コード例 #1
// func: multiply the SNP array list with the parameter matrix
void multi_array_list_matrix(array<float *, NUM_CHR> * input_pointer, Matrix matrix_para, float * result)
	long int dimension1 = matrix_para.get_dimension1();
	long int dimension2 = matrix_para.get_dimension2();
	for(int i=0; i<dimension1; i++)
		result[i] = 0;
		long int count = 0;
		for(int j=0; j<NUM_CHR; j++)  // across all the chromosomes
			for(long k=0; k<snp_name_list[j].size(); k++)			// TODO: this is to be corrected, as we don't want to see global variables here
				float var = (*input_pointer)[j][k];
				float par = matrix_para.get(i, count);
				result[i] += var * par;
				count ++;
		// we have not yet considered the intercept term by now
		float par = matrix_para.get(i, dimension2 - 1);				// we do have the intercept term here
		result[i] += par;

コード例 #2
// inter layer 2: first input layer is simply a list
// pseudo: [ \sum w5 * (expected rpkm - real rpkm) ] * g'(w4 * x2) * x2
void backward_error_prop_inter_layer_2(float * error_list, Matrix matrix_para_second, Matrix matrix_para_dev_first, float * hidden, float * input)
	long int dimension2 = matrix_para_second.get_dimension2();
	for(long int i=0; i<dimension2 - 1; i++)							// the intercept term is not evaluated in back propogation
		long int dimension1 = matrix_para_second.get_dimension1();
		float temp = 0;
		for(int t=0; t<dimension1; t++)
			float par = matrix_para_second.get(t, i);
			temp += par * error_list[t];
		temp *= neuralnet_ac_func_dev(hidden[i]);
		long int dimension3 = matrix_para_dev_first.get_dimension2();
		for(long int j=0; j<dimension3; j++)
			if(j == dimension3 - 1)										// we do have the intercept term here
				matrix_para_dev_first.add_on(i, j, 1 * temp);

			float var = input[j];
			matrix_para_dev_first.add_on(i, j, var * temp);

コード例 #3
// func: do the gradient descent for this parameter matrix
//		with: beta = beta - rate * dev
void para_gradient_descent(Matrix matrix_para, Matrix matrix_para_dev, float rate)
	long int dimension1 = matrix_para.get_dimension1();
	long int dimension2 = matrix_para.get_dimension2();

	for(long int i=0; i<dimension1; i++)
		for(long int j=0; j<dimension2; j++)
			float dev = matrix_para_dev.get(i, j);
			matrix_para.add_on(i, j, - rate * dev);

コード例 #4
//============================================ abstract functions =================================================
// func: multiplay the var array with the parameter matrix to get the result
// input: variable array; parameter matrix
// output: result variable array
void multi_array_matrix(float * input, Matrix matrix_para, float * result)
	long int dimension1 = matrix_para.get_dimension1();
	long int dimension2 = matrix_para.get_dimension2();

	for(long int i=0; i< dimension1; i++)
		result[i] = 0;
		for(long int j=0; j<dimension2-1; j++)
			float para = matrix_para.get(i, j);
			result[i] += input[j] * para;
		result[i] += 1 * matrix_para.get(i, dimension2 - 1);		// here we do have the regression intercept term

コード例 #5
//============================================ task specific functions =================================================
// func: add the LASSO penalty term in the matrix_para_dev; destroy type
//		the matrix_para is used to calculate the derivative term, that will be added to the matrix_para_dev
void para_penalty_lasso_approx(Matrix matrix_para, Matrix matrix_para_dev, float lambda, float sigma)
	long int dimension1 = matrix_para.get_dimension1();
	long int dimension2 = matrix_para.get_dimension2();

	for(int i=0; i<dimension1; i++)
		for(int j=0; j<dimension2; j++)
			/// the value of current para beta:
			float beta = matrix_para.get(i, j);
			/// the derivative of the beta:
			float derivative = beta / sqrt (beta * beta + sigma);  // this is an approximation of the LASSO regularization
			/// and the value of its derivative should be added with that derivative term for regularization:
			matrix_para_dev.add_on(i, j, lambda * derivative);

コード例 #6
// pseudo: (expected rpkm - real rpkm) * cell_env
// pseudo: (expected rpkm - real rpkm) * hidden batch
void backward_error_prop_last_layer(Matrix matrix_para_dev, float * error_list, float * input)
	long int dimension1 = matrix_para_dev.get_dimension1();
	long int dimension2 = matrix_para_dev.get_dimension2();

	for(long int i=0; i<dimension1; i++)
		float error = error_list[i];
		for(long int j=0; j<dimension2; j++)
			if(j == dimension2 - 1)								// we do have the intercept term
				matrix_para_dev.add_on(i, j, 1 * error);

			float value = input[j];
			matrix_para_dev.add_on(i, j, value * error);

コード例 #7
// inter layer 1: first input layer is the linked list -- cis- parameters
// pseudo: [ \sum w3 * (expected rpkm - real rpkm) ] * g'(w2 * x1) * x1
// NOTE: the only difference between 1 and 2 is the input (list of lists, or simply list)
void backward_error_prop_inter_layer_1(float * error_list, Matrix matrix_para_second, Matrix matrix_para_dev_first, float * hidden, array<float *, NUM_CHR> * input_pointer)
	// // DEBUG: maybe I want to check the backpropogated errors, so I keep a sample here
	// //===========================================================================================
	// //===========================================================================================
 //    FILE * file_out1 = fopen("../temp_data/error_cellenv_1.txt", "w+");
 //    if(file_out1 == NULL)
 //    {
 //        fputs("File error\n", stderr); exit(1);
 //    }
	// FILE * file_out2 = fopen("../temp_data/error_cellenv_2.txt", "w+");
	// if(file_out2 == NULL)
	// {
	// 	fputs("File error\n", stderr); exit(1);
	// }
	// //===========================================================================================
	// //===========================================================================================

	// // DEBUG
	// char buf[1024];

	long int dimension2 = matrix_para_second.get_dimension2();
	for(long int i=0; i<dimension2 - 1; i++)							// the intercept term is not evaluated in back propogation
		long int dimension1 = matrix_para_second.get_dimension1();
		float temp = 0;
		for(int t=0; t<dimension1; t++)
			float par = matrix_para_second.get(t, i);
			temp += par * error_list[t];

		// // DEBUG
		// // save the back-propogated errors to the file, and check
		// sprintf(buf, "%f\n", temp);
		// fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), strlen(buf), file_out1);

		temp *= neuralnet_ac_func_dev(hidden[i]);

		// // DEBUG
		// // save the back-propogated errors to the file, and check
		// sprintf(buf, "%f\n", temp);
		// fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), strlen(buf), file_out2);

		long int dimension3 = matrix_para_dev_first.get_dimension2();
		long int count = 0;
		for(int j=0; j<NUM_CHR; j++)
			for(long k=0; k<snp_name_list[j].size(); k++)				// TODO: we don't want global variables visiable here!!!
				float var = (*input_pointer)[j][k];
				matrix_para_dev_first.add_on(i, count, var * temp);
				count ++;
		matrix_para_dev_first.add_on(i, dimension3 - 1, 1 * temp);		// we do have the intercept term here


	// // DEBUG
	// //===========================================================================================
	// //===========================================================================================
	// fclose(file_out1);
	// fclose(file_out2);
	// //===========================================================================================
	// //===========================================================================================
