コード例 #1
ファイル: FBXParser.cpp プロジェクト: LiXizhi/NPLRuntime
void FBXParser::ProcessFBXMaterial(const aiScene* pFbxScene, unsigned int iIndex, CParaXModel *pMesh)
	aiMaterial* pfbxMaterial = pFbxScene->mMaterials[iIndex];

	unsigned int iUV;
	float fBlend;
	aiTextureOp eOp;
	aiString szPath;
	char* content_begin = NULL;

	int content_len = -1;

	std::string sMatName;
		aiString sMaterialName;
		if (AI_SUCCESS == aiGetMaterialString(pfbxMaterial, AI_MATKEY_NAME, &sMaterialName))
			sMatName = sMaterialName.C_Str();

	aiGetMaterialTexture(pfbxMaterial, (aiTextureType)aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0,
		&szPath, NULL, &iUV, &fBlend, &eOp, NULL, NULL, &content_begin, &content_len);

	std::string diffuseTexName(szPath.C_Str());
	if (diffuseTexName != "")
		diffuseTexName = GetTexturePath(diffuseTexName);

		if (content_begin)
			std::string sFileName = CParaFile::GetFileName(m_sFilename);
			diffuseTexName = CParaFile::GetParentDirectoryFromPath(diffuseTexName) + sFileName + "/" + CParaFile::GetFileName(diffuseTexName);
			m_textureContentMapping[diffuseTexName] = "";
			m_textureContentMapping[diffuseTexName].append(content_begin, content_len);
			// OUTPUT_LOG("embedded FBX texture %s used. size %d bytes\n", texname.c_str(), (int)m_textureContentMapping[texname].size());
		else if (!CParaFile::DoesFileExist(diffuseTexName.c_str(), true))
			OUTPUT_LOG("warn: FBX texture %s not exist\n", diffuseTexName.c_str());
			diffuseTexName = "";
	m_beUsedVertexColor = diffuseTexName.empty() && m_beUsedVertexColor;

	// parse material name
	FBXMaterial fbxMat;
	ParseMaterialByName(sMatName, &fbxMat);

	int16 blendmode = BM_OPAQUE;
	if (!diffuseTexName.empty())
		if (AI_SUCCESS == aiGetMaterialTexture(pfbxMaterial, (aiTextureType)aiTextureType_OPACITY, 0,
			&szPath, NULL, &iUV, &fBlend, &eOp, NULL, NULL, &content_begin, &content_len))
			if (fbxMat.isAlphaBlended())
				blendmode = BM_ALPHA_BLEND;
				blendmode = BM_TRANSPARENT;
	if (fbxMat.bAddictive)
		blendmode = BM_ADDITIVE;

	if (m_beUsedVertexColor)
		diffuseTexName = std::string(g_sDefaultTexture);
	fbxMat.m_filename = diffuseTexName;

	int texture_index = m_textures.size() - 1;
	ModelRenderPass pass;
	pass.tex = texture_index;
	pass.texanim = -1;
	pass.color = -1;
	pass.opacity = -1;
	pass.unlit = fbxMat.bUnlit;
	pass.nozwrite = fbxMat.bDisableZWrite;
	pass.disable_physics = fbxMat.bDisablePhysics;
	pass.force_physics = fbxMat.bForcePhysics;
	pass.blendmode = blendmode;
	pass.cull = blendmode == BM_OPAQUE ? true : false;
	pass.order = fbxMat.m_nOrder;
	pass.geoset = 0;
	//*(((DWORD*)&(pass.geoset)) + 1) = parser.ReadInt();
コード例 #2
// MilkShape 3D
void ExportMS3D_M2(Attachment *att, Model *m, const char *fn, bool init)
	wxFFileOutputStream f(wxString(fn, wxConvUTF8), wxT("w+b"));

	if (!f.IsOk()) {
		wxLogMessage(wxT("Error: Unable to open file '%s'. Could not export model."), fn);
	LogExportData(wxT("MS3D"),m->modelname,wxString(fn, wxConvUTF8));
	unsigned short numVerts = 0;
	unsigned short numFaces = 0;
	unsigned short numGroups = 0;
	ModelData *verts = NULL;
	GroupData *groups = NULL;

