コード例 #1
void NeighbourJoining::configure(const MatrixXf& D, MatrixXf& currentD, MatrixXi& rowsID, int numOccupiedNodes) {
	numObservableNodes = rowsID.rows();
	numCurrentNodes = numObservableNodes;

	//allocates memory for the latent nodes
	rowsID.conservativeResize((2 * numObservableNodes - 2), 1);

	//gives latent nodes IDs
	for (int i = numObservableNodes; i < 2 * numObservableNodes - 2; ++i) {
		rowsID(i) = i + numOccupiedNodes;
	sort(rowsID.data(), rowsID.data() + rowsID.size());
	//cout << "rowsID after sort:" << rowsID.transpose();	cout << endl;

	//copies distances of selected Nodes
	int offseti = 0;	int offsetj = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < numObservableNodes; ++i) {
		while (rowsID(i) != i + offseti)
		offsetj = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < numObservableNodes; ++j) {
			while (rowsID(j) != j + offsetj)
			currentD(i, j) = D(i + offseti, j + offsetj);
			currentD(j, i) = currentD(i, j);
	//cout << "copied matrix: " << endl;		printMatrix(currentD);
コード例 #2
ファイル: example.cpp プロジェクト: JianpingCAI/libigl
// Read a surface mesh from a {.obj|.off|.mesh} files
// Inputs:
//   mesh_filename  path to {.obj|.off|.mesh} file
// Outputs:
//   V  #V by 3 list of mesh vertex positions
//   F  #F by 3 list of triangle indices
// Returns true only if successfuly able to read file
bool load_mesh_from_file(
  const std::string mesh_filename,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & V,
  Eigen::MatrixXi & F)
  using namespace std;
  using namespace igl;
  using namespace Eigen;
  string dirname, basename, extension, filename;
  transform(extension.begin(), extension.end(), extension.begin(), ::tolower);
  bool success = false;
  if(extension == "obj")
    success = readOBJ(mesh_filename,V,F);
  }else if(extension == "off")
    success = readOFF(mesh_filename,V,F);
  }else if(extension == "mesh")
    // Unused Tets read from .mesh file
    MatrixXi Tets;
    success = readMESH(mesh_filename,V,Tets,F);
    // We're not going to use any input tets. Only the surface
    if(Tets.size() > 0 && F.size() == 0)
      // If Tets read, but no faces then use surface of tet volume
      // Rearrange vertices so that faces come first
      VectorXi IM;
      // Dont' bother reordering Tets, but this is how one would:
      //Tets = 
      //  Tets.unaryExpr(bind1st(mem_fun( static_cast<VectorXi::Scalar&
      //  (VectorXi::*)(VectorXi::Index)>(&VectorXi::operator())),
      //  &IM)).eval();
      // Don't throw away any interior vertices, since user may want weights
      // there
    cerr<<"Error: Unknown shape file format extension: ."<<extension<<endl;
    return false;
  return success;
コード例 #3
MatrixXf CharacterController::GenerateXapv(const std::vector<int> &activeParts)
	// pvDim without
	auto& allClipinfo = m_cpxClipinfo;
	auto& pvFacade = allClipinfo.PvFacade;
	int pvDim = pvFacade.GetAllPartDimension();
	assert(pvDim > 0);

	MatrixXf Xabpv(allClipinfo.ClipFrames(), size(activeParts) * pvDim);

	ArrayXi incX(pvDim);
	incX.setLinSpaced(0, pvDim - 1);

	MatrixXi apMask = VectorXi::Map(activeParts.data(), activeParts.size()).replicate(1, pvDim).transpose();

	apMask.array() = apMask.array() * pvDim + incX.replicate(1, apMask.cols());

	auto maskVec = VectorXi::Map(apMask.data(), apMask.size());
	selectCols(pvFacade.GetAllPartsSequence(), maskVec, &Xabpv);

