コード例 #1
ファイル: GUIControl.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
int GUIControl::CreateDesktop( char *name, char *description, int *id )
		Message *msg = new Message( CREATE );
				 msg->AddString( "_type", "desktop" );
				 msg->AddString( "_name", name );
				 msg->AddString( "_description", description );

		Message *reply = Messenger::SendReceiveMessage( "gui_server", 0 , msg );
		if ( reply == NULL )
			delete msg;
			return -1;

		delete msg;

		if ( reply->rc() != 0 ) 
			if ( msg->error() != NULL )
				printf("%s%s\n","error: ", msg->error() );
			delete reply;
			return -1;

		if ( reply->FindInt( "_id", id ) != 0 ) 
			delete reply;
			return -1;

		delete reply;
	return 0;
コード例 #2
 // Idiom:  SaveToArchive() saves our current state into the specified Message object
 status_t SaveToArchive(Message & msg) const
    if (msg.AddString("name",    _name)    != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
    if (msg.AddString("address", _address) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
    if (msg.AddString("city",    _city)    != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
    if (msg.AddString("state",   _state)   != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
    if (msg.AddInt32("zip_code", _zipCode) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
    return B_NO_ERROR;  // success!
コード例 #3
ファイル: dbx.cpp プロジェクト: PyroOS/Pyro
status_t DbxImporter::ProcessFolder( DBX *hDbx )
	status_t nError = EOK;
	DBXFOLDER *psFolder = NULL;

	for( int i = hDbx->indexCount-1; i >= 0; i-- )
		dbx_free( hDbx, psFolder );
		psFolder=(DBXFOLDER*)dbx_get( hDbx, i, 0 );
		if( dbx_errno != DBX_NOERROR )
			std::cerr << "failed to read folder" << std::endl;
			nError = EIO;
		if( NULL == psFolder )

		if( psFolder->fname != NULL )
			String cPath = m_cPath + String( psFolder->fname );

			DBX *psChild = dbx_open( cPath.c_str() );
			if( NULL == psChild )
				std::cerr << "failed to open child folder" << std::endl;

			if( psChild->type != DBX_TYPE_EMAIL )
				std::cerr << "Folder " << psFolder->fname << " doesn't contain emails like I expect" << std::endl;

			/* Create sub-folder */
			String cChild = String( psFolder->name );
			String cTarget = m_cFolder + String( "/" ) + cChild;

			Message *pcMessage = new Message( M_IMPORT_CREATE_FOLDER );
			pcMessage->AddString( "parent", m_cFolder );
			pcMessage->AddString( "name", cChild );
			m_pcMessenger->SendMessage( pcMessage );

			/* Add all messages to the sub-folder */
			nError = ProcessMail( psChild, cTarget );
			dbx_close( psChild );
			if( m_bRun == false )

	return nError;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Window.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
int Window::Register()
    Message *msg = new Message(REGISTER);

    msg->AddString( "_type", "window" );
    msg->AddInt( "_port", Port() );
    msg->AddString( "_title", m_title );
    msg->AddRect( "_rect", Frame() );
    msg->AddBool( "_visible", false );
    msg->AddInt( "_flags", m_flags );

    Message *reply = Messenger::SendReceiveMessage( "gui_server", 0, msg );
    if ( reply == NULL )
        delete msg;
        return -1;
    delete msg;

    if ( reply->rc() != 0 )
        delete reply;
        return -1;

    // Good reply.. let's get the information.

    int bad = 0;

    if ( reply->FindInt( "_id", &m_wid ) != 0 ) bad = -1;
    if ( reply->FindInt( "_sid", &m_sid ) != 0 ) bad = -1;
    if ( reply->FindInt( "_did", &m_did ) != 0 ) bad = -1;
    if ( reply->FindRect( "_rect", &m_frame ) != 0 ) bad = -1;

    delete reply;

    // Accept the GUI memory and everything.

    int tmp_pages;
    unsigned int tmp_flags;

    if ( smk_request_shmem( m_sid, (void**)&m_buffer, &tmp_pages, &tmp_flags ) != 0 )
        bad = -1;