	//we need the initial position anyway
	InitCommon(att, true, verts, groups, numVerts, numGroups, numFaces);
	//wxLogMessage(wxT("Num Verts: %i, Num Faces: %i, Num Groups: %i"), numVerts, numFaces, numGroups);
	//wxLogMessage(wxT("Vert[0] BoneID: %i, Group[0].m.name = %s"),verts[0].boneid, groups[0].m->name);
	wxLogMessage(wxT("Init Common Complete."));

	// Write the header
	ms3d_header_t header;
	strncpy(header.id, "MS3D000000", sizeof(header.id));
	header.version = 4;

	// Header
	f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&header), sizeof(ms3d_header_t));
	wxLogMessage(wxT("Header Data Written."));
	// Vertex Count
	f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&numVerts), sizeof(numVerts));
	//wxLogMessage(wxT("NumVerts: %i"),numVerts);
	// Write Vertex data?
	for (size_t i=0; i<numVerts; i++) {
		ms3d_vertex_t vert;
		vert.boneId = verts[i].boneid;
		vert.flags = 0; //SELECTED;
		vert.referenceCount = 0; // what the?
		vert.vertex[0] = verts[i].vertex.x;
		vert.vertex[1] = verts[i].vertex.y;
		vert.vertex[2] = verts[i].vertex.z;
		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&vert), sizeof(ms3d_vertex_t));
	wxLogMessage(wxT("Vertex Data Written."));
	// ---------------------------

	// Triangle Count
	f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&numFaces), sizeof(numFaces));
	//wxLogMessage(wxT("NumFaces: %i"),numFaces);

	// Write Triangle Data?
	for (size_t i=0; i<(unsigned int)numVerts; i+=3) {
		ms3d_triangle_t tri;
		tri.flags = 0; //SELECTED;
		tri.groupIndex = (unsigned char)verts[i].groupIndex;
		tri.smoothingGroup = 1; // 1 - 32

		for (ssize_t j=0; j<3; j++) {
			tri.vertexIndices[j] = (word)i+j;
			tri.s[j] = verts[i+j].tu;
			tri.t[j] = verts[i+j].tv;
			tri.vertexNormals[j][0] = verts[i+j].normal.x;
			tri.vertexNormals[j][1] = verts[i+j].normal.y;
			tri.vertexNormals[j][2] = verts[i+j].normal.z;

		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&tri), sizeof(ms3d_triangle_t));
	wxLogMessage(wxT("Triangle Data Written."));
	// ---------------------------

	// Number of groups
	f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&numGroups), sizeof(numGroups));
	//wxLogMessage(wxT("NumGroups: %i"),numGroups);

	unsigned short indiceCount = 0;
	for (unsigned short i=0; i<(unsigned int)numGroups; i++) {
		wxString groupName(wxString::Format(wxT("Geoset_%i"), i));

		const char flags = 0; // SELECTED
		f.Write(&flags, sizeof(flags));

		char name[32];
		strncpy(name, groupName.mb_str(), sizeof(name));
		f.Write(name, sizeof(name));

		unsigned short faceCount = groups[i].p.indexCount / 3;
		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&faceCount), sizeof(faceCount));
		for (ssize_t k=0; k<faceCount; k++) {
			//triIndices[k] = indiceCount;
			f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&indiceCount), sizeof(indiceCount));

		unsigned char gIndex = (char)i;
		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&gIndex), sizeof(gIndex));
	wxLogMessage(wxT("Group Data Written."));

	// Number of materials (pretty much identical to groups, each group has its own material)
	f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&numGroups), sizeof(numGroups));
	for (unsigned short i=0; i<(unsigned int)numGroups; i++) {
		wxString matName(wxString::Format(wxT("Material_%i"), i));

