コード例 #1
void Exporter::createSceneGraph(MFnDagNode& path, int parentIndex)
	Node output;
	std::vector<std::string> pathparts;
	output.name = path.fullPathName().asChar();
	splitStringToVector(output.name, pathparts, "|");
	output.name = pathparts[pathparts.size() - 1];
	if (!strcmp(output.name.c_str(), "persp"))
	else if (!strcmp(output.name.c_str(), "top"))
	else if (!strcmp(output.name.c_str(), "side"))
	else if (!strcmp(output.name.c_str(), "front"))
	output.parent = parentIndex;
	output.transform = path.transformationMatrix().matrix;

	int children = path.childCount();
	int parent = scene_.sceneGraph.size() - 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < children; i++)
		cout << path.child(i).apiTypeStr() << endl;
		if (!strcmp(path.child(i).apiTypeStr(), "kMesh")){
			scene_.sceneGraph[parent].type = 1;
			MFnMesh mesh(path.child(i));
			MDagPath dag_path;
			MItDag dag_iter(MItDag::kBreadthFirst, MFn::kMesh);
			int y = 0;
			while (!dag_iter.isDone())
				if (dag_iter.getPath(dag_path))
					MFnDagNode dag_node = dag_path.node();
					if (!dag_node.isIntermediateObject())
						if (!strcmp(mesh.partialPathName().asChar(), dag_node.partialPathName().asChar()))
							scene_.sceneGraph[parent].mesh = y;
//		else if (!strcmp(path.child(i).apiTypeStr(), "kCamera")); kan l�gga till fler typer h�r
		createSceneGraph(MFnDagNode(path.child(i)), parent);

コード例 #2
CBaseNode *CMayaNode::GetChild(int childId)
    MStatus status;
    MFnDagNode dagNode (m_dagPath, &status);
    if (status != MS::kSuccess)
        return 0;

    MObject objChild = dagNode.child (childId, &status);
    if (status != MS::kSuccess)
        return 0;

    MFnDagNode	childDagNode (objChild, &status);
    if (status != MS::kSuccess)
        return 0;

    MDagPath childPath;
    if (childDagNode.getPath (childPath) != MS::kSuccess)
        return 0;

    CMayaNode *pNode = new CMayaNode;
    if (!pNode->Create (childPath))
        delete pNode;
        return 0;

    return pNode;
コード例 #3
MStatus	Molecule3Cmd::undoIt()
	MDGModifier dgMod;
	MFnDagNode dagFn;
	MObject child;
	unsigned int i;
	for( i=0; i < objTransforms.length(); i++ )
		// N.B. It is important to delete the child shape before
		// the transform node, otherwise Maya will crash.
		dagFn.setObject( objTransforms[i] );
		child = dagFn.child( 0 );
		dgMod.deleteNode( child );
		dgMod.deleteNode( objTransforms[i] );
	return dgMod.doIt();
コード例 #4
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    bool SceneGraph::createChildSceneElements ( SceneElement* sceneElement )
        // Get the current path
        MDagPath dagPath = sceneElement->getPath();

        // Now, whip through this node's DAG children
        MFnDagNode dagFn ( dagPath );

        uint childCount = dagFn.childCount();
        for ( uint i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
            MObject child = dagFn.child ( i );
            MDagPath childDagPath = dagPath;
            childDagPath.push ( child );

            SceneElement* childSceneElement = createSceneElement ( childDagPath, sceneElement );

            // Recursive call to take the children
            createChildSceneElements ( childSceneElement );

        return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: nodedump.cpp プロジェクト: brycekelleher/bsp
	void IterateSelection()
		unsigned int i;
		MSelectionList list;
		MDagPath dagpath;
		MFnDagNode fnnode;


		for(i = 0; i < list.length(); i++)
			list.getDagPath(i, dagpath);
			cout << fnnode.name().asChar() << " of type " << fnnode.typeName().asChar() << " is selected" << endl;

			cout << "has " << fnnode.childCount() << " children" << endl;

			//Iterate the children
			for(int j = 0; j < fnnode.childCount(); j++)
				MObject childobj;
				MFnDagNode fnchild;

				childobj = fnnode.child(j);

				cout << "child " << j << " is a " << fnchild.typeName().asChar() << endl;

				//MFn::Type type = fnchild.type()
				//if(fnchild.type() == MFn::kMesh)
コード例 #6
ファイル: intersectCmd.cpp プロジェクト: BigRoy/Maya-devkit
MStatus intersectCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args)

// Description:
// 		Determine if the ray from the spotlight intersects the mesh.
//		If it does, display the intersection points.

	MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;

	if (args.length() != 2) 
		MGlobal::displayError("Need 2 items!");
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	MSelectionList activeList;
	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		MString strCurrSelection;
		stat = args.get(i, strCurrSelection);
		if (MStatus::kSuccess == stat) activeList.add(strCurrSelection);

	MItSelectionList iter(activeList);
	MFnSpotLight fnLight;  
	MFnMesh fnMesh;
	MFnDagNode dagNod;
	MFnDependencyNode fnDN;

	float fX = 0;
	float fY = 0;
	float fZ = 0;

	for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next() )
		MObject tempObjectParent, tempObjectChild;

		if (tempObjectParent.apiType() == MFn::kTransform)
			tempObjectChild = dagNod.child(0, &stat);

		// check what type of object is selected
		if (tempObjectChild.apiType() == MFn::kSpotLight)
			MDagPath pathToLight;
			MERR_CHK(MDagPath::getAPathTo(tempObjectParent, pathToLight), "Couldn't get a path to the spotlight");
			MERR_CHK(fnLight.setObject(pathToLight), "Failure on assigning light");
			stat = fnDN.setObject(tempObjectParent);

			MPlug pTempPlug = fnDN.findPlug("translateX", &stat);
			if (MStatus::kSuccess == stat)

			pTempPlug = fnDN.findPlug("translateY", &stat);
			if (MStatus::kSuccess == stat)

			pTempPlug = fnDN.findPlug("translateZ", &stat);
			if (MStatus::kSuccess == stat)
		else if (tempObjectChild.apiType() == MFn::kMesh)
			MDagPath pathToMesh;
			MERR_CHK(MDagPath::getAPathTo(tempObjectChild, pathToMesh), "Couldn't get a path to the spotlight");
			MERR_CHK(fnMesh.setObject(pathToMesh), "Failure on assigning light");	
			MGlobal::displayError("Need a spotlight and a mesh");
			return MStatus::kFailure;

	MFloatPoint fpSource(fX, fY, fZ);
	MFloatVector fvRayDir = fnLight.lightDirection(0, MSpace::kWorld, &stat);
	MFloatPoint hitPoint;
	MMeshIsectAccelParams mmAccelParams = fnMesh.autoUniformGridParams();
	float fHitRayParam, fHitBary1, fHitBary2;
	int nHitFace, nHitTriangle;

	// a large positive number is used here for the maxParam parameter
	bool bAnyIntersection = fnMesh.anyIntersection(fpSource, fvRayDir, NULL, NULL, false,				MSpace::kWorld, (float)9999, false, &mmAccelParams, hitPoint, &fHitRayParam, &nHitFace, &nHitTriangle, 		&fHitBary1, &fHitBary2, (float)1e-6, &stat);
	if (! bAnyIntersection) 
		MGlobal::displayInfo("There were no intersection points detected");
		return stat;

	MFloatPointArray hitPoints;
	MFloatArray faHitRayParams;
	MIntArray iaHitFaces;
	MIntArray iaHitTriangles;
	MFloatArray faHitBary1;
	MFloatArray faHitBary2;

	bool bAllIntersections = fnMesh.allIntersections(fpSource, fvRayDir, NULL, NULL, false, MSpace::kWorld, 9999, false, NULL, false, hitPoints, &faHitRayParams, &iaHitFaces, &iaHitTriangles, &faHitBary1, &faHitBary2, 0.000001f, &stat);
	if (! bAllIntersections)
		MGlobal::displayInfo("Error getting all intersections");
		return stat;
	// check how many intersections are found
	unsigned int nNumberHitPoints = hitPoints.length();

	if (! nNumberHitPoints)
		MGlobal::displayInfo("No hit points detected");
		return MStatus::kSuccess;

