コード例 #1
ファイル: netlist.cpp プロジェクト: cpavlina/kicad
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::LoadFootprints( NETLIST& aNetlist, REPORTER* aReporter )
    wxString   msg;
    LIB_ID     lastFPID;
    COMPONENT* component;
    MODULE*    module = 0;
    MODULE*    fpOnBoard;

    if( aNetlist.IsEmpty() || Prj().PcbFootprintLibs()->IsEmpty() )


    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aNetlist.GetCount(); ii++ )
        component = aNetlist.GetComponent( ii );

        // The FPID is ok as long as there is a footprint portion coming
        // from eeschema.
        if( !component->GetFPID().GetLibItemName().size() )
        if( component->GetFPID().empty() )
            if( aReporter )
                msg.Printf( _( "No footprint defined for symbol \"%s\".\n" ),
                            GetChars( component->GetReference() ) );
                aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );


        // Check if component footprint is already on BOARD and only load the footprint from
        // the library if it's needed.  Nickname can be blank.
        if( aNetlist.IsFindByTimeStamp() )
            fpOnBoard = m_Pcb->FindModule( aNetlist.GetComponent( ii )->GetTimeStamp(), true );
            fpOnBoard = m_Pcb->FindModule( aNetlist.GetComponent( ii )->GetReference() );

        bool footprintMisMatch = fpOnBoard &&
                                 fpOnBoard->GetFPID() != component->GetFPID();

        if( footprintMisMatch && !aNetlist.GetReplaceFootprints() )
            if( aReporter )
                msg.Printf( _( "Footprint of symbol \"%s\" changed: board footprint \"%s\", netlist footprint \"%s\"\n" ),
                            GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                            GetChars( fpOnBoard->GetFPID().Format() ),
                            GetChars( component->GetFPID().Format() ) );
                aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_WARNING );


        if( !aNetlist.GetReplaceFootprints() )
            footprintMisMatch = false;

        if( fpOnBoard && !footprintMisMatch )   // nothing else to do here

        if( component->GetFPID() != lastFPID )
            module = NULL;

            // The LIB_ID is ok as long as there is a footprint portion coming
            // the library if it's needed.  Nickname can be blank.
            if( !component->GetFPID().GetLibItemName().size() )
            if( !component->GetFPID().IsValid() )
                if( aReporter )
                    msg.Printf( _( "Component \"%s\" footprint ID \"%s\" is not "
                                   "valid.\n" ),
                                GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                                GetChars( component->GetFPID().Format() ) );
                    aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );


            // loadFootprint() can find a footprint with an empty nickname in fpid.
            module = PCB_BASE_FRAME::loadFootprint( component->GetFPID() );

            if( module )
                lastFPID = component->GetFPID();
                if( aReporter )
                    msg.Printf( _( "Component \"%s\" footprint \"%s\" was not found in "
                                   "any libraries in the footprint library table.\n" ),
                                GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                                GetChars( component->GetFPID().GetLibItemName() ) );
                    aReporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );

            // Footprint already loaded from a library, duplicate it (faster)
            if( module == NULL )
                continue;            // Module does not exist in any library.

            module = new MODULE( *module );

        if( module )
            component->SetModule( module );
コード例 #2
bool BOARD_NETLIST_UPDATER::UpdateNetlist( NETLIST& aNetlist )
    wxString msg;
    m_errorCount = 0;
    m_warningCount = 0;

    if( !m_isDryRun )
        m_board->SetStatus( 0 );

    for( int i = 0; i < (int) aNetlist.GetCount();  i++ )
        COMPONENT* component = aNetlist.GetComponent( i );
        MODULE* footprint = NULL;

        msg.Printf( _( "Processing component \"%s:%s:%s\".\n" ),
                    GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                    GetChars( component->GetTimeStamp() ),
                    GetChars( component->GetFPID().Format() ) );
        m_reporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_INFO );

