コード例 #1
ファイル: sdk_test.cpp プロジェクト: rezetta/sdk
 * @brief TEST_F SdkTestShares
 * Initialize a test scenario by:
 * - Creating/uploading some folders/files to share
 * - Creating a new contact to share to
 * Performs different operations related to sharing:
 * - Share a folder with an existing contact
 * - Check the correctness of the outgoing share
 * - Check the reception and correctness of the incoming share
 * - Modify the access level
 * - Revoke the access to the share
 * - Share a folder with a non registered email
 * - Check the correctness of the pending outgoing share
 * - Create a public link
 * - Import a public link
 * - Get a node from public link
 * - Remove a public link
TEST_F(SdkTest, SdkTestShares)
    MegaShareList *sl;
    MegaShare *s;
    MegaNodeList *nl;
    MegaNode *n;
    MegaNode *n1;

    getMegaApiAux();    // login + fetchnodes

    // Initialize a test scenario : create some folders/files to share

    // Create some nodes to share
    //  |--Shared-folder
    //    |--subfolder
    //    |--file.txt

    MegaNode *rootnode = megaApi->getRootNode();
    char foldername1[64] = "Shared-folder";
    MegaHandle hfolder1;

    responseReceived = false;
    megaApi->createFolder(foldername1, rootnode);

    ASSERT_EQ(MegaError::API_OK, lastError) << "Cannot create a folder (error: " << lastError << ")";
    hfolder1 = h;     // 'h' is set in 'onRequestFinish()'
    n1 = megaApi->getNodeByHandle(hfolder1);

    char foldername2[64] = "subfolder";
    MegaHandle hfolder2;

    responseReceived = false;
    megaApi->createFolder(foldername2, megaApi->getNodeByHandle(hfolder1));

    ASSERT_EQ(MegaError::API_OK, lastError) << "Cannot create a folder (error: " << lastError << ")";
    hfolder2 = h;

    MegaHandle hfile1;
    createFile(PUBLICFILE.data(), false);   // not a large file since don't need to test transfers here

    uploadFinished = false;
    megaApi->startUpload(PUBLICFILE.data(), megaApi->getNodeByHandle(hfolder1));

    ASSERT_EQ(MegaError::API_OK, lastError) << "Cannot upload file (error: " << lastError << ")";
    hfile1 = h;

    // Initialize a test scenario: create a new contact to share to

    string message = "Hi contact. Let's share some stuff";

    contactRequestUpdated = false;
    contactRequestUpdatedAux = false;

    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( inviteContact(emailaux, message, MegaContactRequest::INVITE_ACTION_ADD) );

    waitForResponse(&contactRequestUpdatedAux); // at the target side (auxiliar account)
    waitForResponse(&contactRequestUpdated);    // at the source side (main account)

    MegaContactRequestList *crlaux = megaApiAux->getIncomingContactRequests();
    ASSERT_EQ(1, crlaux->size()) << "Too many incoming contact requests in auxiliar account";
    MegaContactRequest *craux = crlaux->get(0);

    contactRequestUpdated = false;
    contactRequestUpdatedAux = false;

    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( replyContact(craux, MegaContactRequest::REPLY_ACTION_ACCEPT) );

    waitForResponse(&contactRequestUpdatedAux); // at the target side (auxiliar account)
    waitForResponse(&contactRequestUpdated);    // at the source side (main account)

    delete crlaux;

    // --- Create a new outgoing share ---

    nodeUpdated = false;
    nodeUpdatedAux = false;

    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( shareFolder(n1, emailaux.data(), MegaShare::ACCESS_READ) );


    // --- Check the outgoing share ---

    sl = megaApi->getOutShares();
    ASSERT_EQ(1, sl->size()) << "Outgoing share failed";
    s = sl->get(0);

    ASSERT_EQ(MegaShare::ACCESS_READ, s->getAccess()) << "Wrong access level of outgoing share";
    ASSERT_EQ(hfolder1, s->getNodeHandle()) << "Wrong node handle of outgoing share";
    ASSERT_STREQ(emailaux.data(), s->getUser()) << "Wrong email address of outgoing share";
    ASSERT_TRUE(megaApi->isShared(n1)) << "Wrong sharing information at outgoing share";
    ASSERT_TRUE(megaApi->isOutShare(n1)) << "Wrong sharing information at outgoing share";

    delete sl;

