コード例 #1
ファイル: llvm-dwp.cpp プロジェクト: AnachroNia/llvm
static void
writeIndex(MCStreamer &Out, MCSection *Section,
           ArrayRef<unsigned> ContributionOffsets,
           const MapVector<uint64_t, UnitIndexEntry> &IndexEntries) {
  if (IndexEntries.empty())

  unsigned Columns = 0;
  for (auto &C : ContributionOffsets)
    if (C)

  std::vector<unsigned> Buckets(NextPowerOf2(3 * IndexEntries.size() / 2));
  uint64_t Mask = Buckets.size() - 1;
  size_t i = 0;
  for (const auto &P : IndexEntries) {
    auto S = P.first;
    auto H = S & Mask;
    auto HP = ((S >> 32) & Mask) | 1;
    while (Buckets[H]) {
      assert(S != IndexEntries.begin()[Buckets[H] - 1].first &&
             "Duplicate unit");
      H = (H + HP) & Mask;
    Buckets[H] = i + 1;

  Out.EmitIntValue(2, 4);                   // Version
  Out.EmitIntValue(Columns, 4);             // Columns
  Out.EmitIntValue(IndexEntries.size(), 4); // Num Units
  Out.EmitIntValue(Buckets.size(), 4);      // Num Buckets

  // Write the signatures.
  for (const auto &I : Buckets)
    Out.EmitIntValue(I ? IndexEntries.begin()[I - 1].first : 0, 8);

  // Write the indexes.
  for (const auto &I : Buckets)
    Out.EmitIntValue(I, 4);

  // Write the column headers (which sections will appear in the table)
  for (size_t i = 0; i != ContributionOffsets.size(); ++i)
    if (ContributionOffsets[i])
      Out.EmitIntValue(i + DW_SECT_INFO, 4);

  // Write the offsets.
  writeIndexTable(Out, ContributionOffsets, IndexEntries,

  // Write the lengths.
  writeIndexTable(Out, ContributionOffsets, IndexEntries,
コード例 #2
ファイル: VectorUtils.cpp プロジェクト: MatzeB/llvm
// Analyze interleaved accesses and collect them into interleaved load and
// store groups.
// When generating code for an interleaved load group, we effectively hoist all
// loads in the group to the location of the first load in program order. When
// generating code for an interleaved store group, we sink all stores to the
// location of the last store. This code motion can change the order of load
// and store instructions and may break dependences.
// The code generation strategy mentioned above ensures that we won't violate
// any write-after-read (WAR) dependences.
// E.g., for the WAR dependence:  a = A[i];      // (1)
//                                A[i] = b;      // (2)
// The store group of (2) is always inserted at or below (2), and the load
// group of (1) is always inserted at or above (1). Thus, the instructions will
// never be reordered. All other dependences are checked to ensure the
// correctness of the instruction reordering.
// The algorithm visits all memory accesses in the loop in bottom-up program
// order. Program order is established by traversing the blocks in the loop in
// reverse postorder when collecting the accesses.
// We visit the memory accesses in bottom-up order because it can simplify the
// construction of store groups in the presence of write-after-write (WAW)
// dependences.
// E.g., for the WAW dependence:  A[i] = a;      // (1)
//                                A[i] = b;      // (2)
//                                A[i + 1] = c;  // (3)
// We will first create a store group with (3) and (2). (1) can't be added to
// this group because it and (2) are dependent. However, (1) can be grouped
// with other accesses that may precede it in program order. Note that a
// bottom-up order does not imply that WAW dependences should not be checked.
void InterleavedAccessInfo::analyzeInterleaving(
                                 bool EnablePredicatedInterleavedMemAccesses) {
  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "LV: Analyzing interleaved accesses...\n");
  const ValueToValueMap &Strides = LAI->getSymbolicStrides();

  // Holds all accesses with a constant stride.
  MapVector<Instruction *, StrideDescriptor> AccessStrideInfo;
  collectConstStrideAccesses(AccessStrideInfo, Strides);

  if (AccessStrideInfo.empty())

  // Collect the dependences in the loop.

