// called from ---CPU--- thread void NetPlay::WiimoteUpdate(int _number) { { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); // in game mapping for this local wiimote unsigned int in_game_num = m_local_player->pad_map[_number]; // just using gc pad_map for now // does this local pad map in game? if (in_game_num < 4) { m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Push(m_wiimote_input[_number]); // TODO: send it m_wiimote_input[_number].clear(); } } // unlock players if (0 == m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Size()) { //PanicAlert("PANIC"); return; } NetWiimote nw; m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Pop(nw); NetWiimote::const_iterator i = nw.begin(), e = nw.end(); for ( ; i!=e; ++i) Core::Callback_WiimoteInterruptChannel(_number, i->channel, &(*i)[0], (u32)i->size() + RPT_SIZE_HACK); }
// called from ---CPU--- thread void NetPlayClient::SendWiimoteState(const PadMapping in_game_pad, const NetWiimote& nw) { sf::Packet* spac = new sf::Packet; *spac << (MessageId)NP_MSG_WIIMOTE_DATA; *spac << in_game_pad; *spac << (u8)nw.size(); for (auto it : nw) { *spac << it; } SendAsync(spac); }
// called from ---CPU--- thread void NetPlayClient::SendWiimoteState(const int in_game_pad, const NetWiimote& nw) { auto spac = std::make_unique<sf::Packet>(); *spac << static_cast<MessageId>(NP_MSG_WIIMOTE_DATA); *spac << static_cast<PadMapping>(in_game_pad); *spac << static_cast<u8>(nw.size()); for (auto it : nw) { *spac << it; } SendAsync(std::move(spac)); }
// called from ---CPU--- thread bool NetPlayClient::WiimoteUpdate(int _number, u8* data, const u8 size) { NetWiimote nw; static u8 previousSize[4] = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }; { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); // in game mapping for this local Wiimote unsigned int in_game_num = LocalWiimoteToInGameWiimote(_number); // does this local Wiimote map in game? if (in_game_num < 4) { if (previousSize[in_game_num] == size) { nw.assign(data, data + size); do { // add to buffer m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Push(nw); SendWiimoteState(in_game_num, nw); } while (m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Size() <= m_target_buffer_size * 200 / 120); // TODO: add a seperate setting for wiimote buffer? } else { while (m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Size() > 0) { // Reporting mode changed, so previous buffer is no good. m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Pop(); } nw.resize(size, 0); m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Push(nw); m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Push(nw); m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Push(nw); m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Push(nw); m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Push(nw); m_wiimote_buffer[in_game_num].Push(nw); previousSize[in_game_num] = size; } } } // unlock players while (previousSize[_number] == size && !m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Pop(nw)) { // wait for receiving thread to push some data Common::SleepCurrentThread(1); if (!m_is_running.load()) return false; } // Use a blank input, since we may not have any valid input. if (previousSize[_number] != size) { nw.resize(size, 0); m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Push(nw); m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Push(nw); m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Push(nw); m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Push(nw); m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Push(nw); } // We should have used a blank input last time, so now we just need to pop through the old buffer, until we reach a good input if (nw.size() != size) { u8 tries = 0; // Clear the buffer and wait for new input, since we probably just changed reporting mode. while (nw.size() != size) { while (!m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Pop(nw)) { Common::SleepCurrentThread(1); if (!m_is_running.load()) return false; } ++tries; if (tries > m_target_buffer_size * 200 / 120) break; } // If it still mismatches, it surely desynced if (size != nw.size()) { PanicAlertT("Netplay has desynced. There is no way to recover from this."); return false; } } previousSize[_number] = size; memcpy(data, nw.data(), size); return true; }
