コード例 #1
ファイル: tlbr.cpp プロジェクト: BHIVE/BHIVE
MoleculeType * NFtest_tlbr::createL(System * s, int count)
	vector <string> compName;
	vector <string> defaultCompState;
	vector < vector <string> > possibleCompStates;

	defaultCompState.push_back("No State");
	vector <string> possibleR0states;

	defaultCompState.push_back("No State");
	vector <string> possibleR1states;

	defaultCompState.push_back("No State");
	vector <string> possibleR2states;

	MoleculeType *L = new MoleculeType("L", compName, defaultCompState, possibleCompStates, s);
	return L;
コード例 #2
ファイル: NFoutput.cpp プロジェクト: BHIVE/BHIVE
void clearMoleculeComplexIds(System *s) {
	for(int i=0; i<s->getNumOfMoleculeTypes(); i++) {
		MoleculeType *mt = s->getMoleculeType(i);
		for(int j=0; j<mt->getMoleculeCount(); j++) {
コード例 #3
std::string formula(const MoleculeType &mol)
  // Adapted from chemkit:
  // A map of atomic symbols to their quantity.
  std::map<unsigned char, size_t> composition;
  for (Array<unsigned char>::const_iterator it = mol.atomicNumbers().begin(),
       itEnd = mol.atomicNumbers().end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {

  std::stringstream result;
  std::map<unsigned char, size_t>::iterator iter;

  // Carbons first
  iter = composition.find(6);
  if (iter != composition.end()) {
    result << "C";
    if (iter->second > 1)
      result << iter->second;

    // If carbon is present, hydrogens are next.
    iter = composition.find(1);
    if (iter != composition.end()) {
      result << "H";
      if (iter->second > 1)
        result << iter->second;

  // The rest:
  iter = composition.begin();
  while (iter != composition.end()) {
    result << Avogadro::Core::Elements::symbol(iter->first);
    if (iter->second > 1)
      result << iter->second;

  return result.str();
コード例 #4
ファイル: tlbr.cpp プロジェクト: BHIVE/BHIVE
MoleculeType * NFtest_tlbr::createR(System * s, int count)
	vector <string> compName;
	vector <string> defaultCompState;
	vector < vector <string> > possibleCompStates;

	defaultCompState.push_back("No State");
	vector <string> possibleL0states;

	defaultCompState.push_back("No State");
	vector <string> possibleL1states;

	MoleculeType *R = new MoleculeType("R", compName, defaultCompState, possibleCompStates, s);
	return R;
コード例 #5
ファイル: NFoutput.cpp プロジェクト: BHIVE/BHIVE
void DumpSystem::dumpHeaderFile(double dumpTime) {
	string dumpFileName = pathToFolder + s->getName()+"_nf."+Util::toString(dumpTime)+".dump.head";

	//cout<<"writing file: "<<dumpFileName<<endl;;

	ofstream ofs;
	//ios_base::out -- Set for output only, instead of for input/output
	//ios_base::trunc --  Truncate the file - that is overwrite anything that was already there
	ofs.open((dumpFileName).c_str(), ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc);

	//Make sure we could open the stream (this is really the only thing that can go around)
	if(!ofs.is_open()) {
		cout<<"-Error dumping header file.";
		cout<<"-Could not open stream to file: '"<<dumpFileName<<"'"<<endl;
		cout<<"-The path is probably incorrect or does not exist."<<endl;

	ofs<<"## Automatically generated file from NFsim.  Do not edit manually.\n";
	ofs<<"## To read this file and the associated information, use the\n";
	ofs<<"## included Matlab script readNFdump.m.\n\n";

	ofs<<"\n>> Time #######################################\n";

	ofs<<"\n>> MoleculeTypeDef ############################\n";
	for(int i=0; i<s->getNumOfMoleculeTypes(); i++) {
		MoleculeType *mt = s->getMoleculeType(i);

	ofs<<"\n>> MoleculeTypeComponents #####################\n";
	for(int i=0; i<s->getNumOfMoleculeTypes(); i++) {
		MoleculeType *mt = s->getMoleculeType(i);
		for(int k=0; k<mt->getNumOfComponents(); k++) {

	ofs<<"\n>> MoleculeTypeFunctions ######################\n";
	for(int i=0; i<s->getNumOfMoleculeTypes(); i++) {
		MoleculeType *mt = s->getMoleculeType(i);
		for(int k=0; k<mt->getNumOfTypeIFunctions(); k++) {

	ofs<<"\n>> EOF ##########################################\n";
コード例 #6
ファイル: NFoutput.cpp プロジェクト: BHIVE/BHIVE
void DumpSystem::dumpMoleculeTypeFiles(double dumpTime) {

	double complexCount = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<s->getNumOfMoleculeTypes(); i++) {
		MoleculeType *mt = s->getMoleculeType(i);
		string dumpFileName = pathToFolder+s->getName() + "_nf."+Util::toString(dumpTime)+".dump."+Util::toString(i);

		ofstream ofs;

