コード例 #1
bool AudioCdTrackReader::seek( qint64 pos )
    if( d->cdParanoiaLib && d->initialized ) {
        Msf msfPos = Msf::fromAudioBytes( pos );
        const int start = d->source.toc()[d->source.cdTrackNumber()-1].firstSector().lba();
        d->cdParanoiaLib->initReading( start + d->source.startOffset().lba() + msfPos.lba(),
                                       start + d->source.lastSector().lba() );
        return QIODevice::seek( pos );
    else {
        return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: k3bmsfedit.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/k3b
void K3b::MsfEdit::stepBy( int steps )
    // look if we are currently editing minutes or seconds
    QString text = lineEdit()->text();
    const int pos = lineEdit()->cursorPosition();
    text = text.mid( pos );
    int num = text.count( ':' );
    Msf newValue = d->value;
    if( num == 1 ) {
        newValue.addSeconds( steps );
    else if( num == 2 ) {
        newValue.addMinutes( steps );
    else {
        newValue.addFrames( steps );
    setValue( newValue );
    lineEdit()->setCursorPosition( pos );
コード例 #3
ファイル: k3bfillstatusdisplay.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/k3b
void K3b::FillStatusDisplayWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* )
    QPainter p( this );

    const QPalette::ColorGroup colorGroup = isEnabled() ? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled;

    const Msf docSize = d->doc->length();
    const Msf cdSize = d->cdSize;
    const Msf maxValue = (cdSize > docSize ? cdSize : docSize) + ( 10*60*75 );
    const Msf tolerance = 60*75;

    QBrush fillBrush;
    if( docSize <= cdSize - tolerance ) {
        fillBrush = KColorScheme( colorGroup, KColorScheme::Selection ).background( KColorScheme::PositiveBackground );
    else if( docSize > cdSize + tolerance ) {
        fillBrush = KColorScheme( colorGroup, KColorScheme::Selection ).background( KColorScheme::NegativeBackground );
    else {
        fillBrush = KColorScheme( colorGroup, KColorScheme::Selection ).background( KColorScheme::NeutralBackground );

    const QPen normalPen = KColorScheme( colorGroup, KColorScheme::Window ).foreground( KColorScheme::NormalText ).color();
    const QPen fillPen = KColorScheme( colorGroup, KColorScheme::Selection ).foreground( KColorScheme::NormalText ).color();

    QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 sopb;
    sopb.direction = layoutDirection();
    sopb.fontMetrics = fontMetrics();
    sopb.palette = palette();
    sopb.palette.setBrush( QPalette::Highlight, fillBrush );
    sopb.rect = rect();
    sopb.state = isEnabled() ? QStyle::State_Enabled : QStyle::State_None;
    sopb.minimum = 0;
    sopb.maximum = maxValue.totalFrames();
    sopb.progress = docSize.totalFrames();
    style()->drawControl( QStyle::CE_ProgressBar, &sopb, &p );

    const QRect barRect = style()->subElementRect( QStyle::SE_ProgressBarContents, &sopb );

    // so split width() in maxValue pieces
    double one = (double)barRect.width() / (double)maxValue.totalFrames();

    QRect crect( barRect );
    crect.setWidth( (int)(one*(double)docSize.totalFrames()) );

    // ====================================================================================
    // Now the colored bar is painted
    // Continue with the texts
    // ====================================================================================

    // first we determine the text to display
    // ====================================================================================
    QString docSizeText;
    if( d->showTime )
        docSizeText = i18n("%1 min", d->doc->length().toString(false));
        docSizeText = KIO::convertSize( d->doc->size() );

    QString overSizeText;
    if( d->cdSize.mode1Bytes() >= d->doc->size() )
        overSizeText = i18n("Available: %1 of %2",
                            ? i18n("%1 min", (cdSize - d->doc->length()).toString(false) )
                            : KIO::convertSize( (cdSize - d->doc->length()).mode1Bytes() ),
                            ? i18n("%1 min", cdSize.toString(false))
                            : KIO::convertSize( cdSize.mode1Bytes() ) );
        overSizeText = i18n("Capacity exceeded by %1",
                            ? i18n("%1 min", (d->doc->length() - cdSize ).toString(false))
                            : KIO::convertSize( (long long)d->doc->size() - cdSize.mode1Bytes() ) );
    // ====================================================================================

