); } if (report_fraction_done) { fd = nchars/fsize; if (cpu_time) fd /= 2; boinc_fraction_done(fd); } } retval = out.flush(); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: upper_case flush failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(1); } if (trickle_up) { boinc_send_trickle_up( const_cast<char*>("example_app"), const_cast<char*>("sample trickle message") ); } if (trickle_down) { boinc_sleep(10); retval = boinc_receive_trickle_down(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (!retval) { fprintf(stderr, "Got trickle-down message: %s\n", buf); } } // burn up some CPU time if needed // if (cpu_time) { double start = dtime(); for (i=0; ; i++) { double e = dtime()-start; if (e > cpu_time) break; if (report_fraction_done) { fd = .5 + .5*(e/cpu_time); boinc_fraction_done(fd); } if (boinc_time_to_checkpoint()) { retval = do_checkpoint(out, nchars); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: upper_case checkpoint failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(1); } boinc_checkpoint_completed(); } if (critical_section) { boinc_begin_critical_section(); } comp_result = do_some_computing(i); if (critical_section) { boinc_end_critical_section(); } } } boinc_fraction_done(1); #ifdef APP_GRAPHICS update_shmem(); #endif boinc_finish(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int c, nchars = 0, retval, n; double fsize, fd; char input_path[512], output_path[512], chkpt_path[512], buf[256]; MFILE out; FILE* state, *infile; for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-early_exit")) early_exit = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-early_crash")) early_crash = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-early_sleep")) early_sleep = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-run_slow")) run_slow = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cpu_time")) { cpu_time = atof(argv[++i]); } } retval = boinc_init(); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s boinc_init returned %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(retval); } // open the input file (resolve logical name first) // boinc_resolve_filename(INPUT_FILENAME, input_path, sizeof(input_path)); infile = boinc_fopen(input_path, "r"); if (!infile) { fprintf(stderr, "%s Couldn't find input file, resolved name %s.\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), input_path ); exit(-1); } // get size of input file (used to compute fraction done) // file_size(input_path, fsize); boinc_resolve_filename(OUTPUT_FILENAME, output_path, sizeof(output_path)); // See if there's a valid checkpoint file. // If so seek input file and truncate output file // boinc_resolve_filename(CHECKPOINT_FILE, chkpt_path, sizeof(chkpt_path)); state = boinc_fopen(chkpt_path, "r"); if (state) { n = fscanf(state, "%d", &nchars); fclose(state); } if (state && n==1) { fseek(infile, nchars, SEEK_SET); boinc_truncate(output_path, nchars); retval =, "ab"); } else { retval =, "wb"); } if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: upper_case output open failed:\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)) ); fprintf(stderr, "%s resolved name %s, retval %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), output_path, retval ); perror("open"); exit(1); } #ifdef APP_GRAPHICS // create shared mem segment for graphics, and arrange to update it // shmem = (UC_SHMEM*)boinc_graphics_make_shmem("uppercase", sizeof(UC_SHMEM)); if (!shmem) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failed to create shared mem segment\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)) ); } update_shmem(); boinc_register_timer_callback(update_shmem); #endif // main loop - read characters, convert to UC, write // for (i=0; ; i++) { c = fgetc(infile); if (c == EOF) break; c = toupper(c); out._putchar(c); nchars++; if (run_slow) { boinc_sleep(1.); } if (early_exit && i>30) { exit(-10); } if (early_crash && i>30) { boinc_crash(); } if (early_sleep && i>30) { g_sleep = true; while (1) boinc_sleep(1); } if (boinc_time_to_checkpoint()) { retval = do_checkpoint(out, nchars); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: upper_case checkpoint failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(retval); } boinc_checkpoint_completed(); } fd = nchars/fsize; if (cpu_time) fd /= 2; boinc_fraction_done(fd); } retval = out.flush(); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: upper_case flush failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(1); } // burn up some CPU time if needed // if (cpu_time) { double start = dtime(); for (i=0; ; i++) { double e = dtime()-start; if (e > cpu_time) break; fd = .5 + .5*(e/cpu_time); boinc_fraction_done(fd); if (boinc_time_to_checkpoint()) { retval = do_checkpoint(out, nchars); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: upper_case checkpoint failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(1); } boinc_checkpoint_completed(); } comp_result = do_a_giga_flop(i); } } boinc_fraction_done(1); #ifdef APP_GRAPHICS update_shmem(); #endif boinc_finish(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i,p,q,pq; int c, nchars = 0, retval, n; double fsize, fd; char input_path[512], output_path[512], chkpt_path[512], buf[256],sentence[1025]; MFILE out; FILE* state, *infile; for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-early_exit")) early_exit = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-early_crash")) early_crash = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-early_sleep")) early_sleep = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-run_slow")) run_slow = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cpu_time")) { cpu_time = atof(argv[++i]); } } retval = boinc_init(); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s boinc_init returned %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(retval); } // open the input file (resolve logical name first) // boinc_resolve_filename(INPUT_FILENAME, input_path, sizeof(input_path)); infile = boinc_fopen(input_path, "r"); if (!infile) { fprintf(stderr, "%s Couldn't find input file, resolved name %s.\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), input_path ); exit(-1); } // get size of input file (used to compute fraction done) // file_size(input_path, fsize); boinc_resolve_filename(OUTPUT_FILENAME, output_path, sizeof(output_path)); // See if there's a valid checkpoint file. // If so seek input file and truncate output file // boinc_resolve_filename(CHECKPOINT_FILE, chkpt_path, sizeof(chkpt_path)); state = boinc_fopen(chkpt_path, "r"); if (state) { n = fscanf(state, "%d", &nchars); fclose(state); } if (state && n==1) { fseek(infile, nchars, SEEK_SET); boinc_truncate(output_path, nchars); retval =, "ab"); } else { retval =, "wb"); } if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: encrypt output open failed:\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)) ); fprintf(stderr, "%s resolved name %s, retval %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), output_path, retval ); perror("open"); exit(1); } for(i=0; ;i++){ c = fgetc(infile); if(c==EOF) break; sentence[i]=c; } sentence[i]='\0'; p=43; q=3; pq=p*q; //e=19 d=31 strcpy(sentence,rsaencrypt(sentence,19,pq)); for (i=0;sentence[i]!='\0'; i++) { c=sentence[i]; out._putchar(c); nchars++; if (run_slow) { boinc_sleep(1.); } if (early_exit && i>30) { exit(-10); } if (early_crash && i>30) { boinc_crash(); } if (early_sleep && i>30) { boinc_disable_timer_thread = true; while (1) boinc_sleep(1); } if (boinc_time_to_checkpoint()) { retval = do_checkpoint(out, nchars); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: encrypt checkpoint failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(retval); } boinc_checkpoint_completed(); } fd = nchars/fsize; if (cpu_time) fd /= 2; boinc_fraction_done(fd); } retval = out.flush(); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "%s APP: encrypt flush failed %d\n", boinc_msg_prefix(buf, sizeof(buf)), retval ); exit(1); } boinc_fraction_done(1); boinc_finish(0); }