    // We now have our GUI buffer, size and ID.

    if ( bad != 0 ) return -1;

    // Registered with desktop port =  m_did

    return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: dbx.cpp プロジェクト: PyroOS/Pyro
status_t DbxImporter::AddMessage( String &cMessage, const String &cFolder )
	if( cMessage != "" )
		/* Add an RFC2822 terminating sequence */
		cMessage += "\r\n.\r\n";

		/* Create a Mailmessage and send it back down to the application along with the relevent data */
		Mailmessage *pcImport = new Mailmessage( cMessage.c_str(), cMessage.size() );

		Message *pcImportMessage = new Message( M_IMPORT_NEW );
		pcImportMessage->AddPointer( "message", pcImport );
		pcImportMessage->AddString( "folder", cFolder );

		m_pcMessenger->SendMessage( pcImportMessage );

		/* Update the progress dialog & check if the user canceled */
		//float vProgress = ( (double)m_nBytes / (double)m_nSize );
		float vProgress = ( (double)m_nTotal / (double)m_nCount );

		char zMessage[64] = { '\0' };
		snprintf( zMessage, 64, "Importing message #%Ld", m_nTotal++ );

		m_pcDialog->SetMessage( zMessage );
		m_pcDialog->SetProgress( vProgress );
		m_bRun = !m_pcDialog->IsCancelled();

	cMessage = "";
	return EOK;
コード例 #6
ファイル: GUIControl.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
int GUIControl::GetDesktop( int *desktop_id )
		Message *msg = new Message( GET );
				 msg->AddString( "_type", "desktop" );

		Message *reply = Messenger::SendReceiveMessage( "gui_server", 0, msg );
		if ( reply == NULL )
			delete msg;
			return -1;

		delete msg;

		int ans = reply->rc();

		if ( ans != 0 )
			if ( msg->error() != NULL )
				printf("%s%s\n","error: ", msg->error() );

		if ( reply->FindInt( "_id", desktop_id ) != 0 )
			ans = -1;

		delete reply;

	return ans;
コード例 #7
ファイル: HexView.cpp プロジェクト: PyroOS/Pyro
void HexView::SetMessage(const String &cText)
	Message *pcMsg = new Message(EV_SHOW_MESSAGE);
	pcMsg->AddString(MESSAGE_TEXT_KEY, cText);
	Messenger cMnger(m_pcHandler);
コード例 #8
ファイル: GUIControl.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
int GUIControl::SetDesktopDriver( int desktop_id, int video_id )
		Message *msg = new Message( SET );
				 msg->AddString( "_type", "desktop_driver" );
				 msg->AddInt( "_id", desktop_id );
				 msg->AddInt( "_vid", video_id );

		Message *reply = Messenger::SendReceiveMessage( "gui_server", 0, msg );
		if ( reply == NULL )
			delete msg;
			return -1;

		delete msg;

		int ans = reply->rc();

		if ( ans != 0 )
			if ( msg->error() != NULL )
				printf("%s%s\n","error: ", msg->error() );

		delete reply;
	return ans;
コード例 #9
ファイル: GUIControl.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
int GUIControl::DeleteDesktop( int desktop_id )
		Message *msg = new Message( DELETE );
				 msg->AddString( "_type", "desktop" );
				 msg->AddInt( "_id", desktop_id );

		Message *reply = Messenger::SendReceiveMessage( "gui_server", 0, msg );
		if ( reply == NULL )
			delete msg;
			return -1;

		delete msg;

		if ( reply->rc() != 0 ) 
			if ( msg->error() != NULL )
				printf("%s%s\n","error: ", msg->error() );
			delete reply;
			return -1;

		delete reply;
	return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: editwin.cpp プロジェクト: PyroOS/Pyro
bool EditWin::OkToQuit(void)
	Message *m = new Message( ID_UNLOCK );
	m->AddString( "id", m_cID );
	m_pcMessenger->SendMessage( m );
	return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: GUIControl.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
int GUIControl::SetMode( int video_id, int width, int height, int mode )
		Message *msg = new Message( SET );
				 msg->AddString( "_type", "video_mode" );
				 msg->AddInt( "_id", video_id );
				 msg->AddInt( "_width", width );
				 msg->AddInt( "_height", height );
				 msg->AddInt( "_mode", mode );