	Pca<MatrixXf> pcaXabpv(Xabpv);
	int dXabpv = pcaXabpv.reducedRank(g_CharacterPcaCutoff);
	Xabpv = pcaXabpv.coordinates(dXabpv);
	XabpvT = pcaXabpv.components(dXabpv);
	uXabpv = pcaXabpv.mean();

	if (g_EnableDebugLogging)
		ofstream fout(g_CharacterAnalyzeDir / (m_pCharacter->Name + "_Xabpv.pd.csv"));
		fout << Xabpv.format(CSVFormat);


	return Xabpv;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SMRFilter.cpp プロジェクト: PDAL/PDAL
std::vector<PointId> SMRFilter::processGround(PointViewPtr view)
    log()->get(LogLevel::Info) << "processGround: Running SMRF...\n";

    // The algorithm consists of four conceptually distinct stages. The first is
    // the creation of the minimum surface (ZImin). The second is the processing
    // of the minimum surface, in which grid cells from the raster are
    // identified as either containing bare earth (BE) or objects (OBJ). This
    // second stage represents the heart of the algorithm. The third step is the
    // creation of a DEM from these gridded points. The fourth step is the
    // identification of the original LIDAR points as either BE or OBJ based on
    // their relationship to the interpolated

    std::vector<PointId> groundIdx;

    BOX2D bounds;
    SpatialReference srs(view->spatialReference());

    // Determine the number of rows and columns at the given cell size.
    m_numCols = ((bounds.maxx - bounds.minx) / m_cellSize) + 1;
    m_numRows = ((bounds.maxy - bounds.miny) / m_cellSize) + 1;

    MatrixXd cx(m_numRows, m_numCols);
    MatrixXd cy(m_numRows, m_numCols);
    for (auto c = 0; c < m_numCols; ++c)
        for (auto r = 0; r < m_numRows; ++r)
            cx(r, c) = bounds.minx + (c + 0.5) * m_cellSize;
            cy(r, c) = bounds.miny + (r + 0.5) * m_cellSize;

    // STEP 1:

    // As with many other ground filtering algorithms, the first step is
    // generation of ZImin from the cell size parameter and the extent of the
    // data. The two vectors corresponding to [min:cellSize:max] for each
    // coordinate – xi and yi – may be supplied by the user or may be easily and
    // automatically calculated from the data. Without supplied ranges, the SMRF
    // algorithm creates a raster from the ceiling of the minimum to the floor
    // of the maximum values for each of the (x,y) dimensions. If the supplied
    // cell size parameter is not an integer, the same general rule applies to
    // values evenly divisible by the cell size. For example, if cell size is
    // equal to 0.5 m, and the x values range from 52345.6 to 52545.4, the range
    // would be [52346 52545].

    // The minimum surface grid ZImin defined by vectors (xi,yi) is filled with
    // the nearest, lowest elevation from the original point cloud (x,y,z)
    // values, provided that the distance to the nearest point does not exceed
    // the supplied cell size parameter. This provision means that some grid
    // points of ZImin will go unfilled. To fill these values, we rely on
    // computationally inexpensive image inpainting techniques. Image inpainting
    // involves the replacement of the empty cells in an image (or matrix) with
    // values calculated from other nearby values. It is a type of interpolation
    // technique derived from artistic replacement of damaged portions of
    // photographs and paintings, where preservation of texture is an important
    // concern (Bertalmio et al., 2000). When empty values are spread through
    // the image, and the ratio of filled to empty pixels is quite high, most
    // methods of inpainting will produce satisfactory results. In an evaluation
    // of inpainting methods on ground identification from the final terrain
    // model, we found that Laplacian techniques produced error rates nearly
    // three times higher than either an average of the eight nearest neighbors
    // or D’Errico’s spring-metaphor inpainting technique (D’Errico, 2004). The
    // spring-metaphor technique imagines springs connecting each cell with its
    // eight adjacent neighbors, where the inpainted value corresponds to the
    // lowest energy state of the set, and where the entire (sparse) set of
    // linear equations is solved using partial differential equations. Both of
    // these latter techniques were nearly the same with regards to total error,
    // with the spring technique performing slightly better than the k-nearest
    // neighbor (KNN) approach.

