コード例 #1
ファイル: mkshapes.cpp プロジェクト: Amadiro/xara-cairo

>	void OpMakeNodesShapes::DoWithParam(OpDescriptor* pOp, OpParam* pParam)

	Author:		Karim_MacDonald (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	23/11/1999
	Inputs:		pOp			unused pointer to an OpDescriptor.
				pParam		pointer to an OpParamMakeNodesShapes data information structure.

	Outputs:	The list of nodes, passed in through the OpParam, is converted in place
				into paths.
	Purpose:	This undoable operation converts a given list of nodes to editable shapes
				(paths), each new node retaining the selection status of the original.
	See also:	OpParamMakeNodesShapes

void OpMakeNodesShapes::DoWithParam(OpDescriptor* pOp, OpParam* pParam)
	std::list<Node*>* plpNodes = ((OpParamMakeNodesShapes*)pParam)->m_plpNodes;

	Node* pNode;
	BOOL bFirst = FALSE;
	BOOL ok = TRUE;
	for (	std::list<Node*>::iterator iterNode = plpNodes->begin();
			iterNode != plpNodes->end() && ok;
			iterNode++ )
		pNode = *iterNode;
		BecomeA baInfo(BECOMEA_REPLACE, CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodePath), this,
											pNode->IsSelected(), bFirst);
		ok = pNode->DoBecomeA(&baInfo);

#ifdef _DEBUG
		if (ok)
			TRACEUSER( "Karim", _T("converted %s to editable shapes\n"), pNode->Name());

		bFirst = TRUE;

	if (!ok)

コード例 #2
ファイル: mkshapes.cpp プロジェクト: Amadiro/xara-cairo
>	void OpMakeShapes::Do(OpDescriptor*)

	Author:		Simon_Maneggio (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	29/04/94
	Inputs:		OpDescriptor (unused)
	Outputs:	-
	Returns:	-
	Purpose:	Performs the MakeShapes operation. 
void OpMakeShapes::Do(OpDescriptor*)
	// Obtain the current selections 
	Range Selection(*GetApplication()->FindSelection());
	RangeControl rg = Selection.GetRangeControlFlags();
	rg.PromoteToParent = TRUE;

	// change the selection flags

	Node* CurrentNode = Selection.FindFirst(); 
	BOOL Success = TRUE;		
	ERROR3IF(CurrentNode == NULL, "Make shapes called with no nodes selected"); 
	if (CurrentNode != NULL) // No nodes selected so End
		// We need to invalidate the region
		if (Success)
			Success = DoInvalidateNodesRegions(Selection, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);	// Don't recache
		// Try to record the selection state, don't render the blobs though 
		if (Success)
			Success = DoStartSelOp(FALSE,FALSE);								   

		// The DoMakeShapes function does all the work
		while (Success && CurrentNode!=NULL)
			Node* Next = Selection.FindNext(CurrentNode);

// BODGE - since the group is selected and won't be replaced by anything else, no need to reselect it
// this fixes a bug where make shapes on grouped text stories/molds/blends don't leave the parent group
// selected but selects the objects inside!
			BOOL reselect = !IS_A(CurrentNode,NodeGroup) && !IS_A(CurrentNode,NodeBlend);
//			BOOL ok = TRUE;

			ObjChangeFlags cFlags(TRUE);
			ObjChangeParam ObjChange(OBJCHANGE_STARTING,cFlags,NULL,NULL);
			if (CurrentNode->AllowOp(&ObjChange))
				BecomeA BecomeAPath(BECOMEA_REPLACE,CC_RUNTIME_CLASS(NodePath), this, reselect);
				Success = CurrentNode->DoBecomeA(&BecomeAPath);
			CurrentNode = Next;

		// We need to invalidate the region again for the new positions
		if (Success)
			Success = DoInvalidateNodesRegions(*GetApplication()->FindSelection(), TRUE);

	if (!Success)