  // Holds all interleaved store groups temporarily.
  SmallSetVector<InterleaveGroup *, 4> StoreGroups;
  // Holds all interleaved load groups temporarily.
  SmallSetVector<InterleaveGroup *, 4> LoadGroups;

  // Search in bottom-up program order for pairs of accesses (A and B) that can
  // form interleaved load or store groups. In the algorithm below, access A
  // precedes access B in program order. We initialize a group for B in the
  // outer loop of the algorithm, and then in the inner loop, we attempt to
  // insert each A into B's group if:
  //  1. A and B have the same stride,
  //  2. A and B have the same memory object size, and
  //  3. A belongs in B's group according to its distance from B.
  // Special care is taken to ensure group formation will not break any
  // dependences.
  for (auto BI = AccessStrideInfo.rbegin(), E = AccessStrideInfo.rend();
       BI != E; ++BI) {
    Instruction *B = BI->first;
    StrideDescriptor DesB = BI->second;

    // Initialize a group for B if it has an allowable stride. Even if we don't
    // create a group for B, we continue with the bottom-up algorithm to ensure
    // we don't break any of B's dependences.
    InterleaveGroup *Group = nullptr;
    if (isStrided(DesB.Stride) && 
        (!isPredicated(B->getParent()) || EnablePredicatedInterleavedMemAccesses)) {
      Group = getInterleaveGroup(B);
      if (!Group) {
        LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "LV: Creating an interleave group with:" << *B
                          << '\n');
        Group = createInterleaveGroup(B, DesB.Stride, DesB.Align);
      if (B->mayWriteToMemory())

    for (auto AI = std::next(BI); AI != E; ++AI) {
      Instruction *A = AI->first;
      StrideDescriptor DesA = AI->second;

      // Our code motion strategy implies that we can't have dependences
      // between accesses in an interleaved group and other accesses located
      // between the first and last member of the group. Note that this also
      // means that a group can't have more than one member at a given offset.
      // The accesses in a group can have dependences with other accesses, but
      // we must ensure we don't extend the boundaries of the group such that
      // we encompass those dependent accesses.
      // For example, assume we have the sequence of accesses shown below in a
      // stride-2 loop:
      //  (1, 2) is a group | A[i]   = a;  // (1)
      //                    | A[i-1] = b;  // (2) |
      //                      A[i-3] = c;  // (3)
      //                      A[i]   = d;  // (4) | (2, 4) is not a group
      // Because accesses (2) and (3) are dependent, we can group (2) with (1)
      // but not with (4). If we did, the dependent access (3) would be within
      // the boundaries of the (2, 4) group.
      if (!canReorderMemAccessesForInterleavedGroups(&*AI, &*BI)) {
        // If a dependence exists and A is already in a group, we know that A
        // must be a store since A precedes B and WAR dependences are allowed.
        // Thus, A would be sunk below B. We release A's group to prevent this
        // illegal code motion. A will then be free to form another group with
        // instructions that precede it.
        if (isInterleaved(A)) {
          InterleaveGroup *StoreGroup = getInterleaveGroup(A);

        // If a dependence exists and A is not already in a group (or it was
        // and we just released it), B might be hoisted above A (if B is a
        // load) or another store might be sunk below A (if B is a store). In
        // either case, we can't add additional instructions to B's group. B
        // will only form a group with instructions that it precedes.

      // At this point, we've checked for illegal code motion. If either A or B
      // isn't strided, there's nothing left to do.
      if (!isStrided(DesA.Stride) || !isStrided(DesB.Stride))

      // Ignore A if it's already in a group or isn't the same kind of memory
      // operation as B.
      // Note that mayReadFromMemory() isn't mutually exclusive to
      // mayWriteToMemory in the case of atomic loads. We shouldn't see those
      // here, canVectorizeMemory() should have returned false - except for the
      // case we asked for optimization remarks.
      if (isInterleaved(A) ||
          (A->mayReadFromMemory() != B->mayReadFromMemory()) ||
          (A->mayWriteToMemory() != B->mayWriteToMemory()))

      // Check rules 1 and 2. Ignore A if its stride or size is different from
      // that of B.
      if (DesA.Stride != DesB.Stride || DesA.Size != DesB.Size)

      // Ignore A if the memory object of A and B don't belong to the same
      // address space
      if (getLoadStoreAddressSpace(A) != getLoadStoreAddressSpace(B))

      // Calculate the distance from A to B.
      const SCEVConstant *DistToB = dyn_cast<SCEVConstant>(
          PSE.getSE()->getMinusSCEV(DesA.Scev, DesB.Scev));
      if (!DistToB)
      int64_t DistanceToB = DistToB->getAPInt().getSExtValue();

