コード例 #1
ファイル: LiveScene.cpp プロジェクト: cnpinto/cortex
void LiveScene::attributeNames( NameList &attrs ) const
	if( !m_isRoot && m_dagPath.length() == 0 )
		throw Exception( "IECoreMaya::LiveScene::attributeNames: Dag path no longer exists!" );

	tbb::mutex::scoped_lock l( s_mutex );
	attrs.push_back( SceneInterface::visibilityName );

	// translate attributes with names starting with "ieAttr_":
	MFnDependencyNode fnNode( m_dagPath.node() );
	unsigned int n = fnNode.attributeCount();
	for( unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++ )
		MObject attr = fnNode.attribute( i );
		MFnAttribute fnAttr( attr );
		MString attrName = fnAttr.name();
		if( attrName.length() > 7 && ( strstr( attrName.asChar(),"ieAttr_" ) == attrName.asChar() ) )
			attrs.push_back( ( "user:" + attrName.substring( 7, attrName.length()-1 ) ).asChar() );

	// add attributes from custom readers:
	for ( std::vector< CustomAttributeReader >::const_iterator it = customAttributeReaders().begin(); it != customAttributeReaders().end(); it++ )
		it->m_names( m_dagPath, attrs );

	// remove duplicates:
	std::sort( attrs.begin(), attrs.end() );
	attrs.erase( std::unique( attrs.begin(), attrs.end() ), attrs.end() );
コード例 #2
ファイル: MayaScene.cpp プロジェクト: dboogert/cortex
void MayaScene::readTags( NameList &tags, int filter ) const

	if ( m_isRoot )

	if( m_dagPath.length() == 0 )
		throw Exception( "MayaScene::attributeNames: Dag path no longer exists!" );
	std::set<Name> uniqueTags;
	std::vector<CustomTagReader> &tagReaders = customTagReaders();
	for ( std::vector<CustomTagReader>::const_iterator it = tagReaders.begin(); it != tagReaders.end(); ++it )
		NameList values;
		it->m_read( m_dagPath, values, filter );
		uniqueTags.insert( values.begin(), values.end() );

	tags.insert( tags.end(), uniqueTags.begin(), uniqueTags.end() );
コード例 #3
ファイル: HoudiniScene.cpp プロジェクト: danieldresser/cortex
void HoudiniScene::attributeNames( NameList &attrs ) const
	for ( std::map<Name, CustomReader>::const_iterator it = customAttributeReaders().begin(); it != customAttributeReaders().end(); ++it )
		if ( it->second.m_has( retrieveNode() ) )
			attrs.push_back( it->first );
コード例 #4
ファイル: MayaScene.cpp プロジェクト: dboogert/cortex
void MayaScene::attributeNames( NameList &attrs ) const
	if( !m_isRoot && m_dagPath.length() == 0 )
		throw Exception( "MayaScene::attributeNames: Dag path no longer exists!" );
	tbb::mutex::scoped_lock l( s_mutex );
	attrs.push_back( SceneInterface::visibilityName );
	for ( std::vector< CustomAttributeReader >::const_iterator it = customAttributeReaders().begin(); it != customAttributeReaders().end(); it++ )
		it->m_names( m_dagPath, attrs );
コード例 #5
ファイル: LiveScene.cpp プロジェクト: cnpinto/cortex
void LiveScene::readTags( NameList &tags, int filter ) const

	if ( m_isRoot )

	if( m_dagPath.length() == 0 )
		throw Exception( "IECoreMaya::LiveScene::attributeNames: Dag path no longer exists!" );
	std::set<Name> uniqueTags;

	// read tags from ieTags attribute:
	MStatus st;
	MFnDependencyNode fnNode( m_dagPath.node() );
	MPlug tagsPlug = fnNode.findPlug( "ieTags", false, &st );
	if( st )
		std::string tagsStr( tagsPlug.asString().asChar() );
		boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > t( tagsStr, boost::char_separator<char>( " " ) );
		for (
			boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> >::iterator it = t.begin();
			it != t.end();
			uniqueTags.insert( Name( *it ) );