        if( aNetlist.IsFindByTimeStamp() )
            footprint = m_board->FindModule( component->GetTimeStamp(), true );
            footprint = m_board->FindModule( component->GetReference() );

        if( footprint )        // An existing footprint.
            MODULE* newFootprint = replaceComponent( aNetlist, footprint, component );

            if( newFootprint )
                footprint = newFootprint;
            footprint = addNewComponent( component );

        if( footprint )
            updateComponentParameters( footprint, component );
            updateComponentPadConnections( footprint, component );


    if( m_deleteUnusedComponents )
        deleteUnusedComponents( aNetlist );

    if( m_deleteSinglePadNets )

    if( !m_isDryRun )
        m_commit.Push( _( "Update netlist" ) );
        m_frame->Compile_Ratsnest( NULL, false );
        testConnectivity( aNetlist );

    // Update the ratsnest
    m_reporter->Report( wxT( "" ), REPORTER::RPT_ACTION );
    m_reporter->Report( wxT( "" ), REPORTER::RPT_ACTION );

    msg.Printf( _( "Total warnings: %d, errors: %d." ), m_warningCount, m_errorCount );
    m_reporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ACTION );

    if( m_errorCount )
        m_reporter->Report( _( "Errors occured during the netlist update. Unless you "
                               "fix them, your board will not be consistent with the schematics." ),
                            REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );

        return false;
        m_reporter->Report( _( "Netlist update successful!" ), REPORTER::RPT_ACTION );

    return true;
コード例 #3
bool BOARD_NETLIST_UPDATER::testConnectivity( NETLIST& aNetlist )
    // Last step: Some tests:
    // verify all pads found in netlist:
    // They should exist in footprints, otherwise the footprint is wrong
    // note also references or time stamps are updated, so we use only
    // the reference to find a footprint
    // Also verify if zones have acceptable nets, i.e. nets with pads.
    // Zone with no pad belongs to a "dead" net which happens after changes in schematic
    // when no more pad use this net name.

    wxString msg;
    wxString padname;

    for( int i = 0; i < (int) aNetlist.GetCount(); i++ )
        const COMPONENT* component = aNetlist.GetComponent( i );
        MODULE* footprint = m_board->FindModuleByReference( component->GetReference() );

        if( footprint == NULL )    // It can be missing in partial designs

        // Explore all pins/pads in component
        for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < component->GetNetCount(); jj++ )
            COMPONENT_NET net = component->GetNet( jj );
            padname = net.GetPinName();

            if( footprint->FindPadByName( padname ) )
                continue;   // OK, pad found

            // not found: bad footprint, report error
            msg.Printf( _( "Component %s pad %s not found in footprint %s\n" ),
                        GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                        GetChars( padname ),
                        GetChars( footprint->GetFPID().Format() ) );
            m_reporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_ERROR );

    // Test copper zones to detect "dead" nets (nets without any pad):
    for( int i = 0; i < m_board->GetAreaCount(); i++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = m_board->GetArea( i );

        if( !zone->IsOnCopperLayer() || zone->GetIsKeepout() )

        int nc = zone->GetNet()->GetNodesCount();

        if( nc == 0 )
            msg.Printf( _( "Copper zone (net name %s): net has no pads connected." ),
                        GetChars( zone->GetNet()->GetNetname() ) );
            m_reporter->Report( msg, REPORTER::RPT_WARNING );

    return true;
コード例 #4
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::loadFootprints( NETLIST& aNetlist, REPORTER* aReporter )
    throw( IO_ERROR, PARSE_ERROR )
    wxString   msg;
    FPID       lastFPID;
    COMPONENT* component;
    MODULE*    module = 0;
    MODULE*    fpOnBoard;

    if( aNetlist.IsEmpty() || FootprintLibs()->IsEmpty() )


    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aNetlist.GetCount(); ii++ )
        component = aNetlist.GetComponent( ii );