    MatrixXd ZImin = eigen::createMinMatrix(*view.get(), m_numRows, m_numCols,
                                            m_cellSize, bounds);

    // MatrixXd ZImin_painted = inpaintKnn(cx, cy, ZImin);
    // MatrixXd ZImin_painted = TPS(cx, cy, ZImin);
    MatrixXd ZImin_painted = expandingTPS(cx, cy, ZImin);

    if (!m_outDir.empty())
        std::string filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("zimin.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(ZImin, filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

        filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("zimin_painted.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(ZImin_painted, filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

    ZImin = ZImin_painted;

    // STEP 2:

    // The second stage of the ground identification algorithm involves the
    // application of a progressive morphological filter to the minimum surface
    // grid (ZImin). At the first iteration, the filter applies an image opening
    // operation to the minimum surface. An opening operation consists of an
    // application of an erosion filter followed by a dilation filter. The
    // erosion acts to snap relative high values to relative lows, where a
    // supplied window radius and shape (or structuring element) defines the
    // search neighborhood. The dilation uses the same window radius and
    // structuring element, acting to outwardly expand relative highs. Fig. 2
    // illustrates an opening operation on a cross section of a transect from
    // Sample 1–1 in the ISPRS LIDAR reference dataset (Sithole and Vosselman,
    // 2003), following Zhang et al. (2003).

    // paper has low point happening later, i guess it doesn't matter too much, this is where he does it in matlab code
    MatrixXi Low = progressiveFilter(-ZImin, m_cellSize, 5.0, 1.0);

    // matlab code has net cutting occurring here
    MatrixXd ZInet = ZImin;
    MatrixXi isNetCell = MatrixXi::Zero(m_numRows, m_numCols);
    if (m_cutNet > 0.0)
        MatrixXd bigOpen = eigen::matrixOpen(ZImin, 2*std::ceil(m_cutNet / m_cellSize));
        for (auto c = 0; c < m_numCols; c += std::ceil(m_cutNet/m_cellSize))
            for (auto r = 0; r < m_numRows; ++r)
                isNetCell(r, c) = 1;
        for (auto c = 0; c < m_numCols; ++c)
            for (auto r = 0; r < m_numRows; r += std::ceil(m_cutNet/m_cellSize))
                isNetCell(r, c) = 1;
        for (auto c = 0; c < m_numCols; ++c)
            for (auto r = 0; r < m_numRows; ++r)
                if (isNetCell(r, c)==1)
                    ZInet(r, c) = bigOpen(r, c);

    // and finally object detection
    MatrixXi Obj = progressiveFilter(ZInet, m_cellSize, m_percentSlope, m_maxWindow);

    // STEP 3:

    // The end result of the iteration process described above is a binary grid
    // where each cell is classified as being either bare earth (BE) or object
    // (OBJ). The algorithm then applies this mask to the starting minimum
    // surface to eliminate nonground cells. These cells are then inpainted
    // according to the same process described previously, producing a
    // provisional DEM (ZIpro).

    // we currently aren't checking for net cells or empty cells (haven't i already marked empty cells as NaNs?)
    MatrixXd ZIpro = ZImin;
    for (int i = 0; i < Obj.size(); ++i)
        if (Obj(i) == 1 || Low(i) == 1 || isNetCell(i) == 1)
            ZIpro(i) = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();

    // MatrixXd ZIpro_painted = inpaintKnn(cx, cy, ZIpro);
    // MatrixXd ZIpro_painted = TPS(cx, cy, ZIpro);
    MatrixXd ZIpro_painted = expandingTPS(cx, cy, ZIpro);

    if (!m_outDir.empty())
        std::string filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("zilow.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(Low.cast<double>(), filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

        filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("zinet.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(ZInet, filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

        filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("ziobj.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(Obj.cast<double>(), filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

        filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("zipro.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(ZIpro, filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

        filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("zipro_painted.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(ZIpro_painted, filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

    ZIpro = ZIpro_painted;

    // STEP 4:

    // The final step of the algorithm is the identification of ground/object
    // LIDAR points. This is accomplished by measuring the vertical distance
    // between each LIDAR point and the provisional DEM, and applying a
    // threshold calculation. While many authors use a single value for the
    // elevation threshold, we suggest that a second parameter be used to
    // increase the threshold on steep slopes, transforming the threshold to a
    // slope-dependent value. The total permissible distance is then equal to a
    // fixed elevation threshold plus the scaling value multiplied by the slope
    // of the DEM at each LIDAR point. The rationale behind this approach is
    // that small horizontal and vertical displacements yield larger errors on
    // steep slopes, and as a result the BE/OBJ threshold distance should be
    // more per- missive at these points.

