コード例 #1
void DrumMachine::getNextAudioBlock(const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill) {
//    std::cout << "drum machine!!" << std::endl;
    auto& transport = audioEngine.getTransport();
    if (transport.isPlaying()) {
        int frameStartSamples = transport.getFrameStartSamples();
        float frameStartTicks = transport.getFrameStartTicks();
        float frameEndTicks = transport.getFrameEndTicks();
        if ((int) frameStartTicks < (int) frameEndTicks) {
            int tick = (int) frameEndTicks;
            if (patternLength != 0) {
                int ntick = tick % patternLength;
                for (int voice = 0; voice < NUM_DRUM_VOICES; voice++) {
					if (mute[voice])
                    if (pattern[voice][ntick] > 0) {
                        // we need to queue the appropriate note in the drum machine's synth.
                        int offset = transport.ticksToSamples(tick) - frameStartSamples;
                        if (offset > 0) {
							MidiMessage msg = MidiMessage::noteOn(1, voice, (float) 1.0);
    // the synth always adds its output to the audio buffer, so we have to clear it
    // first..
    // fill a midi buffer with incoming messages from the midi input.
    MidiBuffer incomingMidi;
    midiCollector.removeNextBlockOfMessages(incomingMidi, bufferToFill.numSamples);
    // pass these messages to the keyboard state so that it can update the component
    // to show on-screen which keys are being pressed on the physical midi keyboard.
    // This call will also add midi messages to the buffer which were generated by
    // the mouse-clicking on the on-screen keyboard.
    keyboardState.processNextMidiBuffer(incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, true);
    // and now get the synth to process the midi events and generate its output.
    synth.renderNextBlock(*bufferToFill.buffer, incomingMidi, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples);
    bufferToFill.buffer->applyGain(0, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, 0.2);
    bufferToFill.buffer->applyGain(1, 0, bufferToFill.numSamples, 0.2);
コード例 #2
bool MidiSequencePlugin::eventAdded (const int controller, const double automationValue, const float beatNumber)
    MidiMessage msgOn = MidiMessage::controllerEvent (NOTE_CHANNEL, controller, automationValue * 127);
    msgOn.setTimeStamp (beatNumber);

    DBG ("Adding:" +String (automationValue) + " " + String (beatNumber));

    const ScopedLock sl (parentHost->getCallbackLock ());

    midiSequence->addEvent (msgOn);

    DBG ("Added:" + String (automationValue) + " " + String (beatNumber));

    return true;
コード例 #3
bool MidiSequencePlugin::eventMoved (
							const int controllerNum,
							const double oldValue,
                            const float oldBeat,
                            const double automationValue,
                            const float beatNumber)
    DBG ("Moving:" + String (oldValue) + " " + String (oldBeat));

    double noteOnBeats = oldBeat - NOTE_PREFRAMES;

    int eventIndex = midiSequence->getNextIndexAtTime (noteOnBeats);
    while (eventIndex < midiSequence->getNumEvents ())
        MidiMessage* eventOn = &midiSequence->getEventPointer (eventIndex)->message;

        if (eventOn->isController() && eventOn->getControllerNumber() == controllerNum && eventOn->getControllerValue() == floor(oldValue * 127)) // should make this a "matches controller" method
		    MidiMessage msgOn = MidiMessage::controllerEvent (NOTE_CHANNEL, controllerNum, automationValue * 127);
    		msgOn.setTimeStamp (beatNumber);
			const ScopedLock sl (parentHost->getCallbackLock());

			// remove old events
			midiSequence->deleteEvent (eventIndex, true);
			midiSequence->addEvent (msgOn);

            return true;


    DBG (">>> Move failed:" + String (oldValue) + " @ " + String (oldBeat));

    return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: MainComponent.cpp プロジェクト: Neknail/JUCE
void MainContentComponent::handleNoteOff (MidiKeyboardState*, int midiChannel, int midiNoteNumber, float velocity)
    MidiMessage m (MidiMessage::noteOff (midiChannel, midiNoteNumber, velocity));
    m.setTimeStamp (Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes() * 0.001);
    sendToOutputs (m);
コード例 #5
MidiMessageSequence* MidiStochaster::createMelody(int minOctaveOffset, int maxOctaveOffset, double speedFactor) {
    int currentOctaveOffset;
    if (minOctaveOffset <= 0) {
        currentOctaveOffset = 0;
    } else { 
        currentOctaveOffset = minOctaveOffset;
    int randInt1 = randomInt(100, 200);
    double stopProbability = (double) randInt1 / (randInt1 + 1);
    int randInt2 = randomInt(4, 10);
    double octaveSwitchProbability = (double) randInt2 / (randInt2 + 1);
    double currentTime = 0.0;
    MidiMessageSequence* melody = new MidiMessageSequence(starter);
    if (!goodSource) {
        return melody;
    while (randomDouble(0,1) < stopProbability) {
        int notePitch = pitches->at(randomInt(0, pitches->size() - 1)) + 12 * currentOctaveOffset;
        while (notePitch < 0) {
        while (notePitch > 127) {
        int noteVelocity = randomInt(lowVelocity, highVelocity);
        int noteLength = randomDouble(lowNoteLength, highNoteLength) * (1.0 / speedFactor);
        int nextRestLength;
        if (randomDouble(0,1) < negRestProbability) {
            nextRestLength = randomDouble(lowNegRestLength, highNegRestLength) * 1.0 / speedFactor;
        } else {
            nextRestLength = randomDouble(lowRestLength, highRestLength) * 1.0 / speedFactor;
        MidiMessage noteDown = MidiMessage::noteOn(1, notePitch, (uint8_t) noteVelocity);
        MidiMessage noteUp = MidiMessage::noteOff(1, notePitch);
        noteUp.setTimeStamp(currentTime + noteLength);

        currentTime += noteLength + nextRestLength;
        if (randomDouble(0,1) > octaveSwitchProbability) {
            currentOctaveOffset = randomInt(minOctaveOffset, maxOctaveOffset);
    return melody;