/*! \brief Add item to container \author Endymion \param pItem the item to add \param xx the x location or INVALID if use rand pos \param yy the y location or INVALID if use rand pos */ LOGICAL cItem::AddItem(P_ITEM pItem, short xx, short yy) { VALIDATEPIR(pItem,false); NxwSocketWrapper sw; sw.fillOnline( pItem ); for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ ) SendDeleteObjectPkt(sw.getSocket(), pItem->getSerial32() ); if (xx!=-1) // use the given position { pItem->setContSerial( getSerial32() ); pItem->setPosition(xx, yy, 9); } else // no pos given { if( !ContainerPileItem(pItem) ) { // try to pile pItem->SetRandPosInCont(this); // not piled, random pos pItem->setContSerial( getSerial32() ); } else return true; //Luxor: we cannot do a refresh because item was piled } pItem->Refresh(); return true; }
// buffer 0 the sign void target_houseOwner( pClient ps, pTarget t ) { pChar curr=ps->currChar(); if ( ! curr ) return; pChar pc = dynamic_cast<pChar>( t->getClicked() ); if ( ! pc ) return; pItem pSign=cSerializable::findItemBySerial( t->buffer ); if ( ! pSign ) return; pHouse ph=cSerializable::findItemBySerial( pSign->more ); if ( ! ph ) return; if(pc == curr) { client->sysmessage("you already own this house!"); return; } pSign->setOwner(pc); ph->setOwner(pc); ph->killKeys() pClient osc=pc->getClient(); pItem pi3=item::CreateFromScript( "$item_gold_key" ); //gold key for everything else if ( ! pi3 ) return; pi3->setCurrentName( "a house key" ); if(osc) pi3->setContainer( pc->getBackpack() ); else pi3->MoveTo( pc->getPosition() ); pi3->Refresh(); pi3->more = ph->getSerial(); pi3->type=7; client->sysmessage("You have transferred your house to %s.", pc->getCurrentName().c_str()); char *temp; asprintf(&temp, "%s has transferred a house to %s.", curr->getCurrentName().c_str(), pc->getCurrentName().c_str()); NxwSocketWrapper sw; sw.fillOnline( pc, false ); for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ ) { pClient k = sw.getClient(); if ( k ) k->sysmessage(temp); } free(temp); }
/*! \brief Do periodical checks for weather change \author Xanatar */ void check_region_weatherchange () { int r,sn=0, rn=0, dr=0, sm, i; outInfo("performing weather change..."); //! \todo revisit this part for (i=0;i<256;i++) { region_st ®ionRef = region[i]; if ((regionRef.keepchance==0)&&(regionRef.drychance==0)) continue; r = rand()%100; if ((r<=regionRef.keepchance)||(regionRef.keepchance==100)) continue; //we're here, let's change the weeeeather dr = (regionRef.wtype==0) ? 0 : regionRef.drychance; rn = (regionRef.wtype==1) ? 0 : regionRef.rainchance; sn = (regionRef.wtype==2) ? 0 : regionRef.snowchance; if (!regionRef.ignoreseason) { //! \todo actually the calendar system for weather variation during the year wasn't a bad idea, but it should NOT involve 3 float multiplications + 3 float to int and 3 int to float conversions for each region every weathercheck dr = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(dr) * Calendar::g_fCurDryMod); rn = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(rn) * Calendar::g_fCurRainMod); sn = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(sn) * Calendar::g_fCurSnowMod); } sm = dr+rn+sn; r = rand()%sm; if (r < dr) regionRef.wtype = 0; else if (r < (rn+dr)) regionRef.wtype = 1; else regionRef.wtype = 2; } // Chronodt 17/8/04 - begun additional weathercode //! \todo sobstitute temporary region subnames with the true ones when regions redone //! \todo a for cycle with all the regions (cregion is the region currently esamined) //for (whatever will cycle all region, with cregion as index or iterator) { Climates climate = region[cregion].climate; if (climate == clNone) continue; //no weather change for a dungeon WeatherType current = region[cregion].weatherCurrent; sint16_t oldintensity = region[cregion].weatherIntensity; sint16_t newintensity = oldintensity; //Getting the 4 adiacent regions. getXXXXregion should return invalid if such region does not exist uint16_t nregion = getNorthRegion(cregion); uint16_t eregion = getEastRegion(cregion); uint16_t sregion = getSouthRegion(cregion); uint16_t wregion = getWestRegion(cregion); // modifying the intensity by surrounding squares (obiously the old status) newintensity += getIntensityModifier(cregion, nregion); newintensity += getIntensityModifier(cregion, eregion); newintensity += getIntensityModifier(cregion, sregion); newintensity += getIntensityModifier(cregion, wregion); // adding intensity by random raincheck (based on region configuration) //! \todo modify these with new region parameters uint8_t dry = region[cregion].drychance; uint8_t rain = region[cregion].rainchance; uint8_t snow = region[cregion].snowchance; uint8_t r = rand()%100; if (r < dry) newintensity -= (dry - r) * 5; r = rand()%100; if (r < rain) newintensity += (rain - r) * 5; if (newintensity > 140) newintensity = 140; if (newintensity < 0) newintensity = 0; bool snow = false; string message = ""; //! \todo insert a maxlight to limit light in bad beather (but nightvision should counter this) switch (current) //select message type to send clients based on previous weather in region. Also checking if weather change is too sudden, and if so lessen the impact :D { case wtSun: // intensity 0 - 20 if (newintensity > 40) { newintensity = 40; //If it was so clear, we need at least a few clouds in the sky before it can rain (or snow) message = "You see some clouds closing in"; } break; case wtCloud: // intensity 21 - 40 if (newintensity > 90) // to have more than a light rain we need heavier clouds first { newintensity = 70; message = "Cloud covering thickens visibly. You hear rumbling in the distance"; } else if (newintensity <= 20) message = "The sky clears off and the sun shines again"; else if (newintensity > 70) { //snow check r = rand()%100; if (r < snow) snow = true; } break; case wtStormCloud: // intensity 41 - 70 //from this weather type, we can reach every other, since from here it can start raining with any intensity. Or it can snow or even clear up if (newintensity <= 40 && newintensity > 20) message = "The sky begins to clear off"; else if (newintensity <= 20) message = "Strong winds clear away the thick clouds, until the sun shines again"; else if (newintensity > 70) { //snow check r = rand()%100; if (r < snow) snow = true; } break; case wtLightRain: // intensity 71 - 90 if (newintensity < 71) { if (newintensity > 20) message = "The rain is stopping"; else message = "The rain is stopping and the sky clears up"; } else message = "The rain gets stronger"; r = rand()%100; if (climate == clArtic && r < (snow/4)) snow = true; //If artic climate and raining, check if rain becomes snow (at 1/4 of normal snow chance) break; case wtMediumRain: // intensity 91 - 110 if (newintensity <71) { if (newintensity > 40) message = "The rain is stopping"; else { newintensity = 41; message = "The rain is stopping and the sky begins to clear up"; } } else message = "The rain gets stronger"; r = rand()%100; if (climate == clArtic && r < (snow/4)) snow = true; //If artic climate and raining, check if rain becomes snow (at 1/4 of normal snow chance) break; case wtHeavyRain: // intensity 111 - 140 if (newintensity <111) { if (newintensity > 70) message = "The rain begins to slow down"; else { newintensity = 71; message = "The rain has stopped falling, but the sky is still covered up"; } } else message = "The rain gets stronger"; r = rand()%100; if (climate == clArtic && r < (snow/4)) snow = true; //If artic climate and raining, check if rain becomes snow (at 1/4 of normal snow chance) break; case wtLightSnow: // intensity 71 - 90 if (newintensity < 71) { if (newintensity > 20) message = "The snow is stopping"; else message = "The snow is stopping and the sky clears up"; } else message = "The snow gets stronger"; r = rand()%100; if (climate != clNormal || r > ((100 - snow)/4)) snow = true; //If normal climate and snowing, check if snow becomes rain (at 1/4 of normal snow_to_rain chance, the complementary of snow chance) break; case wtMediumSnow: // intensity 91 - 110 if (newintensity <71) { if (newintensity > 40) message = "The snow is stopping"; else { newintensity = 41; message = "The snow is stopping and the sky begins to clear up"; } } else message = "The snow gets stronger"; r = rand()%100; if (climate != clNormal || r > ((100 - snow)/4)) snow = true; //If normal climate and snowing, check