コード例 #1
void EntityInstanceNode::SelectionChangedCallback( void* clientData )

    if( !s_ReplaceSelection )

    static bool inFunc = false;

    if( inFunc )
        inFunc = true;

    MSelectionList list;
    MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( list );

    MStatus stat;

    MSelectionList addList;
    bool added = false;
    u32 len = list.length();
    for( u32 i = 0; i < len; )
        MDagPath path;
        list.getDagPath( i, path );

        MObject entityNode = EntityNodeParent( path );
        if( entityNode != MObject::kNullObj )
            added = true;
            MFnDagNode nodeFn( entityNode );
            MDagPath instancePath;
            nodeFn.getPath( instancePath );
            addList.add( instancePath );
            list.remove( i );

    if( added )
        MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( list, MGlobal::kReplaceList );
        MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( addList, MGlobal::kAddToList );

    inFunc = false;

コード例 #2
bool ToMayaSkinClusterConverter::doConversion( IECore::ConstObjectPtr from, MObject &to, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr operands ) const
    MStatus s;

    IECore::ConstSmoothSkinningDataPtr skinningData = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::SmoothSkinningData>( from );
    assert( skinningData );

    const std::vector<std::string> &influenceNames = skinningData->influenceNames()->readable();
    const std::vector<Imath::M44f> &influencePoseData  = skinningData->influencePose()->readable();
    const std::vector<int> &pointIndexOffsets  = skinningData->pointIndexOffsets()->readable();
    const std::vector<int> &pointInfluenceCounts = skinningData->pointInfluenceCounts()->readable();
    const std::vector<int> &pointInfluenceIndices = skinningData->pointInfluenceIndices()->readable();
    const std::vector<float> &pointInfluenceWeights = skinningData->pointInfluenceWeights()->readable();

    MFnDependencyNode fnSkinClusterNode( to, &s );
    MFnSkinCluster fnSkinCluster( to, &s );
    if ( s != MS::kSuccess )
        /// \todo: optional parameter to allow custom node types and checks for the necessary attributes
        /// \todo: create a new skinCluster if we want a kSkinClusterFilter and this isn't one
        throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"%s\" is not a valid skinCluster" ) % fnSkinClusterNode.name() ).str() );

    const unsigned origNumInfluences = influenceNames.size();
    unsigned numInfluences = origNumInfluences;
    std::vector<bool> ignoreInfluence( origNumInfluences, false );
    std::vector<int> indexMap( origNumInfluences, -1 );
    const bool ignoreMissingInfluences = m_ignoreMissingInfluencesParameter->getTypedValue();
    const bool ignoreBindPose = m_ignoreBindPoseParameter->getTypedValue();

    // gather the influence objects
    MObject mObj;
    MDagPath path;
    MSelectionList influenceList;
    MDagPathArray influencePaths;
    for ( unsigned i=0, index=0; i < origNumInfluences; i++ )
        MString influenceName( influenceNames[i].c_str() );
        s = influenceList.add( influenceName );
        if ( !s )
            if ( ignoreMissingInfluences )
                ignoreInfluence[i] = true;
                MGlobal::displayWarning( MString( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"" + influenceName + "\" is not a valid influence" ) );

            throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"%s\" is not a valid influence" ) % influenceName ).str() );

        influenceList.getDependNode( index, mObj );
        MFnIkJoint fnInfluence( mObj, &s );
        if ( !s )
            if ( ignoreMissingInfluences )
                ignoreInfluence[i] = true;
                influenceList.remove( index );
                MGlobal::displayWarning( MString( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"" + influenceName + "\" is not a valid influence" ) );

            throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"%s\" is not a valid influence" ) % influenceName ).str() );

        fnInfluence.getPath( path );
        influencePaths.append( path );
        indexMap[i] = index;

    MPlugArray connectedPlugs;

    bool existingBindPose = true;
    MPlug bindPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "bindPose", true, &s );
    if ( !bindPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false ) )
        existingBindPose = false;
        if ( !ignoreBindPose )
            throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"%s\" does not have a valid bindPose" ) % fnSkinClusterNode.name() ).str() );

    MPlug bindPoseMatrixArrayPlug;
    MPlug bindPoseMemberArrayPlug;
    if ( existingBindPose )
        MFnDependencyNode fnBindPose( connectedPlugs[0].node() );
        if ( fnBindPose.typeName() != "dagPose" )
            throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: \"%s\" is not a valid bindPose" ) % fnBindPose.name() ).str() );

        bindPoseMatrixArrayPlug = fnBindPose.findPlug( "worldMatrix", true, &s );
        bindPoseMemberArrayPlug = fnBindPose.findPlug( "members", true, &s );