		Message *reply = Messenger::SendReceiveMessage( "gui_server", 0, msg );
		if ( reply == NULL )
			delete msg;
			return -1;

		int ans = reply->rc();

		if ( ans != 0 )
			if ( msg->error() != NULL )
				printf("%s%s\n","error: ", msg->error() );

		delete reply;
		delete msg;
	return ans;
コード例 #12
ファイル: IFaceWin.cpp プロジェクト: rickcaudill/Pyro
void IFaceWin::SendCloseMessage( void )
	Messenger cMsnger( m_pcParent );
	Message *pcMsg = new Message( CloseInterfaceWindow );

	pcMsg->AddString( INTERFACE_NAME_KEY, m_pcIFace->GetName() );
	cMsnger.SendMessage( pcMsg );
コード例 #13
ファイル: GUIControl.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
int GUIControl::GetDriverList( List *drivers )
		Message *msg = new Message( GET );
				 msg->AddString( "_type", "driver_list" );

		Message *reply = Messenger::SendReceiveMessage( "gui_server", 0, msg );
		if ( reply == NULL )
			delete msg;
			return -1;

		delete msg;

		if ( reply->rc() != 0 ) 
			if ( msg->error() != NULL )
				printf("%s%s\n","error: ", msg->error() );
			delete reply;
			return -1;
		// --------------------------------
		int id;
		char *name;
		char *description;
		int count = 0;
		while ( (reply->FindInt( "_id", count, &id )) == 0 )
		   if ( reply->FindString( "_description", count, (const char**)&description ) == 0 )
			if ( reply->FindString( "_name", count, (const char**)&name ) == 0 )
				struct video_driver_info *vd = new struct video_driver_info;

					vd->id = id;
					strncpy( vd->name, name, 1024 );
					strncpy( vd->description, description, 1024 );

				drivers->add( vd );

				free( name );
				free( description );
			else free( description );

			count += 1;

		// --------------------------------
	delete reply;
	return 0;
コード例 #14
ファイル: GUIControl.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
int GUIControl::GetSupportedModes( List* modes )
		Message *msg = new Message( GET );
				 msg->AddString( "_type", "supported_modes" );

		Message *reply = Messenger::SendReceiveMessage( "gui_server", 0, msg );
		if ( reply == NULL )
			delete msg;
			return -1;

		delete msg;

		if ( reply->rc() != 0 ) 
			if ( msg->error() != NULL )
				printf("%s%s\n","error: ", msg->error() );
			delete reply;
			return -1;
		// --------------------------------
		int id;
		int width;
		int height;
		int mode;
		int count = 0;
		while ( (reply->FindInt( "_id", count, &id )) == 0 )
			if ( reply->FindInt( "_width", count, &width ) == 0 )
			 if ( reply->FindInt( "_height", count, &height ) == 0 )
			  if ( reply->FindInt( "_mode", count, &mode ) == 0 )
				struct video_mode *vm = new struct video_mode;

				vm->id = id;
				vm->width = width;
				vm->height = height;
				vm->mode = mode;

				modes->add( vm );

			count += 1;