	// Intersection exists; display intersections as spheres
	MString strCommandString = "string $strBall[] = `polySphere -r 0.5`;";
	strCommandString += "$strBallName = $strBall[0];";

	float x = 0;
	float y = 0;
	float z = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < (int)nNumberHitPoints; i++)
		// get the points
		x = hitPoints[i][0];
		y = hitPoints[i][1];
		z = hitPoints[i][2];

		// execute some MEL to create a small sphere
		strCommandString += "setAttr ($strBallName + \".tx\") ";
		strCommandString += x;
		strCommandString += ";";

		strCommandString += "setAttr ($strBallName + \".ty\") ";
		strCommandString += y;
		strCommandString += ";";

		strCommandString += "setAttr ($strBallName + \".tz\") ";
		strCommandString += z;
		strCommandString += ";";


	return stat;
コード例 #7
ファイル: polyModifierCmd.cpp プロジェクト: Byron/bsuite
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MStatus polyModifierCmd::processUpstreamNode( modifyPolyData& data )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	// Declare our function sets - Although dagNodeFn derives from depNodeFn, we need
	//							   both since dagNodeFn can only refer to DAG objects.
	//							   We will use depNodeFn for all times other when dealing
	//							   with the DAG.
	MFnDependencyNode	depNodeFn;
	MFnDagNode			dagNodeFn;

	// Use the selected node's plug connections to find the upstream plug.
	// Since we are looking at the selected node's inMesh attribute, it will
	// always have only one connection coming in if it has history, and none
	// otherwise.
	// If there is no history, copy the selected node and place it ahead of the
	// modifierNode as the new upstream node so that the modifierNode has an
	// input mesh to operate on.

	//save the meshDagPath for later use

	MPlugArray tempPlugArray;

 	if( fHasHistory )
		// Since we have history, look for what connections exist on the
		// meshNode "inMesh" plug. "inMesh" plugs should only ever have one
		// connection.
		data.meshNodeDestPlug.connectedTo( tempPlugArray, true, false);

		// ASSERT: Only one connection should exist on meshNodeShape.inMesh!
		MStatusAssert( (tempPlugArray.length() == 1),
					   "tempPlugArray.length() == 1 -- 0 or >1 connections on meshNodeShape.inMesh" );
		data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug = tempPlugArray[0];

		// Construction history only deals with shapes, so we can grab the
		// upstreamNodeShape off of the source plug.
		// Dieser Bereich muss bleiben, weil diese Attribute noch bentigt werden
		data.upstreamNodeShape = data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug.node();
		depNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeShape );
		data.upstreamNodeSrcAttr = data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug.attribute();

		// Disconnect the upstream node and the selected node, so we can
		// replace them with our own connections below.
		MPlug	nodePlug(data.meshNodeShape,data.meshNodeDestAttr ) ;
		INVIS(cout<<data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug.name().asChar()<<" --|-- "<<nodePlug.name().asChar()<<endl);
		status =	fDGModifier.disconnect( data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug,
											nodePlug );
		MCheckStatus( status, "Disconnect Upstream mit meshNode" );

	else	// No History (!fHasHistory)
		// Use the DAG node function set to duplicate the shape of the meshNode.
		// The duplicate method will return an MObject handle to the transform
		// of the duplicated shape, so traverse the dag to locate the shape. Store
		// this duplicate shape as our "upstream" node to drive the input for the 
		// modifierNode.
		depNodeFn.setObject( data.meshNodeShape );
		data.upstreamNodeTransform = createDuplicate.createNode("mesh");

		dagNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeTransform );

		// Ensure that our upstreamNode is pointing to a shape.
		MStatusAssert( (0 < dagNodeFn.childCount()),
					   "0 < dagNodeFn.childCount() -- Duplicate meshNode transform has no shape." );
		data.upstreamNodeShape = dagNodeFn.child(0);

		MPlug outMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug("outMesh");

		//jetzt inMesh upstreamNodeShape mit outMesh meshShape füllen
		MDGModifier tempMod;

		//force DGEVAL
		MString cmd = "dgeval -src ";
		cmd += depNodeFn.name();
		cmd += ".outMesh";