    // The calculation requires that both elevation and slope are interpolated
    // from the provisional DEM. There are any number of interpolation
    // techniques that might be used, and even nearest neighbor approaches work
    // quite well, so long as the cell size of the DEM nearly corresponds to the
    // resolution of the LIDAR data. A comparison of how well these different
    // methods of interpolation perform is given in the next section. Based on
    // these results, we find that a splined cubic interpolation provides the
    // best results.

    // It is common in LIDAR point clouds to have a small number of outliers
    // which may be either above or below the terrain surface. While
    // above-ground outliers (e.g., a random return from a bird in flight) are
    // filtered during the normal algorithm routine, the below-ground outliers
    // (e.g., those caused by a reflection) require a separate approach. Early
    // in the routine and along a separate processing fork, the minimum surface
    // is checked for low outliers by inverting the point cloud in the z-axis
    // and applying the filter with parameters (slope = 500%, maxWindowSize =
    // 1). The resulting mask is used to flag low outlier cells as OBJ before
    // the inpainting of the provisional DEM. This outlier identification
    // methodology is functionally the same as that of Zhang et al. (2003).

    // The provisional DEM (ZIpro), created by removing OBJ cells from the
    // original minimum surface (ZImin) and then inpainting, tends to be less
    // smooth than one might wish, especially when the surfaces are to be used
    // to create visual products like immersive geographic virtual environments.
    // As a result, it is often worthwhile to reinter- polate a final DEM from
    // the identified ground points of the original LIDAR data (ZIfin). Surfaces
    // created from these data tend to be smoother and more visually satisfying
    // than those derived from the provisional DEM.

    // Very large (>40m in length) buildings can sometimes prove troublesome to
    // remove on highly differentiated terrain. To accommodate the removal of
    // such objects, we implemented a feature in the published SMRF algorithm
    // which is helpful in removing such features. We accomplish this by
    // introducing into the initial minimum surface a ‘‘net’’ of minimum values
    // at a spacing equal to the maximum window diameter, where these minimum
    // values are found by applying a morphological open operation with a disk
    // shaped structuring element of radius (2?wkmax). Since only one example in
    // this dataset had features this large (Sample 4–2, a trainyard) we did not
    // include this portion of the algorithm in the formal testing procedure,
    // though we provide a brief analysis of the effect of using this net filter
    // in the next section.

    MatrixXd scaled = ZIpro / m_cellSize;

    MatrixXd gx = eigen::gradX(scaled);
    MatrixXd gy = eigen::gradY(scaled);
    MatrixXd gsurfs = (gx.cwiseProduct(gx) + gy.cwiseProduct(gy)).cwiseSqrt();

    // MatrixXd gsurfs_painted = inpaintKnn(cx, cy, gsurfs);
    // MatrixXd gsurfs_painted = TPS(cx, cy, gsurfs);
    MatrixXd gsurfs_painted = expandingTPS(cx, cy, gsurfs);

    if (!m_outDir.empty())
        std::string filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("gx.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(gx, filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

        filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("gy.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(gy, filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

        filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("gsurfs.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(gsurfs, filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

        filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("gsurfs_painted.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(gsurfs_painted, filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

    gsurfs = gsurfs_painted;

