コード例 #1
void KEquityPriceUpdateDlg::addPricePair(const MyMoneySecurityPair& pair, bool dontCheckExistance)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  QString symbol = QString("%1 > %2").arg(pair.first, pair.second);
  QString id = QString("%1 %2").arg(pair.first, pair.second);
  // Check that the pair does not already exist
  if (lvEquityList->findItems(id, Qt::MatchExactly, ID_COL).empty()) {
    const MyMoneyPrice &pr = file->price(pair.first, pair.second);
    if (pr.source() != "KMyMoney") {
      bool keep = true;
      if ((pair.first == file->baseCurrency().id())
          || (pair.second == file->baseCurrency().id())) {
        const QString& foreignCurrency = file->foreignCurrency(pair.first, pair.second);
        // check that the foreign currency is still in use
        QList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_a;
        QList<MyMoneyAccount> list;
        for (it_a = list.constBegin(); !dontCheckExistance && it_a != list.constEnd(); ++it_a) {
          // if it's an account denominated in the foreign currency
          // keep it
          if (((*it_a).currencyId() == foreignCurrency)
              && !(*it_a).isClosed())
          // if it's an investment traded in the foreign currency
          // keep it
          if ((*it_a).isInvest() && !(*it_a).isClosed()) {
            MyMoneySecurity sec = file->security((*it_a).currencyId());
            if (sec.tradingCurrency() == foreignCurrency)
        // if it is in use, it_a is not equal to list.end()
        if (it_a == list.constEnd() && !dontCheckExistance)
          keep = false;

      if (keep) {
        QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
        item->setText(SYMBOL_COL, symbol);
        item->setText(NAME_COL, i18n("%1 units in %2", pair.first, pair.second));
        if (pr.isValid()) {
          item->setText(PRICE_COL, pr.rate(pair.second).formatMoney(file->currency(pair.second).tradingSymbol(), KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()));
          item->setText(DATE_COL, pr.date().toString(Qt::ISODate));
        item->setText(ID_COL, id);
        item->setText(SOURCE_COL, "Yahoo Currency");  // This string value should not be localized
コード例 #2
void KAccountTemplateSelector::Private::loadHierarchy(void)
  QListViewItemIterator it(m_parent->m_groupList, QListViewItemIterator::Selected);
  QListViewItem* it_v;
  while((it_v = it.current()) != 0) {

  // I need to think about this some more. The code works and shows
  // the current account hierarchy. It might be usefull, to show
  // existing accounts dimmed and the new ones in bold or so.
#if 0

  // add the hierarchy from the MyMoneyFile object
  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> aList;
  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_a;
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
  if(aList.count() > 0) {
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory(file->asset().id(), true)] = 0;
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory(file->liability().id(), true)] = 0;
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory(file->income().id(), true)] = 0;
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory(file->expense().id(), true)] = 0;
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory(file->equity().id(), true)] = 0;

  for(it_a = aList.begin(); it_a != aList.end(); ++it_a) {
    m_templateHierarchy[file->accountToCategory((*it_a).id(), true)] = 0;

  QMap<QString, QListViewItem*>::iterator it_m;

  QRegExp exp("(.*):(.*)");
  for(it_m = m_templateHierarchy.begin(); it_m != m_templateHierarchy.end(); ++it_m) {
    if(exp.search(it_m.key()) == -1) {
      (*it_m) = new KListViewItem(m_parent->m_accountList, it_m.key());
    } else {
      (*it_m) = hierarchyItem(exp.cap(1), exp.cap(2));

  if(m_parent->m_groupList->currentItem()) {
コード例 #3
void KEquityPriceUpdateDlg::addInvestment(const MyMoneySecurity& inv)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  QString symbol = inv.tradingSymbol();
  QString id = inv.id();
  // Check that the pair does not already exist
  if (lvEquityList->findItems(id, Qt::MatchExactly, ID_COL).empty()) {
    // check that the security is still in use
    QList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_a;
    QList<MyMoneyAccount> list;
    for (it_a = list.constBegin(); it_a != list.constEnd(); ++it_a) {
      if ((*it_a).isInvest()
          && ((*it_a).currencyId() == inv.id())
          && !(*it_a).isClosed())
    // if it is in use, it_a is not equal to list.end()
    if (it_a != list.constEnd()) {
      QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
      item->setText(SYMBOL_COL, symbol);
      item->setText(NAME_COL, inv.name());
      MyMoneySecurity currency = file->currency(inv.tradingCurrency());
      const MyMoneyPrice &pr = file->price(id.toUtf8(), inv.tradingCurrency());
      if (pr.isValid()) {
        item->setText(PRICE_COL, pr.rate(currency.id()).formatMoney(currency.tradingSymbol(), KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::pricePrecision()));
        item->setText(DATE_COL, pr.date().toString(Qt::ISODate));
      item->setText(ID_COL, id);
      if (inv.value("kmm-online-quote-system") == "Finance::Quote")
        item->setText(SOURCE_COL, QString("Finance::Quote %1").arg(inv.value("kmm-online-source")));
        item->setText(SOURCE_COL, inv.value("kmm-online-source"));