        // The FPID is ok as long as there is a footprint portion coming
        // from eeschema.
        if( !component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName().size() )
        if( component->GetFPID().empty() )
            if( aReporter )
                msg.Printf( _( "No footprint defined for component '%s'.\n" ),
                            GetChars( component->GetReference() ) );
                aReporter->Report( msg );


        // Check if component footprint is already on BOARD and only load the footprint from
        // the library if it's needed.  Nickname can be blank.
        if( aNetlist.IsFindByTimeStamp() )
            fpOnBoard = m_Pcb->FindModule( aNetlist.GetComponent( ii )->GetTimeStamp(), true );
            fpOnBoard = m_Pcb->FindModule( aNetlist.GetComponent( ii )->GetReference() );

        bool footprintMisMatch = fpOnBoard &&
                                 fpOnBoard->GetFPID() != component->GetFPID();

        if( footprintMisMatch && !aNetlist.GetReplaceFootprints() )
            if( aReporter )
                msg.Printf( _( "* Warning: component '%s' has footprint '%s' and should be '%s'\n" ),
                            GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                            component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName().c_str() );
                aReporter->Report( msg );


        if( !aNetlist.GetReplaceFootprints() )
            footprintMisMatch = false;

        bool loadFootprint = (fpOnBoard == NULL) || footprintMisMatch;

        if( loadFootprint && (component->GetFPID() != lastFPID) )
            module = NULL;

            // The FPID is ok as long as there is a footprint portion coming
            // the library if it's needed.  Nickname can be blank.
            if( !component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName().size() )
            if( !component->GetFPID().IsValid() )
                if( aReporter )
                    msg.Printf( _( "*** Warning: Component '%s' footprint ID '%s' is not "
                                   "valid. ***\n" ),
                                GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                                component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName().c_str() );
                    aReporter->Report( msg );


            // loadFootprint() can find a footprint with an empty nickname in fpid.
            module = PCB_BASE_FRAME::loadFootprint( component->GetFPID() );

            if( module )
                lastFPID = component->GetFPID();
                if( aReporter )
                    wxString msg;
                    msg.Printf( _( "*** Warning: component '%s' footprint '%s' was not found in "
                                   "any libraries in the footprint library table. ***\n" ),
                                GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                                component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName().c_str() );
                    aReporter->Report( msg );

            // Footprint already loaded from a library, duplicate it (faster)
            if( module == NULL )
                continue;            // Module does not exist in any library.

            module = new MODULE( *module );

        if( loadFootprint && module != NULL )
            component->SetModule( module );
コード例 #5
bool DIALOG_NETLIST::verifyFootprints( const wxString&         aNetlistFilename,
                                       const wxString &        aCmpFilename,
                                       std::vector< MODULE* >& aDuplicates,
                                       wxArrayString&          aMissing,
                                       std::vector< MODULE* >& aNotInNetlist )
    wxString        msg;
    MODULE*         module;
    MODULE*         nextModule;
    NETLIST         netlist;
    wxBusyCursor    dummy;           // Shows an hourglass while calculating.
    NETLIST_READER* netlistReader;
    COMPONENT*      component;

        netlistReader = NETLIST_READER::GetNetlistReader( &netlist, aNetlistFilename,
                        aCmpFilename );

        if( netlistReader == NULL )
            msg.Printf( _( "Cannot open netlist file \"%s\"." ), GetChars( aNetlistFilename ) );
            wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Netlist Load Error." ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
            return false;

        std::auto_ptr< NETLIST_READER > nlr( netlistReader );
    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
        msg.Printf( _( "Error loading netlist file:\n%s" ), ioe.errorText.GetData() );
        wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Netlist Load Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
        return false;

    BOARD* pcb = m_parent->GetBoard();

    // Search for duplicate footprints.
    module = pcb->m_Modules;

    for( ; module != NULL; module = module->Next() )
        nextModule = module->Next();

        for( ; nextModule != NULL; nextModule = nextModule->Next() )
            if( module->GetReference().CmpNoCase( nextModule->GetReference() ) == 0 )
                aDuplicates.push_back( module );