    // --- Check the incoming share ---

    nl = megaApiAux->getInShares(megaApiAux->getContact(email.data()));
    ASSERT_EQ(1, nl->size()) << "Incoming share not received in auxiliar account";
    n = nl->get(0);

    ASSERT_EQ(hfolder1, n->getHandle()) << "Wrong node handle of incoming share";
    ASSERT_STREQ(foldername1, n->getName()) << "Wrong folder name of incoming share";
    ASSERT_EQ(MegaError::API_OK, megaApiAux->checkAccess(n, MegaShare::ACCESS_READ).getErrorCode()) << "Wrong access level of incoming share";
    ASSERT_TRUE(megaApiAux->isInShare(n)) << "Wrong sharing information at incoming share";
    ASSERT_TRUE(megaApiAux->isShared(n)) << "Wrong sharing information at incoming share";

    delete nl;

    // --- Modify the access level of an outgoing share ---

    nodeUpdated = false;
    nodeUpdatedAux = false;

    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( shareFolder(megaApi->getNodeByHandle(hfolder1), emailaux.data(), MegaShare::ACCESS_READWRITE) );


    nl = megaApiAux->getInShares(megaApiAux->getContact(email.data()));
    ASSERT_EQ(1, nl->size()) << "Incoming share not received in auxiliar account";
    n = nl->get(0);

    ASSERT_EQ(MegaError::API_OK, megaApiAux->checkAccess(n, MegaShare::ACCESS_READWRITE).getErrorCode()) << "Wrong access level of incoming share";

    delete nl;

    // --- Revoke access to an outgoing share ---

    nodeUpdated = false;
    nodeUpdatedAux = false;

    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( shareFolder(n1, emailaux.data(), MegaShare::ACCESS_UNKNOWN) );


    sl = megaApi->getOutShares();
    ASSERT_EQ(0, sl->size()) << "Outgoing share revocation failed";
    delete sl;

    nl = megaApiAux->getInShares(megaApiAux->getContact(email.data()));
    ASSERT_EQ(0, nl->size()) << "Incoming share revocation failed";
    delete nl;

    // --- Get pending outgoing shares ---

    char emailfake[64];
    srand (time(NULL));
    sprintf(emailfake, "*****@*****.**", rand()%1000000);
    // carefull, antispam rejects too many tries without response for the same address

    n = megaApi->getNodeByHandle(hfolder2);

    nodeUpdated = false;
    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( shareFolder(n, emailfake, MegaShare::ACCESS_FULL) );

    sl = megaApi->getPendingOutShares(n);
    delete n;
    ASSERT_EQ(1, sl->size()) << "Pending outgoing share failed";
    s = sl->get(0);
    n = megaApi->getNodeByHandle(s->getNodeHandle());

//    ASSERT_STREQ(emailfake, s->getUser()) << "Wrong email address of outgoing share"; User is not created yet
    ASSERT_FALSE(megaApi->isShared(n)) << "Node is already shared, must be pending";
    ASSERT_FALSE(megaApi->isOutShare(n)) << "Node is already shared, must be pending";

    delete sl;
    delete n;

    // --- Create a public link ---

    MegaNode *nfile1 = megaApi->getNodeByHandle(hfile1);

    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( createPublicLink(nfile1) );
    // The created link is stored in this->link at onRequestFinish()

    // --- Import a public link ---

    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( importPublicLink(link, rootnode) );

    MegaNode *nimported = megaApi->getNodeByHandle(h);

    ASSERT_STREQ(nfile1->getName(), nimported->getName()) << "Imported file with wrong name";
    ASSERT_EQ(rootnode->getHandle(), nimported->getParentHandle()) << "Imported file in wrong path";

    // --- Get node from public link ---

    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( getPublicNode(link) );

    ASSERT_TRUE(publicNode->isPublic()) << "Cannot get a node from public link";

    // --- Remove a public link ---

    ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE( removePublicLink(nfile1) );

    delete nfile1;
    nfile1 = megaApi->getNodeByHandle(h);
    ASSERT_FALSE(nfile1->isPublic()) << "Public link removal failed (still public)";

    delete nimported;