if snow becomes rain (at 1/4 of normal snow_to_rain chance, the complementary of snow chance) break; case wtHeavySnow: // intensity 111 - 140 snow = true; if (newintensity <111) { if (newintensity > 70) message = "The snow begins to slow down"; else { newintensity = 71; message = "The snow has stopped falling, but the sky is still covered up"; } } else message = "The snow gets stronger"; r = rand()%100; if (climate != clNormal || r > ((100 - snow)/4)) snow = true; //If normal climate and snowing, check if snow becomes rain (at 1/4 of normal snow_to_rain chance, the complementary of snow chance) break; } if (newintensity <= 20) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtSun; else if (newintensity <= 40) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtCloud; else if (newintensity <= 70) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtStormCloud; else if (newintensity <= 90 && !snow) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtLightRain; else if (newintensity <= 110 && !snow) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtMediumRain; else if (!snow) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtHeavyRain; else if (newintensity <= 90 && snow) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtLightSnow; else if (newintensity <= 110 && snow) region[cregion].weatherNew = wtMediumSnow; else region[cregion].weatherNew = wtHeavySnow; region[cregion].weatherIntensityNew = newintensity; uint8_t weather = 0; is (snow) weather = 0x02; //snow effect if (newintensity <=70) weather = 0xff; //No weather uint8_t intensity = (newintensity > 70) ? newintensity - 70 : newintensity; uint8_t intensity2 = intensity; bool mixedweather = false; if ( ((current == wtLightRain || current == wtMediumRain || current == wtHeavyRain) && snow) || // Rain has just become snow or... ((current == wtLightSnow || current == wtMediumSnow || current == wtHeavySnow) && !snow)) // Snow has just become rain { intensity = rand() % intensity; // randomize % of snow ... intensity2 -= intensity; // ...and the remaining intensity goes to rain weather = 0x2; // snow weather2 = 0x0; // rain mixedweather = true; } //! \todo the limit of light level by weather (it is best to modify existing code in timers.cpp) nPackets::Sent::Weather pk( weather, intensity); nPackets::Sent::Weather pk2( weather2, intensity2); NxwSocketWrapper sw; sw.fillOnline( pos ); //!< \todo change with something like fillOnlineInRegion for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ ) { pClient j =sw.getSocket(); if( j ) { j->sendPacket(&pk); if (mixedweather) j->sendPacket(&pk2); j->sysmessage(message); } } } // End region for cycle. Now we must build another one to update the weatherIntensity and weatherCurrent of all regions // if you ask why, think of what would happen if you changed them as you process them, since each region takes a little info // from each adiacent region.... :) (yes, this is a system with a memory :D) //! \todo an online iteration of all online chars in region //for (whatever will cycle all regions) { region[cregion].weatherCurrent = region[cregion].weatherNew; region[cregion].weatherIntensity = region[cregion].weatherIntensityNew; } outPlain("[ OK ]\n"); }
/*! \brief Steal random \author Unknow, updated by Endymion \param ps the client \todo add string because it's locked contanier into translate */ void Skills::target_randomSteal( NXWCLIENT ps, P_TARGET t ) { P_CHAR thief=ps->currChar(); VALIDATEPC(thief); P_CHAR victim = pointers::findCharBySerial( t->getClicked() ); VALIDATEPC(victim); if (thief->getSerial32() == victim->getSerial32() || thief->getSerial32()==victim->getOwnerSerial32()) { thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You catch yourself red handed.")); return; } if (victim->npcaitype == NPCAI_PLAYERVENDOR) { thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You cannot steal from player vendors.")); return; } if (victim->IsGMorCounselor() ) { thief->sysmsg( TRANSLATE("You can't steal from gods.")); return; } P_ITEM pack= victim->getBackpack(); if ( !ISVALIDPI(pack)) { thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("bad luck, your victim doesn't have a backpack")); return; } char