コード例 #1
void LinAlgOpPack::V_InvMtV(
  DVector* y, const MatrixOpNonsing& M
  ,BLAS_Cpp::Transp M_trans, const DVectorSlice& x
  using BLAS_Cpp::trans;
  using AbstractLinAlgPack::VectorDenseMutableEncap;
    ay = ( M_trans == trans ? M.space_cols() : M.space_rows() ).create_member(),
    ax = ( M_trans == trans ? M.space_rows() : M.space_cols() ).create_member();
  (VectorDenseMutableEncap(*ax))() = x;
  AbstractLinAlgPack::V_InvMtV( ay.get(), M, M_trans, *ax );
  *y = VectorDenseMutableEncap(*ay)();
コード例 #2
bool MatrixOpNonsingTester::test_matrix(
  const MatrixOpNonsing   &M
  ,const char                     M_name[]
  ,std::ostream                   *out
  namespace rcp = MemMngPack;
  using BLAS_Cpp::no_trans;
  using BLAS_Cpp::trans;
  using BLAS_Cpp::left;
  using BLAS_Cpp::right;
  using AbstractLinAlgPack::sum;
  using AbstractLinAlgPack::dot;
  using AbstractLinAlgPack::Vp_StV;
  using AbstractLinAlgPack::assert_print_nan_inf;
  using AbstractLinAlgPack::random_vector;
  using LinAlgOpPack::V_StMtV;
  using LinAlgOpPack::V_MtV;
  using LinAlgOpPack::V_StV;
  using LinAlgOpPack::V_VpV;
  using LinAlgOpPack::Vp_V;
  // ToDo: Check the preconditions
  bool success = true, result, lresult;
  const value_type
    rand_y_l  = -1.0,
    rand_y_u  = 1.0,
    small_num = ::pow(std::numeric_limits<value_type>::epsilon(),0.25),
    alpha     = 2.0;
  // Perform the tests

  if(out && print_tests() >= PRINT_BASIC)
      << "\nCheck: alpha*op(op(inv("<<M_name<<"))*op("<<M_name<<"))*v == alpha*v ...";
  if(out && print_tests() > PRINT_BASIC)
    *out << std::endl;

    v_c1 = M.space_cols().create_member(),
    v_c2 = M.space_cols().create_member(),
    v_r1 = M.space_rows().create_member(),
    v_r2 = M.space_rows().create_member();

  // Side of the matrix inverse	
  const BLAS_Cpp::Side    a_side[2]  = { BLAS_Cpp::left,     BLAS_Cpp::right };
  // If the matrices are transposed or not
  const BLAS_Cpp::Transp  a_trans[2] = { BLAS_Cpp::no_trans, BLAS_Cpp::trans };

  for( int side_i = 0; side_i < 2; ++side_i ) {
    for( int trans_i = 0; trans_i < 2; ++trans_i ) {
      const BLAS_Cpp::Side    t_side  = a_side[side_i];
      const BLAS_Cpp::Transp  t_trans = a_trans[trans_i];
      if(out && print_tests() >= PRINT_MORE)
          << "\n" << side_i+1 << "." << trans_i+1 << ") "
          << "Check: (t2 = "<<(t_side==left?"inv(":"alpha * ")<< M_name<<(t_trans==trans?"\'":"")<<(t_side==left?")":"")
          << " * (t1 = "<<(t_side==right?"inv(":"alpha * ")<<M_name<<(t_trans==trans?"\'":"")<<(t_side==right?")":"")
          << " * v)) == alpha * v ...";
      if(out && print_tests() > PRINT_MORE)
        *out << std::endl;
      result = true;
        *v  = NULL,
        *t1 = NULL,
        *t2 = NULL;
      if( (t_side == left && t_trans == no_trans) || (t_side == right && t_trans == trans) ) {
        // (inv(R)*R*v or R'*inv(R')*v
        v  = v_r1.get();
        t1 = v_c1.get();
        t2 = v_r2.get();
      else {
        // (inv(R')*R'*v or R*inv(R)*v
        v  = v_c1.get();
        t1 = v_r1.get();
        t2 = v_c2.get();
      for( int k = 1; k <= num_random_tests(); ++k ) {
        lresult = true;
        random_vector( rand_y_l, rand_y_u, v );
          if(out && print_tests() >= PRINT_ALL) {
            << "\n"<<side_i+1<<"."<<trans_i+1<<"."<<k<<") random vector " << k
            << " ( ||v||_1 / n = " << (v->norm_1() / v->dim()) << " )\n";
          if(dump_all() && print_tests() >= PRINT_ALL)
            *out << "\nv =\n" << *v;
        // t1
        if( t_side == right ) {
          // t1 = inv(op(M))*v
          V_InvMtV( t1, M, t_trans, *v );
        else {
          // t1 = alpha*op(M)*v
          V_StMtV( t1, alpha, M, t_trans, *v );
        // t2
        if( t_side == left ) {
          // t2 = inv(op(M))*t1
          V_InvMtV( t2, M, t_trans, *t1 );
        else {
          // t2 = alpha*op(M)*t1
          V_StMtV( t2, alpha, M, t_trans, *t1 );
        const value_type
          sum_t2  = sum(*t2),
          sum_av  = alpha*sum(*v);
        assert_print_nan_inf(sum_t2, "sum(t2)",true,out);
        assert_print_nan_inf(sum_av, "sum(alpha*t1)",true,out);
        const value_type
          calc_err = ::fabs( ( sum_av - sum_t2 )
                     /( ::fabs(sum_av) + ::fabs(sum_t2) + small_num ) );
        if(out && print_tests() >= PRINT_ALL)
            << "\nrel_err(sum(alpha*v),sum(t2)) = "
            << "rel_err(" << sum_av << "," << sum_t2 << ") = "
            << calc_err << std::endl;
        if( calc_err >= warning_tol() ) {
          if(out && print_tests() >= PRINT_ALL)
              << std::endl
              << ( calc_err >= error_tol() ? "Error" : "Warning" )
              << ", rel_err(sum(alpha*v),sum(t2)) = "
              << "rel_err(" << sum_av << "," << sum_t2 << ") = "
              << calc_err
              << " exceeded "
              << ( calc_err >= error_tol() ? "error_tol" : "warning_tol" )
              << " = "
              << ( calc_err >= error_tol() ? error_tol() : warning_tol() )
              << std::endl;
          if(calc_err >= error_tol()) {
            if(dump_all() && print_tests() >= PRINT_ALL) {
              *out << "\nalpha = " << alpha << std::endl;
              *out << "\nv =\n"    << *v;
              *out << "\nt1 =\n"   << *t2;
              *out << "\nt2 =\n"   << *t2;
            lresult = false;
        if(!lresult) result = false;
      if(!result) success = false;
      if( out && print_tests() == PRINT_MORE )
        *out << " : " << ( result ? "passed" : "failed" )
           << std::endl;

  if( out && print_tests() == PRINT_BASIC )
    *out << " : " << ( success ? "passed" : "failed" );

  return success;