		//ios_base::out -- Set for output only, instead of for input/output
		//ios_base::binary --  Set output to binary
		//ios_base::trunc --  Truncate the file - that is overwrite anything that was already there
		ofs.open((dumpFileName).c_str(), ios_base::out | ios_base::binary | ios_base::trunc);

		//Make sure we could open the stream (this is really the only thing that can go around)
		if(!ofs.is_open()) {
			cout<<"-Error dumping header file.";
			cout<<"-Could not open stream to file: '"<<dumpFileName<<"'"<<endl;
			cout<<"-The path is probably incorrect or does not exist."<<endl;

		double NOBOND = -1;
		list <Molecule *> molList; list <Molecule *>::iterator molIter;
		for(int j=0; j<mt->getMoleculeCount(); j++) {

			//First, write out this molecules unique ID
			Molecule *m=mt->getMolecule(j);
			double uId = (double)m->getUniqueID();
			ofs.write((char *)&uId,sizeof(double));

			//Second, output the complex number so we can quickly recover
			//the complexes
			if(!s->isUsingComplex()) {
				if(m->getComplexID()==-1) { //if we haven't visited this guy yet...
					for(molIter=molList.begin(); molIter!=molList.end(); molIter++) {
					ofs.write((char *)&complexCount,sizeof(double));
				} else {
					double thisUid = m->getComplexID();
					ofs.write((char *)&thisUid,sizeof(double));
			} else {
				complexCount = m->getComplexID();
				ofs.write((char *)&complexCount,sizeof(double));

			//Now export all the components, marking its state and
			//binding partner if any
			for(int k=0; k<mt->getNumOfComponents(); k++) {
				double stateValue = (double)m->getComponentState(k);
				ofs.write((char *)&stateValue,sizeof(double));
				if(!m->isBindingSiteBonded(k)) {
					ofs.write((char *)&NOBOND,sizeof(double));
				} else {
					Molecule *m2=m->getBondedMolecule(k);
					double uId2 = (double)m2->getUniqueID();
					ofs.write((char *)&uId2,sizeof(double));

			for(int k=0; k<mt->getNumOfTypeIFunctions(); k++) {
				double val = m->getLocalFunctionValue(k);
				LocalFunction *lf = m->getLocalFunction(k);
				double localValue = lf->evaluateOn(m,LocalFunction::MOLECULE);
				ofs.write((char *)&val,sizeof(double));
				ofs.write((char *)&localValue,sizeof(double));
			//		ofs<<"\t"<<i<<"\t"<<k<<"\t"<<mt->getTypeIILocalFunction(k)->getName()<<"\n";



コード例 #7
ファイル: transcription.cpp プロジェクト: BHIVE/BHIVE
void NFtest_transcription::run()
	cout<<"Running the transcription system"<<endl;

	//  1)
	System *s = new System("Transcription System");

	//  2)
	MoleculeType *molRNA = createRNA(s);

	//  3)  Instantiate the actual molecules (this populate function is the easiest way, but you can do it
	//      manually as well by creating each molecule separately - see the MoleculeType::populate function for
	//      an example on how this can be done).

	//  4)  Create the reactions and add them to the system.  These are calls to specific functions
	//      below where I set up the details of the reactions.  The numbers are the rates and are in
	//      arbitrary units here.  In general, the rates should be in units of per second.
	ReactionClass * rna_degrade = createReactionRNAdegrades(molRNA, 0.5);
	ReactionClass *rna_transcribe = createReactionRNAtranscribed(molRNA, 100.0);


	//  5)  Add the observables that we want to track throughout the simulation.  Again, to
	//      see how this is done, see the function below.
	addObs(s, molRNA);

	//  6)  Prepare the system for simulation (this adds molecules to reactionLists
	//      and counts up the observables)

	//  7)  Register the output file name (This will put the file in your working directory)
	//      Here, you also want to output the header to the file, which is not done automatically
	//      because you can run a simulation with multiple calls to the sim functions.

	//8)  Run the simulation!

	//You can optionally equilibrate the system for a set amount of time where output is not
	//recorded (all times are in seconds) using this function where the first parameter is the
	//length of the equilibration, and the second is the number of times we want to print a
	//message that says how we are doing.  After it equilibrates, the simulation time is reset to zero.
	//The first parameter is the number of seconds we want to equilibrate.  The second (optional) parameter
	//is the number of times you want to print an 'ok' output message.  If the second parameter is not
	//given, nothing is outputted to the console.