    // calculate the medium size marker
    // ====================================================================================
    int mediumSizeMarkerPos = barRect.left() + (int)(one*cdSize.lba());
    QPoint mediumSizeMarkerFrom( mediumSizeMarkerPos, barRect.bottom() );
    QPoint mediumSizeMarkerTo( mediumSizeMarkerPos, barRect.top() + barRect.height()/2 );
    // ====================================================================================

    // we want to draw the docSizeText centered in the filled area
    // if there is not enough space we just align it left
    // ====================================================================================
    int docSizeTextPos = 0;
    int docSizeTextLength = fontMetrics().width(docSizeText);
    if( docSizeTextLength + 5 > crect.width() ) {
        docSizeTextPos = crect.left() + 5; // a little margin
    else {
        docSizeTextPos = ( crect.width() - docSizeTextLength ) / 2;

        // make sure the text does not cross the medium size marker
        if( docSizeTextPos <= mediumSizeMarkerPos && mediumSizeMarkerPos <= docSizeTextPos + docSizeTextLength )
            docSizeTextPos = qMax( crect.left() + 5, mediumSizeMarkerPos - docSizeTextLength - 5 );
    // ====================================================================================

    // calculate the over size text
    // ====================================================================================
    QFont overSizeFont(font());
    overSizeFont.setPointSize( qMax( 8, overSizeFont.pointSize()-4 ) );

    QRect overSizeTextRect( barRect );
    int overSizeTextLength = QFontMetrics(overSizeFont).width(overSizeText);
    if( overSizeTextLength + 5 > overSizeTextRect.width() - (int)(one*cdSize.totalFrames()) ) {
        // we don't have enough space on the right, so we paint to the left of the line
        overSizeTextRect.setLeft( (int)(one*cdSize.totalFrames()) - overSizeTextLength - 5 );
    else {
        overSizeTextRect.setLeft( mediumSizeMarkerPos + 5 );

    // make sure the two text do not overlap (this does not cover all cases though)
    if( overSizeTextRect.left() < docSizeTextPos + docSizeTextLength )
        docSizeTextPos = qMax( crect.left() + 5, qMin( overSizeTextRect.left() - docSizeTextLength - 5, mediumSizeMarkerPos - docSizeTextLength - 5 ) );

    QRect docTextRect( barRect );
    docTextRect.setLeft( docSizeTextPos );

    // Draw the fill part
    p.setPen( fillPen );
    p.setClipRect( QStyle::visualRect( layoutDirection(), barRect, crect ) );
    p.drawLine( QStyle::visualPos( layoutDirection(), barRect, mediumSizeMarkerFrom ),
                QStyle::visualPos( layoutDirection(), barRect, mediumSizeMarkerTo ) );
    p.drawText( QStyle::visualRect( layoutDirection(), barRect, docTextRect ),
                QStyle::visualAlignment( layoutDirection(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ), docSizeText );
    p.drawText( QStyle::visualRect( layoutDirection(), barRect, overSizeTextRect ),
                QStyle::visualAlignment( layoutDirection(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ), overSizeText );

    // Draw the remain part
    p.setPen( normalPen );
    p.setClipRect( QStyle::visualRect( layoutDirection(), barRect,
                                       QRect( crect.right(), barRect.top(), barRect.width()-crect.width(), barRect.height() ) ) );
    p.drawLine( QStyle::visualPos( layoutDirection(), barRect, mediumSizeMarkerFrom ),
                QStyle::visualPos( layoutDirection(), barRect, mediumSizeMarkerTo ) );
    p.setFont( font() );
    p.drawText( QStyle::visualRect( layoutDirection(), barRect, docTextRect ),
                QStyle::visualAlignment( layoutDirection(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ), docSizeText );
    p.drawText( QStyle::visualRect( layoutDirection(), barRect, overSizeTextRect ),
                QStyle::visualAlignment( layoutDirection(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ), overSizeText );
    // ====================================================================================
コード例 #4
ファイル: k3bglobals.cpp プロジェクト: franhaufer/k3b
bool K3b::IsOverburnAllowed( const Msf& projectSize, const Msf& capacity, const Msf& usedCapacity )
    return( k3bcore->globalSettings()->overburn() &&
        (projectSize + usedCapacity) <= ( capacity.lba() + capacity.lba() / 4 ) ); // 25% tolerance in overburn mode