コード例 #1
ファイル: Particle.cpp プロジェクト: Deamon87/Noggit3Fork
void ParticleSystem::init(const MPQFile& f, const ModelParticleEmitterDef &mta, int *globals)
	speed.init(mta.EmissionSpeed, f, globals);
	variation.init(mta.SpeedVariation, f, globals);
	spread.init(mta.VerticalRange, f, globals);
	lat.init(mta.HorizontalRange, f, globals);
	gravity.init(mta.Gravity, f, globals);
	lifespan.init(mta.Lifespan, f, globals);
	rate.init(mta.EmissionRate, f, globals);
	areal.init(mta.EmissionAreaLength, f, globals);
	areaw.init(mta.EmissionAreaWidth, f, globals);
	deacceleration.init(mta.Gravity2, f, globals);
	enabled.init(mta.en, f, globals);

	Vec3D colors2[3];
	memcpy(colors2, f.getBuffer() + mta.p.colors.ofsKeys, sizeof(Vec3D) * 3);
	for (size_t i = 0; i<3; ++i) {
		float opacity = *reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(f.getBuffer() + mta.p.opacity.ofsKeys + i * 2);
		colors[i] = Vec4D(colors2[i].x / 255.0f, colors2[i].y / 255.0f, colors2[i].z / 255.0f, opacity / 32767.0f);
		sizes[i] = (*reinterpret_cast<float*>(f.getBuffer() + mta.p.sizes.ofsKeys + i * 4))*mta.p.scales[i];
	mid = 0.5;
	slowdown = mta.p.slowdown;
	rotation = mta.p.rotation;
	pos = fixCoordSystem(mta.pos);
	_texture = model->_textures[mta.texture];
	blend = mta.blend;
	rows = mta.rows;
	cols = mta.cols;
	type = mta.ParticleType;
	//order = mta.s2;
	order = mta.ParticleType>0 ? -1 : 0;
	parent = model->bones + mta.bone;

	switch (mta.EmitterType) {
	case 1:
		emitter = new PlaneParticleEmitter(this);
	case 2:
		emitter = new SphereParticleEmitter(this);

	//transform = mta.flags & 1024;

	billboard = !(mta.flags & 4096);

	manim = mtime = 0;
	rem = 0;

	tofs = misc::frand();

	// init tiles
	for (int i = 0; i<rows*cols; ++i) {
		TexCoordSet tc;
		initTile(tc.tc, i);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Particle.cpp プロジェクト: Deamon87/Noggit3Fork
void RibbonEmitter::init(const MPQFile &f, ModelRibbonEmitterDef &mta, int *globals)
	color.init(mta.color, f, globals);
	opacity.init(mta.opacity, f, globals);
	above.init(mta.above, f, globals);
	below.init(mta.below, f, globals);

	parent = model->bones + mta.bone;
	uint32_t *texlist = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(f.getBuffer() + mta.ofsTextures);
	// just use the first texture for now; most models I've checked only had one
	_texture = model->_textures[texlist[0]];

	tpos = pos = fixCoordSystem(mta.pos);

	//! \todo  figure out actual correct way to calculate length
	// in BFD, res is 60 and len is 0.6, the trails are very short (too long here)
	// in CoT, res and len are like 10 but the trails are supposed to be much longer (too short here)
	numsegs = (int)mta.res;
	seglen = mta.length;
	length = mta.res * seglen;

	// create first segment
	RibbonSegment rs;
	rs.pos = tpos;
	rs.len = 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: model.cpp プロジェクト: JohnCrash/wowmapviewer
void Model::initStatic(MPQFile &f)
	origVertices = (ModelVertex*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsVertices);


	dlist = glGenLists(1);
	glNewList(dlist, GL_COMPILE);



	// clean up vertices, indices etc
	delete[] vertices;
	delete[] normals;
	delete[] indices;

	if (colors) delete[] colors;
	if (transparency) delete[] transparency;
コード例 #4
ファイル: model.cpp プロジェクト: Bootz/TC-One
bool Model::isAnimated(MPQFile &f)
    // see if we have any animated bones
    ModelBoneDef *bo = (ModelBoneDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsBones);

    animGeometry = false;
    animBones = false;
    ind = false;