temp[TEMP_STR_SIZE]; //xan -> this overrides the global temp var char temp2[TEMP_STR_SIZE]; //xan -> this overrides the global temp var sprintf(temp, TRANSLATE("You reach into %s's pack to steal something ..."), victim->getCurrentNameC() ); thief->sysmsg(temp); if ( char_inRange(thief,victim,1) ) { P_ITEM pi = NULL; NxwItemWrapper si; si.fillItemsInContainer( pack, false ); if( si.size()>0 ) { int ra=rand()%si.size(); int c=0; for( si.rewind(); !si.isEmpty(); si++ ) { c++; if( c==ra ) { pi=si.getItem(); break; } } } if( pi==NULL ) { thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("... and discover your victim doesn't have any posessions")); return; } //Endy can't be not valid after this -^ loop, else error VALIDATEPI(pi); if( pi->isNewbie() ) {//newbie thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("... and fail because it is of no value to you.")); return; } if(pi->isSecureContainer()) { thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("... and fail because it's a locked container.")); return; } if ( thief->checkSkill( STEALING,0,999) ) { // 0 stealing 2 stones, 10 3 stones, 99.9 12 stones, 100 17 stones !!! int cansteal = thief->skill[STEALING] > 999 ? 1700 : thief->skill[STEALING] + 200; if ( ((pi->getWeightActual())>cansteal) && !pi->isContainer())//Containers thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("... and fail because it is too heavy.")); else if(pi->isContainer() && (weights::RecursePacks(pi)>cansteal)) thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("... and fail because it is too heavy.")); else { if (victim->amxevents[EVENT_CHR_ONSTOLEN]) { g_bByPass = false; victim->amxevents[EVENT_CHR_ONSTOLEN]->Call(victim->getSerial32(), thief->getSerial32()); if (g_bByPass==true) return; } /* victim->runAmxEvent( EVENT_CHR_ONSTOLEN, victim->getSerial32(), s); if (g_bByPass==true) return; */ P_ITEM thiefpack = thief->getBackpack(); VALIDATEPI(thiefpack); pi->setContSerial( thiefpack->getSerial32() ); thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("... and you succeed.")); pi->Refresh(); //all_items(s); } } else thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE(".. and fail because you're not good enough.")); if ( thief->skill[STEALING] < rand()%1001 ) { thief->unHide(); thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You have been caught!")); thief->IncreaseKarma( ServerScp::g_nStealKarmaLoss); thief->modifyFame( ServerScp::g_nStealFameLoss); if (victim->IsInnocent() && thief->attackerserial!=victim->getSerial32() && Guilds->Compare(thief,victim)==0)//AntiChrist setCrimGrey(thief, ServerScp::g_nStealWillCriminal);//Blue and not attacker and not guild std::string itmname = ""; if ( pi->getCurrentName() != "#" ) itmname = pi->getCurrentName(); else { pi->getName( temp ); itmname = temp; } sprintf(temp,TRANSLATE("You notice %s trying to steal %s from you!"), thief->getCurrentNameC(), itmname.c_str()); sprintf(temp2,TRANSLATE("You notice %s trying to steal %s from %s!"), thief->getCurrentNameC(), itmname.c_str(), victim->getCurrentNameC()); if ( victim->npc) victim->talkAll(TRANSLATE( "Guards!! A thief is amoung us!"),0); else victim->sysmsg(temp); //send to all player temp2 = thief are stealing victim if are more intelligent and a bonus of luck :D // // NxwSocketWrapper sw; sw.fillOnline( thief, true ); for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ ) { NXWCLIENT ps_i=sw.getClient(); if( ps_i==NULL ) continue; P_CHAR pc_i=ps_i->currChar(); if ( ISVALIDPC(pc_i) ) if( (rand()%10+10==17) || ( (rand()%2==1) && (pc_i->in>=thief->in))) sysmessage(ps_i->toInt(),temp2); } } } else { thief->sysmsg( TRANSLATE("... and realise you're too far away.")); } }
