コード例 #1
ファイル: DrawInstanced.cpp プロジェクト: Geo12/osgearth
DrawInstanced::convertGraphToUseDrawInstanced( osg::Group* parent )
    // place a static bounding sphere on the graph since we intend to alter
    // the structure of the subgraph.
    const osg::BoundingSphere& bs = parent->getBound();
    parent->setComputeBoundingSphereCallback( new StaticBound(bs) );

    ModelNodeMatrices models;

    // collect the matrices for all the MT's under the parent. Obviously this assumes
    // a particular scene graph structure.
    for( unsigned i=0; i < parent->getNumChildren(); ++i )
        // each MT in the group parents the same child.
        osg::MatrixTransform* mt = dynamic_cast<osg::MatrixTransform*>( parent->getChild(i) );
        if ( mt )
            // we have to deep-copy the primitives because we're going to convert them
            // to use draw-instancing.
            osg::Node* n = mt->getChild(0);
            models[n].push_back( mt->getMatrix() );

    // get rid of the old matrix transforms.
    parent->removeChildren(0, parent->getNumChildren());

    // maximum size of a slice.
    unsigned maxTexSize   = POSTEX_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE;
    unsigned maxSliceSize = (maxTexSize*maxTexSize)/4; // 4 vec4s per matrix.

    // For each model:
    for( ModelNodeMatrices::iterator i = models.begin(); i != models.end(); ++i )
        osg::Node*                node     = i->first.get();
        std::vector<osg::Matrix>& matrices = i->second;

        // calculate the overall bounding box for the model:
        osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor cbv;
        node->accept( cbv );
        const osg::BoundingBox& nodeBox = cbv.getBoundingBox();

        osg::BoundingBox bbox;
        for( std::vector<osg::Matrix>::iterator m = matrices.begin(); m != matrices.end(); ++m )
            osg::Matrix& matrix = *m;
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(0) * matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(1) * matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(2) * matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(3) * matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(4) * matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(5) * matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(6) * matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(7) * matrix);

        // calculate slice count and sizes:
        unsigned sliceSize = std::min(matrices.size(), (size_t)maxSliceSize);
        unsigned numSlices = matrices.size() / maxSliceSize;
        unsigned lastSliceSize = matrices.size() % maxSliceSize;
        if ( lastSliceSize == 0 )
            lastSliceSize = sliceSize;

        // Convert the node's primitive sets to use "draw-instanced" rendering; at the
        // same time, assign our computed bounding box as the static bounds for all
        // geometries. (As DI's they cannot report bounds naturally.)
        ConvertToDrawInstanced cdi(sliceSize, bbox, true);
        node->accept( cdi );

        // If the number of instances is not an exact multiple of the number of slices,
        // replicate the node so we can draw a difference instance count in the final group.
        osg::Node* lastNode = node;
        if ( numSlices > 1 && lastSliceSize < sliceSize )
            // clone, but only make copies of necessary things
            lastNode = osg::clone(
                osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_NODES | osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_DRAWABLES | osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_PRIMITIVES );

            ConvertToDrawInstanced cdi(lastSliceSize, bbox, false);
            lastNode->accept( cdi );

        // Assign matrix vectors to the nodes, so the application can easily retrieve
        // the original position data if necessary.
        MatrixRefVector* nodeMats = new MatrixRefVector();
        nodeMats->reserve(lastNode != node ? sliceSize*(numSlices-1) : sliceSize*numSlices);

        // ...and a separate one for lastNode if necessary
        MatrixRefVector* lastNodeMats = 0L;
        if (lastNode != node)
            lastNodeMats = new MatrixRefVector();

        // Next, break the rendering down into "slices". GLSL will only support a limited
        // amount of pre-instance uniform data, so we have to portion the graph out into
        // slices of no more than this chunk size.
        for( unsigned slice = 0; slice < numSlices; ++slice )
            unsigned   offset      = slice * sliceSize;
            unsigned   currentSize = slice == numSlices-1 ? lastSliceSize : sliceSize;
            osg::Node* currentNode = slice == numSlices-1 ? lastNode      : node;