    // Search for component footprints in the netlist but not on the board.
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < netlist.GetCount(); ii++ )
        component = netlist.GetComponent( ii );

        module = pcb->FindModuleByReference( component->GetReference() );

        if( module == NULL )
            aMissing.Add( component->GetReference() );
            aMissing.Add( component->GetValue() );

    // Search for component footprints found on board but not in netlist.
    module = pcb->m_Modules;

    for( ; module != NULL; module = module->Next() )

        component = netlist.GetComponentByReference( module->GetReference() );

        if( component == NULL )
            aNotInNetlist.push_back( module );

    return true;
コード例 #6
 * Function convertFromLegacy
 * converts the footprint names in \a aNetList from the legacy format to the #FPID format.
 * @param aNetList is the #NETLIST object to convert.
 * @param aLibNames is the list of legacy footprint library names from the currently loaded
 *                  project.
 * @param aReporter is the #REPORTER object to dump messages into.
 * @return true if all footprint names were successfully converted to a valid FPID.
static bool convertFromLegacy( FP_LIB_TABLE* aTbl, SEARCH_STACK& aSStack, NETLIST& aNetList,
        const wxArrayString& aLibNames, REPORTER* aReporter = NULL ) throw( IO_ERROR )
    wxString   msg;
    FPID       lastFPID;
    COMPONENT* component;
    MODULE*    module = 0;
    bool       retv = true;

    if( aNetList.IsEmpty() )
        return true;


    wxString   libPath;

    PLUGIN::RELEASER pi( IO_MGR::PluginFind( IO_MGR::LEGACY ) );

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aNetList.GetCount(); ii++ )
        component = aNetList.GetComponent( ii );

        // The footprint hasn't been assigned yet so ignore it.
        if( component->GetFPID().empty() )

        if( component->GetFPID() != lastFPID )
            module = NULL;

            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aLibNames.GetCount(); ii++ )
                wxFileName fn( wxEmptyString, aLibNames[ii], LegacyFootprintLibPathExtension );

                libPath = aSStack.FindValidPath( fn.GetFullPath() );

                if( !libPath )
                    if( aReporter )
                        msg.Printf( _( "Cannot find footprint library file '%s' in any of the "
                                       "KiCad legacy library search paths.\n" ),
                                    GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
                        aReporter->Report( msg );

                    retv = false;

                module = pi->FootprintLoad( libPath, component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName() );

                if( module )
                    lastFPID = component->GetFPID();

        if( !module )
            if( aReporter )
                msg.Printf( _( "Component '%s' footprint '%s' was not found in any legacy "
                               "library.\n" ),
                            GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                            GetChars( component->GetFPID().Format() ) );
                aReporter->Report( msg );

            // Clear the footprint assignment since the old library lookup method is no
            // longer valid.
            FPID emptyFPID;

            component->SetFPID( emptyFPID );
            retv = false;
            wxString    libNickname;

            const FP_LIB_TABLE::ROW* row;

            if( ( row = aTbl->FindRowByURI( libPath ) ) != NULL )
                libNickname = row->GetNickName();

            if( libNickname.IsEmpty() )
                if( aReporter )
                    msg.Printf( _( "Component '%s' with footprint '%s' and legacy library path '%s' "
                                   "was not found in the footprint library table.\n" ),
                                GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                                GetChars( component->GetFPID().Format() ),
                                GetChars( libPath )
                    aReporter->Report( msg );

                retv = false;
                FPID newFPID = lastFPID;
                newFPID.SetLibNickname( libNickname );

                if( !newFPID.IsValid() )
                    if( aReporter )
                        msg.Printf( _( "Component '%s' FPID '%s' is not valid.\n" ),
                                    GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                                    GetChars( newFPID.Format() ) );
                        aReporter->Report( msg );

                    retv = false;
                    // The footprint name should already be set.
                    component->SetFPID( newFPID );

    return retv;