コード例 #1
void Player_Random::getMoves(GameState & state, const MoveArray & moves, std::vector<Move> & moveVec)
	for (size_t u(0); u<moves.numUnits(); u++)
		moveVec.push_back(moves.getMove(u, rand() % moves.numMoves(u)));
コード例 #2
void Player_NOKDPS::getMoves(GameState & state, const MoveArray & moves, std::vector<UnitAction> & moveVec)
	IDType enemy(state.getEnemy(_playerID));

	Array<int, Constants::Max_Units> hpRemaining;

	for (IDType u(0); u<state.numUnits(enemy); ++u)
		hpRemaining[u] = state.getUnit(enemy,u).currentHP();

	for (IDType u(0); u<moves.numUnits(); ++u)
		bool foundUnitAction						(false);
		size_t actionMoveIndex					(0);
		double actionHighestDPS					(0);
		size_t closestMoveIndex					(0);
		unsigned long long closestMoveDist		(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max());
		const Unit & ourUnit				(state.getUnit(_playerID, u));
		const Unit & closestUnit(ourUnit.canHeal() ? state.getClosestOurUnit(_playerID, u) : ourUnit.type().isDetector() ? state.getClosestEnemyUnit(_playerID, u, false):state.getClosestEnemyUnit(_playerID, u, true));
		for (size_t m(0); m<moves.numMoves(u); ++m)
			const UnitAction move						(moves.getMove(u, m));
			if ((move.type() == UnitActionTypes::ATTACK) && (hpRemaining[move._moveIndex] > 0))
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(state.getEnemy(move.player()), move._moveIndex));
				double dpsHPValue =				(target.dpf() / hpRemaining[move._moveIndex]);

				if (dpsHPValue > actionHighestDPS)
					actionHighestDPS = dpsHPValue;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundUnitAction = true;

                if (move._moveIndex >= state.numUnits(enemy))
                    int e = enemy;
                    int pl = _playerID;
			else if (move.type() == UnitActionTypes::HEAL)
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(move.player(), move._moveIndex));
				double dpsHPValue =				(target.dpf() / hpRemaining[move._moveIndex]);

				if (dpsHPValue > actionHighestDPS)
					actionHighestDPS = dpsHPValue;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundUnitAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == UnitActionTypes::RELOAD)
				if (ourUnit.canAttackTarget(closestUnit, state.getTime()))
					closestMoveIndex = m;
			else if (move.type() == UnitActionTypes::MOVE)
				Position ourDest				(ourUnit.x() + Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][0], 
												 ourUnit.y() + Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][1]);
				size_t dist						(closestUnit.getDistanceSqToPosition(ourDest, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < closestMoveDist)
					closestMoveDist = dist;
					closestMoveIndex = m;

		size_t bestMoveIndex(foundUnitAction ? actionMoveIndex : closestMoveIndex);

		UnitAction theMove(moves.getMove(u, actionMoveIndex));
		if (theMove.type() == UnitActionTypes::ATTACK)
			hpRemaining[theMove.index()] -= state.getUnit(_playerID, theMove.unit()).damage();
		moveVec.push_back(moves.getMove(u, bestMoveIndex));
コード例 #3
const MoveTuple Player_AttackClosest::getMoveTuple(GameState & state, const MoveArray & moves)
	MoveTuple tuple(0);

	for (IDType u(0); u<moves.numUnits(); ++u)
		bool foundAction					(false);
		size_t actionMoveIndex				(0);
		size_t closestMoveIndex				(0);
		unsigned long long actionDistance	(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max());
		unsigned long long closestMoveDist	(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max());

		const Unit & ourUnit				(state.getUnit(_playerID, u));
		const Unit & closestUnit			(ourUnit.canHeal() ? state.getClosestOurUnit(_playerID, u) : state.getClosestEnemyUnit(_playerID, u));

