コード例 #1
ファイル: Gyulassy.C プロジェクト: lzs203511/diamorse
int main(const int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace js = anu_am::json;

    char* infile = argv[1];

    if (argc < 2)
        std::cerr << "Usage:" << argv[0] << " INPUT [OUTPUT]" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // Read the data for this process.
    NCFileInfo const info = readFileInfo(infile);
    Variable const var = findVolumeVariable(info);

    std::vector<size_t> const dims = readDimensions(info);
    CubicalComplex complex(dims.at(0), dims.at(1), dims.at(2));

    Scalars::DataPtr scalarData = readVolumeData<Value>(infile);
    Scalars scalars(complex, scalarData);

    // Process the data.
    Mask const out = boundaries(complex, scalars);

    // Generate metadata
    std::string const parentID = guessDatasetID(infile, info.attributes());
    std::string const thisID   = derivedID(parentID, "segmented", "BBG");

    std::string const outfile =
        argc > 2 ? argv[2] : (stripTimestamp(thisID) + ".nc");

    js::Object const fullSpec = js::Object
        ("id"          , thisID)
        ("process"     , "Basin Boundaries via Gyulassi-Bremer-Pascucci Method")
        ("sourcefile"  , __FILE__)
        ("revision"    , js::Object("id", GIT_REVISION)("date", GIT_TIMESTAMP))
        ("parent"      , parentID)
        ("predecessors", js::Array(parentID))
        ("parameters"  , js::Object());

    std::string const description = js::toString(fullSpec, 2);

    // Write the results to the output file
        out.data(), outfile, "segmented", dims.at(0), dims.at(1), dims.at(2),
コード例 #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace js = anu_am::json;

    int c;
    float threshold = 0;
    int dimension = 3;

    while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "d:t:")) != -1)
        switch (c)
        case 'd':
            dimension = atoi(optarg);
        case 't':
            threshold = atof(optarg);
            return 1;

    if (argc - optind < 2)
        return 1;

    char* scalarPath = argv[optind];
    char* fieldPath  = argv[optind + 1];

    // Read the data for this process.
    NCFileInfo const info = readFileInfo(fieldPath);
    Variable const var = findVolumeVariable(info);

    std::vector<size_t> dims = readDimensions(info);
    CubicalComplex complex(dims.at(0), dims.at(1), dims.at(2));
    Vertices vertices(dims.at(0), dims.at(1), dims.at(2));

    assert(dims == readDimensions(scalarPath));

    Scalars::DataPtr scalarData = readVolumeData<Value>(scalarPath);
    Scalars scalars(complex, scalarData);

    Field::DataPtr fieldData = readVolumeData<FieldItem>(fieldPath);
    Field field = Field(dims.at(0), dims.at(1), dims.at(2), fieldData);

    // Process the data.
    Mask const out = skeleton(complex, scalars, field, threshold, dimension);

    // Generate metadata to include with the output data
    std::string const parentID = guessDatasetID(fieldPath, info.attributes());
    std::string const thisID   = derivedID(parentID, "segmented", "SKL");

    std::string const outfile =
        (argc - optind > 2) ? argv[optind+2] : (stripTimestamp(thisID) + ".nc");

    js::Array const predecessors = js::Array
        (guessDatasetID(scalarPath, readFileInfo(scalarPath).attributes()));

    js::Object const parameters = js::Object("threshold" , threshold);

    js::Object const fullSpec = js::Object
        ("id"          , thisID)
        ("process"     , "Skeleton")
        ("sourcefile"  , __FILE__)
        ("revision"    , js::Object("id", GIT_REVISION)("date", GIT_TIMESTAMP))
        ("parent"      , parentID)
        ("predecessors", predecessors)
        ("parameters"  , parameters);

    std::string const description = js::toString(fullSpec, 2);

    // Write the resulting gradient vector field to the output file
        out.data(), outfile, "segmented", dims.at(0), dims.at(1), dims.at(2),