		// Re-parent the upstreamNodeShape under our original transform
		reparentDuplicate.reparentNode( data.upstreamNodeShape, data.meshNodeTransform );

		deleteDuplicate.deleteNode( data.upstreamNodeTransform );
		status = fDagModifier.reparentNode( data.upstreamNodeShape, data.meshNodeTransform );
		MCheckStatus( status, "reparentNode" );

		// Perform the DAG re-parenting
		// Note: This reparent must be performed before the deleteNode() is called.
		//		 See polyModifierCmd.h (see definition of fDagModifier) for more details.
		status = fDagModifier.doIt();
		MCheckStatus( status, "fDagModifier.doIt()" );
		// Mark the upstreamNodeShape (the original shape) as an intermediate object
		// (making it invisible to the user)
		dagNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeShape );
		dagNodeFn.setIntermediateObject( true );

		// Get the upstream node source attribute
		data.upstreamNodeSrcAttr = dagNodeFn.attribute( "outMesh" );
		data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug = MPlug(data.upstreamNodeShape, data.upstreamNodeSrcAttr);

		// Remove the duplicated transform node (clean up)
		status = fDagModifier.deleteNode( data.upstreamNodeTransform );
		MCheckStatus( status, "deleteNode" );

		// Perform the DAG delete node
		// Note: This deleteNode must be performed after the reparentNode() method is
		//		 completed. See polyModifierCmd.h (see definition of fDagModifier) for
		//		 details.
		status = fDagModifier.doIt();
		MCheckStatus( status, "fDagModifier.doIt()" );

		// Cache the DAG path to the duplicate shape
		dagNodeFn.getPath( fDuplicateDagPath );

		//finally delete the tweaks to avoid double transformation

	return status;
コード例 #8
ファイル: polyModifierCmd.cpp プロジェクト: AlbertR/cgru170
MStatus polyModifierCmd::processUpstreamNode( modifyPolyData& data )
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	// Declare our function sets - Although dagNodeFn derives from depNodeFn, we need
	//							   both since dagNodeFn can only refer to DAG objects.
	//							   We will use depNodeFn for all times other when dealing
	//							   with the DAG.
	MFnDependencyNode	depNodeFn;
	MFnDagNode			dagNodeFn;

	// Use the selected node's plug connections to find the upstream plug.
	// Since we are looking at the selected node's inMesh attribute, it will
	// always have only one connection coming in if it has history, and none
	// otherwise.
	// If there is no history, copy the selected node and place it ahead of the
	// modifierNode as the new upstream node so that the modifierNode has an
	// input mesh to operate on.
	MPlugArray tempPlugArray;

	if( fHasHistory )
		// Since we have history, look for what connections exist on the
		// meshNode "inMesh" plug. "inMesh" plugs should only ever have one
		// connection.
		data.meshNodeDestPlug.connectedTo( tempPlugArray, true, false);

		// ASSERT: Only one connection should exist on meshNodeShape.inMesh!
		MStatusAssert( (tempPlugArray.length() == 1),
					   "tempPlugArray.length() == 1 -- 0 or >1 connections on meshNodeShape.inMesh" );
		data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug = tempPlugArray[0];

		// Construction history only deals with shapes, so we can grab the
		// upstreamNodeShape off of the source plug.
		data.upstreamNodeShape = data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug.node();
		depNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeShape );
		data.upstreamNodeSrcAttr = data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug.attribute();

		// Disconnect the upstream node and the selected node, so we can
		// replace them with our own connections below.
		fDGModifier.disconnect( data.upstreamNodeShape,
								data.meshNodeDestAttr );

	else	// No History (!fHasHistory)
		// Use the DAG node function set to duplicate the shape of the meshNode.
		// The duplicate method will return an MObject handle to the transform
		// of the duplicated shape, so traverse the dag to locate the shape. Store
		// this duplicate shape as our "upstream" node to drive the input for the 
		// modifierNode.
		dagNodeFn.setObject( data.meshNodeShape );
		data.upstreamNodeTransform = dagNodeFn.duplicate( false, false );
		dagNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeTransform );

		// Ensure that our upstreamNode is pointing to a shape.
		MStatusAssert( (0 < dagNodeFn.childCount()),
					   "0 < dagNodeFn.childCount() -- Duplicate meshNode transform has no shape." );
		data.upstreamNodeShape = dagNodeFn.child(0);

		// Re-parent the upstreamNodeShape under our original transform
		status = fDagModifier.reparentNode( data.upstreamNodeShape, data.meshNodeTransform );
		MCheckStatus( status, "reparentNode" );

		// Perform the DAG re-parenting
		// Note: This reparent must be performed before the deleteNode() is called.
		//		 See polyModifierCmd.h (see definition of fDagModifier) for more details.
		status = fDagModifier.doIt();
		MCheckStatus( status, "fDagModifier.doIt()" );

		// Mark the upstreamNodeShape (the original shape) as an intermediate object
		// (making it invisible to the user)
		dagNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeShape );
		dagNodeFn.setIntermediateObject( true );

		// Get the upstream node source attribute
		data.upstreamNodeSrcAttr = dagNodeFn.attribute( "outMesh" );

		// Remove the duplicated transform node (clean up)
		status = fDagModifier.deleteNode( data.upstreamNodeTransform );
		MCheckStatus( status, "deleteNode" );

		// Perform the DAG delete node
		// Note: This deleteNode must be performed after the reparentNode() method is
		//		 completed. See polyModifierCmd.h (see definition of fDagModifier) for
		//		 details.
		status = fDagModifier.doIt();
		MCheckStatus( status, "fDagModifier.doIt()" );

		// Cache the DAG path to the duplicate shape
		dagNodeFn.getPath( fDuplicateDagPath );

	return status;
コード例 #9
void EntityNode::LoadArt()
    MStatus stat;
    bool callbackRemoved = false;
    if( s_EditNodeAddedCBId != -1 )
        MDGMessage::removeCallback( s_EditNodeAddedCBId );
        s_EditNodeAddedCBId = -1;
        callbackRemoved = true;


    MString artFilePath;
    GetArtFilePath( artFilePath );
    std::cout << "Importing from: " << artFilePath.asTChar() << "..." << std::endl;

    // add the callback to catch all the imported objects
    MObjectArray objectArrays[NodeArrays::Count];
    s_ImportNodeAddedCBId = MDGMessage::addNodeAddedCallback( ImportNodeAddedCallback, kDefaultNodeType, &objectArrays );

    // import stuff
    MFileIO::import( artFilePath, NULL, false );

    // remove the callback
    MDGMessage::removeCallback( s_ImportNodeAddedCBId );

    // add all imported stuff under this guy's transform
    MFnDagNode nodeFn( thisMObject() );
    for( u32 i=0; i<objectArrays[NodeArrays::KeepNodes].length(); ++i )
        if( objectArrays[NodeArrays::KeepNodes][i].isNull() )

        MObjectHandle handle( objectArrays[NodeArrays::KeepNodes][i] );
        if ( !handle.isValid() )

        // We should be getting only MFnDagNode in here, but just in case
        MFnDagNode dagFn( objectArrays[NodeArrays::KeepNodes][i], &stat );
        if ( stat == MStatus::kSuccess )
            stat = dagFn.setDoNotWrite( true );
            MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn( objectArrays[NodeArrays::KeepNodes][i], &stat );
            stat = depNodeFn.setDoNotWrite( true );

#ifdef _DEBUG
        MString name = dagFn.name();
        MString type = dagFn.typeName();
        std::string nodeTypeStr( objectArrays[NodeArrays::KeepNodes][i].apiTypeStr() );

        if ( name.length() )
            std::cout << " - Importing Child: " << name.asTChar() << " " << type.asTChar() << "(" << nodeTypeStr << ")" << std::endl;

        AddImportNode( objectArrays[NodeArrays::KeepNodes][i] );   
        nodeFn.addChild( objectArrays[NodeArrays::KeepNodes][i] );

    for( u32 i=0; i<objectArrays[NodeArrays::DeleteNodes].length(); ++i )
        MGlobal::deleteNode( objectArrays[NodeArrays::DeleteNodes][i] );