		for (size_t m(0); m<moves.numMoves(u); ++m)
			const Move move					(moves.getMove(u, m));
			if (move.type() == MoveTypes::ATTACK)
				const Unit & target			(state.getUnit(state.getEnemy(move.player()), move._moveIndex));
				size_t dist					(ourUnit.distSq(target, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < actionDistance)
					actionDistance = dist;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			if (move.type() == MoveTypes::HEAL)
				const Unit & target			(state.getUnit(move.player(), move._moveIndex));
				size_t dist					(ourUnit.distSq(target, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < actionDistance)
					actionDistance = dist;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::RELOAD)
				if (ourUnit.canAttackTarget(closestUnit, state.getTime()))
					closestMoveIndex = m;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::MOVE)
				Position ourDest			(ourUnit.x() + Search::Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][0], 
											 ourUnit.y() + Search::Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][1]);
				size_t dist					(closestUnit.distSq(ourDest, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < closestMoveDist)
					closestMoveDist = dist;
					closestMoveIndex = m;

		size_t bestMoveIndex(foundAction ? actionMoveIndex : closestMoveIndex);

		tuple += bestMoveIndex * moves.getProduct(u);

	return tuple;
コード例 #4
void Player_KiterDPS::getMoves(GameState & state, const MoveArray & moves, std::vector<Move> & moveVec)
	for (IDType u(0); u<moves.numUnits(); ++u)
		bool foundAction						(false);
		IDType actionMoveIndex					(0);
		IDType furthestMoveIndex				(0);
		size_t furthestMoveDist					(0);
		IDType closestMoveIndex					(0);
		double actionHighestDPS					(0);
		unsigned long long closestMoveDist		(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max());

		const Unit & ourUnit					(state.getUnit(_playerID, u));
		const Unit & closestUnit				(ourUnit.canHeal() ? state.getClosestOurUnit(_playerID, u) : state.getClosestEnemyUnit(_playerID, u));

		for (IDType m(0); m<moves.numMoves(u); ++m)
			const Move move						(moves.getMove(u, m));
			if (move.type() == MoveTypes::ATTACK)
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(state.getEnemy(move.player()), move._moveIndex));
				double dpsHPValue 				(target.dpf() / target.currentHP());

				if (dpsHPValue > actionHighestDPS)
					actionHighestDPS = dpsHPValue;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::HEAL)
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(move.player(), move._moveIndex));
				double dpsHPValue 				(target.dpf() / target.currentHP());

				if (dpsHPValue > actionHighestDPS)
					actionHighestDPS = dpsHPValue;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::MOVE)
				Position ourDest				(ourUnit.x() + Search::Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][0], 
												 ourUnit.y() + Search::Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][1]);
				size_t dist						(closestUnit.distSq(ourDest, state.getTime()));

				if (dist > furthestMoveDist)
					furthestMoveDist = dist;
					furthestMoveIndex = m;

				if (dist < closestMoveDist)
					closestMoveDist = dist;
					closestMoveIndex = m;

		// the move we will be returning
		size_t bestMoveIndex(0);

		// if we have an attack move we will use that one
		if (foundAction)
			bestMoveIndex = actionMoveIndex;
		// otherwise use the closest move to the opponent
			// if we are in attack range of the unit, back up
			if (ourUnit.canAttackTarget(closestUnit, state.getTime()))
				bestMoveIndex = furthestMoveIndex;
			// otherwise get back into the fight
				bestMoveIndex = closestMoveIndex;
		moveVec.push_back(moves.getMove(u, bestMoveIndex));
コード例 #5
const MoveTuple Player_Kiter::getMoveTuple(GameState & state, const MoveArray & moves)
	// the tuple, we will generate this on the fly
	MoveTuple tuple(0);
	for (IDType u(0); u<moves.numUnits(); ++u)
		bool foundAction						(false);
		IDType actionMoveIndex					(0);
		IDType furthestMoveIndex				(0);
		size_t furthestMoveDist					(0);
		IDType closestMoveIndex					(0);
		int actionDistance						(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
		unsigned long long closestMoveDist		(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max());