            // this group is simply a container for the uniform:
            osg::Group* sliceGroup = new osg::Group();

            // calculate the ideal texture size for this slice:
            osg::Vec2f texSize = calculateIdealTextureSize(currentSize, maxTexSize);
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "size = " << currentSize << ", tex = " << texSize.x() << ", " << texSize.y() << std::endl;

            // sampler that will hold the instance matrices:
            osg::Image* image = new osg::Image();
            image->allocateImage( (int)texSize.x(), (int)texSize.y(), 1, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT );

            osg::Texture2D* postex = new osg::Texture2D( image );
            postex->setInternalFormat( GL_RGBA16F_ARB );
            postex->setFilter( osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture::NEAREST );
            postex->setFilter( osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture::NEAREST );
            postex->setWrap( osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture::CLAMP );
            postex->setWrap( osg::Texture::WRAP_T, osg::Texture::CLAMP );
            postex->setUnRefImageDataAfterApply( true );
            if ( !ImageUtils::isPowerOfTwo(image) )
                postex->setResizeNonPowerOfTwoHint( false );

            // Tell the SG to skip the positioning texture.
            ShaderGenerator::setIgnoreHint(postex, true);

            osg::StateSet* stateset = sliceGroup->getOrCreateStateSet();
            stateset->setTextureAttributeAndModes(POSTEX_TEXTURE_UNIT, postex, 1);
            stateset->getOrCreateUniform("oe_di_postex_size", osg::Uniform::FLOAT_VEC2)->set(texSize);

            // could use PixelWriter but we know the format.
            GLfloat* ptr = reinterpret_cast<GLfloat*>( image->data() );
            for(unsigned m=0; m<currentSize; ++m)
                const osg::Matrixf& mat = matrices[offset + m];
                for(int col=0; col<4; ++col)
                    for(int row=0; row<4; ++row)
                        *ptr++ = mat(row,col);

                // store them int the metadata as well
                if (currentNode == node)

            // add the node as a child:
            sliceGroup->addChild( currentNode );

            parent->addChild( sliceGroup );
コード例 #2
ファイル: DrawInstanced.cpp プロジェクト: ldelgass/osgearth
DrawInstanced::convertGraphToUseDrawInstanced( osg::Group* parent )
    if ( !Registry::capabilities().supportsDrawInstanced() )
        return false;

    // place a static bounding sphere on the graph since we intend to alter
    // the structure of the subgraph.
    const osg::BoundingSphere& bs = parent->getBound();

    ModelInstanceMap models;

    // collect the matrices for all the MT's under the parent. Obviously this assumes
    // a particular scene graph structure.
    for( unsigned i=0; i < parent->getNumChildren(); ++i )
        // each MT in the group parents the same child.
        osg::MatrixTransform* mt = dynamic_cast<osg::MatrixTransform*>( parent->getChild(i) );
        if ( mt )
            osg::Node* n = mt->getChild(0);
            //models[n].push_back( mt->getMatrix() );

            ModelInstance instance;
            instance.matrix = mt->getMatrix();

            // See whether the ObjectID is encoded in a uniform on the MT.
            osg::StateSet* stateSet = mt->getStateSet();
            if ( stateSet )
                osg::Uniform* uniform = stateSet->getUniform( Registry::objectIndex()->getObjectIDUniformName() );
                if ( uniform )
                    uniform->get( (unsigned&)instance.objectID );

            models[n].push_back( instance );

    // get rid of the old matrix transforms.
    parent->removeChildren(0, parent->getNumChildren());

	// This is the maximum size of the tbo 
	int maxTBOSize = Registry::capabilities().getMaxTextureBufferSize();
	// This is the total number of instances it can store
	// We will iterate below. If the number of instances is larger than the buffer can store
	// we make more tbos
	int maxTBOInstancesSize = maxTBOSize/4;// 4 vec4s per matrix.