    MFnDagNode otherFn;
    for( u32 i=0 ; i<nodeFn.childCount(); ++i )
        MObject child = nodeFn.child( i );
        if( !child.hasFn( MFn::kDagNode ) ) 

        otherFn.setObject( child );
        if( otherFn.typeId() == EntityNode::s_TypeID )
            MDagModifier mod;
            u32 numChild = otherFn.childCount();
            for( u32 j = 0; j < numChild; ++j )
                stat = mod.reparentNode( otherFn.child( j ), thisMObject() );

            MGlobal::deleteNode( child );

    std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;

コード例 #10
ファイル: polyExtract.cpp プロジェクト: AlbertR/cgru170
bool tm_polyExtract::extractFaces_Func( MSelectionList &selectionList, MStringArray &node_names)
	MStatus status;
	MObject meshObj;
	status = selectionList.getDependNode( 0, meshObj);
	if(!status){MGlobal::displayError("tm_polyExtract::extractFaces_Func:   Can't find object !");return false;}
	MFnMesh meshFn( meshObj, &status);
	if(!status){MGlobal::displayError("tm_polyExtract::extractFaces_Func:   Non mesh object founded !");return false;}

	MDagPath meshDagPath_first, meshDagPath;
	selectionList.getDagPath( 0, meshDagPath_first);
	MObject multiFaceComponent;
	MIntArray inputFacesArray;
	inputFacesArray.setSizeIncrement( 4096);
	MFnComponentListData compListFn;
	for (MItSelectionList faceComponentIter(selectionList, MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent); !faceComponentIter.isDone(); faceComponentIter.next())
		faceComponentIter.getDagPath(meshDagPath, multiFaceComponent);
		if(!(meshDagPath_first == meshDagPath))
			MGlobal::displayError("tm_polyExtract::extractFaces_Func:   Different meshes faces founded !");
			return false;
		if (!multiFaceComponent.isNull())
			for (MItMeshPolygon faceIter(meshDagPath, multiFaceComponent); !faceIter.isDone(); faceIter.next())
				int faceIndex = faceIter.index();
#ifdef _DEBUG
				infoMStr += faceIndex;
				infoMStr += " ";
				inputFacesArray.append( faceIndex);
				compListFn.add( multiFaceComponent );
	if( inputFacesArray.length() == 0)
		MGlobal::displayError("tm_polyExtract::extractFaces_Func:   No faces founded !");
		return false;
#ifdef _DEBUG
	MGlobal::displayInfo( infoMStr);

	meshFn.setObject( meshDagPath_first);
	meshObj = meshFn.object();

//	MDagModifier dagModifier;
	MFnDagNode meshDagNodeFn;
	MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn;
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( meshDagPath_first);
	MString meshName = meshDagNodeFn.name();
	MObject outMesh_attrObject = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "outMesh");

// ----------------------------------- duplicate shape

	MObject duplicated_meshObjectA;
	MObject duplicated_meshObjectB;
	MObject inMesh_attrObjectA;
	MObject inMesh_attrObjectB;
	MStringArray commandResult;
	MSelectionList selList;

	MGlobal::executeCommand( "duplicate " + meshDagNodeFn.name(), commandResult, 1, 1);
	selList.add( commandResult[0]);
	selList.getDependNode( 0, duplicated_meshObjectA);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectA);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_tA");
	duplicated_meshObjectA = meshDagNodeFn.child(0);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectA);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_sA");
	inMesh_attrObjectA = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "inMesh");

	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( meshDagPath_first);

	MGlobal::executeCommand( "duplicate " + meshDagNodeFn.name(), commandResult, 1, 1);
	selList.add( commandResult[0]);
	selList.getDependNode( 0, duplicated_meshObjectB);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectB);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_tB");
	duplicated_meshObjectB = meshDagNodeFn.child(0);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectB);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_sB");
	inMesh_attrObjectB = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "inMesh");
	duplicated_meshObjectA = meshDagNodeFn.duplicate();
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectA);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_tA");
	duplicated_meshObjectA = meshDagNodeFn.child(0);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectA);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_sA");
	inMesh_attrObjectA = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "inMesh");