		// --------------------------------
	delete reply;
	return 0;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Message.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
/** Convenience method to sends a reply Message with a 
 * what value of "OK", and the given "rc" and "_error"
 * parameters.
 * \param rc The return code which will be embedded as an Int named "rc".
 * \param error The return string to embed as "_error". Nothing is embedded
 * 		  if NULL is specified.
 * 	\return 0 if the reply was sent successfully.
int Message::SendRC( int rc, char *error )
	Message *msg = new Message( OK );
			 msg->AddInt( "rc", rc );
			 if ( error != NULL )  msg->AddString( "_error", error );
	int ans = SendReply( msg );
	delete msg;
	return ans;
コード例 #16
* Description: Saves the settings
* Author: Rick Caudill
* Date: Thu Mar 18 20:17:32 2004
void WallpaperChangerSettings::SaveSettings()
	ListViewStringRow* pcRow = (ListViewStringRow*)pcDirectoryList->GetRow(pcDirectoryList->GetLastSelected());
	Message* pcMessage = new Message(M_PREFS_SEND_TO_PARENT);
	bRandom = pcRandom->GetValue().AsBool();				
コード例 #17
ファイル: remoteview.cpp プロジェクト: PyroOS/Pyro
/** \brief Create and display icons for each of the RemoteNodes. in pacNodes.
 * This sets the remote view contents and updates the layout when necessary.
 * It also gets the initial path the first time it is called.
 * \todo Perform periodic layouts while downloading large dirlisting.
 * \todo Display file sizes in a human readable format?
 * \todo Move the entry path stuff somewhere else?
 * \param pacNodes List of RemoteNodes that should be updated for the remote view contents.
 * \param bInitial Set this to true if this is the first of several messages and we should clear the iconview first.
 * \param bFinal Set this to true if this is the last of the directory listing. and should Layout() when done.
void RemoteIconView::SetContents( std::vector< RemoteNode >* pacNodes, bool bInitial, bool bFinal )
	/* If we haven't yet got the entry path, get it now. */
	if( m_zPath == "" ) {	/* \todo Is it possible that GetEntryPath() could be "" ? */
		if( m_pcServer->GetEntryPath() != "" ) {
			m_zPath = m_pcServer->GetEntryPath();

			if( m_pcDirChangedMsg ) {
				Message cTmp = *m_pcDirChangedMsg;
				cTmp.AddString( "file/path", m_zPath );
				Invoke( &cTmp );
		} else {
			DEBUG( "RemoteView: GetEntryPath() is empty.\n" );
	if( bInitial ) Clear();	/* Remove all icons */


	int nCount = pacNodes->size();
//	DEBUG( "RemoteIconView: Dirlisting fragment contains %i nodes; %s initial, %sfinal\n", nCount, bInitial?"":"not ", bFinal?"":"not " );

	for( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) {
		RemoteNode cNode = (*pacNodes)[i];
//		DEBUG( "  '%s', %s, size %i, permissions %i\n", cNode.GetName().c_str(), (cNode.IsDir() ? "dir" : "file"), cNode.GetSize(), cNode.GetPermissions() );

		Image* pcImage = GetNodeImage( &cNode, (GetView() == VIEW_LIST || GetView() == VIEW_DETAILS) );
		RemoteIconData* pcData = new RemoteIconData;
		pcData->m_cNode = cNode;

		uint nIndex = AddIcon( pcImage, pcData );
		AddIconString( nIndex, cNode.GetName() );

		String zTmp;
		if( cNode.IsDir() ) {
			zTmp = "<Dir>";
		} else {
			zTmp.Format( "%li", cNode.GetSize() );
		AddIconString( nIndex, zTmp );
		AddIconString( nIndex, cNode.GetTimestamp().GetDate() );
	// When this is the last of the directory listing, reset the update flag.
	if( bFinal ) {
		m_bUpdatePending = false;
コード例 #18
static status_t UnparseFileAux(const Message & readFrom, FILE * optFile, String * optString, uint32 indentLevel)
   if ((optFile == NULL)&&(optString == NULL)) return B_ERROR;

   const String indentStr = String().Pad(indentLevel);
   Message scratchMsg;
   for (MessageFieldNameIterator fnIter(readFrom); fnIter.HasData(); fnIter++)
      const String & fn = fnIter.GetFieldName();
      uint32 tc;
      if (readFrom.GetInfo(fn, &tc) == B_NO_ERROR)
            case B_MESSAGE_TYPE:
               MessageRef nextVal;
               for (uint32 i=0; readFrom.FindMessage(fn, i, nextVal) == B_NO_ERROR; i++)
                  AddUnparseFileLine(optFile, optString, indentStr, String("begin %1").Arg(fn));
                  if (UnparseFileAux(*nextVal(), optFile, optString, indentLevel+3) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
                  AddUnparseFileLine(optFile, optString, indentStr, "end");