		ModelRenderPass p = groups[i].p;
		if (p.init(groups[i].m)) {
			ms3d_material_t mat;
			memset(mat.alphamap, '\0', sizeof(mat.alphamap));

			strncpy(mat.name, matName.mb_str(), sizeof(mat.name));
			mat.ambient[0] = 0.7f;
			mat.ambient[1] = 0.7f;
			mat.ambient[2] = 0.7f;
			mat.ambient[3] = 1.0f;
			mat.diffuse[0] = p.ocol.x;
			mat.diffuse[1] = p.ocol.y;
			mat.diffuse[2] = p.ocol.z;
			mat.diffuse[3] = p.ocol.w;
			mat.specular[0] = 0.0f;
			mat.specular[1] = 0.0f;
			mat.specular[2] = 0.0f;
			mat.specular[3] = 1.0f;
			mat.emissive[0] = p.ecol.x;
			mat.emissive[1] = p.ecol.y;
			mat.emissive[2] = p.ecol.z;
			mat.emissive[3] = p.ecol.w;
			mat.transparency = p.ocol.w;

			if (p.useEnvMap) {
				mat.shininess = 30.0f;
				mat.mode = 1;
			} else {
				mat.shininess = 0.0f;
				mat.mode = 0;
			unsigned int bindtex = 0;
			if (groups[i].m->specialTextures[p.tex]==-1) 
				bindtex = groups[i].m->textures[p.tex];
				bindtex = groups[i].m->replaceTextures[groups[i].m->specialTextures[p.tex]];
			wxString texName = GetM2TextureName(m,p,i);
			texName << wxT(".tga");
			strncpy(mat.texture, texName.mb_str(), sizeof(mat.texture));

			f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&mat), sizeof(ms3d_material_t));

			wxString texFilename(fn, wxConvUTF8);
			texFilename = texFilename.BeforeLast(SLASH);
			texFilename += SLASH;
			texFilename += texName;
			wxLogMessage(wxT("Exporting Image: %s"),texFilename.c_str());
	wxLogMessage(wxT("Material Data Written."));

	if (init)
		float fps = 1.0f;
		float fCurTime = 0.0f;
		int totalFrames = 0;

		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fps), sizeof(fps));
		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fCurTime), sizeof(fCurTime));
		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&totalFrames), sizeof(totalFrames));
		// number of joints
		unsigned short numJoints = 0;

		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&numJoints), sizeof(numJoints));
		float fps = 25.0f;
		float fCurTime = 0.0f;
		int totalFrames = ceil((m->anims[m->anim].timeEnd - m->anims[m->anim].timeStart) / 1000.0f * fps);

		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fps), sizeof(fps));
		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&fCurTime), sizeof(fCurTime));
		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&totalFrames), sizeof(totalFrames));
		// number of joints
		unsigned short numJoints = (unsigned short)m->header.nBones;

		f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&numJoints), sizeof(numJoints));

		for (size_t i=0; i<numJoints; i++)
			ms3d_joint_t joint;

			int parent = m->bones[i].parent;

			joint.flags = 0; // SELECTED
			memset(joint.name, '\0', sizeof(joint.name));
			snprintf(joint.name, sizeof(joint.name), "Bone_%i", i);
			memset(joint.parentName, '\0', sizeof(joint.parentName));
			if (parent != -1) snprintf(joint.parentName, sizeof(joint.parentName), "Bone_%i", parent);

			joint.rotation[0] = 0;
			joint.rotation[1] = 0;
			joint.rotation[2] = 0;

			Vec3D p = FixPivot(m, (int)i, m->bones[i].pivot);
			joint.position[0] = p.x;
			joint.position[1] = p.y;
			joint.position[2] = p.z;

			joint.numKeyFramesRot = (unsigned short)m->bones[i].rot.data[m->anim].size();
			joint.numKeyFramesTrans = (unsigned short)m->bones[i].trans.data[m->anim].size();

			f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&joint), sizeof(ms3d_joint_t));