    ModelVertex *verts = (ModelVertex*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsVertices);
    for (size_t i=0; i<header.nVertices && !animGeometry; i++) {
        for (size_t b=0; b<4; b++) {
            if (verts[i].weights[b]>0) {
                ModelBoneDef &bb = bo[verts[i].bones[b]];
                if (bb.translation.type || bb.rotation.type || bb.scaling.type || (bb.flags&8)) {
                    if (bb.flags&8) {
                        // if we have billboarding, the model will need per-instance animation
                        ind = true;
                    animGeometry = true;

    if (animGeometry) animBones = true;
    else {
        for (size_t i=0; i<header.nBones; i++) {
            ModelBoneDef &bb = bo[i];
            if (bb.translation.type || bb.rotation.type || bb.scaling.type) {
                animBones = true;

    animTextures = header.nTexAnims > 0;

    bool animMisc = header.nCameras>0 || // why waste time, pretty much all models with cameras need animation
        header.nLights>0 || // same here
        header.nParticleEmitters>0 ||

    if (animMisc) animBones = true;

    // animated colors
    if (header.nColors) {
        ModelColorDef *cols = (ModelColorDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsColors);
        for (size_t i=0; i<header.nColors; i++) {
            if (cols[i].color.type!=0 || cols[i].opacity.type!=0) {
                animMisc = true;

    // animated opacity
    if (header.nTransparency && !animMisc) {
        ModelTransDef *trs = (ModelTransDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTransparency);
        for (size_t i=0; i<header.nTransparency; i++) {
            if (trs[i].trans.type!=0) {
                animMisc = true;

    // guess not...
    return animGeometry || animTextures || animMisc;
コード例 #5
ファイル: model.cpp プロジェクト: JohnCrash/wowmapviewer
void Model::initAnimated(MPQFile &f)
	origVertices = new ModelVertex[header.nVertices];
	memcpy(origVertices, f.getBuffer() + header.ofsVertices, header.nVertices * sizeof(ModelVertex));

	const size_t size = header.nVertices * sizeof(float);
	vbufsize = 3 * size;


	if (header.nAnimations > 0) {
		anims = new ModelAnimation[header.nAnimations];
		memcpy(anims, f.getBuffer() + header.ofsAnimations, header.nAnimations * sizeof(ModelAnimation));

		animfiles = new MPQFile[header.nAnimations];
		char tempname[256];
		for(size_t i=0; i<header.nAnimations; i++) {
			sprintf(tempname, "%s%04d-%02d.anim", fullname.c_str(), anims[i].animID, anims[i].subAnimID);
			if (MPQFile::getSize(tempname) > 0) {

	if (animBones) {
		// init bones...
		bones = new Bone[header.nBones];
		ModelBoneDef *mb = (ModelBoneDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsBones);
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nBones; i++) {
			bones[i].init(f, mb[i], globalSequences, animfiles);

	if (!animGeometry) {
		glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vbuf);
		glBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vbufsize, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB);
		glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, nbuf);
		glBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vbufsize, normals, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB);
		delete[] vertices;
		delete[] normals;
	Vec2D *texcoords = new Vec2D[header.nVertices];
	for (size_t i=0; i<header.nVertices; i++) 
		texcoords[i] = origVertices[i].texcoords;
	glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, tbuf);
	glBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 2*size, texcoords, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB);
	delete[] texcoords;

	if (animTextures) {
		texAnims = new TextureAnim[header.nTexAnims];
		ModelTexAnimDef *ta = (ModelTexAnimDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTexAnims);
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nTexAnims; i++) {
			texAnims[i].init(f, ta[i], globalSequences);

	// particle systems
	if (header.nParticleEmitters) {
		ModelParticleEmitterDef *pdefs = (ModelParticleEmitterDef *)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsParticleEmitters);
		particleSystems = new ParticleSystem[header.nParticleEmitters];
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nParticleEmitters; i++) {
			particleSystems[i].model = this;
			particleSystems[i].init(f, pdefs[i], globalSequences);

	// ribbons
	if (header.nRibbonEmitters) {
		ModelRibbonEmitterDef *rdefs = (ModelRibbonEmitterDef *)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsRibbonEmitters);
		ribbons = new RibbonEmitter[header.nRibbonEmitters];
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nRibbonEmitters; i++) {
			ribbons[i].model = this;
			ribbons[i].init(f, rdefs[i], globalSequences);

	// just use the first camera, meh
	if (header.nCameras>0) {
		ModelCameraDef *camDefs = (ModelCameraDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsCameras);
		cam.init(f, camDefs[0], globalSequences);

	// init lights
	if (header.nLights) {
		lights = new ModelLight[header.nLights];
		ModelLightDef *lDefs = (ModelLightDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsLights);
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nLights; i++) 
			lights[i].init(f, lDefs[i], globalSequences);

	animcalc = false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: model.cpp プロジェクト: JohnCrash/wowmapviewer
void Model::initCommon(MPQFile &f)
	// assume: origVertices already set
	if (!animGeometry) {
		vertices = new Vec3D[header.nVertices];
		normals = new Vec3D[header.nVertices];

