コード例 #1
Document ExclusionNode::serialize() const {
    MutableDocument output;
    for (auto&& excludedField : _excludedFields) {
        output.addField(excludedField, Value(false));

    for (auto&& childPair : _children) {
        output.addField(childPair.first, Value(childPair.second->serialize()));
    return output.freeze();
コード例 #2
    void run() {
        MutableDocument md;
        md.addField("foo", Value(1));
        ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, md.peek().size());
        ASSERT_EQUALS(1, md.peek()["foo"].getInt());
        md.addField("bar", Value(99));
        ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, md.peek().size());
        ASSERT_EQUALS(99, md.peek()["bar"].getInt());
        // No assertion is triggered by a duplicate field name.
        md.addField("a", Value(5));

        Document final = md.freeze();
        ASSERT_EQUALS(3U, final.size());
コード例 #3
ファイル: accumulator_avg.cpp プロジェクト: 7segments/mongo
    Value AccumulatorAvg::getValue() const {
        if (!pCtx->getInShard()) {
            double avg = 0;
            if (count)
                avg = doubleTotal / static_cast<double>(count);

            return Value::createDouble(avg);

        MutableDocument out;
        out.addField(subTotalName, Value::createDouble(doubleTotal));
        out.addField(countName, Value::createLong(count));

        return Value::createDocument(out.freeze());
コード例 #4
ファイル: accumulator_avg.cpp プロジェクト: Axv2/mongo
    Value AccumulatorAvg::getValue(bool toBeMerged) const {
        if (!toBeMerged) {
            double avg = 0;
            if (count)
                avg = doubleTotal / static_cast<double>(count);

            return Value(avg);
        else {
            MutableDocument out;
            out.addField(subTotalName, Value(doubleTotal));
            out.addField(countName, Value(count));

            return Value(out.freeze());
コード例 #5
boost::optional<Document> DocumentSourceRedact::redactObject() {
    const Value expressionResult = _expression->evaluate(_variables.get());

    if (expressionResult == keepVal) {
        return _variables->getDocument(_currentId);
    } else if (expressionResult == pruneVal) {
        return boost::optional<Document>();
    } else if (expressionResult == descendVal) {
        const Document in = _variables->getDocument(_currentId);
        MutableDocument out;
        FieldIterator fields(in);
        while (fields.more()) {
            const Document::FieldPair field(fields.next());

            // This changes CURRENT so don't read from _variables after this
            const Value val = redactValue(field.second);
            if (!val.missing()) {
                out.addField(field.first, val);
        return out.freeze();
    } else {
                  str::stream() << "$redact's expression should not return anything "
                                << "aside from the variables $$KEEP, $$DESCEND, and "
                                << "$$PRUNE, but returned "
                                << expressionResult.toString());
コード例 #6
ファイル: document.cpp プロジェクト: i80and/mongo
Document Document::fromBsonWithMetaData(const BSONObj& bson) {
    MutableDocument md;

    BSONObjIterator it(bson);
    while (it.more()) {
        BSONElement elem(it.next());
        auto fieldName = elem.fieldNameStringData();
        if (fieldName[0] == '$') {
            if (fieldName == metaFieldTextScore) {
            } else if (fieldName == metaFieldRandVal) {
            } else if (fieldName == metaFieldSortKey) {

        // Note: this will not parse out metadata in embedded documents.
        md.addField(fieldName, Value(elem));

    return md.freeze();
コード例 #7
boost::optional<Document> DocumentSourceRedact::redactObject(const Variables& in) {
    const Value expressionResult = _expression->evaluate(in);

    if (expressionResult == keepVal) {
        return in.current.getDocument();
    else if (expressionResult == pruneVal) {
        return boost::optional<Document>();
    else if (expressionResult == descendVal) {
        MutableDocument out;
        FieldIterator fields(in.current.getDocument());
        while (fields.more()) {
            const Document::FieldPair field(fields.next());
            const Value val = redactValue(in, field.second);
            if (!val.missing()) {
                out.addField(field.first, val);
        return out.freeze();
    else {
        uasserted(17053, str::stream() << "$redact's expression should not return anything "
                  << "aside from the variables $$KEEP, $$DESCEND, and "
                  << "$$PRUNE, but returned "
                  << expressionResult.toString());
コード例 #8
    Document DocumentSourceGroup::makeDocument(const Value& id,
                                               const Accumulators& accums,
                                               bool mergeableOutput) {
        const size_t n = vFieldName.size();
        MutableDocument out (1 + n);

        /* add the _id field */
        out.addField("_id", id);

