コード例 #1
AVOID DeferredRenderer::PrepareForLightPass(CameraPtr pCamera)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
	//set vertex buffer with positions
	m_pVertices->Set(0, 0);

	//set vertex buffer with texture data
	m_pTexCoords->Set(1, 0);

	//bind matrix constant buffer to the pipeline
	Mat4x4 trans;
	//trans.CreateTranslation(pCamera->GetLookAt() + 10000 * pCamera->GetDir());
	trans.CreateTranslation(pCamera->GetPosition() + 500* pCamera->GetDir());

	Mat4x4 rot;
	rot = rot.CreateRollPitchYaw(pCamera->GetRoll(), pCamera->GetPitch(), pCamera->GetYaw());

	Mat4x4 WVP = rot * trans * pCamera->GetView() * CreateOrthoProjectionLH(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 1.0f, 1000.0f);
	m_pMatrixBuffer->UpdateSubresource(0, NULL, &WVP, 0, 0);
	m_pMatrixBuffer->Set(0, ST_Vertex);

	struct CameraBuffer
		Mat4x4 inverseViewProjection;
		Vec pos;
	CameraBuffer cameraBuffer;
	Mat4x4 inverseViewProjection = pCamera->GetViewProjection();
	cameraBuffer.pos = pCamera->GetPosition();
	cameraBuffer.inverseViewProjection = inverseViewProjection;

	m_pcbCameraPos->UpdateSubresource(0, nullptr, &pCamera->GetPosition(), 0, 0);
	//m_pcbCameraPos->UpdateSubresource(0, NULL, &cameraBuffer, 0, 0);
	m_pcbCameraPos->Set(0, ST_Pixel);


	//set shader resources
	m_pSSAOBlurredSRV->Set(6, ST_Pixel);
	m_pDepthSRV->Set(8, ST_Pixel);

	//set blending functionality
コード例 #2
ファイル: Raycast.cpp プロジェクト: jel-massih/BombastEngine
HRESULT RayCast::Pick(Scene * pScene, ActorId actorId, ModelClass * pMesh)
	if (!m_bAllHits && m_numIntersections)
		return S_OK;


	const Mat4x4 matView = pScene->GetCamera()->GetView();
	const Mat4x4 matWorld = pScene->GetTopMatrix();
	const Mat4x4 proj = pScene->GetCamera()->GetProjection();

	//Compute Pickray in screen space
	Vec3 v;
	v.x = (((2.0f * m_point.x) / g_pApp->GetScreenSize().x) - 1) / proj._11;
	v.y = (((2.0f * m_point.y) / g_pApp->GetScreenSize().y) - 1) / proj._22;
	v.z = 1.0f;

	Mat4x4 worldView = matWorld * matView;
	Mat4x4 inverseWorld = worldView.Inverse();

	//Screen space pick ray into 3d space
	m_vPickRayDir.x = v.x * inverseWorld._11 + v.y * inverseWorld._21 + v.z * inverseWorld._31;
	m_vPickRayDir.y = v.x * inverseWorld._12 + v.y * inverseWorld._22 + v.z * inverseWorld._32;
	m_vPickRayDir.z = v.x * inverseWorld._13 + v.y * inverseWorld._23 + v.z * inverseWorld._33;
	m_vPickRayOrigin.x = inverseWorld._41;
	m_vPickRayOrigin.y = inverseWorld._42;
	m_vPickRayOrigin.z = inverseWorld._43;

	if (!m_bAllHits)
		//Find closest intersection
		for (auto meshIt = pMesh->meshes.begin(); meshIt != pMesh->meshes.end(); meshIt++)
			for (auto it = (*meshIt).vertices.begin(); it != (*meshIt).vertices.end(); it++)

コード例 #3
ファイル: Geometry.cpp プロジェクト: scw000000/Engine
Transform::Transform( const Mat4x4& toWorld )
   m_ToWorld = toWorld;
   m_FromWorld = toWorld.Inverse();
   m_IsFromWorldDirty = false;