コード例 #1
ファイル: juce_CoreAudioFormat.cpp プロジェクト: imclab/JUCE
    static void findTimeSigEvents (MidiFile& midiFile, StringPairArray& midiMetadata)
        MidiMessageSequence timeSigEvents;
        midiFile.findAllTimeSigEvents (timeSigEvents);
        const int numTimeSigEvents = timeSigEvents.getNumEvents();

        MemoryOutputStream timeSigSequence;

        for (int i = 0; i < numTimeSigEvents; ++i)
            int numerator, denominator;
            timeSigEvents.getEventPointer(i)->message.getTimeSignatureInfo (numerator, denominator);

            String timeSigString;
            timeSigString << numerator << '/' << denominator;

            if (i == 0)
                midiMetadata.set (CoreAudioFormat::timeSig, timeSigString);

            if (numTimeSigEvents > 1)
                timeSigSequence << timeSigString << ',' << timeSigEvents.getEventTime (i) << ';';

        if (timeSigSequence.getDataSize() > 0)
            midiMetadata.set ("time signature sequence", timeSigSequence.toString());
コード例 #2
ファイル: juce_CoreAudioFormat.cpp プロジェクト: imclab/JUCE
    static void findTempoEvents (MidiFile& midiFile, StringPairArray& midiMetadata)
        MidiMessageSequence tempoEvents;
        midiFile.findAllTempoEvents (tempoEvents);

        const int numTempoEvents = tempoEvents.getNumEvents();
        MemoryOutputStream tempoSequence;

        for (int i = 0; i < numTempoEvents; ++i)
            const double tempo = getTempoFromTempoMetaEvent (tempoEvents.getEventPointer (i));

            if (tempo > 0.0)
                if (i == 0)
                    midiMetadata.set (CoreAudioFormat::tempo, String (tempo));

                if (numTempoEvents > 1)
                    tempoSequence << String (tempo) << ',' << tempoEvents.getEventTime (i) << ';';

        if (tempoSequence.getDataSize() > 0)
            midiMetadata.set ("tempo sequence", tempoSequence.toString());
コード例 #3
String PerformanceCounter::Statistics::toString() const
    MemoryOutputStream s;

    s << "Performance count for \"" << name << "\" over " << numRuns << " run(s)" << newLine
      << "Average = "   << timeToString (averageSeconds)
      << ", minimum = " << timeToString (minimumSeconds)
      << ", maximum = " << timeToString (maximumSeconds)
      << ", total = "   << timeToString (totalSeconds);

    return s.toString();
コード例 #4
ファイル: juce_XmlDocument.cpp プロジェクト: Neknail/JUCE
XmlElement* XmlDocument::getDocumentElement (const bool onlyReadOuterDocumentElement)
    if (originalText.isEmpty() && inputSource != nullptr)
        ScopedPointer<InputStream> in (inputSource->createInputStream());

        if (in != nullptr)
            MemoryOutputStream data;
            data.writeFromInputStream (*in, onlyReadOuterDocumentElement ? 8192 : -1);

           #if JUCE_STRING_UTF_TYPE == 8
            if (data.getDataSize() > 2)
                data.writeByte (0);
                const char* text = static_cast<const char*> (data.getData());

                if (CharPointer_UTF16::isByteOrderMarkBigEndian (text)
                      || CharPointer_UTF16::isByteOrderMarkLittleEndian (text))
                    originalText = data.toString();
                    if (CharPointer_UTF8::isByteOrderMark (text))
                        text += 3;