	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( meshDagPath_first);

	duplicated_meshObjectB = meshDagNodeFn.duplicate();
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectB);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_tB");
	duplicated_meshObjectB = meshDagNodeFn.child(0);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectB);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_sB");
	inMesh_attrObjectB = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "inMesh");

// ----------------------------------- create node deleteComponent

	MDGModifier dgModifier;

	MObject deleteComponent_nodeObjectA = dgModifier.createNode( MString("deleteComponent"));
	depNodeFn.setObject( deleteComponent_nodeObjectA );
	MObject deleteComponent_attrObjectA( depNodeFn.attribute( "deleteComponents" ));
	MObject inputGeometry_attrObjectA( depNodeFn.attribute( "inputGeometry" ));
	MObject outputGeometry_attrObjectA( depNodeFn.attribute( "outputGeometry" ));
	depNodeFn.setName( "dfA_" + meshName);
	node_names.append( depNodeFn.name());

	MObject deleteComponent_nodeObjectB = dgModifier.createNode( MString("deleteComponent"));
	depNodeFn.setObject( deleteComponent_nodeObjectB );
	MObject deleteComponent_attrObjectB( depNodeFn.attribute( "deleteComponents" ));
	MObject inputGeometry_attrObjectB( depNodeFn.attribute( "inputGeometry" ));
	MObject outputGeometry_attrObjectB( depNodeFn.attribute( "outputGeometry" ));
	depNodeFn.setName( "dfB_" + meshName);
	node_names.append( depNodeFn.name());

// ----------------------------------- set attribute deleteComponent.deleteComponents

	MObject componentList_object = compListFn.object();

	MPlug deleteComponents_plugA( deleteComponent_nodeObjectA, deleteComponent_attrObjectA );
	status = deleteComponents_plugA.setValue( componentList_object );

	MIntArray invertedFaces;
	int numPolygons = meshFn.numPolygons();
	invertedFaces.setLength( numPolygons - inputFacesArray.length());
	int selFace = 0;
	int invFace = 0;
	for( int f = 0; f < numPolygons; f++)
		if( f == inputFacesArray[selFace])
			invertedFaces[invFace++] = f;
	MFnSingleIndexedComponent singleIndexedComponentFn( meshObj);
	singleIndexedComponentFn.create( MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent);
	singleIndexedComponentFn.addElements( invertedFaces);
   componentList_object = singleIndexedComponentFn.object();
	compListFn.add( componentList_object);
	componentList_object = compListFn.object();
	MPlug deleteComponents_plugB( deleteComponent_nodeObjectB, deleteComponent_attrObjectB );
	status = deleteComponents_plugB.setValue( componentList_object );

// ------------------------------------- connecting plugs
			meshObj, outMesh_attrObject,
			deleteComponent_nodeObjectA, inputGeometry_attrObjectA
			deleteComponent_nodeObjectA, outputGeometry_attrObjectA,
			duplicated_meshObjectA, inMesh_attrObjectA

			meshObj, outMesh_attrObject,
			deleteComponent_nodeObjectB, inputGeometry_attrObjectB
			deleteComponent_nodeObjectB, outputGeometry_attrObjectB,
			duplicated_meshObjectB, inMesh_attrObjectB


// ---------------------------------- assigning shading group
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( meshDagPath_first);
	MObject instObjGroups_attrObject = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "instObjGroups");
	MPlug instObjGroups_plug( meshObj, instObjGroups_attrObject);
	instObjGroups_plug = instObjGroups_plug.elementByPhysicalIndex(0);
	MPlugArray instObjGroups_plug_connectionsArray;
	instObjGroups_plug.connectedTo( instObjGroups_plug_connectionsArray, false, true);
	if( instObjGroups_plug_connectionsArray.length() > 0)
		MPlug dagSetMembers_plug = instObjGroups_plug_connectionsArray[0];
		MObject shadingSetNode_object = dagSetMembers_plug.node();
		MFnSet setFn( shadingSetNode_object);
		setFn.addMember( duplicated_meshObjectA);
		setFn.addMember( duplicated_meshObjectB);
//MGlobal::displayInfo( depNodeFn.name());

// ------------------------------------------------------------
	return true;