コード例 #1
 Matrix4 ScaleModelviewModifier::GetModelviewMatrix() const {
     if (!m_prevModifier) {
         return Matrix4::DoScale(m_scale);
     Matrix4 prevMatrix = m_prevModifier->GetModelviewMatrix();
     Matrix4 newMatrix = prevMatrix.Scale(m_scale);
     return newMatrix;
コード例 #2
bool Gizmo::Manipulate(const Camera* camera, const ea::vector<WeakPtr<Node>>& nodes)
    if (nodes.empty())
        return false;


    if (!IsActive())
        if (nodes.size() > 1)
            // Find center point of all nodes
            // It is not clear what should be rotation and scale of center point for multiselection, therefore we limit
            // multiselection operations to world space (see above).
            center = Vector3::ZERO;
            auto count = 0;
            for (const auto& node: nodes)
                if (node.Expired() || node->GetType() == Scene::GetTypeStatic())
                center += node->GetWorldPosition();

            if (count == 0)
                return false;

            center /= count;
        else if (!nodes.front().Expired())
            currentOrigin_ = nodes.front()->GetTransform().ToMatrix4();

    // Enums are compatible.
    auto operation = static_cast<ImGuizmo::OPERATION>(operation_);
    ImGuizmo::MODE mode = ImGuizmo::WORLD;
    // Scaling only works in local space. Multiselections only work in world space.
    if (transformSpace_ == TS_LOCAL)
        mode = ImGuizmo::LOCAL;
    else if (transformSpace_ == TS_WORLD)
        mode = ImGuizmo::WORLD;

    // Scaling is always done in local space even for multiselections.
    if (operation_ == GIZMOOP_SCALE)
        mode = ImGuizmo::LOCAL;
        // Any other operations on multiselections are done in world space.
    else if (nodes.size() > 1)
        mode = ImGuizmo::WORLD;

    Matrix4 view = camera->GetView().ToMatrix4().Transpose();
    Matrix4 proj = camera->GetProjection().Transpose();
    Matrix4 tran = currentOrigin_.Transpose();
    Matrix4 delta;

    ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();

    auto pos = displayPos_;
    auto size = displaySize_;
    if (size.x == 0 && size.y == 0)
        size = io.DisplaySize;
    ImGuizmo::SetRect(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y);
    ImGuizmo::Manipulate(&view.m00_, &proj.m00_, operation, mode, &tran.m00_, &delta.m00_, nullptr);

    if (IsActive())
        if (!wasActive_)
            // Just started modifying nodes.
            for (const auto& node: nodes)
                initialTransforms_[node] = node->GetTransform();

        wasActive_ = true;
        tran = tran.Transpose();
        delta = delta.Transpose();

        currentOrigin_ = Matrix4(tran);

        for (const auto& node: nodes)
            if (node == nullptr)
                URHO3D_LOGERROR("Gizmo received null pointer of node.");

            if (operation_ == GIZMOOP_SCALE)
                // A workaround for ImGuizmo bug where delta matrix returns absolute scale value.
                if (!nodeScaleStart_.contains(node))
                    nodeScaleStart_[node] = node->GetScale();
                node->SetScale(nodeScaleStart_[node] * delta.Scale());
                // Delta matrix is always in world-space.
                if (operation_ == GIZMOOP_ROTATE)
                    node->RotateAround(currentOrigin_.Translation(), -delta.Rotation(), TS_WORLD);
                    node->Translate(delta.Translation(), TS_WORLD);

        return true;
        if (wasActive_)
            // Just finished modifying nodes.
            using namespace GizmoNodeModified;
            for (const auto& node: nodes)
                if (node.Expired())
                    URHO3D_LOGWARNINGF("Node expired while manipulating it with gizmo.");

                auto it = initialTransforms_.find(node.Get());
                if (it == initialTransforms_.end())
                    URHO3D_LOGWARNINGF("Gizmo has no record of initial node transform. List of transformed nodes "
                        "changed mid-manipulation?");

                SendEvent(E_GIZMONODEMODIFIED, P_NODE, node.Get(), P_OLDTRANSFORM, it->second,
                    P_NEWTRANSFORM, node->GetTransform());
        wasActive_ = false;
        if (operation_ == GIZMOOP_SCALE && !nodeScaleStart_.empty())
    return false;