    MatrixXd thresh = (m_threshold + m_scalar * gsurfs.array()).matrix();

    if (!m_outDir.empty())
        std::string filename = FileUtils::toAbsolutePath("thresh.tif", m_outDir);
        eigen::writeMatrix(thresh, filename, "GTiff", m_cellSize, bounds, srs);

    for (PointId i = 0; i < view->size(); ++i)
        using namespace Dimension;
        double x = view->getFieldAs<double>(Id::X, i);
        double y = view->getFieldAs<double>(Id::Y, i);
        double z = view->getFieldAs<double>(Id::Z, i);

        int c = Utils::clamp(static_cast<int>(floor(x - bounds.minx) / m_cellSize), 0, m_numCols-1);
        int r = Utils::clamp(static_cast<int>(floor(y - bounds.miny) / m_cellSize), 0, m_numRows-1);

        // author uses spline interpolation to get value from ZIpro and gsurfs

        if (std::isnan(ZIpro(r, c)))

        // not sure i should just brush this under the rug...
        if (std::isnan(gsurfs(r, c)))

        double ez = ZIpro(r, c);
        // double ez = interp2(r, c, cx, cy, ZIpro);
        // double si = gsurfs(r, c);
        // double si = interp2(r, c, cx, cy, gsurfs);
        // double reqVal = m_threshold + 1.2 * si;

        if (std::abs(ez - z) > thresh(r, c))

        // if (std::abs(ZIpro(r, c) - z) > m_threshold)
        //     continue;


    return groundIdx;
コード例 #5
void Mesh::CreateSimpleMesh() {

    int c = 0;
    MatrixXi g(n_node_x, n_node_y);
    for (size_t i=0; i<n_node_x; i++) {
        for (size_t j=0; j<n_node_y; j++) {
            g(i,j) = c;

    MatrixXi gg(n_node_p_elem, n_elem);
    size_t xi = 0;
    size_t xj = 0;
    for (size_t i=0; i<n_elem; i++) {

        size_t xi_min = xi;
        size_t xj_min = xj;
        size_t xi_max = xi + n_node_p_dim;
        size_t xj_max = xj + n_node_p_dim;

        MatrixXi block =
            g.block(xi_min, xj_min, n_node_p_dim, n_node_p_dim);
        Map<VectorXi> gv(block.data(), block.size());
        gg.col(i) = gv;

        if (xi_max == n_node_x) {
            xi = 0;
            xj = xj_max - 1;
        } else {
            xi = xi_max - 1;


    c = 0;
    MatrixXi nf(eqn_p_node, n_node);
    for (size_t i=0; i<n_node; i++) {
        nf(0,i) = c;
        nf(1,i) = c+1;
        c += 2;

    imap.resize(n_dof_p_elem, n_elem);
    for (size_t i=0; i<n_elem; i++) {
        c = 0;
        while (c+eqn_p_node <= n_dof_p_elem) {
            imap.block(c, i, eqn_p_node, 1) =
                    0, gg(c/eqn_p_node, i), eqn_p_node, 1);
            c += eqn_p_node;

    valen.resize(n_dof_p_elem, n_elem);
    for (size_t i=0; i<n_elem; i++) {
        for (size_t j=0; j<n_dof_p_elem; j++) {
            valen(j, i) += 1;

    size_t k = 0;
    size_t e = 0;
    size_t n_node_x_vis {n_elem_x + 1};
    for (size_t j=0; j<n_elem_y; j++) {
        for (size_t i=0; i<n_elem_x; i++) {
            connec(k+0) = (i+0) + (j+0) * n_node_x_vis;
            connec(k+1) = (i+1) + (j+0) * n_node_x_vis;
            connec(k+2) = (i+1) + (j+1) * n_node_x_vis;
            connec(k+3) = (i+0) + (j+1) * n_node_x_vis;
    connec = connec.array() + 1;
    n_vis_node = connec.maxCoeff();

    k = 0;
    for (size_t j=0; j<=n_elem_y; j++) {
        for (size_t i=0; i<=n_elem_x; i++) {
            ex(k) = i * s_elem_x;
            ey(k) = j * s_elem_y;
            m_node_n(k) = k;
    m_node_n = m_node_n.array() + 1;

    k = 0;
    for (size_t j=0; j<n_elem_y; j++) {
        for (size_t i=0; i<n_elem_x; i++) {
            ctr_elem_x(k) = (1/2.) * (ex(k) + ex(k+1));
            ctr_elem_y(k) = (1/2.) * (ey(k) + ey(k+1));