    // For each model:
    for( ModelInstanceMap::iterator i = models.begin(); i != models.end(); ++i )
        osg::Node*                  node      = i->first.get();
        std::vector<ModelInstance>& instances = i->second;

        // calculate the overall bounding box for the model:
        osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor cbv;
        node->accept( cbv );
        const osg::BoundingBox& nodeBox = cbv.getBoundingBox();

        osg::BoundingBox bbox;
        for( std::vector<ModelInstance>::iterator m = instances.begin(); m != instances.end(); ++m )
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(0) * m->matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(1) * m->matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(2) * m->matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(3) * m->matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(4) * m->matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(5) * m->matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(6) * m->matrix);
            bbox.expandBy(nodeBox.corner(7) * m->matrix);

		unsigned tboSize = 0;
		unsigned numInstancesToStore = 0;

		if (instances.size()<maxTBOInstancesSize)
			tboSize = nextPowerOf2(instances.size());
			numInstancesToStore = instances.size();
			OE_WARN << "Number of Instances: " << instances.size() << " exceeds Number of instances TBO can store: " << maxTBOInstancesSize << std::endl;
			OE_WARN << "Storing maximum possible instances in TBO, and skipping the rest"<<std::endl;
			tboSize = maxTBOInstancesSize;
			numInstancesToStore = maxTBOInstancesSize;
        // Convert the node's primitive sets to use "draw-instanced" rendering; at the
        // same time, assign our computed bounding box as the static bounds for all
        // geometries. (As DI's they cannot report bounds naturally.)
        ConvertToDrawInstanced cdi(numInstancesToStore, bbox, true);
        node->accept( cdi );
        // Assign matrix vectors to the node, so the application can easily retrieve
        // the original position data if necessary.
        MatrixRefVector* nodeMats = new MatrixRefVector();

        // this group is simply a container for the uniform:
        osg::Group* instanceGroup = new osg::Group();

        // sampler that will hold the instance matrices:
        osg::Image* image = new osg::Image();
		image->allocateImage( tboSize*4, 1, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT );

		// could use PixelWriter but we know the format.
		// Note: we are building a transposed matrix because it makes the decoding easier in the shader.
		GLfloat* ptr = reinterpret_cast<GLfloat*>( image->data() );
		for(unsigned m=0; m<numInstancesToStore; ++m)
			ModelInstance& i = instances[m];
			const osg::Matrixf& mat = i.matrix;

			// copy the first 3 columns:
			for(int col=0; col<3; ++col)
				for(int row=0; row<4; ++row)
					*ptr++ = mat(row,col);

			// encode the ObjectID in the last column, which is always (0,0,0,1)
			// in a standard scale/rot/trans matrix. We will reinstate it in the 
			// shader after extracting the object ID.
			*ptr++ = (float)((i.objectID      ) & 0xff);
			*ptr++ = (float)((i.objectID >>  8) & 0xff);
			*ptr++ = (float)((i.objectID >> 16) & 0xff);
			*ptr++ = (float)((i.objectID >> 24) & 0xff);

			// store them int the metadata as well

        osg::TextureBuffer* posTBO = new osg::TextureBuffer;
        posTBO->setInternalFormat( GL_RGBA32F_ARB );
        posTBO->setUnRefImageDataAfterApply( true );

        // so the TBO will serialize properly.

        // Tell the SG to skip the positioning texture.
        ShaderGenerator::setIgnoreHint(posTBO, true);

        osg::StateSet* stateset = instanceGroup->getOrCreateStateSet();
        stateset->setTextureAttribute(POSTEX_TBO_UNIT, posTBO);

		// add the node as a child:
        instanceGroup->addChild( node );

        parent->addChild( instanceGroup );

        //OE_INFO << LC << "ConvertToDI: instances=" << numInstancesToStore << "\n";

    return true;