bool NestLoopExecutor::p_execute(const NValueArray ¶ms) { VOLT_DEBUG("executing NestLoop..."); NestLoopPlanNode* node = dynamic_cast<NestLoopPlanNode*>(m_abstractNode); assert(node); assert(node->getInputTables().size() == 2); Table* output_table_ptr = node->getOutputTable(); assert(output_table_ptr); // output table must be a temp table TempTable* output_table = dynamic_cast<TempTable*>(output_table_ptr); assert(output_table); Table* outer_table = node->getInputTables()[0]; assert(outer_table); Table* inner_table = node->getInputTables()[1]; assert(inner_table); VOLT_TRACE ("input table left:\n %s", outer_table->debug().c_str()); VOLT_TRACE ("input table right:\n %s", inner_table->debug().c_str()); // // Pre Join Expression // AbstractExpression *preJoinPredicate = node->getPreJoinPredicate(); if (preJoinPredicate) { preJoinPredicate->substitute(params); VOLT_TRACE ("Pre Join predicate: %s", preJoinPredicate == NULL ? "NULL" : preJoinPredicate->debug(true).c_str()); } // // Join Expression // AbstractExpression *joinPredicate = node->getJoinPredicate(); if (joinPredicate) { joinPredicate->substitute(params); VOLT_TRACE ("Join predicate: %s", joinPredicate == NULL ? "NULL" : joinPredicate->debug(true).c_str()); } // // Where Expression // AbstractExpression *wherePredicate = node->getWherePredicate(); if (wherePredicate) { wherePredicate->substitute(params); VOLT_TRACE ("Where predicate: %s", wherePredicate == NULL ? "NULL" : wherePredicate->debug(true).c_str()); } // Join type JoinType join_type = node->getJoinType(); assert(join_type == JOIN_TYPE_INNER || join_type == JOIN_TYPE_LEFT); int outer_cols = outer_table->columnCount(); int inner_cols = inner_table->columnCount(); TableTuple outer_tuple(node->getInputTables()[0]->schema()); TableTuple inner_tuple(node->getInputTables()[1]->schema()); TableTuple &joined = output_table->tempTuple(); TableTuple null_tuple = m_null_tuple; TableIterator iterator0 = outer_table->iterator(); while ( { // did this loop body find at least one match for this tuple? bool match = false; // For outer joins if outer tuple fails pre-join predicate // (join expression based on the outer table only) // it can't match any of inner tuples if (preJoinPredicate == NULL || preJoinPredicate->eval(&outer_tuple, NULL).isTrue()) { // populate output table's temp tuple with outer table's values // probably have to do this at least once - avoid doing it many // times per outer tuple joined.setNValues(0, outer_tuple, 0, outer_cols); TableIterator iterator1 = inner_table->iterator(); while ( { // Apply join filter to produce matches for each outer that has them, // then pad unmatched outers, then filter them all if (joinPredicate == NULL || joinPredicate->eval(&outer_tuple, &inner_tuple).isTrue()) { match = true; // Filter the joined tuple if (wherePredicate == NULL || wherePredicate->eval(&outer_tuple, &inner_tuple).isTrue()) { // Matched! Complete the joined tuple with the inner column values. joined.setNValues(outer_cols, inner_tuple, 0, inner_cols); output_table->insertTupleNonVirtual(joined); } } } } // // Left Outer Join // if (join_type == JOIN_TYPE_LEFT && !match) { // Still needs to pass the filter if (wherePredicate == NULL || wherePredicate->eval(&outer_tuple, &null_tuple).isTrue()) { joined.setNValues(outer_cols, null_tuple, 0, inner_cols); output_table->insertTupleNonVirtual(joined); } } } return (true); }
bool NestLoopExecutor::p_execute(const NValueArray ¶ms) { VOLT_DEBUG("executing NestLoop..."); NestLoopPlanNode* node = dynamic_cast<NestLoopPlanNode*>(m_abstractNode); assert(node); assert(node->getInputTableCount() == 2); // output table must be a temp table assert(m_tmpOutputTable); Table* outer_table = node->getInputTable(); assert(outer_table); Table* inner_table = node->getInputTable(1); assert(inner_table); VOLT_TRACE ("input table left:\n %s", outer_table->debug().c_str()); VOLT_TRACE ("input table right:\n %s", inner_table->debug().c_str()); // // Pre Join Expression // AbstractExpression *preJoinPredicate = node->getPreJoinPredicate(); if (preJoinPredicate) { VOLT_TRACE ("Pre Join predicate: %s", preJoinPredicate == NULL ? "NULL" : preJoinPredicate->debug(true).c_str()); } // // Join Expression // AbstractExpression *joinPredicate = node->getJoinPredicate(); if (joinPredicate) { VOLT_TRACE ("Join predicate: %s", joinPredicate == NULL ? "NULL" : joinPredicate->debug(true).c_str()); } // // Where Expression // AbstractExpression *wherePredicate = node->getWherePredicate(); if (wherePredicate) { VOLT_TRACE ("Where predicate: %s", wherePredicate == NULL ? "NULL" : wherePredicate->debug(true).c_str()); } // Join type JoinType join_type = node->getJoinType(); assert(join_type == JOIN_TYPE_INNER || join_type == JOIN_TYPE_LEFT); LimitPlanNode* limit_node = dynamic_cast<LimitPlanNode*>(node->getInlinePlanNode(PLAN_NODE_TYPE_LIMIT)); int limit = -1; int offset = -1; if (limit_node) { limit_node->getLimitAndOffsetByReference(params, limit, offset); } int outer_cols = outer_table->columnCount(); int inner_cols = inner_table->columnCount(); TableTuple outer_tuple(node->getInputTable(0)->schema()); TableTuple inner_tuple(node->getInputTable(1)->schema()); const TableTuple& null_tuple = m_null_tuple.tuple(); TableIterator iterator0 = outer_table->iteratorDeletingAsWeGo(); int tuple_ctr = 0; int tuple_skipped = 0; ProgressMonitorProxy pmp(m_engine, this, inner_table); TableTuple join_tuple; if (m_aggExec != NULL) { VOLT_TRACE("Init inline aggregate..."); const TupleSchema * aggInputSchema = node->getTupleSchemaPreAgg(); join_tuple = m_aggExec->p_execute_init(params, &pmp, aggInputSchema, m_tmpOutputTable); } else { join_tuple = m_tmpOutputTable->tempTuple(); } bool earlyReturned = false; while ((limit == -1 || tuple_ctr < limit) && { pmp.countdownProgress(); // populate output table's temp tuple with outer table's values // probably have to do this at least once - avoid doing it many // times per outer tuple join_tuple.setNValues(0, outer_tuple, 0, outer_cols); // did this loop body find at least one match for this tuple? bool match = false; // For outer joins if outer tuple fails pre-join predicate // (join expression based on the outer table only) // it can't match any of inner tuples if (preJoinPredicate == NULL || preJoinPredicate->eval(&outer_tuple, NULL).isTrue()) { // By default, the delete as we go flag is false. TableIterator iterator1 = inner_table->iterator(); while ((limit == -1 || tuple_ctr < limit) && { pmp.countdownProgress(); // Apply join filter to produce matches for each outer that has them, // then pad unmatched outers, then filter them all if (joinPredicate == NULL || joinPredicate->eval(&outer_tuple, &inner_tuple).isTrue()) { match = true; // Filter the joined tuple if (wherePredicate == NULL || wherePredicate->eval(&outer_tuple, &inner_tuple).isTrue()) { // Check if we have to skip this tuple because of offset if (tuple_skipped < offset) { tuple_skipped++; continue; } ++tuple_ctr; // Matched! Complete the joined tuple with the inner column values. join_tuple.setNValues(outer_cols, inner_tuple, 0, inner_cols); if (m_aggExec != NULL) { if (m_aggExec->p_execute_tuple(join_tuple)) { // Get enough rows for LIMIT earlyReturned = true; break; } } else { m_tmpOutputTable->insertTempTuple(join_tuple); pmp.countdownProgress(); } } } } // END INNER WHILE LOOP } // END IF PRE JOIN CONDITION // // Left Outer Join // if (join_type == JOIN_TYPE_LEFT && !match && (limit == -1 || tuple_ctr < limit)) { // Still needs to pass the filter if (wherePredicate == NULL || wherePredicate->eval(&outer_tuple, &null_tuple).isTrue()) { // Check if we have to skip this tuple because of offset if (tuple_skipped < offset) { tuple_skipped++; continue; } ++tuple_ctr; join_tuple.setNValues(outer_cols, null_tuple, 0, inner_cols); if (m_aggExec != NULL) { if (m_aggExec->p_execute_tuple(join_tuple)) { earlyReturned = true; } } else { m_tmpOutputTable->insertTempTuple(join_tuple); pmp.countdownProgress(); } } } // END IF LEFT OUTER JOIN if (earlyReturned) { // Get enough rows for LIMIT inlined with aggregation break; } } // END OUTER WHILE LOOP if (m_aggExec != NULL) { m_aggExec->p_execute_finish(); } cleanupInputTempTable(inner_table); cleanupInputTempTable(outer_table); return (true); }