        /* add the rest of the fields */
        for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Value val = accums[i]->getValue(mergeableOutput);
            if (val.missing()) {
                // we return null in this case so return objects are predictable
                out.addField(vFieldName[i], Value(BSONNULL));
            else {
                out.addField(vFieldName[i], val);

        return out.freeze();
コード例 #9
    Document DocumentSourceGroup::makeDocument(
        const GroupsType::iterator &rIter) {
        vector<intrusive_ptr<Accumulator> > *pGroup = &rIter->second;
        const size_t n = vFieldName.size();
        MutableDocument out (1 + n);

        /* add the _id field */
        out.addField("_id", rIter->first);

        /* add the rest of the fields */
        for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Value pValue((*pGroup)[i]->getValue());
            if (pValue.missing()) {
                // we return undefined in this case so return objects are predictable
                out.addField(vFieldName[i], Value(BSONUndefined));
            else {
                out.addField(vFieldName[i], pValue);

        return out.freeze();
コード例 #10
Document DocumentSourceChangeStreamTransform::applyTransformation(const Document& input) {
    // If we're executing a change stream pipeline that was forwarded from mongos, then we expect it
    // to "need merge"---we expect to be executing the shards part of a split pipeline. It is never
    // correct for mongos to pass through the change stream without splitting into into a merging
    // part executed on mongos and a shards part.
    // This is necessary so that mongos can correctly handle "invalidate" and "retryNeeded" change
    // notifications. See SERVER-31978 for an example of why the pipeline must be split.
    // We have to check this invariant at run-time of the change stream rather than parse time,
    // since a mongos may forward a change stream in an invalid position (e.g. in a nested $lookup
    // or $facet pipeline). In this case, mongod is responsible for parsing the pipeline and
    // throwing an error without ever executing the change stream.
    if (pExpCtx->fromMongos) {

    MutableDocument doc;

    // Extract the fields we need.
    string op = input[repl::OplogEntry::kOpTypeFieldName].getString();
    Value ts = input[repl::OplogEntry::kTimestampFieldName];
    Value ns = input[repl::OplogEntry::kNssFieldName];
    checkValueType(ns, repl::OplogEntry::kNssFieldName, BSONType::String);
    Value uuid = input[repl::OplogEntry::kUuidFieldName];
    std::vector<FieldPath> documentKeyFields;

    // Deal with CRUD operations and commands.
    auto opType = repl::OpType_parse(IDLParserErrorContext("ChangeStreamEntry.op"), op);

    NamespaceString nss(ns.getString());
    // Ignore commands in the oplog when looking up the document key fields since a command implies
    // that the change stream is about to be invalidated (e.g. collection drop).
    if (!uuid.missing() && opType != repl::OpTypeEnum::kCommand) {
        checkValueType(uuid, repl::OplogEntry::kUuidFieldName, BSONType::BinData);
        // We need to retrieve the document key fields if our cache does not have an entry for this
        // UUID or if the cache entry is not definitively final, indicating that the collection was
        // unsharded when the entry was last populated.
        auto it = _documentKeyCache.find(uuid.getUuid());
        if (it == _documentKeyCache.end() || !it->second.isFinal) {
            auto docKeyFields =
                    pExpCtx->opCtx, nss, uuid.getUuid());
            if (it == _documentKeyCache.end() || docKeyFields.second) {
                _documentKeyCache[uuid.getUuid()] = DocumentKeyCacheEntry(docKeyFields);

        documentKeyFields = _documentKeyCache.find(uuid.getUuid())->second.documentKeyFields;
    Value id = input.getNestedField("o._id");
    // Non-replace updates have the _id in field "o2".
    StringData operationType;
    Value fullDocument;
    Value updateDescription;
    Value documentKey;

    switch (opType) {
        case repl::OpTypeEnum::kInsert: {
            operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kInsertOpType;
            fullDocument = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName];
            documentKey = Value(document_path_support::extractPathsFromDoc(
                fullDocument.getDocument(), documentKeyFields));
        case repl::OpTypeEnum::kDelete: {
            operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDeleteOpType;
            documentKey = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName];
        case repl::OpTypeEnum::kUpdate: {
            if (id.missing()) {
                operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kUpdateOpType;
                Document opObject = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName].getDocument();
                Value updatedFields = opObject["$set"];
                Value removedFields = opObject["$unset"];

