コード例 #1
void OpenSimContext::copyMuscle(Muscle& from, Muscle& to) {
  to = from;
  _model->getMultibodySystem().realize(*_configState, SimTK::Stage::Velocity);
コード例 #2
ファイル: testContext.cpp プロジェクト: ANKELA/opensim-core
int main()
  try {
    int  status = 0;

    // To Retrace the steps taken by the GUI this test case follows the same call sequence:
    // new Model(file)
    // new OpenSimContext(model.initSystem(), model);
    // context.updateDisplayer(muscle)  // to display muscles
    // context.getCurrentPath(muscle)
    // context.getTransform(body)
    // context.transformPosition(body, loc, global)  // to display markers
    // context.getLocked(Coordinate)
    // context.getValue(cooridnate)

    Model *model = new Model("wrist.osim");
    OpenSimContext* context = new OpenSimContext(&model->initSystem(), model);
    const ForceSet& fs = model->getForceSet();
    int n1 = fs.getNumGroups();
    const ObjectGroup* grp = fs.getGroup("wrist");
    const Array<const Object*>& members = grp->getMembers();
    int sz = members.getSize();
    delete model;
    delete context;
    model = new Model("arm26_20.osim");
    context = new OpenSimContext(&model->initSystem(), model);
    // Make a copy of state contained in context ad make sure content match 
    SimTK::State stateCopy = context->getCurrentStateCopy();

    Array<std::string> stateNames = model->getStateVariableNames();
    OpenSim::Force* dForce=&(model->updForceSet().get("TRIlong"));
    Muscle* dTRIlong = dynamic_cast<Muscle*>(dForce);
    OpenSim::Thelen2003Muscle* thelenMsl = dynamic_cast<Thelen2003Muscle*>(dTRIlong);
    AbstractProperty& dProp = thelenMsl->updPropertyByName("ignore_tendon_compliance");
    PropertyHelper::setValueBool(true, dProp);
    cout << "Prop after is " << dProp.toString() << endl;

    bool exceptionThrown = false;
    try{// adding to the system should cause Muscle that do not handle
        // ignore_tendon_compliance to throw an exception
    catch (const std::exception& e) {
        cout << e.what() << endl;
        exceptionThrown = true;
        PropertyHelper::setValueBool(false, dProp);
        cout << "Prop reset to " << dProp.toString() << endl;
        // recreate the system so test can continue

    SimTK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(exceptionThrown, "Setting ignore_tendon_compliance must throw an exception.");

    AbstractProperty& dProp2 = thelenMsl->updPropertyByName("ignore_tendon_compliance");
    cout << "Prop after create system is " << dProp2.toString() << endl;
    bool after = PropertyHelper::getValueBool(dProp);
    SimTK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(!after, "Property has wrong value!!");
    const OpenSim::Array<PathPoint*>& path = context->getCurrentPath(*dTRIlong);
    cout << "Muscle Path" << endl;
    cout << path.getSize() << endl;
    for(int i=0; i< path.getSize(); i++)
        cout << path.get(i)->getBodyName() << path.get(i)->getLocation() << endl;
    // Compare to known path 
    const OpenSim::Body& dBody = model->getBodySet().get("r_ulna_radius_hand");
    Transform xform = context->getTransform(dBody);
    cout << xform << endl;
    double flat[16];
    context->getTransformAsDouble16(xform, flat);
    // Compare to known xform
    double markerPosition[] = {.005000000000, -0.290400000000, 0.030000000000};
    double markerPositionInGround[3];
    context->transformPosition(dBody, markerPosition, markerPositionInGround);  // to display markers
    cout << "Global frame position = " << markerPositionInGround[0] <<  
        markerPositionInGround[1] << markerPositionInGround[2]<< endl;
    // Check xformed point against known position
    const Coordinate& dr_elbow_flex = model->getCoordinateSet().get("r_elbow_flex");
    bool isLocked = context->getLocked(dr_elbow_flex);
    double startValue = context->getValue(dr_elbow_flex);
    cout << "Coordinate start value = " << startValue << endl;
    double length1 = context->getMuscleLength(*dTRIlong);
    cout << length1 << endl;
    ASSERT_EQUAL(.277609, length1, 1e-5);
    // Coordinate Slider
    context->setValue(dr_elbow_flex, 100*SimTK_PI/180.);
    // Get body transform, marker position and muscle path (tests wrapping as well)
    xform = context->getTransform(dBody);
    cout << "After setting coordinate to 100 deg." << endl;
    cout << xform << endl;
    // Compare to known xform
    const OpenSim::Array<PathPoint*>& newPath = context->getCurrentPath(*dTRIlong);
    // Compare to known path 
    cout << "New Muscle Path" << endl;
    cout << path.getSize() << endl;
    for(int i=0; i< path.getSize(); i++)
        cout << path.get(i)->getBodyName() << path.get(i)->getLocation() << endl;
    double length2 = context->getMuscleLength(*dTRIlong);
    cout << length2 << endl;
    ASSERT_EQUAL(.315748, length2, 1e-5);
    // Test that we can lock coordinates to specific value and make this persistant.
    Coordinate& dr_elbow_flex_mod = model->updCoordinateSet().get("r_elbow_flex");
    context->setValue(dr_elbow_flex_mod, 0.5);
    const Coordinate& dr_elbow_flexNew = model->getCoordinateSet().get("r_elbow_flex");
    ASSERT_EQUAL(0.5, context->getValue(dr_elbow_flexNew), 0.000001);

    return status;
  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
      cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << endl;
      return 1;