コード例 #1
QDebug operator<<( QDebug dbg, const MarkerAttributes & ma ) {
    return dbg << "KDChart::MarkerAttributes("
               << "visible=" << ma.isVisible()
               << "markerStylesMap=" << ma.markerStylesMap()
               << "markerStyle=" << ma.markerStyle()
               << "markerColor=" << ma.markerColor()
               << "pen=" << ma.pen()
               << ")";
コード例 #2
bool MarkerAttributes::operator==( const MarkerAttributes& r ) const
    qDebug() << "MarkerAttributes::operator== finds"
            << "b" << (isVisible() == r.isVisible())
            << "c" << (markerStylesMap() == r.markerStylesMap())
            << "d" << (markerStyle() == r.markerStyle()) << markerStyle() <<r.markerStyle()
            << "e" << (markerSize() == r.markerSize())
            << "f" << (markerColor() == r.markerColor())
            << "g" << (pen() == r.pen())
            << "h" << (markerColor() == r.markerColor()) << markerColor() << r.markerColor();
    return ( isVisible() == r.isVisible() &&
            markerStylesMap() == r.markerStylesMap() &&
            markerStyle() == r.markerStyle() &&
            markerSize() == r.markerSize() &&
            markerColor() == r.markerColor() &&
            pen() == r.pen() );
コード例 #3
void AbstractDiagram::paintMarker( QPainter* painter,
                                   const MarkerAttributes& markerAttributes,
                                   const QBrush& brush,
                                   const QPen& pen,
                                   const QPointF& pos,
                                   const QSizeF& maSize )
    const QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
    // Pen is used to paint 4Pixels - 1 Pixel - Ring and FastCross types.
    // make sure to use the brush color - see above in those cases.
    const bool isFourPixels = (markerAttributes.markerStyle() == MarkerAttributes::Marker4Pixels);
    if( isFourPixels || (markerAttributes.markerStyle() == MarkerAttributes::Marker1Pixel) ){
        // for high-performance point charts with tiny point markers:
        painter->setPen( PrintingParameters::scalePen( QPen( brush.color().light() ) ) );
        if( isFourPixels ){
            const qreal x = pos.x();
            const qreal y = pos.y();
            painter->drawLine( QPointF(x-1.0,y-1.0),
                               QPointF(x+1.0,y-1.0) );
            painter->drawLine( QPointF(x-1.0,y),
                               QPointF(x+1.0,y) );
            painter->drawLine( QPointF(x-1.0,y+1.0),
                               QPointF(x+1.0,y+1.0) );
        painter->drawPoint( pos );
        const PainterSaver painterSaver( painter );
        // we only a solid line surrounding the markers
        QPen painterPen( pen );
        painterPen.setStyle( Qt::SolidLine );
        painter->setPen( PrintingParameters::scalePen( painterPen ) );
        painter->setBrush( brush );
        painter->setRenderHint ( QPainter::Antialiasing );
        painter->translate( pos );
        switch ( markerAttributes.markerStyle() ) {
            case MarkerAttributes::MarkerCircle:
                if ( markerAttributes.threeD() ) {
                    QRadialGradient grad;
                    grad.setCoordinateMode( QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode );
                    QColor drawColor = brush.color();
                    grad.setCenter( 0.5, 0.5 );
                    grad.setRadius( 1.0 );
                    grad.setFocalPoint( 0.35, 0.35 );
                    grad.setColorAt( 0.00, drawColor.lighter( 150 ) );
                    grad.setColorAt( 0.20, drawColor );
                    grad.setColorAt( 0.50, drawColor.darker( 150 ) );
                    grad.setColorAt( 0.75, drawColor.darker( 200 ) );
                    grad.setColorAt( 0.95, drawColor.darker( 250 ) );
                    grad.setColorAt( 1.00, drawColor.darker( 200 ) );
                    QBrush newBrush( grad );
                    newBrush.setMatrix( brush.matrix() );
                    painter->setBrush( newBrush );
                painter->drawEllipse( QRectF( 0 - maSize.height()/2, 0 - maSize.width()/2,
                            maSize.height(), maSize.width()) );
            case MarkerAttributes::MarkerSquare:
                    QRectF rect( 0 - maSize.width()/2, 0 - maSize.height()/2,
                                maSize.width(), maSize.height() );
                    painter->drawRect( rect );
            case MarkerAttributes::MarkerDiamond:
                    QVector <QPointF > diamondPoints;
                    QPointF top, left, bottom, right;
                    top    = QPointF( 0, 0 - maSize.height()/2 );
                    left   = QPointF( 0 - maSize.width()/2, 0 );
                    bottom = QPointF( 0, maSize.height()/2 );
                    right  = QPointF( maSize.width()/2, 0 );
                    diamondPoints << top << left << bottom << right;
                    painter->drawPolygon( diamondPoints );
            // both handled on top of the method:
            case MarkerAttributes::Marker1Pixel:
            case MarkerAttributes::Marker4Pixels:
            case MarkerAttributes::MarkerRing:
                    painter->setPen( PrintingParameters::scalePen( QPen( brush.color() ) ) );
                    painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
                    painter->drawEllipse( QRectF( 0 - maSize.height()/2, 0 - maSize.width()/2,
                                        maSize.height(), maSize.width()) );
            case MarkerAttributes::MarkerCross:
                    // Note: Markers can have outline,
                    //       so just drawing two rects is NOT the solution here!
                    const qreal w02 = maSize.width() * 0.2;
                    const qreal w05 = maSize.width() * 0.5;
                    const qreal h02 = maSize.height()* 0.2;
                    const qreal h05 = maSize.height()* 0.5;
                    QVector <QPointF > crossPoints;
                    QPointF p[12];
                    p[ 0] = QPointF( -w02, -h05 );
                    p[ 1] = QPointF(  w02, -h05 );
                    p[ 2] = QPointF(  w02, -h02 );
                    p[ 3] = QPointF(  w05, -h02 );
                    p[ 4] = QPointF(  w05,  h02 );
                    p[ 5] = QPointF(  w02,  h02 );
                    p[ 6] = QPointF(  w02,  h05 );
                    p[ 7] = QPointF( -w02,  h05 );
                    p[ 8] = QPointF( -w02,  h02 );
                    p[ 9] = QPointF( -w05,  h02 );
                    p[10] = QPointF( -w05, -h02 );
                    p[11] = QPointF( -w02, -h02 );
                    for( int i=0; i<12; ++i )
                        crossPoints << p[i];
                    crossPoints << p[0];
                    painter->drawPolygon( crossPoints );
            case MarkerAttributes::MarkerFastCross:
                    QPointF left, right, top, bottom;
                    left  = QPointF( -maSize.width()/2, 0 );
                    right = QPointF( maSize.width()/2, 0 );
                    top   = QPointF( 0, -maSize.height()/2 );
                    bottom= QPointF( 0, maSize.height()/2 );
                    painter->setPen( PrintingParameters::scalePen( QPen( brush.color() ) ) );
                    painter->drawLine( left, right );
                    painter->drawLine(  top, bottom );
            case MarkerAttributes::NoMarker:
                Q_ASSERT_X ( false, "paintMarkers()",
                            "Type item does not match a defined Marker Type." );
    painter->setPen( oldPen );