コード例 #1
ファイル: Menu.cpp プロジェクト: UTSDataArena/omegalib
void Menu::placeOnWand(const Event& evt)
    MenuManager* mm = MenuManager::instance();

        float distance = mm->getDefaultMenuDistance();
        float scale = mm->getDefaultMenuScale();
        Ray ray;
        if(SystemManager::instance()->getDisplaySystem()->getViewRayFromEvent(evt, ray))
            Vector3f pos = ray.getPoint(distance);
            Vector3f dir = ray.getDirection();

            // If the menu is attached to a node (usually the default camera)
            // use untransformed values for its position and direction, since the node transform applied during draw will
            // take care of transformations.
            if(my3dSettings.node != NULL)
                pos = my3dSettings.node->convertWorldToLocalPosition(pos);
                // This is a bit of trickery: If the event is a pointer event we use the orientation of the node
                // to determine the menu orientation.
                // If the event is a Wand event (with 6DOF tracking) we use the actual wand orientation.
                if(evt.getServiceType() == static_cast<enum Service::ServiceType>(Event::ServiceTypeWand))
                    dir = evt.getOrientation() * -Vector3f::UnitZ();
                    dir = -Vector3f::UnitZ(); //my3dSettings.node->getOrientation() * dir;

            //ofmsg("menu position: %1%", %pos);
            Container3dSettings& c3ds = get3dSettings();
            Widget* menuWidget = myContainer;
            Vector3f offset = Vector3f(0, 0, 0); //-menuWidget->getHeight() * c3ds.scale, 0);
            c3ds.position = pos - offset;
            c3ds.normal = -dir;

            // If the menu widget is not attached to a node, set the up vector using the default camera orientation.
            if(my3dSettings.node == NULL)
                DisplaySystem* ds = SystemManager::instance()->getDisplaySystem();
                Camera* cam = Engine::instance()->getDefaultCamera();
                Vector3f up = Vector3f::UnitY();
                c3ds.up = cam->getOrientation() * up;
                // If the menu is attached to a node, the up vector is just positive Y (the node transform applied later will do the rest)
                c3ds.up = Vector3f::UnitY();

            //c3ds.normal = Vector3f(0, 0, 1);
            c3ds.scale = scale;
        // Place 2D menu
        if(evt.getServiceType() == static_cast<enum Service::ServiceType>(Event::ServiceTypePointer))
                Vector2f(evt.getPosition()[0], evt.getPosition()[1]));