int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // interface QApplication app(argc, argv); MyQT sqt; // example code itself sqt.createMap(); // set help message in menu sqt.setHelpMsg("First Tuto: \nCreate two faces\nsew them\nand affect positions"); // final show for redraw; // and wait for the end // QGLViewer* ptr = sqt.getQGLWidget(); return app.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // interface QApplication app(argc, argv); MyQT sqt; // copy output tout Qt console of application (shift enter) CGoGNout.toConsole(&sqt); // example code itself sqt.createMap(); sqt.traverseMap(); // set help message in menu sqt.setHelpMsg("Tuto 3: \nUsage of DartMarker and CellMarker\nPick of dart with mouse"); // final show for redraw; CGoGNout << "You can pick darts dans see it's id with left mouse button"<< CGoGNendl; // and wait for the end return app.exec(); }