	// read tags from custom readers:
	std::vector<CustomTagReader> &tagReaders = customTagReaders();
	for ( std::vector<CustomTagReader>::const_iterator it = tagReaders.begin(); it != tagReaders.end(); ++it )
		NameList values;
		it->m_read( m_dagPath, values, filter );
		uniqueTags.insert( values.begin(), values.end() );

	tags.insert( tags.end(), uniqueTags.begin(), uniqueTags.end() );
コード例 #6
ファイル: MayaScene.cpp プロジェクト: Shockspot/cortex
void MayaScene::attributeNames( NameList &attrs ) const
	if ( m_isRoot )
	if( m_dagPath.length() == 0 )
		throw Exception( "MayaScene::attributeNames: Dag path no longer exists!" );

	for ( std::vector< CustomAttributeReader >::const_iterator it = customAttributeReaders().begin(); it != customAttributeReaders().end(); it++ )
		it->m_names( m_dagPath, attrs );
コード例 #7
ファイル: LiveScene.cpp プロジェクト: AtomicFiction/cortex
void LiveScene::attributeNames( NameList &attrs ) const
	OP_Node *node = retrieveNode();
	const std::vector<CustomAttributeReader> &attributeReaders = customAttributeReaders();
	for ( std::vector<CustomAttributeReader>::const_iterator it = attributeReaders.begin(); it != attributeReaders.end(); ++it )
		NameList names;
		it->m_names( node, names );
		/// \todo: investigate using a set here if performance becomes an issue
		for ( NameList::const_iterator nIt = names.begin(); nIt != names.end(); ++nIt )
			if ( std::find( attrs.begin(), attrs.end(), *nIt ) == attrs.end() )
				attrs.push_back( *nIt );
コード例 #8
ファイル: HoudiniScene.cpp プロジェクト: danieldresser/cortex
void HoudiniScene::readTags( NameList &tags, bool includeChildren ) const
	const OP_Node *node = retrieveNode();
	if ( !node )
	// add user supplied tags if we're not inside a SOP
	if ( !m_contentIndex && node->hasParm( pTags.getToken() ) )
		UT_String parmTagStr;
		node->evalString( parmTagStr, pTags.getToken(), 0, 0 );
		if ( !parmTagStr.equal( UT_String::getEmptyString() ) )
			UT_WorkArgs tokens;
			parmTagStr.tokenize( tokens, " " );
			for ( int i = 0; i < tokens.getArgc(); ++i )
				tags.push_back( tokens[i] );
	// add tags from the registered tag readers
	std::vector<CustomTagReader> &tagReaders = customTagReaders();
	for ( std::vector<CustomTagReader>::const_iterator it = tagReaders.begin(); it != tagReaders.end(); ++it )
		NameList values;
		it->m_read( node, values, includeChildren );
		tags.insert( tags.end(), values.begin(), values.end() );
	// add tags based on primitive groups
	OBJ_Node *contentNode = retrieveNode( true )->castToOBJNode();
	if ( contentNode && contentNode->getObjectType() == OBJ_GEOMETRY && m_splitter )
		GU_DetailHandle newHandle = m_splitter->split( contentPathValue() );
		if ( !newHandle.isNull() )
			GU_DetailHandleAutoReadLock readHandle( newHandle );
			if ( const GU_Detail *geo = readHandle.getGdp() )
				GA_Range prims = geo->getPrimitiveRange();
				for ( GA_GroupTable::iterator<GA_ElementGroup> it=geo->primitiveGroups().beginTraverse(); !it.atEnd(); ++it )
					GA_PrimitiveGroup *group = static_cast<GA_PrimitiveGroup*>( it.group() );
					if ( group->getInternal() || group->isEmpty() )
					const UT_String &groupName = group->getName();
					if ( groupName.startsWith( tagGroupPrefix ) && group->containsAny( prims ) )
						UT_String tag;
						groupName.substr( tag, tagGroupPrefix.length() );
						tag.substitute( "_", ":" );
						tags.push_back( tag.buffer() );
コード例 #9
ファイル: LinkedScene.cpp プロジェクト: UIKit0/cortex
void LinkedScene::writeAttribute( const Name &name, const Object *attribute, double time )
	if ( m_readOnly )
		throw Exception( "No write access to scene file!" );

