ParticleIndexes DummyPairContainer::get_all_possible_indexes() const { ParticleIndexes ret = c_->get_all_possible_indexes(); ModelObjectsTemp mos = cpf_->get_inputs(get_model(), c_->get_indexes()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mos.size(); ++i) { ModelObject *o = mos[i]; Particle *p = dynamic_cast<Particle *>(o); if (p) ret.push_back(p->get_index()); } return ret; }
void ModelObject::validate_outputs() const { if (!get_has_dependencies()) return; IMP_IF_CHECK(USAGE_AND_INTERNAL) { IMP_CHECK_OBJECT(this); ModelObjectsTemp ret = do_get_outputs(); std::sort(ret.begin(), ret.end()); ret.erase(std::unique(ret.begin(), ret.end()), ret.end()); ModelObjectsTemp saved = get_model()->get_dependency_graph_outputs(this); std::sort(saved.begin(), saved.end()); ModelObjectsTemp intersection; std::set_intersection(saved.begin(), saved.end(), ret.begin(), ret.end(), std::back_inserter(intersection)); IMP_USAGE_CHECK( intersection.size() == ret.size(), "Dependencies changed without invalidating dependencies." << " Make sure you call set_has_dependencies(false) any " << "time the list of dependencies changed. Object is " << get_name() << " of type " << get_type_name()); } }
ParticleIndexes MonteCarlo::get_movable_particles() const { ParticleIndexes movable; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < get_number_of_movers(); ++i) { ModelObjectsTemp t = get_mover(i)->get_outputs(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < t.size(); ++j) { ModelObject *mo = t[j]; if (dynamic_cast<Particle *>(mo)) { movable.push_back(dynamic_cast<Particle *>(mo)->get_index()); } } } return movable; }
ContainersTemp get_output_containers(const ModelObjectsTemp &mo) { ContainersTemp ret; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mo.size(); ++i) { ModelObject *o = mo[i]; Container *p = dynamic_cast<Container *>(o); if (p) ret.push_back(p); else { ret += get_output_containers(o->get_inputs()); } } return ret; }
ParticlesTemp get_output_particles(const ModelObjectsTemp &mo) { ParticlesTemp ret; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mo.size(); ++i) { ModelObject *o = mo[i]; Particle *p = dynamic_cast<Particle *>(o); if (p) ret.push_back(p); else { ret += get_output_particles(o->get_inputs()); } } return ret; }
ScoreStatesTemp get_required_score_states(const ModelObjectsTemp &mos, ScoreStatesTemp exclude) { if (mos.empty()) return ScoreStatesTemp(); ScoreStatesTemp ret; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mos.size(); ++i) { mos[0]->get_model()->do_set_has_required_score_states(mos[i], true); ret += mos[i]->get_required_score_states(); } std::sort(ret.begin(), ret.end()); std::sort(exclude.begin(), exclude.end()); ScoreStatesTemp diff; std::set_difference(ret.begin(), ret.end(), exclude.begin(), exclude.end(), std::back_inserter(diff)); return get_update_order(diff); }
void HybridMonteCarlo::do_step() { //gibbs sampler on x and v //persistence=p samples p times x and once v //However because it's constant E, a rejected move //will result in recalculating the same move up to p times //until it is either accepted or the velocities are redrawn //since p has to be independent of the outcome (markov property) //we avoid recalculating the trajectory on rejection by just trying //it over and over without doing the md again. persistence_counter_ += 1; if (persistence_counter_ == persistence_) { persistence_counter_ = 0; //boltzmann constant in kcal/mol static const double kB = 8.31441 / 4186.6; md_->assign_velocities(get_kt() / kB); } ParticleIndexes all_optimized_particles; { ModelObjectsTemp op = get_model()->get_optimized_particles(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i< op.size(); ++i) { all_optimized_particles.push_back(dynamic_cast<Particle*>(op[i].get()) ->get_index()); } } double last = do_evaluate(all_optimized_particles); core::MonteCarloMoverResult moved = do_move(); double energy = do_evaluate(all_optimized_particles); bool accepted = do_accept_or_reject_move(energy, last, moved.get_proposal_ratio()); while ((!accepted) && (persistence_counter_ < persistence_-1)) { persistence_counter_ += 1; accepted = do_accept_or_reject_move(energy, last, moved.get_proposal_ratio()); } /*std::cout << "hmc" << " old " << last << " new " << energy << " delta " << energy-last << " accepted " << accepted <<std::endl;*/ }