ArgExtractor::ArgExtractor(const NumberFormat& nf, const Formattable& obj, UErrorCode& status) : ncnf((NumberFormat*) &nf), num(&obj), setCurr(FALSE) { const UObject* o = obj.getObject(); // most commonly o==NULL const CurrencyAmount* amt; if (o != NULL && (amt = dynamic_cast<const CurrencyAmount*>(o)) != NULL) { // getISOCurrency() returns a pointer to internal storage, so we // copy it to retain it across the call to setCurrency(). const UChar* curr = amt->getISOCurrency(); u_strcpy(save, nf.getCurrency()); setCurr = (u_strcmp(curr, save) != 0); if (setCurr) { ncnf->setCurrency(curr, status); } num = &amt->getNumber(); } }
std::string GlobalizationNDK::getCurrencyPattern(const std::string& args) { if (args.empty()) { slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::getCurrencyPattern: no arguments provided!"); return errorInJson(UNKNOWN_ERROR, "No arguments provided!"); } Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; bool parse = reader.parse(args, root); if (!parse) { slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::getCurrencyPattern: invalid json data: %s", args.c_str()); return errorInJson(PARSING_ERROR, "Invalid json data!"); } Json::Value ccv = root["currencyCode"]; if (ccv.isNull()) { slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::getCurrencyPattern: no currencyCode provided!"); return errorInJson(FORMATTING_ERROR, "No currencyCode provided!"); } if (!ccv.isString()) { slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::getCurrencyPattern: invalid currencyCode type: %d!", ccv.type()); return errorInJson(FORMATTING_ERROR, "Invalid currencyCode type!"); } std::string cc = ccv.asString(); if (cc.empty()) { slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::getCurrencyPattern: empty currencyCode!"); return errorInJson(FORMATTING_ERROR, "Empty currencyCode!"); } UnicodeString ucc = UnicodeString::fromUTF8(cc); DecimalFormat* df = 0; int count = 0; const Locale* locs = Locale::getAvailableLocales(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; NumberFormat* nf = NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance(*(locs + i), status); if (!nf) { slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::getCurrencyPattern: locale %d: unable to get NumberFormat instance!", i); continue; } std::auto_ptr<NumberFormat> ndeleter(nf); const UChar* currency = nf->getCurrency(); if (!currency) { slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::getCurrencyPattern: locale %d: failed to getCurrency!", i); continue; } if (!, -1)) { df = (DecimalFormat*) ndeleter.release(); break; } } if (!df) return errorInJson(UNKNOWN_ERROR, "Currency not supported!"); std::auto_ptr<DecimalFormat> deleter(df); const DecimalFormatSymbols* dfs = df->getDecimalFormatSymbols(); if (!dfs) { slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::getCurrencyPattern: unable to get DecimalFormatSymbols!"); return errorInJson(UNKNOWN_ERROR, "Failed to get DecimalFormatSymbols!"); } UnicodeString ucs; std::string pattern; df->toPattern(ucs); ucs.toUTF8String(pattern); ucs.remove(); int fraction = df->getMaximumFractionDigits(); double rounding = df->getRoundingIncrement(); std::string decimal; ucs = dfs->getSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kDecimalSeparatorSymbol); ucs.toUTF8String(decimal); ucs.remove(); std::string grouping; ucs = dfs->getSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kGroupingSeparatorSymbol); ucs.toUTF8String(grouping); ucs.remove(); return resultInJson(pattern, cc, fraction, rounding, decimal, grouping); }