                // Extract the field names of $unset document.
                vector<Value> removedFieldsVector;
                if (removedFields.getType() == BSONType::Object) {
                    auto iter = removedFields.getDocument().fieldIterator();
                    while (iter.more()) {
                updateDescription = Value(Document{
                    {"updatedFields", updatedFields.missing() ? Value(Document()) : updatedFields},
                    {"removedFields", removedFieldsVector}});
            } else {
                operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kReplaceOpType;
                fullDocument = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName];
            documentKey = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObject2FieldName];
        case repl::OpTypeEnum::kCommand: {
            if (!input.getNestedField("o.drop").missing()) {
                operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDropCollectionOpType;

                // The "o.drop" field will contain the actual collection name.
                nss = NamespaceString(nss.db(), input.getNestedField("o.drop").getString());
            } else if (!input.getNestedField("o.renameCollection").missing()) {
                operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kRenameCollectionOpType;

                // The "o.renameCollection" field contains the namespace of the original collection.
                nss = NamespaceString(input.getNestedField("o.renameCollection").getString());

                // The "o.to" field contains the target namespace for the rename.
                const auto renameTargetNss =
                             Value(Document{{"db", renameTargetNss.db()},
                                            {"coll", renameTargetNss.coll()}}));
            } else if (!input.getNestedField("o.dropDatabase").missing()) {
                operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDropDatabaseOpType;

                // Extract the database name from the namespace field and leave the collection name
                // empty.
                nss = NamespaceString(nss.db());
            } else {
                // All other commands will invalidate the stream.
                operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kInvalidateOpType;

            // Make sure the result doesn't have a document key.
            documentKey = Value();
        case repl::OpTypeEnum::kNoop: {
            operationType = DocumentSourceChangeStream::kNewShardDetectedOpType;
            // Generate a fake document Id for NewShardDetected operation so that we can resume
            // after this operation.
            documentKey = Value(Document{{DocumentSourceChangeStream::kIdField,
        default: { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; }

    // UUID should always be present except for invalidate and dropDatabase entries.
    if (operationType != DocumentSourceChangeStream::kInvalidateOpType &&
        operationType != DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDropDatabaseOpType) {
        invariant(!uuid.missing(), "Saw a CRUD op without a UUID");

    // Note that 'documentKey' and/or 'uuid' might be missing, in which case they will not appear
    // in the output.
    auto resumeTokenData = getResumeToken(ts, uuid, documentKey);
    auto resumeToken = ResumeToken(resumeTokenData).toDocument();

    // Add some additional fields only relevant to transactions.
    if (_txnContext) {
                     Value(static_cast<long long>(_txnContext->txnNumber)));
        doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kLsidField, Value(_txnContext->lsid));

    doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kIdField, Value(resumeToken));
    doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kOperationTypeField, Value(operationType));
    doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kClusterTimeField, Value(resumeTokenData.clusterTime));

    // We set the resume token as the document's sort key in both the sharded and non-sharded cases,
    // since we will subsequently rely upon it to generate a correct postBatchResumeToken.
    // TODO SERVER-38539: when returning results for merging, we first check whether 'mergeByPBRT'
    // has been set. If not, then the request was sent from an older mongoS which cannot merge by
    // raw resume tokens, and we must use the old sort key format. This check, and the 'mergeByPBRT'
    // flag, are no longer necessary in 4.4; all change streams will be merged by resume token.
    if (pExpCtx->needsMerge && !pExpCtx->mergeByPBRT) {
        doc.setSortKeyMetaField(BSON("" << ts << "" << uuid << "" << documentKey));
    } else {

    // "invalidate" and "newShardDetected" entries have fewer fields.
    if (operationType == DocumentSourceChangeStream::kInvalidateOpType ||
        operationType == DocumentSourceChangeStream::kNewShardDetectedOpType) {
        return doc.freeze();

    doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kFullDocumentField, fullDocument);
                 operationType == DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDropDatabaseOpType
                     ? Value(Document{{"db", nss.db()}})
                     : Value(Document{{"db", nss.db()}, {"coll", nss.coll()}}));
    doc.addField(DocumentSourceChangeStream::kDocumentKeyField, documentKey);

    // Note that 'updateDescription' might be the 'missing' value, in which case it will not be
    // serialized.
    doc.addField("updateDescription", updateDescription);
    return doc.freeze();
コード例 #11
DocumentSource::GetNextResult DocumentSourceCurrentOp::getNext() {

    if (_ops.empty()) {
        _ops = pExpCtx->mongoProcessInterface->getCurrentOps(
            pExpCtx->opCtx, _includeIdleConnections, _includeOpsFromAllUsers, _truncateOps);

        _opsIter = _ops.begin();

        if (pExpCtx->fromMongos) {
            _shardName = pExpCtx->mongoProcessInterface->getShardName(pExpCtx->opCtx);