                    // parse the input buffer directly to avoid copying it all to a string..
                    return parseDocumentElement (String::CharPointerType (text), onlyReadOuterDocumentElement);
            originalText = data.toString();

    return parseDocumentElement (originalText.getCharPointer(), onlyReadOuterDocumentElement);
コード例 #5
XmlElement* XmlDocument::getDocumentElement (const bool onlyReadOuterDocumentElement)
    String textToParse (originalText);

    if (textToParse.isEmpty() && inputSource != nullptr)
        ScopedPointer <InputStream> in (inputSource->createInputStream());

        if (in != nullptr)
            MemoryOutputStream data;
            data.writeFromInputStream (*in, onlyReadOuterDocumentElement ? 8192 : -1);
            textToParse = data.toString();

            if (! onlyReadOuterDocumentElement)
                originalText = textToParse;

    input = textToParse.getCharPointer();
    lastError = String::empty;
    errorOccurred = false;
    outOfData = false;
    needToLoadDTD = true;

    if (textToParse.isEmpty())
        lastError = "not enough input";

        if (input.getAddress() != nullptr)
            ScopedPointer <XmlElement> result (readNextElement (! onlyReadOuterDocumentElement));

            if (! errorOccurred)
                return result.release();
            lastError = "incorrect xml header";

    return nullptr;
コード例 #6
ファイル: juce_ChildProcess.cpp プロジェクト: AGenews/GUI
String ChildProcess::readAllProcessOutput()
    MemoryOutputStream result;

    for (;;)
        char buffer [512];
        const int num = readProcessOutput (buffer, sizeof (buffer));

        if (num <= 0)

        result.write (buffer, (size_t) num);

    return result.toString();
コード例 #7
String CodeDocument::getTextBetween (const Position& start, const Position& end) const
    if (end.getPosition() <= start.getPosition())
        return String::empty;

    const int startLine = start.getLineNumber();
    const int endLine = end.getLineNumber();

    if (startLine == endLine)
        if (CodeDocumentLine* const line = lines [startLine])
            return line->line.substring (start.getIndexInLine(), end.getIndexInLine());

        return String::empty;

    MemoryOutputStream mo;
    mo.preallocate ((size_t) (end.getPosition() - start.getPosition() + 4));

    const int maxLine = jmin (lines.size() - 1, endLine);

    for (int i = jmax (0, startLine); i <= maxLine; ++i)
        const CodeDocumentLine& line = *lines.getUnchecked(i);
        int len = line.lineLength;

        if (i == startLine)
            const int index = start.getIndexInLine();
            mo << line.line.substring (index, len);
        else if (i == endLine)
            len = end.getIndexInLine();
            mo << line.line.substring (0, len);
            mo << line.line;

    return mo.toString();
コード例 #8
ファイル: PluginEditor.cpp プロジェクト: ChrisJRoss/JUCE
// Updates the text in our position label.
void JuceDemoPluginAudioProcessorEditor::updateTimecodeDisplay (AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo pos)
    MemoryOutputStream displayText;

    displayText << "[" << SystemStats::getJUCEVersion() << "]   "
                << String (pos.bpm, 2) << " bpm, "
                << pos.timeSigNumerator << '/' << pos.timeSigDenominator
                << "  -  " << timeToTimecodeString (pos.timeInSeconds)
                << "  -  " << quarterNotePositionToBarsBeatsString (pos.ppqPosition,

    if (pos.isRecording)
        displayText << "  (recording)";
    else if (pos.isPlaying)
        displayText << "  (playing)";

    timecodeDisplayLabel.setText (displayText.toString(), dontSendNotification);
コード例 #9
    : ThreadedAnalyticsDestination ("ProjucerAnalyticsThread")
        MemoryOutputStream mo;
        if (Base64::convertFromBase64 (mo, BinaryData::nothingtoseehere_txt))
            apiKey = mo.toString();

    auto dataDir = File::getSpecialLocation (File::userApplicationDataDirectory)
                        #if JUCE_MAC
                        .getChildFile ("Application Support")
                        .getChildFile ("Projucer")
                        .getChildFile ("Analytics");

    if (! dataDir.exists())

    savedEventsFile = dataDir.getChildFile ("analytics_events.xml");

    startAnalyticsThread (initialPeriodMs);
コード例 #10
String InputStream::readEntireStreamAsString()
    MemoryOutputStream mo;
    mo << *this;
    return mo.toString();
コード例 #11
void BinaryResources::fillInGeneratedCode (GeneratedCode& code) const
    if (resources.size() > 0)
        code.publicMemberDeclarations << "// Binary resources:\n";