			if (joint.numKeyFramesRot > 0)
				ms3d_keyframe_rot_t *keyFramesRot = new ms3d_keyframe_rot_t[joint.numKeyFramesRot];
				for (size_t j=0; j<joint.numKeyFramesRot; j++)
					keyFramesRot[j].time = m->bones[i].rot.times[m->anim][j] / 1000.0f;
					Vec3D euler = QuatToEuler(m->bones[i].rot.data[m->anim][j]);
					keyFramesRot[j].rotation[0] = euler.x;
					keyFramesRot[j].rotation[1] = euler.y;
					keyFramesRot[j].rotation[2] = euler.z;

				f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(keyFramesRot), sizeof(ms3d_keyframe_rot_t) * joint.numKeyFramesRot);

			if (joint.numKeyFramesTrans > 0)
				ms3d_keyframe_pos_t *keyFramesTrans = new ms3d_keyframe_pos_t[joint.numKeyFramesTrans];
				for (size_t j=0; j<joint.numKeyFramesTrans; j++)
					keyFramesTrans[j].time = m->bones[i].trans.times[m->anim][j] / 1000.0f;
					keyFramesTrans[j].position[0] = m->bones[i].trans.data[m->anim][j].x;
					keyFramesTrans[j].position[1] = m->bones[i].trans.data[m->anim][j].y;
					keyFramesTrans[j].position[2] = m->bones[i].trans.data[m->anim][j].z;

				f.Write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(keyFramesTrans), sizeof(ms3d_keyframe_pos_t) * joint.numKeyFramesTrans);
	wxLogMessage(wxT("Finished Milkshape Export."));

	if (verts){
		//wxLogMessage("verts found. Deleting...");
	if (groups){
		//wxLogMessage("groups found. Deleting...");

	//wxLogMessage(wxT("Finished Milkshape Cleanup.\n"));
コード例 #3
void M2Object::CreateRenderPass()

	if (header.nVertices == 0)


	size_t count = renderPasses.size();
	int currPass = 0;

	for (size_t i=0; i < count; ++i)
		ModelRenderPass pass = renderPasses.at(i);

		if (pass.init(this))
			RenderData& data = render_data[currPass++];


			data.colorIndex = pass.color;
			data.opacity = pass.opacity;			
			data.startIndex = pass.indexStart;
			data.endIndex = pass.indexCount;
			data.vertexStart = pass.vertexStart;
			data.vertexEnd = pass.vertexEnd;

			uint32 bindtex = 0;

			if (specialTextures[pass.tex]==-1) 
				bindtex = textureIds[pass.tex];
				bindtex = replaceTextures[specialTextures[pass.tex]];
			data.baseTex = bindtex;

			if (replaceTextures[TEXTURE_BUMP] > 0)
				data.bumpTex = replaceTextures[TEXTURE_BUMP];
				//data.normalSampler = 

			// Texture
			// blend mode
			BlendStateID blend = -1;
			switch (pass.blendmode) {
			case BM_OPAQUE:	// 0							
			case BM_TRANSPARENT: // 1
				//glAlphaFunc(GL_GEQUAL,0.7f); // Dx10 ÀÌÈÄ Alpha Test ¾ø¾îÁü. 				
				blend = GetApp()->GetBlendMode(0);
			case BM_ADDITIVE: // 3
				blend = GetApp()->GetBlendMode(1);
				blend = GetApp()->GetBlendMode(2);
			case BM_MODULATE:
				blend = GetApp()->GetBlendMode(3);
			case BM_MODULATEX2:	// 6, not sure if this is right
				blend = GetApp()->GetBlendMode(4);
				blend = GetApp()->GetBlendMode(5);

			data.blendMode = blend;

			if (pass.cull)
				data.cull = renderer->addRasterizerState(D3D11_CULL_FRONT);
				data.cull = renderer->addRasterizerState(D3D11_CULL_NONE);

			DepthStateID depthid = -1;
			if (pass.noZWrite) // depth write == false
				depthid = renderer->addDepthState(true, false);
				depthid = renderer->addDepthState(true, true);

			data.depthMode = depthid;
			data.unlit = pass.unlit;			
	numPass = currPass;