コード例 #1
bool DelayAtomicSequence::SearchStartStopSeq () {

    m_mod_start = NULL;
    m_mod_stop  = NULL;

    Module* pMod = GetParent();
    if (pMod == NULL) return false;

    int i1 = 0, i2 = pMod->GetNumberOfChildren();

    for (int i=0;i<pMod->GetNumberOfChildren();++i) {
        if(!m_start.compare(pMod->GetChild(i)->GetName())) {
        	m_mod_start = pMod->GetChild(i);

        if(!m_stop.compare(pMod->GetChild(i)->GetName())) {
        	m_mod_stop  = pMod->GetChild(i);

    return (i1<i2);

コード例 #2
double DelayAtomicSequence::GetDelay(const PrepareMode mode) {

	double dDelayTime = m_await_time;

	//if (m_mod_start==NULL && m_mod_stop==NULL) return dDelayTime;

	Module* pMod =  GetParent();
	if (pMod == NULL) return -1.0;

	//find other sequences between pModStart, myself, and pModStop
	int iMYpos=0, iS1pos=10000, iS2pos=-1;
	for (int i=0;i<pMod->GetNumberOfChildren();++i) {
		if(       this == pMod->GetChild(i)) iMYpos=i;
		if(m_mod_start == pMod->GetChild(i)) iS1pos=i;
		if(m_mod_stop  == pMod->GetChild(i)) iS2pos=i;
	iS1pos = (iMYpos<iS1pos)?iMYpos:iS1pos;
	iS2pos = (iMYpos>iS2pos)?iMYpos:iS2pos;

	//Observe these sequences
	int j = 0;
	for (int i=iS1pos;i<=iS2pos;++i)
		if (i!=iMYpos && mode == PREP_VERBOSE) {
			char modules[10];
			sprintf( modules, "Module%02d", j ) ;
			Observe( GetAttribute(modules), pMod->GetChild(i)->GetName(),"Duration", mode == PREP_VERBOSE );

	//subtract duration of other sequences between pModStart, myself, and pModStop
	//do this twice, since cross-dependencies may hinder success in first attempt
	for (int j=0;j<2;j++) {
		dDelayTime = m_await_time;
		for (int i=iS1pos;i<=iS2pos;++i) {
			double dfact = ( ( i==iS2pos && (m_dt==DELAY_B2C || m_dt==DELAY_C2C) ) ||
							 ( i==iS1pos && (m_dt==DELAY_C2E || m_dt==DELAY_C2C) )   ) ? 0.5:1.0;
			if (i!=iMYpos)
				dDelayTime -= dfact * pMod->GetChild(i)->GetDuration();


#ifdef DEBUG
	cout	<< "  DELAYTOMICSEQUENCE: " << GetName() << " mode = " << mode << " , m_await_time = " << m_await_time
			<< " , (iS1pos, iMYpos, iS2pos) = (" << iS1pos << "," << iMYpos << "," << iS2pos << ")"
			<< "  =>  delay = " << dDelayTime << endl;

	return dDelayTime;