        MemoryOutputStream defs;

        defs << "//==============================================================================\n";
        defs << "// Binary resources - be careful not to edit any of these sections!\n\n";

        for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); ++i)
                << "static const char* "
                << resources[i]->name
                << ";\nstatic const int "
                << resources[i]->name
                << "Size;\n";

            const String name (resources[i]->name);
            const MemoryBlock& mb = resources[i]->data;

            defs << "// JUCER_RESOURCE: " << name << ", " << (int) mb.getSize()
                << ", \""
                << File (resources[i]->originalFilename)
                    .getRelativePathFrom (code.document->getCppFile())
                    .replaceCharacter ('\\', '/')
                << "\"\n";

            String line1;
            line1 << "static const unsigned char resource_"
                  << code.className << "_" << name << "[] = { ";

            defs << line1;

            int charsOnLine = line1.length();

            for (size_t j = 0; j < mb.getSize(); ++j)
                const int num = (int) (unsigned char) mb[j];
                defs << num << ',';

                charsOnLine += 2;
                if (num >= 10)   ++charsOnLine;
                if (num >= 100)  ++charsOnLine;

                if (charsOnLine >= 200)
                    charsOnLine = 0;
                    defs << '\n';

              << "0,0};\n\n"
                 "const char* " << code.className << "::" << name
              << " = (const char*) resource_" << code.className << "_" << name
              << ";\nconst int "
              << code.className << "::" << name << "Size = "
              << (int) mb.getSize()
              << ";\n\n";

        code.staticMemberDefinitions << defs.toString();
コード例 #12
    int read (void* buffer, int bytesToRead) override
        if (finished || isError())
            return 0;

        if (isChunked && ! readingChunk)
            if (position >= chunkEnd)
                const ScopedValueSetter<bool> setter (readingChunk, true, false);
                MemoryOutputStream chunkLengthBuffer;
                char c = 0;

                if (chunkEnd > 0)
                    if (read (&c, 1) != 1 || c != '\r'
                         || read (&c, 1) != 1 || c != '\n')
                        finished = true;
                        return 0;

                while (chunkLengthBuffer.getDataSize() < 512 && ! (finished || isError()))
                    if (read (&c, 1) != 1)
                        finished = true;
                        return 0;

                    if (c == '\r')

                    if (c == '\n')

                    chunkLengthBuffer.writeByte (c);

                const int64 chunkSize = chunkLengthBuffer.toString().trimStart().getHexValue64();

                if (chunkSize == 0)
                    finished = true;
                    return 0;

                chunkEnd += chunkSize;

            if (bytesToRead > chunkEnd - position)
                bytesToRead = static_cast<int> (chunkEnd - position);

        fd_set readbits;
        FD_ZERO (&readbits);
        FD_SET (socketHandle, &readbits);

        struct timeval tv;
        tv.tv_sec = jmax (1, timeOutMs / 1000);
        tv.tv_usec = 0;

        if (select (socketHandle + 1, &readbits, 0, 0, &tv) <= 0)
            return 0;   // (timeout)

        const int bytesRead = jmax (0, (int) recv (socketHandle, buffer, (size_t) bytesToRead, MSG_WAITALL));
        if (bytesRead == 0)
            finished = true;

        if (! readingChunk)
            position += bytesRead;

