コード例 #1
ファイル: create_kyradat.cpp プロジェクト: peres/scummvm
MatchList::const_iterator filterOutBestMatch(const MatchList &input) {
	MatchList::const_iterator result = input.begin();

	if (input.size() > 1)
		warning("Multiple entries found for id %d/%s", (*result)->first, getIdString((*result)->first));

	for (MatchList::const_iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); ++i) {
		// Reduce all entries to one single entry.
		// We use the following rules for this (in this order):
		// - Prefer the entry with the higest size
		// - Prefer the entry, which starts at the smallest offest
		// TODO: These rules might not be safe for all games, but hopefully
		// they will work fine. If there are any problems it should be rather
		// easy to identify them, since we print out a warning for multiple
		// entries found.
		if ((*result)->second.desc.hint.size <= (*i)->second.desc.hint.size) {
			if ((*result)->second.offset >= (*i)->second.offset)
				result = i;

	return result;
コード例 #2
upSimpleReport MatchResultList::regenerateReport()
  // collect the numbers of all match groups in this round
  MatchMngr mm{db};
  MatchGroupList mgl = mm.getMatchGroupsForCat(cat, round);
  if (mgl.size() > 1)
    std::sort(mgl.begin(), mgl.end(), [](MatchGroup& mg1, MatchGroup& mg2){
      if (mg1.getGroupNumber() < mg2.getGroupNumber()) return true;
      return false;

  // prepare a subheader if we are in KO-rounds
  QString subHeader = QString();
  if ((mgl.size() == 1) && (mgl.at(0).getGroupNumber() > 0))
    subHeader = GuiHelpers::groupNumToLongString(mgl.at(0).getGroupNumber());

  upSimpleReport result = createEmptyReport_Portrait();
  QString repName = cat.getName() + tr(" -- Results of Round ") + QString::number(round);
  setHeaderAndHeadline(result.get(), repName, subHeader);

  // print a warning if the round is incomplete
  CatRoundStatus crs = cat.getRoundStatus();
  if (round > crs.getFinishedRoundsCount())
    result->writeLine(tr("Note: the round is not finished yet; results are incomplete."), "", 1.0);

  // print the results of each match group
  for (MatchGroup mg : mgl)
    int grpNum = mg.getGroupNumber();

    // print a header if we are in round-robin rounds
    if (grpNum > 0)
      printIntermediateHeader(result, GuiHelpers::groupNumToLongString(grpNum));

    // print each finished match
    MatchList ml = mg.getMatches();
    std::sort(ml.begin(), ml.end(), [](Match& m1, Match& m2){
      return (m1.getMatchNumber() < m2.getMatchNumber());
    printMatchList(result, ml, PlayerPairList(), GuiHelpers::groupNumToLongString(grpNum) + tr(" (cont.)"), true, false);

  // set header and footer
  setHeaderAndFooter(result, repName);

  return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: create_kyradat.cpp プロジェクト: peres/scummvm
MatchList filterLanguageMatches(const int lang, const MatchList &input) {
	std::list<ExtractMap::const_iterator> result;

	for (MatchList::const_iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); ++i) {
		if ((*i)->second.desc.lang == lang)

	return result;
コード例 #4
upSimpleReport MatchResultList_ByGroup::regenerateReport()
  // collect the match groups with the requested match group number and
  // search in all rounds
  MatchMngr mm{db};
  MatchGroupList mgl = mm.getMatchGroupsForCat(cat);
  MatchGroupList filteredList;
  for (MatchGroup mg: mgl)
    if (mg.getGroupNumber() == grpNum) filteredList.push_back(mg);

  // sort match groups by round number
  if (filteredList.size() > 1)
    std::sort(filteredList.begin(), filteredList.end(), [](MatchGroup& mg1, MatchGroup& mg2){
      if (mg1.getRound() < mg2.getRound()) return true;
      return false;

  upSimpleReport result = createEmptyReport_Portrait();
  QString repName = cat.getName() + tr(" -- Results of Group ") + QString::number(grpNum);
  setHeaderAndHeadline(result.get(), repName);

  for (MatchGroup mg : filteredList)
    int round = mg.getRound();
    printIntermediateHeader(result, tr("Round ") + QString::number(round));

    MatchList maList = mg.getMatches();
    std::sort(maList.begin(), maList.end(), [](Match& ma1, Match& ma2)
      return ma1.getMatchNumber() < ma2.getMatchNumber();

    printMatchList(result, maList, PlayerPairList(), tr("Results of round ") + QString::number(round) + tr(" (cont.)"), true, false);

    if (mg.getState() != STAT_MG_FINISHED)
      result->writeLine(tr("Note: this round is not finished yet; results for this group can be incomplete."));


  // set header and footer
  setHeaderAndFooter(result, repName);

  return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: archive.cpp プロジェクト: jvprat/residual
void SearchSet::addSubDirectoriesMatching(const FSNode &directory, String origPattern, bool ignoreCase, int priority) {
	FSList subDirs;
	if (!directory.getChildren(subDirs))

	String nextPattern, pattern;
	String::const_iterator sep = Common::find(origPattern.begin(), origPattern.end(), '/');
	if (sep != origPattern.end()) {
		pattern = String(origPattern.begin(), sep);

		if (sep != origPattern.end())
			nextPattern = String(sep, origPattern.end());
	else {
		pattern = origPattern;