      // If this investment is denominated in a foreign currency, ensure that
      // the appropriate price pair is also on the list

      if (currency.id() != file->baseCurrency().id()) {
        addPricePair(MyMoneySecurityPair(currency.id(), file->baseCurrency().id()));
コード例 #4
QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> MyMoneyForecast::accountList(void)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> accList;
  QStringList emptyStringList;
  //Get all accounts from the file and check if they are present
  file->accountList(accList, emptyStringList, false);
  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount>::iterator accList_t = accList.begin();
  for(; accList_t != accList.end(); ) {
    MyMoneyAccount acc = *accList_t;
    if(!isForecastAccount( acc ) ) {
      accList.remove(accList_t);    //remove the account
      accList_t = accList.begin();
       } else {
  return accList;
コード例 #5
QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> MyMoneyForecast::forecastAccountList(void)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> accList;
  //Get all accounts from the file and check if they are of the right type to calculate forecast
  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount>::iterator accList_t = accList.begin();
  for(; accList_t != accList.end(); ) {
    MyMoneyAccount acc = *accList_t;
    if(acc.isClosed()             //check the account is not closed
    || (!acc.isAssetLiability()) ) {
    //|| (acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) ) {//check that it is not an Investment account and only include Stock accounts
      accList.remove(accList_t);    //remove the account if it is not of the correct type
      accList_t = accList.begin();
    } else {
  return accList;
コード例 #6
QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> MyMoneyForecast::budgetAccountList(void)
  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> accList;
  QStringList emptyStringList;
  //Get all accounts from the file and check if they are of the right type to calculate forecast
  file->accountList(accList, emptyStringList, false);
  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount>::iterator accList_t = accList.begin();
  for(; accList_t != accList.end(); ) {
    MyMoneyAccount acc = *accList_t;
    if(acc.isClosed()             //check the account is not closed
       || (!acc.isIncomeExpense()) ) {
      accList.remove(accList_t);    //remove the account if it is not of the correct type
      accList_t = accList.begin();
       } else {
  return accList;
コード例 #7
void KInstitutionsView::loadAccounts(void)
  QMap<QString, bool> isOpen;

  ::timetrace("start load institutions view");
  // remember the id of the current selected item
  KMyMoneyAccountTreeBaseItem *item = m_accountTree->selectedItem();
  QString selectedItemId = (item) ? item->id() : QString();

  // keep a map of all 'expanded' accounts
  QListViewItemIterator it_lvi(m_accountTree);
  while(it_lvi.current()) {
    item = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem*>(it_lvi.current());
    if(item && item->isOpen()) {
      isOpen[item->id()] = true;

  // remember the upper left corner of the viewport
  QPoint startPoint = m_accountTree->viewportToContents(QPoint(0, 0));

  // turn off updates to avoid flickering during reload

  // clear the current contents and recreate it

  MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();

  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount> alist;
  QValueList<MyMoneyAccount>::const_iterator it_a;
  for(it_a = alist.begin(); it_a != alist.end(); ++it_a) {
    m_accountMap[(*it_a).id()] = *it_a;

  // we need to make sure we show stock accounts
  // under the right institution (the one of the parent account)
  QMap<QString, MyMoneyAccount>::iterator it_am;
  for(it_am = m_accountMap.begin(); it_am != m_accountMap.end(); ++it_am) {
    if((*it_am).isInvest()) {

  QValueList<MyMoneySecurity> slist = file->currencyList();
  slist += file->securityList();
  QValueList<MyMoneySecurity>::const_iterator it_s;
  for(it_s = slist.begin(); it_s != slist.end(); ++it_s) {
    m_securityMap[(*it_s).id()] = *it_s;

  m_transactionCountMap = file->transactionCountMap();


  // create the items
  try {
    const MyMoneySecurity& security = file->baseCurrency();

    MyMoneyInstitution none;
    none.setName(i18n("Accounts with no institution assigned"));
    KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* noInstitutionItem = new KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem(m_accountTree, none);
    loadSubAccounts(noInstitutionItem, QString());

    // hide it, if unused
    noInstitutionItem->setVisible(noInstitutionItem->childCount() != 0);
    bool showClosedAccounts = kmymoney2->toggleAction("view_show_all_accounts")->isChecked()
      || !KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::hideClosedAccounts();

    QValueList<MyMoneyInstitution> list = file->institutionList();
    QValueList<MyMoneyInstitution>::const_iterator it_i;
    for(it_i = list.begin(); it_i != list.end(); ++it_i) {
      KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem* item = new KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem(m_accountTree, *it_i);
      item->setPixmap(0, none.pixmap());
      loadSubAccounts(item, (*it_i).id());
        item->setVisible(item->childCount() != 0);

  } catch(MyMoneyException *e) {
    kdDebug(2) << "Problem in institutions view: " << e->what();
    delete e;

  // scan through the list of accounts and re-expand those that were
  // expanded and re-select the one that was probably selected before
  it_lvi = QListViewItemIterator(m_accountTree);
  while(it_lvi.current()) {
    item = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyAccountTreeItem*>(it_lvi.current());
    if(item) {
      if(item->id() == selectedItemId)
        m_accountTree->setSelected(item, true);
      if(isOpen.find(item->id()) != isOpen.end())

  // reposition viewport
  m_accountTree->setContentsPos(startPoint.x(), startPoint.y());

  // turn updates back on

  ::timetrace("done load institutions view");