コード例 #1
StatusWith<RecordId> RecordStoreV1Base::_insertRecord(OperationContext* txn,
                                                      const char* data,
                                                      int len,
                                                      bool enforceQuota) {
    const int lenWHdr = len + MmapV1RecordHeader::HeaderSize;
    const int lenToAlloc = shouldPadInserts() ? quantizeAllocationSpace(lenWHdr) : lenWHdr;
    fassert(17208, lenToAlloc >= lenWHdr);

    StatusWith<DiskLoc> loc = allocRecord(txn, lenToAlloc, enforceQuota);
    if (!loc.isOK())
        return StatusWith<RecordId>(loc.getStatus());

    MmapV1RecordHeader* r = recordFor(loc.getValue());
    fassert(17210, r->lengthWithHeaders() >= lenWHdr);

    // copy the data
    r = reinterpret_cast<MmapV1RecordHeader*>(txn->recoveryUnit()->writingPtr(r, lenWHdr));
    memcpy(r->data(), data, len);

    _addRecordToRecListInExtent(txn, r, loc.getValue());

    _details->incrementStats(txn, r->netLength(), 1);

    return StatusWith<RecordId>(loc.getValue().toRecordId());
コード例 #2
StatusWith<RecordId> RecordStoreV1Base::insertRecord(OperationContext* txn,
                                                     const DocWriter* doc,
                                                     bool enforceQuota) {
    int docSize = doc->documentSize();
    if (docSize < 4) {
        return StatusWith<RecordId>(ErrorCodes::InvalidLength, "record has to be >= 4 bytes");
    const int lenWHdr = docSize + MmapV1RecordHeader::HeaderSize;
    if (lenWHdr > MaxAllowedAllocation) {
        return StatusWith<RecordId>(ErrorCodes::InvalidLength, "record has to be <= 16.5MB");
    const int lenToAlloc =
        (doc->addPadding() && shouldPadInserts()) ? quantizeAllocationSpace(lenWHdr) : lenWHdr;

    StatusWith<DiskLoc> loc = allocRecord(txn, lenToAlloc, enforceQuota);
    if (!loc.isOK())
        return StatusWith<RecordId>(loc.getStatus());

    MmapV1RecordHeader* r = recordFor(loc.getValue());
    fassert(17319, r->lengthWithHeaders() >= lenWHdr);

    r = reinterpret_cast<MmapV1RecordHeader*>(txn->recoveryUnit()->writingPtr(r, lenWHdr));

    _addRecordToRecListInExtent(txn, r, loc.getValue());

    _details->incrementStats(txn, r->netLength(), 1);

    return StatusWith<RecordId>(loc.getValue().toRecordId());
コード例 #3
StatusWith<RecordId> RecordStoreV1Base::updateRecord(OperationContext* txn,
                                                     const RecordId& oldLocation,
                                                     const char* data,
                                                     int dataSize,
                                                     bool enforceQuota,
                                                     UpdateNotifier* notifier) {
    MmapV1RecordHeader* oldRecord = recordFor(DiskLoc::fromRecordId(oldLocation));
    if (oldRecord->netLength() >= dataSize) {
        // Make sure to notify other queries before we do an in-place update.
        if (notifier) {
            Status callbackStatus = notifier->recordStoreGoingToUpdateInPlace(txn, oldLocation);
            if (!callbackStatus.isOK())
                return StatusWith<RecordId>(callbackStatus);

        // we fit
        memcpy(txn->recoveryUnit()->writingPtr(oldRecord->data(), dataSize), data, dataSize);
        return StatusWith<RecordId>(oldLocation);

    // We enforce the restriction of unchanging capped doc sizes above the storage layer.

    // we have to move
    if (dataSize + MmapV1RecordHeader::HeaderSize > MaxAllowedAllocation) {
        return StatusWith<RecordId>(ErrorCodes::InvalidLength, "record has to be <= 16.5MB");

    StatusWith<RecordId> newLocation = _insertRecord(txn, data, dataSize, enforceQuota);
    if (!newLocation.isOK())
        return newLocation;

    // insert worked, so we delete old record
    if (notifier) {
        Status moveStatus = notifier->recordStoreGoingToMove(
            txn, oldLocation, oldRecord->data(), oldRecord->netLength());
        if (!moveStatus.isOK())
            return StatusWith<RecordId>(moveStatus);

    deleteRecord(txn, oldLocation);

    return newLocation;
コード例 #4
StatusWith<RecordData> RecordStoreV1Base::updateWithDamages(
    OperationContext* txn,
    const RecordId& loc,
    const RecordData& oldRec,
    const char* damageSource,
    const mutablebson::DamageVector& damages) {
    MmapV1RecordHeader* rec = recordFor(DiskLoc::fromRecordId(loc));
    char* root = rec->data();

    // All updates were in place. Apply them via durability and writing pointer.
    mutablebson::DamageVector::const_iterator where = damages.begin();
    const mutablebson::DamageVector::const_iterator end = damages.end();
    for (; where != end; ++where) {
        const char* sourcePtr = damageSource + where->sourceOffset;
        void* targetPtr = txn->recoveryUnit()->writingPtr(root + where->targetOffset, where->size);
        std::memcpy(targetPtr, sourcePtr, where->size);

    return rec->toRecordData();
コード例 #5
void RecordStoreV1Base::deleteRecord(OperationContext* txn, const RecordId& rid) {
    const DiskLoc dl = DiskLoc::fromRecordId(rid);

    MmapV1RecordHeader* todelete = recordFor(dl);
    invariant(todelete->netLength() >= 4);  // this is required for defensive code

    /* remove ourself from the record next/prev chain */
        if (todelete->prevOfs() != DiskLoc::NullOfs) {
            DiskLoc prev = getPrevRecordInExtent(txn, dl);
            MmapV1RecordHeader* prevRecord = recordFor(prev);
            txn->recoveryUnit()->writingInt(prevRecord->nextOfs()) = todelete->nextOfs();

        if (todelete->nextOfs() != DiskLoc::NullOfs) {
            DiskLoc next = getNextRecord(txn, dl);
            MmapV1RecordHeader* nextRecord = recordFor(next);
            txn->recoveryUnit()->writingInt(nextRecord->prevOfs()) = todelete->prevOfs();

    /* remove ourself from extent pointers */
        DiskLoc extentLoc = todelete->myExtentLoc(dl);
        Extent* e = _getExtent(txn, extentLoc);
        if (e->firstRecord == dl) {
            if (todelete->nextOfs() == DiskLoc::NullOfs)
                e->firstRecord.set(dl.a(), todelete->nextOfs());
        if (e->lastRecord == dl) {
            if (todelete->prevOfs() == DiskLoc::NullOfs)
                e->lastRecord.set(dl.a(), todelete->prevOfs());

    /* add to the free list */
        _details->incrementStats(txn, -1 * todelete->netLength(), -1);

        if (_isSystemIndexes) {
            /* temp: if in system.indexes, don't reuse, and zero out: we want to be
               careful until validated more, as IndexDetails has pointers
               to this disk location.  so an incorrectly done remove would cause
               a lot of problems.
            memset(txn->recoveryUnit()->writingPtr(todelete, todelete->lengthWithHeaders()),
        } else {
            // this is defensive so we can detect if we are still using a location
            // that was deleted
            memset(txn->recoveryUnit()->writingPtr(todelete->data(), 4), 0xee, 4);
            addDeletedRec(txn, dl);