	// TODO: The code we have for displaying all matches, which vary only in case, might
	// be a bit overhead, but as long as we want to display all useful information to the
	// user we will need to keep track of all directory names added so far. We might
	// want to reconsider this though.
	typedef HashMap<String, bool, IgnoreCase_Hash, IgnoreCase_EqualTo> MatchList;
	MatchList multipleMatches;
	MatchList::iterator matchIter;

	for (FSList::const_iterator i = subDirs.begin(); i != subDirs.end(); ++i) {
		String name = i->getName();

		if (Common::matchString(name.c_str(), pattern.c_str(), ignoreCase)) {
			matchIter = multipleMatches.find(name);
			if (matchIter == multipleMatches.end()) {
				multipleMatches[name] = true;
			} else {
				if (matchIter->_value) {
					warning("Clash in case for match of pattern \"%s\" found in directory \"%s\": \"%s\"", pattern.c_str(), directory.getPath().c_str(), matchIter->_key.c_str());
					matchIter->_value = false;

				warning("Clash in case for match of pattern \"%s\" found in directory \"%s\": \"%s\"", pattern.c_str(), directory.getPath().c_str(), name.c_str());

			if (nextPattern.empty())
				addDirectory(name, *i, priority);
				addSubDirectoriesMatching(*i, nextPattern, ignoreCase, priority);
コード例 #6
ファイル: estimation.cpp プロジェクト: HongtaoYang/x-inf3a
Homography meanHomography(const Array<Feat>& feats1,const Array<Feat>& feats2,const MatchList& matches) {
    int nb=int(matches.size());
    Matrix<double> A(2*nb,8);
    Vector<double> B(2*nb);
    int k=0;
    // Completer: remplir A et B pour que H verifie AH=B
    for (MatchList::const_iterator it=matches.begin(); it!=matches.end(); k++,it++) {
        Vec2 m1=feats1[it->first].pos;
        Vec2 m2=feats2[it->second].pos;
        // ...
    Matrix<double> C=pseudoInverse(A);	// Moindres carr�s
    if(norm(C)==0)	// non invertible
        return Homography(0.);
    Vector<double> H=C*B;
    return Homography(H.data());	// Painlesss Vector -> FVector conversion
コード例 #7
ファイル: create_kyradat.cpp プロジェクト: peres/scummvm
bool getExtractionData(const Game *g, Search &search, ExtractMap &map) {
	SearchMap searchMap;

	const int *needList = getNeedList(g);
	if (!needList) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No entry need list available\n");
		return false;

	if (!setupSearch(g, needList, search, searchMap))
		return false;

	// Process the data search
	Search::ResultList results;

	if (results.empty()) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't find any required data\n");
		return false;

	ExtractMap temporaryExtractMap;
	for (const int *entry = needList; *entry != -1; ++entry) {
		typedef std::pair<SearchMap::const_iterator, SearchMap::const_iterator> KeyRange;
		KeyRange idRange = searchMap.equal_range(*entry);

		for (Search::ResultList::const_iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) {
			for (SearchMap::const_iterator j = idRange.first; j != idRange.second; ++j) {
				if (j->second.hint == i->data)
					temporaryExtractMap.insert(ExtractMapEntry(*entry, ExtractData(j->second, i->offset)));

	// Free up some memory

	bool result = true;

	for (const int *entry = needList; *entry != -1; ++entry) {
		MatchList possibleMatches = filterPlatformMatches(g, temporaryExtractMap.equal_range(*entry));

		if (possibleMatches.empty()) {
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No entry found for id %d/%s\n", *entry, getIdString(*entry));
			result = false;

		if (isLangSpecific(*entry)) {
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
				if (g->lang[i] == -1)

				MatchList langMatches = filterLanguageMatches(g->lang[i], possibleMatches);
				MatchList::const_iterator bestMatch = filterOutBestMatch(langMatches);

				if (bestMatch == langMatches.end()) {
					// TODO: Add nice language name to output message.
					fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No entry found for id %d/%s for language %d\n", *entry, getIdString(*entry), g->lang[i]);
					result = false;

				if (((*bestMatch)->second.desc.platform != kPlatformUnknown && (*bestMatch)->second.desc.platform != g->platform))
					printf("%s: %.8X %.8X %d %d\n", getIdString(*entry), (*bestMatch)->second.desc.hint.size, (*bestMatch)->second.desc.hint.byteSum, (*bestMatch)->second.desc.lang, (*bestMatch)->second.desc.platform);

		} else {
			MatchList::const_iterator bestMatch = filterOutBestMatch(possibleMatches);

			if (bestMatch == possibleMatches.end()) {
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No entry found for id %d/%s\n", *entry, getIdString(*entry));
				result = false;

			if (((*bestMatch)->second.desc.platform != kPlatformUnknown && (*bestMatch)->second.desc.platform != g->platform))
				printf("%s: %.8X %.8X %d %d\n", getIdString(*entry), (*bestMatch)->second.desc.hint.size, (*bestMatch)->second.desc.hint.byteSum, (*bestMatch)->second.desc.lang, (*bestMatch)->second.desc.platform);


	return result;