      // Check rule 3. Ignore A if its distance to B is not a multiple of the
      // size.
      if (DistanceToB % static_cast<int64_t>(DesB.Size))

      // All members of a predicated interleave-group must have the same predicate,
      // and currently must reside in the same BB.
      BasicBlock *BlockA = A->getParent();  
      BasicBlock *BlockB = B->getParent();  
      if ((isPredicated(BlockA) || isPredicated(BlockB)) &&
          (!EnablePredicatedInterleavedMemAccesses || BlockA != BlockB))

      // The index of A is the index of B plus A's distance to B in multiples
      // of the size.
      int IndexA =
          Group->getIndex(B) + DistanceToB / static_cast<int64_t>(DesB.Size);

      // Try to insert A into B's group.
      if (Group->insertMember(A, IndexA, DesA.Align)) {
        LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "LV: Inserted:" << *A << '\n'
                          << "    into the interleave group with" << *B
                          << '\n');
        InterleaveGroupMap[A] = Group;

        // Set the first load in program order as the insert position.
        if (A->mayReadFromMemory())
    } // Iteration over A accesses.
  }   // Iteration over B accesses.

  // Remove interleaved store groups with gaps.
  for (InterleaveGroup *Group : StoreGroups)
    if (Group->getNumMembers() != Group->getFactor()) {
          dbgs() << "LV: Invalidate candidate interleaved store group due "
                    "to gaps.\n");
  // Remove interleaved groups with gaps (currently only loads) whose memory
  // accesses may wrap around. We have to revisit the getPtrStride analysis,
  // this time with ShouldCheckWrap=true, since collectConstStrideAccesses does
  // not check wrapping (see documentation there).
  // FORNOW we use Assume=false;
  // TODO: Change to Assume=true but making sure we don't exceed the threshold
  // of runtime SCEV assumptions checks (thereby potentially failing to
  // vectorize altogether).
  // Additional optional optimizations:
  // TODO: If we are peeling the loop and we know that the first pointer doesn't
  // wrap then we can deduce that all pointers in the group don't wrap.
  // This means that we can forcefully peel the loop in order to only have to
  // check the first pointer for no-wrap. When we'll change to use Assume=true
  // we'll only need at most one runtime check per interleaved group.
  for (InterleaveGroup *Group : LoadGroups) {
    // Case 1: A full group. Can Skip the checks; For full groups, if the wide
    // load would wrap around the address space we would do a memory access at
    // nullptr even without the transformation.
    if (Group->getNumMembers() == Group->getFactor())

    // Case 2: If first and last members of the group don't wrap this implies
    // that all the pointers in the group don't wrap.
    // So we check only group member 0 (which is always guaranteed to exist),
    // and group member Factor - 1; If the latter doesn't exist we rely on
    // peeling (if it is a non-reveresed accsess -- see Case 3).
    Value *FirstMemberPtr = getLoadStorePointerOperand(Group->getMember(0));
    if (!getPtrStride(PSE, FirstMemberPtr, TheLoop, Strides, /*Assume=*/false,
                      /*ShouldCheckWrap=*/true)) {
          dbgs() << "LV: Invalidate candidate interleaved group due to "
                    "first group member potentially pointer-wrapping.\n");
    Instruction *LastMember = Group->getMember(Group->getFactor() - 1);
    if (LastMember) {
      Value *LastMemberPtr = getLoadStorePointerOperand(LastMember);
      if (!getPtrStride(PSE, LastMemberPtr, TheLoop, Strides, /*Assume=*/false,
                        /*ShouldCheckWrap=*/true)) {
            dbgs() << "LV: Invalidate candidate interleaved group due to "
                      "last group member potentially pointer-wrapping.\n");
    } else {
      // Case 3: A non-reversed interleaved load group with gaps: We need
      // to execute at least one scalar epilogue iteration. This will ensure
      // we don't speculatively access memory out-of-bounds. We only need
      // to look for a member at index factor - 1, since every group must have
      // a member at index zero.
      if (Group->isReverse()) {
            dbgs() << "LV: Invalidate candidate interleaved group due to "
                      "a reverse access with gaps.\n");
          dbgs() << "LV: Interleaved group requires epilogue iteration.\n");
      RequiresScalarEpilogue = true;