    /// \todo: optional parameter to reset the skinCluster's geomMatrix plug

    // break existing influence connections to the skinCluster
    MDGModifier dgModifier;
    MMatrixArray ignoredPreMatrices;
    MPlug matrixArrayPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "matrix", true, &s );
    MPlug bindPreMatrixArrayPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "bindPreMatrix", true, &s );
    for ( unsigned i=0; i < matrixArrayPlug.numConnectedElements(); i++ )
        MPlug matrixPlug = matrixArrayPlug.connectionByPhysicalIndex( i, &s );
        matrixPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false );
        if ( !connectedPlugs.length() )

        MFnIkJoint fnInfluence( connectedPlugs[0].node() );
        fnInfluence.getPath( path );
        if ( ignoreMissingInfluences && !influenceList.hasItem( path ) )
            MPlug preMatrixPlug = bindPreMatrixArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( i );
            preMatrixPlug.getValue( mObj );
            MFnMatrixData matFn( mObj );
            ignoredPreMatrices.append( matFn.matrix() );
            ignoreInfluence.push_back( false );
            indexMap.push_back( influenceList.length() );
            influenceList.add( connectedPlugs[0].node() );
        dgModifier.disconnect( connectedPlugs[0], matrixPlug );
    MPlug lockArrayPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "lockWeights", true, &s );
    for ( unsigned i=0; i < lockArrayPlug.numConnectedElements(); i++ )
        MPlug lockPlug = lockArrayPlug.connectionByPhysicalIndex( i, &s );
        lockPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false );
        if ( connectedPlugs.length() )
            dgModifier.disconnect( connectedPlugs[0], lockPlug );
    MPlug paintPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "paintTrans", true, &s );
    paintPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false );
    if ( connectedPlugs.length() )
        dgModifier.disconnect( connectedPlugs[0], paintPlug );

    // break existing influence connections to the bind pose
    if ( existingBindPose )
        for ( unsigned i=0; i < bindPoseMatrixArrayPlug.numConnectedElements(); i++ )
            MPlug matrixPlug = bindPoseMatrixArrayPlug.connectionByPhysicalIndex( i, &s );
            matrixPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false );
            if ( connectedPlugs.length() )
                dgModifier.disconnect( connectedPlugs[0], matrixPlug );
        for ( unsigned i=0; i < bindPoseMemberArrayPlug.numConnectedElements(); i++ )
            MPlug memberPlug = bindPoseMemberArrayPlug.connectionByPhysicalIndex( i, &s );
            memberPlug.connectedTo( connectedPlugs, true, false );
            if ( connectedPlugs.length() )
                dgModifier.disconnect( connectedPlugs[0], memberPlug );

    if ( !dgModifier.doIt() )
        throw IECore::Exception( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: Unable to break the influence connections" );

    // make connections from influences to skinCluster and bindPose
    for ( unsigned i=0; i < numInfluences; i++ )
        if ( ignoreInfluence[i] )

        int index = indexMap[i];
        s = influenceList.getDependNode( index, mObj );
        MFnIkJoint fnInfluence( mObj, &s );
        MPlug influenceMatrixPlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "worldMatrix", true, &s ).elementByLogicalIndex( 0, &s );
        MPlug influenceMessagePlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "message", true, &s );
        MPlug influenceBindPosePlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "bindPose", true, &s );
        MPlug influenceLockPlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "lockInfluenceWeights", true, &s );
        if ( !s )
            // add the lockInfluenceWeights attribute if it doesn't exist
            MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;
            MObject attribute = nAttr.create( "lockInfluenceWeights", "liw", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, false );
            fnInfluence.addAttribute( attribute );
            influenceLockPlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "lockInfluenceWeights", true, &s );

        // connect influence to the skinCluster
        MPlug matrixPlug = matrixArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( index );
        MPlug lockPlug = lockArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( index );
        dgModifier.connect( influenceMatrixPlug, matrixPlug );
        dgModifier.connect( influenceLockPlug, lockPlug );

        // connect influence to the bindPose
        if ( !ignoreBindPose )
            MPlug bindPoseMatrixPlug = bindPoseMatrixArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( index );
            MPlug memberPlug = bindPoseMemberArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( index );
            dgModifier.connect( influenceMessagePlug, bindPoseMatrixPlug );
            dgModifier.connect( influenceBindPosePlug, memberPlug );
    unsigned firstIndex = find( ignoreInfluence.begin(), ignoreInfluence.end(), false ) - ignoreInfluence.begin();
    influenceList.getDependNode( firstIndex, mObj );
    MFnDependencyNode fnInfluence( mObj );
    MPlug influenceMessagePlug = fnInfluence.findPlug( "message", true, &s );
    dgModifier.connect( influenceMessagePlug, paintPlug );
    if ( !dgModifier.doIt() )
        throw IECore::Exception( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: Unable to create the influence connections" );