	//Vec3D vmin = Vec3D( 9999999.0f, 9999999.0f, 9999999.0f);
	//Vec3D vmax = Vec3D(-9999999.0f,-9999999.0f,-9999999.0f);
	// vertices, normals
	for (size_t i=0; i<header.nVertices; i++) {
		origVertices[i].pos = fixCoordSystem(origVertices[i].pos);
		origVertices[i].normal = fixCoordSystem(origVertices[i].normal);

		if (!animGeometry) {
			vertices[i] = origVertices[i].pos;
			normals[i] = origVertices[i].normal.normalize();

		float len = origVertices[i].pos.lengthSquared();
		if (len > rad){ 
			rad = len;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.x < vmin.x) vmin.x = origVertices[i].pos.x;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.y < vmin.y) vmin.y = origVertices[i].pos.y;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.z < vmin.z) vmin.z = origVertices[i].pos.z;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.x > vmax.x) vmax.x = origVertices[i].pos.x;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.y > vmax.y) vmax.y = origVertices[i].pos.y;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.z > vmax.z) vmax.z = origVertices[i].pos.z;
	rad = sqrtf(rad);
	//rad = std::max(vmin.length(),vmax.length());

	// textures
	ModelTextureDef *texdef = (ModelTextureDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTextures);
	if (header.nTextures) {
		textures = new TextureID[header.nTextures];
		char texname[256];
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nTextures; i++) {
			// Error check
			if (i > TEXTURE_MAX-1) {
				gLog("Error: Model Texture %d over %d", header.nTextures, TEXTURE_MAX);

			if (texdef[i].type == 0) {
				strncpy(texname, (const char*)(f.getBuffer() + texdef[i].nameOfs), texdef[i].nameLen);
				texname[texdef[i].nameLen] = 0;
				textures[i] = video.textures.add(texname);
			} else {
				// special texture - only on characters and such...
                textures[i] = 0;
				specialTextures[i] = texdef[i].type;

				if (texdef[i].type < TEXTURE_MAX)
					useReplaceTextures[texdef[i].type] = true;

				if (texdef[i].type == 3) {
					// a fix for weapons with type-3 textures.
					replaceTextures[texdef[i].type] = video.textures.add("Item\\ObjectComponents\\Weapon\\ArmorReflect4.BLP");

	// init colors
	if (header.nColors) {
		colors = new ModelColor[header.nColors];
		ModelColorDef *colorDefs = (ModelColorDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsColors);
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nColors; i++) 
			colors[i].init(f, colorDefs[i], globalSequences);
	// init transparency
	int16 *transLookup = (int16*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTransparencyLookup);
	if (header.nTransparency) {
		transparency = new ModelTransparency[header.nTransparency];
		ModelTransDef *trDefs = (ModelTransDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTransparency);
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nTransparency; i++) 
			transparency[i].init(f, trDefs[i], globalSequences);

	// just use the first LOD/view

	if (header.nViews > 0) {
	// indices - allocate space, too
		std::string lodname = fullname.substr(0, fullname.length()-3);
		fullname = lodname;
		MPQFile g(lodname.c_str());
		if (g.isEof()) {
			gLog("Error: loading lod [%s]\n", lodname.c_str());
		ModelView *view = (ModelView*)(g.getBuffer());

		uint16 *indexLookup = (uint16*)(g.getBuffer() + view->ofsIndex);
		uint16 *triangles = (uint16*)(g.getBuffer() + view->ofsTris);
		nIndices = view->nTris;
		indices = new uint16[nIndices];
		for (size_t i = 0; i<nIndices; i++) {
			indices[i] = indexLookup[triangles[i]];

		// render ops
		ModelGeoset *ops = (ModelGeoset*)(g.getBuffer() + view->ofsSub);
		ModelTexUnit *tex = (ModelTexUnit*)(g.getBuffer() + view->ofsTex);
		ModelRenderFlags *renderFlags = (ModelRenderFlags*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTexFlags);
		uint16 *texlookup = (uint16*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTexLookup);
		uint16 *texanimlookup = (uint16*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTexAnimLookup);
		int16 *texunitlookup = (int16*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTexUnitLookup);

		showGeosets = new bool[view->nSub];
		for (size_t i=0; i<view->nSub; i++) {
			showGeosets[i] = true;

		for (size_t j = 0; j<view->nTex; j++) {
			ModelRenderPass pass;

			pass.usetex2 = false;
			pass.useEnvMap = false;
			pass.cull = false;
			pass.trans = false;
			pass.unlit = false;
			pass.noZWrite = false;
			pass.billboard = false;

			size_t geoset = tex[j].op;

			pass.geoset = (int)geoset;

			pass.indexStart = ops[geoset].istart;
			pass.indexCount = ops[geoset].icount;
			pass.vertexStart = ops[geoset].vstart;
			pass.vertexEnd = pass.vertexStart + ops[geoset].vcount;

			pass.order = tex[j].shading;