            case B_STRING_TYPE:
               const String * nextVal;
               for (uint32 i=0; readFrom.FindString(fn, i, &nextVal) == B_NO_ERROR; i++)
                  scratchMsg.Clear(); if (scratchMsg.AddString(fn, *nextVal) != B_NO_ERROR) return B_ERROR;
                  AddUnparseFileLine(optFile, optString, indentStr, UnparseArgs(scratchMsg));

               // do nothing
      else return B_ERROR;  // should never happen
   return B_NO_ERROR;
コード例 #19
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: PyroOS/Pyro
		HexEditor(const char *zFile) 
			: Application("application/x-vnd.ADK.HexEditor")
			HexEditWindow *pcWin = new HexEditWindow(Rect(50,50,690,530));
			if( zFile != NULL )
				Message *pcMsg = new Message(EV_OPEN_FILE_SELECTED);
				pcMsg->AddString("file/path", zFile);
				Messenger cMnger(pcWin->GetController());
コード例 #20
ファイル: remoteview.cpp プロジェクト: PyroOS/Pyro
/** \brief Invoked
 * Handles when an icon within the view is invoked. If it is a directory
 * it should, the current directory should move into it. If it is a file
 * it should be opened if possible and otherwise it should be downloaded.
 * \todo Should attempt to dowload and open the remote file if it's not a directory?
 * \todo What should be the default action when the file type is unknown?
void RemoteIconView::Invoked( uint nIcon, IconData* pcData )
//	DEBUG( "RemoteIconView::Invoked on icon %i (%s)\n", nIcon, GetIconString( nIcon, 0 ).c_str() );
	RemoteIconData* pcRData = (RemoteIconData*)pcData;
	if( pcRData->m_cNode.IsDir() ) {
		Path cPath = m_zPath;
		cPath.Append( pcRData->m_cNode.m_zName );
		DEBUG( "RemoteView: Changing to %s\n", cPath.GetPath().c_str() );
		if( m_pcDirChangedMsg ) {
			Message cTmp = *m_pcDirChangedMsg;
			cTmp.AddString( "file/path", cPath.GetPath() );
			Invoke( &cTmp );
		SetPath( cPath.GetPath() );
コード例 #21
ファイル: GUIControl.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
int GUIControl::GetDesktopMode( int desktop_id, 
							int *video_id, 
							int *width, int *height, int *mode )
		Message *msg = new Message( GET );
				 msg->AddString( "_type", "desktop_mode" );
				 msg->AddInt( "_id", desktop_id );

		Message *reply = Messenger::SendReceiveMessage( "gui_server", 0, msg );
		if ( reply == NULL )
			delete msg;
			return -1;

		delete msg;

		int ans = reply->rc();

		if ( ans != 0 )
			if ( msg->error() != NULL )
				printf("%s%s\n","error: ", msg->error() );

		if ( reply->FindInt( "_id", video_id ) != 0 ) ans = -1;
		if ( reply->FindInt( "_width", width ) != 0 ) ans = -1;
		if ( reply->FindInt( "_height", height ) != 0 ) ans = -1;
		if ( reply->FindInt( "_mode", mode ) != 0 ) ans = -1;

		delete reply;

	return ans;
コード例 #22
ファイル: ext2fs.cpp プロジェクト: AdamRLukaitis/spoon
int Ext2FS::List( char *node, Message **list )
   struct ext2fs_inode inode;
   struct ext2fs_direntry dir;

   *list = NULL;

   uint32 inum = GetInodeByName( node, &inode );
   if ( inum == 0 ) return -1;

