int main() { MinHeap<int> minHeap; MaxHeap<int> maxHeap; minHeap.push(10); minHeap.push(5); minHeap.push(12); minHeap.push(3); minHeap.push(4); maxHeap.push(10); maxHeap.push(5); maxHeap.push(12); maxHeap.push(3); maxHeap.push(4); while ( !minHeap.empty()) { std::cout << << " "; minHeap.pop(); } std::cout << std::endl; while ( !maxHeap.empty()) { std::cout << << " "; maxHeap.pop(); } std::cout << std::endl; }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){ if( nrhs!=3 ) mexErrMsgTxt("This function requires 3 arguments\n"); if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[0]) ) mexErrMsgTxt("parameter 1 missing!\n"); if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[1]) ) mexErrMsgTxt("parameter 2 missing!\n"); if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[2]) ) mexErrMsgTxt("parameter 3 missing!\n"); // retrieve the heap MaxHeap<double>* heap; retrieve_heap( prhs[0], heap); // retrieve the parameters int index; retrieve_index( prhs[1], index ); double cost; retrieve_cost( prhs[2], cost); // push in the PQ try{ heap->push( cost, index-1 ); } catch( InvalidKeyIncreaseException exc ){ return; } // return control to matlab return; }
void addNum(int num) { if (max_heap_.empty()) { max_heap_.push(num); } else { if (num > { min_heap_.push(num); } else { max_heap_.push(num); } // Maintain abs(max_heap_.size() - min_heap_.size()) <= 1 if (max_heap_.size() > min_heap_.size() + 1) { // max_heap_ too large min_heap_.push(; max_heap_.pop(); } else if (min_heap_.size() > max_heap_.size() + 1) { // min_heap_ too large max_heap_.push(; min_heap_.pop(); } } }