コード例 #1
void NavigationMesh::CollectGeometries(Vector<NavigationGeometryInfo>& geometryList)

    // Get Navigable components from child nodes, not from whole scene. This makes it possible to partition
    // the scene into several navigation meshes
    PODVector<Navigable*> navigables;
    node_->GetComponents<Navigable>(navigables, true);

    HashSet<Node*> processedNodes;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < navigables.Size(); ++i)
        if (navigables[i]->IsEnabledEffective())
            CollectGeometries(geometryList, navigables[i]->GetNode(), processedNodes, navigables[i]->IsRecursive());

    // Get offmesh connections
    Matrix3x4 inverse = node_->GetWorldTransform().Inverse();
    PODVector<OffMeshConnection*> connections;
    node_->GetComponents<OffMeshConnection>(connections, true);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < connections.Size(); ++i)
        OffMeshConnection* connection = connections[i];
        if (connection->IsEnabledEffective() && connection->GetEndPoint())
            const Matrix3x4& transform = connection->GetNode()->GetWorldTransform();

            NavigationGeometryInfo info;
            info.component_ = connection;
            info.boundingBox_ = BoundingBox(Sphere(transform.Translation(), connection->GetRadius())).Transformed(inverse);


    // Get nav area volumes
    PODVector<NavArea*> navAreas;
    node_->GetComponents<NavArea>(navAreas, true);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < navAreas.Size(); ++i)
        NavArea* area = navAreas[i];
        if (area->IsEnabledEffective())
            NavigationGeometryInfo info;
            info.component_ = area;
            info.boundingBox_ = area->GetWorldBoundingBox();
コード例 #2
void DynamicNavigationMesh::DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer* debug, bool depthTest)
    if (!debug || !navMesh_ || !node_)

    const Matrix3x4& worldTransform = node_->GetWorldTransform();

    const dtNavMesh* navMesh = navMesh_;

    for (int z = 0; z < numTilesZ_; ++z)
        for (int x = 0; x < numTilesX_; ++x)
            // Get the layers from the tile-cache
            const dtMeshTile* tiles[TILECACHE_MAXLAYERS];
            int tileCount = navMesh->getTilesAt(x, z, tiles, TILECACHE_MAXLAYERS);
            for (int i = 0; i < tileCount; ++i)
                const dtMeshTile* tile = tiles[i];
                if (!tile)

                for (int i = 0; i < tile->header->polyCount; ++i)
                    dtPoly* poly = tile->polys + i;
                    for (unsigned j = 0; j < poly->vertCount; ++j)
                            worldTransform * *reinterpret_cast<const Vector3*>(&tile->verts[poly->verts[j] * 3]),
                            worldTransform * *reinterpret_cast<const Vector3*>(&tile->verts[poly->verts[(j + 1) % poly->vertCount] * 3]),

    Scene* scene = GetScene();
    if (scene)
        // Draw Obstacle components
        if (drawObstacles_)
            PODVector<Node*> obstacles;
            scene->GetChildrenWithComponent<Obstacle>(obstacles, true);
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < obstacles.Size(); ++i)
                Obstacle* obstacle = obstacles[i]->GetComponent<Obstacle>();
                if (obstacle && obstacle->IsEnabledEffective())
                    obstacle->DrawDebugGeometry(debug, depthTest);

        // Draw OffMeshConnection components
        if (drawOffMeshConnections_)
            PODVector<Node*> connections;
            scene->GetChildrenWithComponent<OffMeshConnection>(connections, true);
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < connections.Size(); ++i)
                OffMeshConnection* connection = connections[i]->GetComponent<OffMeshConnection>();
                if (connection && connection->IsEnabledEffective())
                    connection->DrawDebugGeometry(debug, depthTest);

        // Draw NavArea components
        if (drawNavAreas_)
            PODVector<Node*> areas;
            scene->GetChildrenWithComponent<NavArea>(areas, true);
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < areas.Size(); ++i)
                NavArea* area = areas[i]->GetComponent<NavArea>();
                if (area && area->IsEnabledEffective())
                    area->DrawDebugGeometry(debug, depthTest);
コード例 #3
void NavigationMesh::FindPath(PODVector<NavigationPathPoint>& dest, const Vector3& start, const Vector3& end,
    const Vector3& extents, const dtQueryFilter* filter)

    if (!InitializeQuery())

    // Navigation data is in local space. Transform path points from world to local
    const Matrix3x4& transform = node_->GetWorldTransform();
    Matrix3x4 inverse = transform.Inverse();

    Vector3 localStart = inverse * start;
    Vector3 localEnd = inverse * end;

    const dtQueryFilter* queryFilter = filter ? filter : queryFilter_.Get();
    dtPolyRef startRef;
    dtPolyRef endRef;
    navMeshQuery_->findNearestPoly(&localStart.x_, &extents.x_, queryFilter, &startRef, 0);
    navMeshQuery_->findNearestPoly(&localEnd.x_, &extents.x_, queryFilter, &endRef, 0);

    if (!startRef || !endRef)

    int numPolys = 0;
    int numPathPoints = 0;

    navMeshQuery_->findPath(startRef, endRef, &localStart.x_, &localEnd.x_, queryFilter, pathData_->polys_, &numPolys,
    if (!numPolys)

    Vector3 actualLocalEnd = localEnd;

    // If full path was not found, clamp end point to the end polygon
    if (pathData_->polys_[numPolys - 1] != endRef)
        navMeshQuery_->closestPointOnPoly(pathData_->polys_[numPolys - 1], &localEnd.x_, &actualLocalEnd.x_, 0);

    navMeshQuery_->findStraightPath(&localStart.x_, &actualLocalEnd.x_, pathData_->polys_, numPolys,
        &pathData_->pathPoints_[0].x_, pathData_->pathFlags_, pathData_->pathPolys_, &numPathPoints, MAX_POLYS);

    // Transform path result back to world space
    for (int i = 0; i < numPathPoints; ++i)
        NavigationPathPoint pt;
        pt.position_ = transform * pathData_->pathPoints_[i];
        pt.flag_ = (NavigationPathPointFlag)pathData_->pathFlags_[i];

        // Walk through all NavAreas and find nearest
        unsigned nearestNavAreaID = 0;       // 0 is the default nav area ID
        float nearestDistance = M_LARGE_VALUE;
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < areas_.Size(); j++)
            NavArea* area = areas_[j].Get();
            if (area && area->IsEnabledEffective())
                BoundingBox bb = area->GetWorldBoundingBox();
                if (bb.IsInside(pt.position_) == INSIDE)
                    Vector3 areaWorldCenter = area->GetNode()->GetWorldPosition();
                    float distance = (areaWorldCenter - pt.position_).LengthSquared();
                    if (distance < nearestDistance)
                        nearestDistance = distance;
                        nearestNavAreaID = area->GetAreaID();
        pt.areaID_ = (unsigned char)nearestNavAreaID;