		const Unit & ourUnit					(state.getUnit(_playerID, u));
		const Unit & closestUnit				(ourUnit.canHeal() ? state.getClosestOurUnit(_playerID, u) : state.getClosestEnemyUnit(_playerID, u));

		for (IDType m(0); m<moves.numMoves(u); ++m)
			const Move move						(moves.getMove(u, m));
			if (move.type() == MoveTypes::ATTACK)
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(state.getEnemy(move.player()), move._moveIndex));
				PositionType dist				(ourUnit.distSq(target, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < actionDistance)
					actionDistance = dist;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::HEAL)
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(move.player(), move._moveIndex));
				PositionType dist				(ourUnit.distSq(target, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < actionDistance)
					actionDistance = dist;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::MOVE)
				Position ourDest				(ourUnit.x() + Search::Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][0], 
												 ourUnit.y() + Search::Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][1]);
				size_t dist						(closestUnit.distSq(ourDest, state.getTime()));

				if (dist > furthestMoveDist)
					furthestMoveDist = dist;
					furthestMoveIndex = m;

				if (dist < closestMoveDist)
					closestMoveDist = dist;
					closestMoveIndex = m;

		// the move we will be returning
		size_t bestMoveIndex(0);

		// if we have an attack move we will use that one
		if (foundAction)
			bestMoveIndex = actionMoveIndex;
		// otherwise use the closest move to the opponent
			// if we are in attack range of the unit, back up
			if (ourUnit.canAttackTarget(closestUnit, state.getTime()))
				bestMoveIndex = furthestMoveIndex;
			// otherwise get back into the fight
				bestMoveIndex = closestMoveIndex;
		// update the tuple calculation
		tuple += bestMoveIndex * moves.getProduct(u);

	return tuple;
コード例 #6
const MoveTuple Player_NOK_AttackDPS::getMoveTuple(GameState & state, const MoveArray & moves)
	MoveTuple tuple(0);

	IDType player(moves.getMove(0,0).player());
	IDType enemy(state.getEnemy(player));

	Array<int, Search::Constants::Max_Units> hpRemaining;
	if (state.numUnits(enemy) > Search::Constants::Max_Units) 

	for (IDType u(0); u<state.numUnits(enemy); ++u)
		hpRemaining[u] = state.getUnit(enemy,u).currentHP();

	for (IDType u(0); u<moves.numUnits(); ++u)
		bool foundAction						(false);
		size_t actionMoveIndex					(0);
		double actionHighestDPS					(0);
		size_t closestMoveIndex					(0);
		unsigned long long closestMoveDist		(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max());
		const Unit & ourUnit				(state.getUnit(_playerID, u));
		const Unit & closestUnit			(ourUnit.canHeal() ? state.getClosestOurUnit(_playerID, u) : state.getClosestEnemyUnit(_playerID, u));

		for (size_t m(0); m<moves.numMoves(u); ++m)
			const Move move						(moves.getMove(u, m));
			if ((move.type() == MoveTypes::ATTACK) && (hpRemaining[move._moveIndex] > 0))
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(state.getEnemy(move.player()), move._moveIndex));
				double dpsHPValue =				(target.dpf() / hpRemaining[move._moveIndex]);

				if (dpsHPValue > actionHighestDPS)
					actionHighestDPS = dpsHPValue;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::HEAL)
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(move.player(), move._moveIndex));
				double dpsHPValue =				(target.dpf() / hpRemaining[move._moveIndex]);

				if (dpsHPValue > actionHighestDPS)
					actionHighestDPS = dpsHPValue;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::RELOAD)
				if (ourUnit.canAttackTarget(closestUnit, state.getTime()))
					closestMoveIndex = m;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::MOVE)
				Position ourDest				(ourUnit.x() + Search::Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][0], 
												 ourUnit.y() + Search::Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][1]);
				size_t dist						(closestUnit.distSq(ourDest, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < closestMoveDist)
					closestMoveDist = dist;
					closestMoveIndex = m;

		size_t bestMoveIndex(foundAction ? actionMoveIndex : closestMoveIndex);