			//TextureID texid = textures[texlookup[tex[j].textureid]];
			//pass.texture = texid;
			pass.tex = texlookup[tex[j].textureid];
			// TODO: figure out these flags properly -_-
			ModelRenderFlags &rf = renderFlags[tex[j].flagsIndex];

			pass.blendmode = rf.blend;
			pass.color = tex[j].colorIndex;
			pass.opacity = transLookup[tex[j].transid];

			pass.unlit = (rf.flags & RENDERFLAGS_UNLIT)!=0;
			pass.cull = (rf.flags & RENDERFLAGS_TWOSIDED)==0 && rf.blend==0;

			pass.billboard = (rf.flags & RENDERFLAGS_BILLBOARD) != 0;

			pass.useEnvMap = (texunitlookup[tex[j].texunit] == -1) && pass.billboard && rf.blend>2;
			pass.noZWrite = (rf.flags & RENDERFLAGS_ZBUFFERED) != 0;

			// ToDo: Work out the correct way to get the true/false of transparency
			pass.trans = (pass.blendmode>0) && (pass.opacity>0);	// Transparency - not the correct way to get transparency

			pass.p = ops[geoset].BoundingBox[0].x;

			// Texture flags
			pass.swrap = (texdef[pass.tex].flags & TEXTURE_WRAPX) != 0; // Texture wrap X
			pass.twrap = (texdef[pass.tex].flags & TEXTURE_WRAPY) != 0; // Texture wrap Y

			if (animTextures) {
				if (tex[j].flags & TEXTUREUNIT_STATIC) {
					pass.texanim = -1; // no texture animation
				} else {
					pass.texanim = texanimlookup[tex[j].texanimid];
			} else {
				pass.texanim = -1; // no texture animation

		// transparent parts come later
		std::sort(passes.begin(), passes.end());

	// zomg done
コード例 #7
ファイル: model.cpp プロジェクト: OpenFlex/WoWMapViewer
void Model::initCommon(MPQFile &f)
	// assume: origVertices already set
	if (!animGeometry) {
		vertices = new Vec3D[header.nVertices];
		normals = new Vec3D[header.nVertices];

	//Vec3D vmin = Vec3D( 9999999.0f, 9999999.0f, 9999999.0f);
	//Vec3D vmax = Vec3D(-9999999.0f,-9999999.0f,-9999999.0f);
	// vertices, normals
	for (size_t i=0; i<header.nVertices; i++) {
		origVertices[i].pos = fixCoordSystem(origVertices[i].pos);
		origVertices[i].normal = fixCoordSystem(origVertices[i].normal);

		if (!animGeometry) {
			vertices[i] = origVertices[i].pos;
			normals[i] = origVertices[i].normal.normalize();

		float len = origVertices[i].pos.lengthSquared();
		if (len > rad){ 
			rad = len;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.x < vmin.x) vmin.x = origVertices[i].pos.x;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.y < vmin.y) vmin.y = origVertices[i].pos.y;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.z < vmin.z) vmin.z = origVertices[i].pos.z;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.x > vmax.x) vmax.x = origVertices[i].pos.x;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.y > vmax.y) vmax.y = origVertices[i].pos.y;
		if (origVertices[i].pos.z > vmax.z) vmax.z = origVertices[i].pos.z;
	rad = sqrtf(rad);
	//rad = std::max(vmin.length(),vmax.length());

	// textures
	ModelTextureDef *texdef = (ModelTextureDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTextures);
	if (header.nTextures) {
		textures = new TextureID[header.nTextures];
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nTextures; i++) {
			char texname[256];
			if (texdef[i].type == 0) {
				strncpy(texname, f.getBuffer() + texdef[i].nameOfs, texdef[i].nameLen);
				texname[texdef[i].nameLen] = 0;
				std::string path(texname);
				textures[i] = video.textures.add(texname);
			} else {
				// special texture - only on characters and such...
                textures[i] = 0;