   Message *msg = new Message(OK);

   	int number = 0;
	while ( get_direntry( inode, number++, &dir ) == 0 )
		dir.name[ dir.name_len ] = 0;
		msg->AddString("entry", dir.name );
		if ( number > 1000 )  break;
	*list = msg;

  return 0;
コード例 #23
ファイル: mbox.cpp プロジェクト: PyroOS/Pyro
status_t MboxImporter::AddMessage( os::String &cMessage )
	if( cMessage != "" )
		if( m_bDoCrLf )
			/* Convert linefeeds to CRLF pairs */
			const char *pStart, *pEnd;
			int nLf = 0;

			pStart = cMessage.c_str();
			while( ( pEnd = strchr( pStart, '\n' ) ) != NULL )
				pStart = pEnd + 1;

			char *pMessage = (char*)calloc( 1, cMessage.size() + nLf + 1 );
			if( NULL == pMessage )
				return ENOMEM;

			const char *pIn;
			char *pOut;

			pIn = cMessage.c_str();
			pOut = pMessage;

			while( '\0' != *pIn )
				if( '\n' == *pIn )
					*pOut++ = '\r';
				*pOut++ = *pIn++;
			cMessage = pMessage;
			free( pMessage );

		/* Add an RFC2822 terminating sequence */
		cMessage += "\r\n.\r\n";

		/* Create a Mailmessage and send it back down to the application along with the relevent data */
		Mailmessage *pcImport = new Mailmessage( cMessage.c_str(), cMessage.size() );

		Message *pcImportMessage = new Message( M_IMPORT_NEW );
		pcImportMessage->AddPointer( "message", pcImport );
		pcImportMessage->AddString( "folder", m_cFolder );

		m_pcMessenger->SendMessage( pcImportMessage );

		/* Update the progress dialog & check if the user canceled */
		float vProgress = ( (double)m_nBytes / (double)m_nSize );

		char zMessage[64] = { '\0' };
		snprintf( zMessage, 64, "Importing message #%Ld", m_nCount++ );

		m_pcDialog->SetMessage( zMessage );
		m_pcDialog->SetProgress( vProgress );
		m_bRun = !m_pcDialog->IsCancelled();

	cMessage = "";
	return EOK;
コード例 #24
ファイル: editwin.cpp プロジェクト: PyroOS/Pyro
void EditWin::HandleMessage(Message *msg)
	switch(msg->GetCode()) {
		case ID_EDIT_ADD:
				int sel = m_pcItems->GetFirstSelected();
				ListViewStringRow *lvs = new ListViewStringRow;
				char bfr[16];
				sprintf(bfr, "%d", 0);
				sprintf(bfr, "%d", ++m_nIDCtr);	
				m_pcItems->InsertRow(sel, lvs);
				int sel = m_pcItems->GetFirstSelected();
				if(sel != -1) {
		case ID_EDIT_ITEM:
				int sel = m_pcItems->GetFirstSelected();
				if(sel != -1) {
					_EditItem( sel );
				Message *m = new Message( ID_UNLOCK );
				m->AddString( "id", m_cID );
				m_pcMessenger->SendMessage( m );
		case ID_EDIT_SAVE:
				Message *m = new Message( ID_REFRESH );
				m->AddString( "id", m_cID );
				m_pcMessenger->SendMessage( m );
				String id;
				String s;
				if(msg->FindString("id", &id) == 0) {
					ListViewStringRow *lvr;
					for(int i = 0; i < (int)m_pcItems->GetRowCount(); i++) {
						lvr = (ListViewStringRow *)m_pcItems->GetRow(i);
						if( lvr->GetString(2) == id ) {
							if(msg->FindString("data", &s) == 0) {
								lvr->SetString(1, s);
							m_pcItems->InvalidateRow(i, 0);
//				cout << "SAVE_INDEX" << endl;
		case ID_UNLOCK:
				String id;
				if(msg->FindString("id", &id) == 0) {
					ListViewStringRow *lvr;
					for(int i = 0; i < m_pcItems->GetRowCount(); i++) {
						lvr = (ListViewStringRow *)m_pcItems->GetRow(i);
						if( lvr->GetString(2) == id ) {