		Move theMove(moves.getMove(u, actionMoveIndex));
		if (theMove.type() == MoveTypes::ATTACK)
			hpRemaining[theMove.index()] -= state.getUnit(player, theMove.unit()).damage();
		tuple += bestMoveIndex * moves.getProduct(u);

	return tuple;
コード例 #7
void Player_AttackDPS::getMoves(GameState & state, const MoveArray & moves, std::vector<Move> & moveVec)
	for (IDType u(0); u<moves.numUnits(); ++u)
		bool foundAction						(false);
		size_t actionMoveIndex					(0);
		size_t closestMoveIndex					(0);
		double actionHighestDPS					(0);
		unsigned long long closestMoveDist		(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max());
		const Unit & ourUnit					(state.getUnit(_playerID, u));
		const Unit & closestUnit				(ourUnit.canHeal() ? state.getClosestOurUnit(_playerID, u) : state.getClosestEnemyUnit(_playerID, u));

		for (size_t m(0); m<moves.numMoves(u); ++m)
			const Move move						(moves.getMove(u, m));
			if (move.type() == MoveTypes::ATTACK)
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(state.getEnemy(move.player()), move._moveIndex));
				double dpsHPValue =				(target.dpf() / target.currentHP());

				if (dpsHPValue > actionHighestDPS)
					actionHighestDPS = dpsHPValue;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			if (move.type() == MoveTypes::HEAL)
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(move.player(), move._moveIndex));
				double dpsHPValue =				(target.dpf() / target.currentHP());

				if (dpsHPValue > actionHighestDPS)
					actionHighestDPS = dpsHPValue;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::RELOAD)
				if (ourUnit.canAttackTarget(closestUnit, state.getTime()))
					closestMoveIndex = m;
			else if (move.type() == MoveTypes::MOVE)
				Position ourDest				(ourUnit.x() + Search::Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][0], 
												 ourUnit.y() + Search::Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][1]);
				size_t dist						(closestUnit.distSq(ourDest, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < closestMoveDist)
					closestMoveDist = dist;
					closestMoveIndex = m;

		size_t bestMoveIndex(foundAction ? actionMoveIndex : closestMoveIndex);
		moveVec.push_back(moves.getMove(u, bestMoveIndex));
コード例 #8
void Player_AttackClosest::getMoves(const GameState & state, const MoveArray & moves, std::vector<UnitAction> & moveVec)
	for (IDType u(0); u<moves.numUnits(); ++u)
		bool foundUnitAction				(false);
		size_t actionMoveIndex				(0);
		size_t closestMoveIndex				(0);
		unsigned long long actionDistance	(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max());
		unsigned long long closestMoveDist	(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max());

		const Unit & ourUnit				(state.getUnit(_playerID, u));
		const Unit & closestUnit			(ourUnit.canHeal() ? state.getClosestOurUnit(_playerID, u) : state.getClosestEnemyUnit(_playerID, u));

		for (size_t m(0); m<moves.numMoves(u); ++m)
			const UnitAction move					(moves.getMove(u, m));
			if (move.type() == UnitActionTypes::ATTACK)
				const Unit & target			(state.getUnit(state.getEnemy(move.player()), move._moveIndex));
				size_t dist					(ourUnit.getDistanceSqToUnit(target, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < actionDistance)
					actionDistance = dist;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundUnitAction = true;
			if (move.type() == UnitActionTypes::HEAL)
				const Unit & target			(state.getUnit(move.player(), move._moveIndex));
				size_t dist					(ourUnit.getDistanceSqToUnit(target, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < actionDistance)
					actionDistance = dist;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundUnitAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == UnitActionTypes::RELOAD)
				if (ourUnit.canAttackTarget(closestUnit, state.getTime()))
					closestMoveIndex = m;
			else if (move.type() == UnitActionTypes::MOVE)
				Position ourDest			(ourUnit.x() + Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][0], 
											 ourUnit.y() + Constants::Move_Dir[move._moveIndex][1]);
				size_t dist					(closestUnit.getDistanceSqToPosition(ourDest, state.getTime()));