	// init colors
	if (header.nColors) {
		colors = new ModelColor[header.nColors];
		ModelColorDef *colorDefs = (ModelColorDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsColors);
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nColors; i++) colors[i].init(f, colorDefs[i], globalSequences);
	// init transparency
	int16 *transLookup = (int16*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTransparencyLookup);
	if (header.nTransparency) {
		transparency = new ModelTransparency[header.nTransparency];
		ModelTransDef *trDefs = (ModelTransDef*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTransparency);
		for (size_t i=0; i<header.nTransparency; i++) transparency[i].init(f, trDefs[i], globalSequences);

	// just use the first LOD/view

	// indices - allocate space, too
	ModelView *view = (ModelView*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsViews);

	uint16 *indexLookup = (uint16*)(f.getBuffer() + view->ofsIndex);
	uint16 *triangles = (uint16*)(f.getBuffer() + view->ofsTris);
	nIndices = view->nTris;
	indices = new uint16[nIndices];
	for (size_t i = 0; i<nIndices; i++) {
        indices[i] = indexLookup[triangles[i]];

	// render ops
	ModelGeoset *ops = (ModelGeoset*)(f.getBuffer() + view->ofsSub);
	ModelTexUnit *tex = (ModelTexUnit*)(f.getBuffer() + view->ofsTex);
	ModelRenderFlags *renderFlags = (ModelRenderFlags*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTexFlags);
	uint16 *texlookup = (uint16*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTexLookup);
	uint16 *texanimlookup = (uint16*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTexAnimLookup);
	int16 *texunitlookup = (int16*)(f.getBuffer() + header.ofsTexUnitLookup);

	for (size_t i = 0; i<view->nSub; i++) {
		ModelRenderPass pass;
		pass.usetex2 = false;
		pass.indexStart = ops[i].istart;
		pass.indexCount = ops[i].icount;

		// textures
		for (size_t j = 0; j<view->nTex; j++) {
			if (tex[j].op==i) {

				TextureID texid = textures[texlookup[tex[j].textureid]];

				if (tex[j].texunit==0) {
					pass.texture = texid;
					// TODO: figure out these flags properly -_-
					ModelRenderFlags &rf = renderFlags[tex[j].flagsIndex];
					//pass.useenvmap = (rf.flags2 & 6)==6;
					//pass.useenvmap = rf.blend == 6; // ???
					pass.useenvmap = texunitlookup[tex[j].texunit] == -1;

					pass.blendmode = rf.blend;
					pass.color = tex[j].colorIndex;
					pass.opacity = transLookup[tex[j].transid];

					pass.cull = (rf.flags & 4)==0 && rf.blend==0;
					pass.unlit = (rf.flags & 3)!=0;

					pass.nozwrite = pass.blendmode >= 2; //(rf.flags & 16)!=0;

					pass.trans = pass.blendmode != 0;

					pass.p = ops[i].v.x;

					if (animTextures) {
						if (tex[j].flags & 16) {
							pass.texanim = -1; // no texture animation
						} else {
							pass.texanim = texanimlookup[tex[j].texanimid];
					} else {
						pass.texanim = -1; // no texture animation
				else if (tex[j].texunit==1) {
					pass.texture2 = texid;
					//pass.usetex2 = true;

	for (size_t j = 0; j<view->nTex; j++) {
		ModelRenderPass pass;
		pass.usetex2 = false;
		pass.texture2 = 0;
		size_t geoset = tex[j].op;
		pass.indexStart = ops[geoset].istart;
		pass.indexCount = ops[geoset].icount;
		pass.vertexStart = ops[geoset].vstart;
		pass.vertexEnd = pass.vertexStart + ops[geoset].vcount;

		pass.order = tex[j].order;

		TextureID texid = textures[texlookup[tex[j].textureid]];

		pass.texture = texid;
		// TODO: figure out these flags properly -_-
		ModelRenderFlags &rf = renderFlags[tex[j].flagsIndex];
		pass.useenvmap = texunitlookup[tex[j].texunit] == -1;

		pass.blendmode = rf.blend;
		pass.color = tex[j].colorIndex;
		pass.opacity = transLookup[tex[j].transid];

		pass.cull = (rf.flags & 4)==0 && rf.blend==0;
		pass.unlit = (rf.flags & 3)!=0;

		pass.nozwrite = pass.blendmode >= 2; //(rf.flags & 16)!=0;

		pass.trans = pass.blendmode != 0;

		pass.p = ops[geoset].v.x;

		if (animTextures) {
			if (tex[j].flags & 16) {
				pass.texanim = -1; // no texture animation
			} else {
				pass.texanim = texanimlookup[tex[j].texanimid];
		} else {
			pass.texanim = -1; // no texture animation


	// transparent parts come later
	std::sort(passes.begin(), passes.end());

	// zomg done