	if ( name == linkAttribute )
		bool firstTime = !m_mainScene->hasAttribute( fileNameLinkAttribute );

		if ( firstTime )
			// if it's the first time, we better check if this level already has objects, tags or children
			// and raise exceptions to prevent weird configurations...
			if ( m_mainScene->hasObject() )
				throw Exception( "Links to external scenes cannot be created on locations where there's already an object saved!" );

			NameList names;
			m_mainScene->childNames( names );
			if ( names.size() )
				throw Exception( "Links to external scenes cannot be created on locations where there are already child locations!" );


		// we are creating a link!
		const CompoundData *d = runTimeCast< const CompoundData >(attribute);
		if ( !d )
			throw Exception( "SceneInterface:link attribute must be of type CompoundData!" );

		// open the linked scene
		int linkDepth;
		ConstDoubleDataPtr timeData = d->member< const DoubleData >( g_time );
		const StringData *fileName = d->member< const StringData >( g_fileName );
		const InternedStringVectorData *sceneRoot = d->member< const InternedStringVectorData >( g_root );
		ConstSceneInterfacePtr linkedScene = expandLink( fileName, sceneRoot, linkDepth );
		if ( !linkedScene )
			throw Exception( "Trying to store a broken link!" );

		// get the bounds of the linked scene
		const SampledSceneInterface *sampledScene = runTimeCast< const SampledSceneInterface >(linkedScene.get());
		if ( sampledScene && !timeData )
			// When there's no time remapping we get all the bounding box samples from the linked scene, using the same time.
			if ( firstTime )
				size_t bounds = sampledScene->numBoundSamples();
				for ( size_t b = 0; b < bounds; b++ )
					m_mainScene->writeBound( sampledScene->readBoundAtSample(b), sampledScene->boundSampleTime(b) );
			/// we store just the current bounding box
			if ( timeData )
				m_mainScene->writeBound( linkedScene->readBound(timeData->readable()), time );
				m_mainScene->writeBound( linkedScene->readBound(time), time );

		if ( firstTime )
			// save the tags from the linked file to the current location so it gets propagated to the root.
			NameList tags;

			// Check if the position of the file we are trying to link to, has ancestor tags.
			// This situation is undesirable, as it will make LinkedScene return inconsistent ancestor tags before and after the link location.
			linkedScene->readTags(tags, SceneInterface::AncestorTag );
			if ( tags.size() )
				std::string pathStr;
				SceneInterface::pathToString( sceneRoot->readable(), pathStr );
				msg( Msg::Warning, "LinkedScene::writeAttribute", ( boost::format( "Detected ancestor tags while creating link to file %s at location %s." ) % fileName->readable() % pathStr ).str() );

			/// copy all descendent and local tags as descendent tags (so we can distinguish from tags added in the LinkedScene)
			linkedScene->readTags(tags, SceneInterface::LocalTag|SceneInterface::DescendantTag );
			static_cast< SceneCache *>(m_mainScene.get())->writeTags(tags, true);
			m_mainScene->writeAttribute( fileNameLinkAttribute, d->member< const StringData >( g_fileName ), time );
			m_mainScene->writeAttribute( rootLinkAttribute, d->member< const InternedStringVectorData >( g_root ), time );

		/// we keep the information this level has a link, so we can prevent attempts to 
		/// create children or save objects at this level.
		m_atLink = true;
		if( timeData )
			m_mainScene->writeAttribute( timeLinkAttribute, timeData, time );