	//There are two ways to run a simulation.  First, you can just call the function sim as in:

	//Calling this sim function is the easist way to run a simulation.  The first parameter is the
	//number of seconds you want to run for, the second is the number of times you want to output
	//the results to the outputfile.  So in this example, we run for 500 seconds and output 500 times,
	//so we output once per second.

	//The second way to run a simulation is to call this stepTo function:
	cout<<endl<<endl<<"Calling the stepTo function and stepping to the system time t=600 seconds"<<endl;
	double stoppingTime = s->stepTo(600);
	cout<<"The last reaction was fired at simulation time: "<<stoppingTime<<endl<<endl;

	//This function runs the simulation until the given time is reached, and it also returns the
	//time of the simulation when the last reaction fired (which is now the current time in the
	//system.  This function does not output to a file automatically, so to output using this function,
	//so to get results, you will have to use a call to this function:

	//The stepTo function will have to be written as part of a loop where you decide when it should
	//output.  This gives you more control, but of course requires more work.

	//Here we can print out the list of reactions.  This is nice because it tells us how many times
	//a reaction fired, and how many molecules are in each list at the end of the simulation

	//Be nice and clean up when we are done.  Deleting the system (should) delete everything else
	//associated with the system, so we don't ever have to remember to delete individual reactions, molecules
	//moleculeTypes, etc...
	delete s;
コード例 #8
ファイル: tlbr.cpp プロジェクト: BHIVE/BHIVE
void NFtest_tlbr::runSystem(int n_L, int n_R, double cTot, double beta, double koff,
		string outputFileName, double simTime, double dt,
		bool outputObservables, bool outputAvg, bool outputFinalDist)
	double freeBindRate = (cTot*koff)/(3.0*(double)n_L);
	double crossLinkRate = (beta*koff)/(double)n_R;

	cout<<"beta: " <<beta<<endl;
	cout<<"cTot: " <<cTot<<endl;
	cout<<"kOff: " <<koff<<endl;
	cout<<"N_l:  " <<n_L<<endl;
	cout<<"N_r:  " <<n_R<<endl;

	//Create the system with ligands, receptors, and reactions
	System * s = new System("TLBR",true);
	vector<vector<string> > v;
	MoleculeType * L = createL(s,n_L);
	MoleculeType * R = createR(s,n_R);


	//add the observables if we so choose
	//if(outputObservables) addObservables(s,L,R);

	//Prepare to run


	/////////////////  added here for calculating scalling...

	string x = "";
	cout<<"waiting for you to enter something."<<endl;

	// NETGEN -- redirected call to the ComplexList object at s->allComplexes
	cout << "Finished...  avg complex size: " << (s->getAllComplexes()).calculateMeanCount(R) << " receptors" << endl;

	delete s;

	if(outputObservables || outputAvg) s->outputAllObservableNames();

	double currentTime = 0;
	double nextStoppingTime = dt;
	double avg=-1;
	// NETGEN -- redirected call to the ComplexList object at s->allComplexes
	if(outputAvg) avg = (s->getAllComplexes()).outputMeanCount(R);

	if(outputObservables) s->outputAllObservableCounts();
	int step=0;
		currentTime = s->stepTo(nextStoppingTime);
		if(outputAvg) avg = (s->getAllComplexes()).outputMeanCount(R);
		if(step%((int)(100/dt))==0)cout<<"at time: "<<currentTime<<"  avg: "<<avg<<endl;

		if(outputObservables) s->outputAllObservableCounts();
		nextStoppingTime += dt;


	// NETGEN -- redirected call to the ComplexList object at s->allComplexes
	avg = (s->getAllComplexes()).calculateMeanCount(R);
	cout<<"Finished...  avg complex size: "<<avg<<" receptors"<<endl;

	//If we aren't outputting the trajectory, make sure that we output the
	//final aggregate size distribution
	// NETGEN -- redirected call to the ComplexList object at s->allComplexes
	if(outputFinalDist) (s->getAllComplexes()).outputMoleculeTypeCountPerComplex(R);
	if(outputFinalDist) (s->getAllComplexes()).outputMoleculeTypeCountPerComplex(R);

	delete s;
コード例 #9
ファイル: system.cpp プロジェクト: SysSynBio/nfsim
bool System::saveSpecies(string filename)
	bool debugOut = false;

	//open the output filestream
	ofstream speciesFile;
	if(!speciesFile.is_open()) {
		cerr<<"Error in System when calling System::saveSpecies(string)!  Cannot open output stream to file "<<filename<<". "<<endl;

	cout<<"\n\nsaving list of final molecular species..."<<endl;

	// create a couple data structures to store results as we go
	list <Molecule *> molecules;
	list <Molecule *>::iterator iter;
	map <int,bool> reportedMolecules;
    map <string,int> reportedSpecies;