        return bytesRead;
コード例 #13
void ProjectSaver::writePluginCharacteristicsFile()
    StringPairArray flags;
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Build_VST",                   boolToString (project.shouldBuildVST()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Build_VST3",                  boolToString (project.shouldBuildVST3()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Build_AU",                    boolToString (project.shouldBuildAU()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Build_AUv3",                  boolToString (project.shouldBuildAUv3()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Build_RTAS",                  boolToString (project.shouldBuildRTAS()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Build_AAX",                   boolToString (project.shouldBuildAAX()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Build_Standalone",            boolToString (project.shouldBuildStandalonePlugin()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Build_Unity",                 boolToString (project.shouldBuildUnityPlugin()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Enable_IAA",                  boolToString (project.shouldEnableIAA()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Name",                        toStringLiteral (project.getPluginNameString()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Desc",                        toStringLiteral (project.getPluginDescriptionString()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Manufacturer",                toStringLiteral (project.getPluginManufacturerString()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_ManufacturerWebsite",         toStringLiteral (project.getCompanyWebsiteString()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_ManufacturerEmail",           toStringLiteral (project.getCompanyEmailString()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_ManufacturerCode",            toCharLiteral (project.getPluginManufacturerCodeString()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_PluginCode",                  toCharLiteral (project.getPluginCodeString()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_IsSynth",                     boolToString (project.isPluginSynth()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput",              boolToString (project.pluginWantsMidiInput()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput",          boolToString (project.pluginProducesMidiOutput()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect",                boolToString (project.isPluginMidiEffect()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_EditorRequiresKeyboardFocus", boolToString (project.pluginEditorNeedsKeyFocus()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Version",                     project.getVersionString());
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_VersionCode",                 project.getVersionAsHex());
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_VersionString",               toStringLiteral (project.getVersionString()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_VSTUniqueID",                 "JucePlugin_PluginCode");
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_VSTCategory",                 project.getVSTCategoryString());
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_Vst3Category",                toStringLiteral (project.getVST3CategoryString()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AUMainType",                  project.getAUMainTypeString());
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AUSubType",                   "JucePlugin_PluginCode");
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AUExportPrefix",              project.getPluginAUExportPrefixString());
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AUExportPrefixQuoted",        toStringLiteral (project.getPluginAUExportPrefixString()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AUManufacturerCode",          "JucePlugin_ManufacturerCode");
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_CFBundleIdentifier",          project.getBundleIdentifierString());
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_RTASCategory",                String (project.getRTASCategory()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_RTASManufacturerCode",        "JucePlugin_ManufacturerCode");
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_RTASProductId",               "JucePlugin_PluginCode");
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_RTASDisableBypass",           boolToString (project.isPluginRTASBypassDisabled()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_RTASDisableMultiMono",        boolToString (project.isPluginRTASMultiMonoDisabled()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AAXIdentifier",               project.getAAXIdentifierString());
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AAXManufacturerCode",         "JucePlugin_ManufacturerCode");
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AAXProductId",                "JucePlugin_PluginCode");
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AAXCategory",                 String (project.getAAXCategory()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AAXDisableBypass",            boolToString (project.isPluginAAXBypassDisabled()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_AAXDisableMultiMono",         boolToString (project.isPluginAAXMultiMonoDisabled()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_IAAType",                     toCharLiteral (project.getIAATypeCode()));
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_IAASubType",                  "JucePlugin_PluginCode");
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_IAAName",                     project.getIAAPluginName().quoted());
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_VSTNumMidiInputs",            project.getVSTNumMIDIInputsString());
    flags.set ("JucePlugin_VSTNumMidiOutputs",           project.getVSTNumMIDIOutputsString());

        String plugInChannelConfig = project.getPluginChannelConfigsString();

        if (plugInChannelConfig.isNotEmpty())
            flags.set ("JucePlugin_MaxNumInputChannels",            String (countMaxPluginChannels (plugInChannelConfig, true)));
            flags.set ("JucePlugin_MaxNumOutputChannels",           String (countMaxPluginChannels (plugInChannelConfig, false)));
            flags.set ("JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations", plugInChannelConfig);

    MemoryOutputStream mem;
    mem.setNewLineString (projectLineFeed);

    mem << "//==============================================================================" << newLine
        << "// Audio plugin settings.." << newLine
        << newLine;

    for (int i = 0; i < flags.size(); ++i)
        mem << "#ifndef  " << flags.getAllKeys()[i] << newLine
            << " #define " << flags.getAllKeys()[i].paddedRight (' ', 32) << "  "
                           << flags.getAllValues()[i] << newLine
            << "#endif" << newLine;

    setExtraAppConfigFileContent (mem.toString());