    // use influencePoseData as bindPreMatrix
    for ( unsigned i=0; i < numInfluences; i++ )
        if ( ignoreInfluence[i] )

        MMatrix preMatrix = ( i < origNumInfluences ) ? IECore::convert<MMatrix>( influencePoseData[i] ) : ignoredPreMatrices[i-origNumInfluences];
        MPlug preMatrixPlug = bindPreMatrixArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( indexMap[i], &s );
        s = preMatrixPlug.getValue( mObj );
        if ( s )
            MFnMatrixData matFn( mObj );
            matFn.set( preMatrix );
            mObj = matFn.object();
            MFnMatrixData matFn;
            mObj = matFn.create( preMatrix );

        preMatrixPlug.setValue( mObj );

    // remove unneeded bindPreMatrix children
    unsigned existingElements = bindPreMatrixArrayPlug.numElements();
    for ( unsigned i=influenceList.length(); i < existingElements; i++ )
        MPlug preMatrixPlug = bindPreMatrixArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( i, &s );
        /// \todo: surely there is a way to accomplish this in c++...
        MGlobal::executeCommand( ( boost::format( "removeMultiInstance %s" ) % preMatrixPlug.name() ).str().c_str() );

    // get the geometry
    MObjectArray outputGeoObjs;
    if ( !fnSkinCluster.getOutputGeometry( outputGeoObjs ) )
        throw IECore::Exception( ( boost::format( "ToMayaSkinClusterConverter: skinCluster \"%s\" does not have any output geometry!" ) % fnSkinCluster.name() ).str() );
    MFnDagNode dagFn( outputGeoObjs[0] );
    MDagPath geoPath;
    dagFn.getPath( geoPath );

    // loop through all the points of the geometry and set the weights
    MItGeometry geoIt( outputGeoObjs[0] );
    MPlug weightListArrayPlug = fnSkinClusterNode.findPlug( "weightList", true, &s );
    for ( unsigned pIndex=0; !geoIt.isDone(); geoIt.next(), pIndex++ )
        MPlug pointWeightsPlug = weightListArrayPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( pIndex, &s ).child( 0 );

        // remove existing influence weight plugs
        MIntArray existingInfluenceIndices;
        pointWeightsPlug.getExistingArrayAttributeIndices( existingInfluenceIndices );
        for( unsigned i=0; i < existingInfluenceIndices.length(); i++ )
            MPlug influenceWeightPlug = pointWeightsPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( existingInfluenceIndices[i], &s );
            MGlobal::executeCommand( ( boost::format( "removeMultiInstance -break 1 %s" ) % influenceWeightPlug.name() ).str().c_str() );

        // add new influence weight plugs
        int firstIndex = pointIndexOffsets[pIndex];
        for( int i=0; i < pointInfluenceCounts[pIndex]; i++ )
            int influenceIndex = pointInfluenceIndices[ firstIndex + i ];
            if ( ignoreInfluence[ influenceIndex ] )

            int skinClusterInfluenceIndex = fnSkinCluster.indexForInfluenceObject( influencePaths[ indexMap[ influenceIndex ] ] );
            MPlug influenceWeightPlug = pointWeightsPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( skinClusterInfluenceIndex, &s );
            influenceWeightPlug.setValue( pointInfluenceWeights[ firstIndex + i ] );

    return true;
コード例 #3
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    MStatus SceneGraph::removeMultiplyIncludedDagPaths ( MSelectionList& selectionList )
        // As we're potentially deleting elements out of the selection list
        // it's easiest to avoid array bound check issues by walking the
        // list backwards.
        MStatus status;
        int length=selectionList.length ( &status );

        if ( status != MStatus::kSuccess )
            return MStatus::kFailure;

        for ( int i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
            MDagPath dagIPath;

            if ( selectionList.getDagPath ( i, dagIPath ) != MStatus::kSuccess )
                return MStatus::kFailure;

            uint dagIdepth = dagIPath.length();
            for ( int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j )
                MDagPath dagJPath;
                if ( selectionList.getDagPath ( j, dagJPath ) != MStatus::kSuccess )
                    return MStatus::kFailure;

                // Test if the longer of these two dag paths contains the shorter ...
                uint dagJdepth = dagJPath.length();
                if ( dagJdepth >= dagIdepth )
                    bool isParent = false;
                    for ( int depth = dagIdepth - 1; depth > 0 && !isParent; --depth )
                        isParent = dagJPath.node() == dagIPath.node();

                    if ( isParent )
                        selectionList.remove ( j );
                    bool isParent = false;
                    MDagPath dagIt = dagIPath;
                    for ( int depth = dagIdepth - 1; depth > 0 && !isParent; --depth )
                        isParent = dagJPath.node() == dagIt.node();

                    if ( isParent )
                        selectionList.remove ( i );

        return MStatus::kSuccess;