	// loop over all the types of molecules that exist
	for( unsigned int k=0; k<allMoleculeTypes.size(); k++)
		// retrieve the MoleculeType
		MoleculeType *mt = allMoleculeTypes.at(k);

		// loop over every individual molecule
		for(int j=0; j<mt->getMoleculeCount(); j++)
			// check if we have looked this molecule before, and skip it if we have
			if(reportedMolecules.find(mt->getMolecule(j)->getUniqueID())!=reportedMolecules.end()) {

			//otherwise, we have not visited this particular species before, so loop over the molecules
			//that make up the species
			string speciesString = "";

			// key: partnerID1, bsiteID1, partnerID2, bsiteID2
			vector <vector <int> * > bondNumberMap;

			bool isFirst = true;
			for( iter = molecules.begin(); iter != molecules.end(); iter++ )
				Molecule *m = (*iter);
				reportedMolecules.insert(pair <int,bool> (m->getUniqueID(),true));

				//Fist, output the molecule name
				if(isFirst) { speciesString += m->getMoleculeTypeName()+"("; isFirst=false; }
				else { speciesString += "."+m->getMoleculeTypeName()+"("; }

				//Go through each component of the molecule
				for(int s=0; s<m->getMoleculeType()->getNumOfComponents(); s++)
					// output the component name
					string compName = m->getMoleculeType()->getComponentName(s);
					if(m->getMoleculeType()->isEquivalentComponent(s)) {
						// symmetric site, so we need to look up its sym name
						compName = m->getMoleculeType()->getEquivalenceClassComponentNameFromComponentIndex(s);
					if(s==0) speciesString += compName;
					else speciesString += ","+compName;

					//output the state of the component, if it is set
					if(m->getComponentState(s)>=0) {
						speciesString += "~" + m->getMoleculeType()->getComponentStateName(s,m->getComponentState(s));

					// check if the component is bound, if so we have to output a bond
					// we will label the bond incrementally, but we have to check to make
					// sure the bond wasn't declared earlier.  that's what the vector of int vectors is for.
					if(m->isBindingSiteBonded(s)) {
						if(debugOut) cout<<"binding site is bonded"<<endl;
						int partnerID = m->getBondedMolecule(s)->getUniqueID();
						int partnerSite = m->getBondedMoleculeBindingSiteIndex(s);
						int thisBondNumber = -1;

						// create the key
						vector <int> *key = new vector<int>(4);
						if(partnerID<m->getUniqueID()) {
							key->at(0) = partnerID; key->at(1) = partnerSite;
							key->at(2) = m->getUniqueID(); key->at(3)=s;
						} else {
							key->at(2) = partnerID; key->at(3) = partnerSite;
							key->at(0) = m->getUniqueID(); key->at(1)=s;

						//search if that key was already inserted
						bool foundExistingBond = false;
						for(unsigned int bnmIndex =0; bnmIndex < bondNumberMap.size(); bnmIndex++) {
							if( key->at(0)==bondNumberMap.at(bnmIndex)->at(0) &&
								key->at(1)==bondNumberMap.at(bnmIndex)->at(1) &&
							    key->at(2)==bondNumberMap.at(bnmIndex)->at(2) &&
							    key->at(3)==bondNumberMap.at(bnmIndex)->at(3) ) {
								    thisBondNumber = bnmIndex+1;
									foundExistingBond = true;
									if(debugOut) cout<<"Found bond number: "<<thisBondNumber<<endl;

						//If it was not found, then insert it
						if(!foundExistingBond) {
							thisBondNumber = bondNumberMap.size();
							if(debugOut) cout<<"Creating bond number: "<<bondNumberMap.size()<<endl;
						speciesString += "!" + NFutil::toString(thisBondNumber);


				speciesString += ")";

			if(reportedSpecies.find(speciesString) != reportedSpecies.end()) {
				reportedSpecies[speciesString] = reportedSpecies[speciesString] + mt->getMolecule(j)->getPopulation();
			} else {
				reportedSpecies.insert(pair <string,int> (speciesString, mt->getMolecule(j)->getPopulation()));

			//speciesString += "  1";

			if(debugOut) cout<<endl<<endl;

			//delete elements of the map
			while(bondNumberMap.size()>0) {
				vector <int> *v = bondNumberMap.at(bondNumberMap.size()-1);
				delete v;

			if(debugOut) cout<<endl<<endl;


	speciesFile<<"# nfsim generated species list for system: '"<< this->name <<"'\n";
	speciesFile<<"# warning! this feature is not yet fully tested! \n";
	for ( map<string,int>::iterator  it=reportedSpecies.begin() ; it != reportedSpecies.end(); it++ )
		speciesFile << (*it).first << "  " << (*it).second << "\n";
	return true;