// called from ---GUI--- thread bool NetPlayClient::StartGame(const std::string &path) { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkg(m_crit.game); // tell server i started the game sf::Packet* spac = new sf::Packet; *spac << (MessageId)NP_MSG_START_GAME; *spac << m_current_game; *spac << (char *)&g_NetPlaySettings; SendAsync(spac); if (m_is_running.load()) { PanicAlertT("Game is already running!"); return false; } m_dialog->AppendChat(" -- STARTING GAME -- "); m_timebase_frame = 0; m_is_running.store(true); NetPlay_Enable(this); ClearBuffers(); if (m_dialog->IsRecording()) { if (Movie::IsReadOnly()) Movie::SetReadOnly(false); u8 controllers_mask = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (m_pad_map[i] > 0) controllers_mask |= (1 << i); if (m_wiimote_map[i] > 0) controllers_mask |= (1 << (i + 4)); } Movie::BeginRecordingInput(controllers_mask); } // boot game m_dialog->BootGame(path); UpdateDevices(); if (SConfig::GetInstance().bWii) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) WiimoteReal::ChangeWiimoteSource(i, m_wiimote_map[i] > 0 ? WIIMOTE_SRC_EMU : WIIMOTE_SRC_NONE); // Needed to prevent locking up at boot if (when) the wiimotes connect out of order. NetWiimote nw; nw.resize(4, 0); for (unsigned int w = 0; w < 4; ++w) { if (m_wiimote_map[w] != -1) // probably overkill, but whatever for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) m_wiimote_buffer[w].Push(nw); } } return true; }
// called from ---NETPLAY--- thread unsigned int NetPlayClient::OnData(sf::Packet& packet) { MessageId mid; packet >> mid; switch (mid) { case NP_MSG_PLAYER_JOIN: { Player player; packet >> player.pid; packet >> player.name; packet >> player.revision; { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); m_players[player.pid] = player; } m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_PLAYER_LEAVE: { PlayerId pid; packet >> pid; { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); m_players.erase(m_players.find(pid)); } m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE: { PlayerId pid; packet >> pid; std::string msg; packet >> msg; // don't need lock to read in this thread const Player& player = m_players[pid]; // add to gui std::ostringstream ss; ss << player.name << '[' << (char)(pid + '0') << "]: " << msg; m_dialog->AppendChat(ss.str()); } break; case NP_MSG_PAD_MAPPING: { for (PadMapping& mapping : m_pad_map) { packet >> mapping; } UpdateDevices(); m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_WIIMOTE_MAPPING: { for (PadMapping& mapping : m_wiimote_map) { packet >> mapping; } m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_PAD_DATA: { PadMapping map = 0; GCPadStatus pad; packet >> map >> pad.button >> pad.analogA >> pad.analogB >> pad.stickX >> pad.stickY >> pad.substickX >> pad.substickY >> pad.triggerLeft >> pad.triggerRight; // trusting server for good map value (>=0 && <4) // add to pad buffer m_pad_buffer[map].Push(pad); } break; case NP_MSG_WIIMOTE_DATA: { PadMapping map = 0; NetWiimote nw; u8 size; packet >> map >> size; nw.resize(size); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) packet >> nw[i]; // trusting server for good map value (>=0 && <4) // add to Wiimote buffer m_wiimote_buffer[(unsigned)map].Push(nw); } break; case NP_MSG_PAD_BUFFER: { u32 size = 0; packet >> size; m_target_buffer_size = size; } break; case NP_MSG_CHANGE_GAME: { { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkg(m_crit.game); packet >> m_selected_game; } // update gui m_dialog->OnMsgChangeGame(m_selected_game); } break; case NP_MSG_START_GAME: { { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkg(m_crit.game); packet >> m_current_game; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_CPUthread; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_CPUcore; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_SelectedLanguage; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_OverrideGCLanguage; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_ProgressiveScan; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_PAL60; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_DSPEnableJIT; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_DSPHLE; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_WriteToMemcard; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_OCEnable; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_OCFactor; int tmp; packet >> tmp; g_NetPlaySettings.m_EXIDevice[0] = (TEXIDevices)tmp; packet >> tmp; g_NetPlaySettings.m_EXIDevice[1] = (TEXIDevices)tmp; u32 time_low, time_high; packet >> time_low; packet >> time_high; g_netplay_initial_gctime = time_low | ((u64)time_high << 32); } m_dialog->OnMsgStartGame(); } break; case NP_MSG_STOP_GAME: { m_dialog->OnMsgStopGame(); } break; case NP_MSG_DISABLE_GAME: { PanicAlertT("Other client disconnected while game is running!! NetPlay is disabled. You must manually stop the game."); m_is_running.store(false); NetPlay_Disable(); } break; case NP_MSG_PING: { u32 ping_key = 0; packet >> ping_key; sf::Packet spac; spac << (MessageId)NP_MSG_PONG; spac << ping_key; Send(spac); } break; case NP_MSG_PLAYER_PING_DATA: { PlayerId pid; packet >> pid; { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); Player& player = m_players[pid]; packet >> player.ping; } m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_DESYNC_DETECTED: { int pid_to_blame; u32 frame; packet >> pid_to_blame; packet >> frame; const char* blame_str = ""; const char* blame_name = ""; std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); if (pid_to_blame != -1) { auto it = m_players.find(pid_to_blame); blame_str = " from player "; blame_name = it != m_players.end() ? it->second.name.c_str() : "??"; } m_dialog->AppendChat(StringFromFormat("/!\\ Possible desync detected%s%s on frame %u", blame_str, blame_name, frame)); } break; case NP_MSG_SYNC_GC_SRAM: { u8 sram[sizeof(g_SRAM.p_SRAM)]; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(g_SRAM.p_SRAM); ++i) { packet >> sram[i]; } { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkg(m_crit.game); memcpy(g_SRAM.p_SRAM, sram, sizeof(g_SRAM.p_SRAM)); g_SRAM_netplay_initialized = true; } } break; default: PanicAlertT("Unknown message received with id : %d", mid); break; } return 0; }
// called from ---NETPLAY--- thread unsigned int NetPlayClient::OnData(sf::Packet& packet) { MessageId mid; packet >> mid; switch (mid) { case NP_MSG_PLAYER_JOIN: { Player player; packet >> player.pid; packet >> player.name; packet >> player.revision; { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); m_players[player.pid] = player; } m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_PLAYER_LEAVE: { PlayerId pid; packet >> pid; { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); m_players.erase(m_players.find(pid)); } m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_CHAT_MESSAGE: { PlayerId pid; packet >> pid; std::string msg; packet >> msg; // don't need lock to read in this thread const Player& player = m_players[pid]; // add to gui std::ostringstream ss; ss << player.name << '[' << (char)(pid + '0') << "]: " << msg; m_dialog->AppendChat(ss.str()); } break; case NP_MSG_PAD_MAPPING: { for (PadMapping& mapping : m_pad_map) { packet >> mapping; } UpdateDevices(); m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_WIIMOTE_MAPPING: { for (PadMapping& mapping : m_wiimote_map) { packet >> mapping; } m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_PAD_DATA: { PadMapping map = 0; GCPadStatus pad; packet >> map >> pad.button >> pad.analogA >> pad.analogB >> pad.stickX >> pad.stickY >> pad.substickX >> pad.substickY >> pad.triggerLeft >> pad.triggerRight; // Trusting server for good map value (>=0 && <4) // add to pad buffer m_pad_buffer.at(map).Push(pad); m_gc_pad_event.Set(); } break; case NP_MSG_WIIMOTE_DATA: { PadMapping map = 0; NetWiimote nw; u8 size; packet >> map >> size; nw.resize(size); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) packet >> nw[i]; // Trusting server for good map value (>=0 && <4) // add to Wiimote buffer m_wiimote_buffer.at(map).Push(nw); m_wii_pad_event.Set(); } break; case NP_MSG_PAD_BUFFER: { u32 size = 0; packet >> size; m_target_buffer_size = size; m_dialog->OnPadBufferChanged(size); } break; case NP_MSG_CHANGE_GAME: { { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkg(m_crit.game); packet >> m_selected_game; } // update gui m_dialog->OnMsgChangeGame(m_selected_game); sf::Packet spac; spac << static_cast<MessageId>(NP_MSG_GAME_STATUS); PlayerGameStatus status = m_dialog->FindGame(m_selected_game).empty() ? PlayerGameStatus::NotFound : PlayerGameStatus::Ok; spac << static_cast<u32>(status); Send(spac); } break; case NP_MSG_GAME_STATUS: { PlayerId pid; packet >> pid; { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); Player& player = m_players[pid]; u32 status; packet >> status; player.game_status = static_cast<PlayerGameStatus>(status); } m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_START_GAME: { { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkg(m_crit.game); packet >> m_current_game; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_CPUthread; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_CPUcore; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_EnableCheats; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_SelectedLanguage; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_OverrideGCLanguage; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_ProgressiveScan; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_PAL60; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_DSPEnableJIT; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_DSPHLE; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_WriteToMemcard; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_OCEnable; packet >> g_NetPlaySettings.m_OCFactor; int tmp; packet >> tmp; g_NetPlaySettings.m_EXIDevice[0] = (TEXIDevices)tmp; packet >> tmp; g_NetPlaySettings.m_EXIDevice[1] = (TEXIDevices)tmp; u32 time_low, time_high; packet >> time_low; packet >> time_high; g_netplay_initial_rtc = time_low | ((u64)time_high << 32); } m_dialog->OnMsgStartGame(); } break; case NP_MSG_STOP_GAME: case NP_MSG_DISABLE_GAME: { StopGame(); m_dialog->OnMsgStopGame(); } break; case NP_MSG_PING: { u32 ping_key = 0; packet >> ping_key; sf::Packet spac; spac << (MessageId)NP_MSG_PONG; spac << ping_key; Send(spac); } break; case NP_MSG_PLAYER_PING_DATA: { PlayerId pid; packet >> pid; { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); Player& player = m_players[pid]; packet >> player.ping; } DisplayPlayersPing(); m_dialog->Update(); } break; case NP_MSG_DESYNC_DETECTED: { int pid_to_blame; u32 frame; packet >> pid_to_blame; packet >> frame; std::string player = "??"; std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); { auto it = m_players.find(pid_to_blame); if (it != m_players.end()) player = it->second.name; } m_dialog->OnDesync(frame, player); } break; case NP_MSG_SYNC_GC_SRAM: { u8 sram[sizeof(g_SRAM.p_SRAM)]; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(g_SRAM.p_SRAM); ++i) { packet >> sram[i]; } { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkg(m_crit.game); memcpy(g_SRAM.p_SRAM, sram, sizeof(g_SRAM.p_SRAM)); g_SRAM_netplay_initialized = true; } } break; case NP_MSG_COMPUTE_MD5: { std::string file_identifier; packet >> file_identifier; ComputeMD5(file_identifier); } break; case NP_MSG_MD5_PROGRESS: { PlayerId pid; int progress; packet >> pid; packet >> progress; m_dialog->SetMD5Progress(pid, progress); } break; case NP_MSG_MD5_RESULT: { PlayerId pid; std::string result; packet >> pid; packet >> result; m_dialog->SetMD5Result(pid, result); } break; case NP_MSG_MD5_ERROR: { PlayerId pid; std::string error; packet >> pid; packet >> error; m_dialog->SetMD5Result(pid, error); } break; case NP_MSG_MD5_ABORT: { m_should_compute_MD5 = false; m_dialog->AbortMD5(); } break; default: PanicAlertT("Unknown message received with id : %d", mid); break; } return 0; }
// called from ---CPU--- thread bool NetPlayClient::WiimoteUpdate(int _number, u8* data, const u8 size, u8 reporting_mode) { NetWiimote nw; { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lkp(m_crit.players); // Only send data, if this Wiimote is mapped to this player if (m_wiimote_map[_number] == m_local_player->pid) { nw.assign(data, data + size); do { // add to buffer m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Push(nw); SendWiimoteState(_number, nw); } while (m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Size() <= m_target_buffer_size * 200 / 120); // TODO: add a seperate setting for wiimote buffer? } } // unlock players while (m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Size() == 0) { if (!m_is_running.IsSet()) { return false; } // wait for receiving thread to push some data m_wii_pad_event.Wait(); } m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Pop(nw); // If the reporting mode has changed, we just need to pop through the buffer, // until we reach a good input if (nw[1] != reporting_mode) { u32 tries = 0; while (nw[1] != reporting_mode) { while (m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Size() == 0) { if (!m_is_running.IsSet()) { return false; } // wait for receiving thread to push some data m_wii_pad_event.Wait(); } m_wiimote_buffer[_number].Pop(nw); ++tries; if (tries > m_target_buffer_size * 200 / 120) break; } // If it still mismatches, it surely desynced if (nw[1] != reporting_mode) { PanicAlertT("Netplay has desynced. There is no way to recover from this."); return false; } } memcpy(data, nw.data(), size); return true; }