				if (dist < closestMoveDist)
					closestMoveDist = dist;
					closestMoveIndex = m;

		size_t bestMoveIndex(foundUnitAction ? actionMoveIndex : closestMoveIndex);

		moveVec.push_back(moves.getMove(u, bestMoveIndex));
コード例 #9
void Player_Kiter_NOKDPS::getMoves(GameState & state, const MoveArray & moves, std::vector<Action> & moveVec)
	IDType enemy(state.getEnemy(_playerID));

	Array<int, Constants::Max_Units> hpRemaining;

	for (IDType u(0); u<state.numUnits(enemy); ++u)
		hpRemaining[u] = state.getUnit(enemy,u).currentHP();

	for (IDType u(0); u<moves.numUnits(); ++u)
		bool foundAction					(false);
		size_t actionMoveIndex					(0);
        IDType furthestMoveIndex				(0);
		size_t furthestMoveDist					(0);
		double actionHighestDPS					(0);
		size_t closestMoveIndex					(0);
		unsigned long long closestMoveDist		(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max());
		const Unit & ourUnit				(state.getUnit(_playerID, u));
		const Unit & closestUnit			(ourUnit.canHeal() ? state.getClosestOurUnit(_playerID, u) : state.getClosestEnemyUnit(_playerID, u));

		for (size_t m(0); m<moves.numMoves(u); ++m)
			const Action move						(moves.getMove(u, m));
			if ((move.type() == ActionTypes::ATTACK) && (hpRemaining[move.index()] > 0))
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(state.getEnemy(move.player()), move.index()));
				double dpsHPValue =				(target.dpf() / hpRemaining[move.index()]);

				if (dpsHPValue > actionHighestDPS)
					actionHighestDPS = dpsHPValue;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;

                if (move.index() >= state.numUnits(enemy))
                    int e = enemy;
                    int pl = _playerID;
			else if (move.type() == ActionTypes::HEAL)
				const Unit & target				(state.getUnit(move.player(), move.index()));
				double dpsHPValue =				(target.dpf() / hpRemaining[move.index()]);

				if (dpsHPValue > actionHighestDPS)
					actionHighestDPS = dpsHPValue;
					actionMoveIndex = m;
					foundAction = true;
			else if (move.type() == ActionTypes::RELOAD)
				if (ourUnit.canAttackTarget(closestUnit, state.getTime()))
					closestMoveIndex = m;
			else if (move.type() == ActionTypes::MOVE)
				Position ourDest				(ourUnit.x() + Constants::Move_Dir[move.index()][0], 
												 ourUnit.y() + Constants::Move_Dir[move.index()][1]);
				size_t dist						(closestUnit.getDistanceSqToPosition(ourDest, state.getTime()));

                if (dist > furthestMoveDist)
					furthestMoveDist = dist;
					furthestMoveIndex = m;

				if (dist < closestMoveDist)
					closestMoveDist = dist;
					closestMoveIndex = m;

		size_t bestMoveIndex(0);
        // if we have an attack move we will use that one
		if (foundAction)
			bestMoveIndex = actionMoveIndex;
		// otherwise use the closest move to the opponent
			// if we are in attack range of the unit, back up
			if (ourUnit.canAttackTarget(closestUnit, state.getTime()))
				bestMoveIndex = furthestMoveIndex;
			// otherwise get back into the fight
				bestMoveIndex = closestMoveIndex;

		Action theMove(moves.getMove(u, actionMoveIndex));
		if (theMove.type() == ActionTypes::ATTACK)
			hpRemaining[theMove.index()] -= state.getUnit(_playerID, theMove.unit()).damage();
		moveVec.push_back(moves.getMove(u, bestMoveIndex));