                    "Aggregation request specified 'fromMongos' but unable to retrieve shard name "
                    "for $currentOp pipeline stage.",

    if (_opsIter != _ops.end()) {
        if (!pExpCtx->fromMongos) {
            return Document(*_opsIter++);

        // This $currentOp is running in a sharded context.

        const BSONObj& op = *_opsIter++;
        MutableDocument doc;

        // Add the shard name to the output document.
        doc.addField(kShardFieldName, Value(_shardName));

        // For operations on a shard, we change the opid from the raw numeric form to
        // 'shardname:opid'. We also change the fieldname 'client' to 'client_s' to indicate
        // that the IP is that of the mongos which initiated this request.
        for (auto&& elt : op) {
            StringData fieldName = elt.fieldNameStringData();

            if (fieldName == kOpIdFieldName) {
                        str::stream() << "expected numeric opid for $currentOp response from '"
                                      << _shardName
                                      << "' but got: "
                                      << typeName(elt.type()),

                std::string shardOpID = (str::stream() << _shardName << ":" << elt.numberInt());
                doc.addField(kOpIdFieldName, Value(shardOpID));
            } else if (fieldName == kClientFieldName) {
                doc.addField(kMongosClientFieldName, Value(elt.str()));
            } else {
                doc.addField(fieldName, Value(elt));

        return doc.freeze();

    return GetNextResult::makeEOF();
コード例 #12
Document DocumentSourceChangeStream::Transformation::applyTransformation(const Document& input) {
    MutableDocument doc;

    // Extract the fields we need.
    string op = input[repl::OplogEntry::kOpTypeFieldName].getString();
    Value ts = input[repl::OplogEntry::kTimestampFieldName];
    Value ns = input[repl::OplogEntry::kNamespaceFieldName];
    checkValueType(ns, repl::OplogEntry::kNamespaceFieldName, BSONType::String);
    NamespaceString nss(ns.getString());
    Value id = input.getNestedField("o._id");
    // Non-replace updates have the _id in field "o2".
    Value documentId = id.missing() ? input.getNestedField("o2._id") : id;
    StringData operationType;
    Value fullDocument;
    Value updateDescription;

    // Deal with CRUD operations and commands.
    auto opType = repl::OpType_parse(IDLParserErrorContext("ChangeStreamEntry.op"), op);
    switch (opType) {
        case repl::OpTypeEnum::kInsert: {
            operationType = kInsertOpType;
            fullDocument = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName];
        case repl::OpTypeEnum::kDelete: {
            operationType = kDeleteOpType;
        case repl::OpTypeEnum::kUpdate: {
            if (id.missing()) {
                operationType = kUpdateOpType;
                Document opObject = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName].getDocument();
                Value updatedFields = opObject["$set"];
                Value removedFields = opObject["$unset"];

                // Extract the field names of $unset document.
                vector<Value> removedFieldsVector;
                if (removedFields.getType() == BSONType::Object) {
                    auto iter = removedFields.getDocument().fieldIterator();
                    while (iter.more()) {
                updateDescription = Value(Document{
                    {"updatedFields", updatedFields.missing() ? Value(Document()) : updatedFields},
                    {"removedFields", removedFieldsVector}});
            } else {
                operationType = kReplaceOpType;
                fullDocument = input[repl::OplogEntry::kObjectFieldName];
        case repl::OpTypeEnum::kCommand: {
            operationType = kInvalidateOpType;
            // Make sure the result doesn't have a document id.
            documentId = Value();
        default: { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; }

    // Construct the result document.
    Value documentKey;
    if (!documentId.missing()) {
        documentKey = Value(Document{{kIdField, documentId}});
    // Note that 'documentKey' might be missing, in which case it will not appear in the output.
    Document resumeToken{{kClusterTimeField, Document{{kTimestampField, ts}}},
                         {kNamespaceField, ns},
                         {kDocumentKeyField, documentKey}};
    doc.addField(kIdField, Value(resumeToken));
    doc.addField(kOperationTypeField, Value(operationType));
    doc.addField(kFullDocumentField, fullDocument);

    // "invalidate" entry has fewer fields.
    if (opType == repl::OpTypeEnum::kCommand) {
        return doc.freeze();

    doc.addField(kNamespaceField, Value(Document{{"db", nss.db()}, {"coll", nss.coll()}}));
    doc.addField(kDocumentKeyField, documentKey);

    // Note that 'updateDescription' might be the 'missing' value, in which case it will not be
    // serialized.
    doc.addField("updateDescription", updateDescription);
    return doc.freeze();