/*! \brief Steal something \author Unknow, completly rewritten by Endymion \param ps the client */ void Skills::target_stealing( NXWCLIENT ps, P_TARGET t ) { P_CHAR thief = ps->currChar(); VALIDATEPC(thief); SERIAL target_serial = t->getClicked(); AMXEXECSVTARGET( thief->getSerial32(),AMXT_SKITARGS,STEALING,AMX_BEFORE); //steal a char if ( isCharSerial(target_serial) ) { Skills::target_randomSteal(ps,t); return; } const P_ITEM pi = pointers::findItemBySerial( target_serial ); VALIDATEPI(pi); //steal a pickpocket, a steal training dummy if( pi->getId() == 0x1E2D || pi->getId() == 0x1E2C ) { Skills::PickPocketTarget(ps); return; } //no stealing for items on layers other than 0 (equipped!) , newbie items, and items not being in containers allowed ! if ( pi->layer!=0 || pi->isNewbie() || pi->isInWorld() ) { thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You cannot steal that.")); return; } P_CHAR victim = pi->getPackOwner(); VALIDATEPC(victim); if (victim->npcaitype == NPCAI_PLAYERVENDOR) { thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You cannot steal from player vendors.")); return; } if ( (thief->getSerial32() == victim->getSerial32()) || (thief->getSerial32()==victim->getOwnerSerial32()) ) { thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You catch yourself red handed.")); return; } if (thief->distFrom( victim ) == 1) { int result; R32 we = pi->getWeightActual(); int bonus= (int)( (1800 - we)/5 ); if ( thief->checkSkill( STEALING,0,(1000-bonus)) ) { // 0 stealing 2 stones, 10 3 stones, 99.9 12 stones, 100 17 stones !!! int cansteal = thief->skill[STEALING] > 999 ? 1700 : thief->skill[STEALING] + 200; if ( we > cansteal ) { thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("That is too heavy.")); return; } if (pi->amxevents[EVENT_IONSTOLEN]!=NULL) { g_bByPass = false; pi->amxevents[EVENT_IONSTOLEN]->Call(pi->getSerial32(), thief->getSerial32(), victim->getSerial32()); if (g_bByPass==true) return; } if (victim->amxevents[EVENT_CHR_ONSTOLEN]) { g_bByPass = false; victim->amxevents[EVENT_CHR_ONSTOLEN]->Call(victim->getSerial32(), thief->getSerial32()); if (g_bByPass==true) return; } /* pi->runAmxEvent( EVENT_IONSTOLEN, pi->getSerial32(), s, victim->getSerial32() ); if (g_bByPass==true) return; victim->runAmxEvent( EVENT_CHR_ONSTOLEN, victim->getSerial32(), s ); if (g_bByPass==true) return; */ P_ITEM pack= thief->getBackpack(); VALIDATEPI(pack); pi->setContSerial( pack->getSerial32() ); thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You successfully steal the item.")); pi->Refresh(); result=+200; //all_items(s); why all item? } else { thief->sysmsg( TRANSLATE("You failed to steal the item.")); result=-200; //Only onhide when player is caught! } if ( rand()%1000 > ( thief->skill[STEALING] + result ) ) { thief->unHide(); thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You have been caught!")); thief->IncreaseKarma(ServerScp::g_nStealKarmaLoss); thief->modifyFame(ServerScp::g_nStealFameLoss); if ( victim->IsInnocent() && thief->attackerserial != victim->getSerial32() && Guilds->Compare(thief,victim)==0) setCrimGrey(thief, ServerScp::g_nStealWillCriminal); //Blue and not attacker and not same guild std::string itmname ( "" ); char temp[TEMP_STR_SIZE]; //xan -> this overrides the global temp var char temp2[TEMP_STR_SIZE]; //xan -> this overrides the global temp var if ( pi->getCurrentName() != "#" ) itmname = pi->getCurrentName(); else { pi->getName( temp ); itmname = temp; } sprintf(temp,TRANSLATE("You notice %s trying to steal %s from you!"), thief->getCurrentNameC(), itmname.c_str()); sprintf(temp2,TRANSLATE("You notice %s trying to steal %s from %s!"), thief->getCurrentNameC(), itmname.c_str(), victim->getCurrentNameC()); if ( victim->npc ) if( victim->HasHumanBody() ) victim->talkAll(TRANSLATE( "Guards!! A thief is amoung us!"),0); else victim->sysmsg(temp); //send to all player temp2 = thief are stealing victim if are more intelligent and a bonus of luck :D NxwSocketWrapper sw; sw.fillOnline( thief, true ); for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ ) { NXWCLIENT ps_i=sw.getClient(); if(ps_i==NULL ) continue; P_CHAR pc_i=ps_i->currChar(); if ( ISVALIDPC(pc_i) ) if( (rand()%10+10==17) || ( (rand()%2==1) && (pc_i->in>=thief->in))) pc_i->sysmsg(temp2); } } } else { thief->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You are too far away to steal that item.")); } AMXEXECSVTARGET( thief->getSerial32(),AMXT_SKITARGS,STEALING,AMX_AFTER); }
/*! \author Zippy \brief Build an house Triggered by double clicking a deed-> the deed's morex is read for the house section in house.cpp. Extra items can be added using HOUSE ITEM, (this includes all doors!) and locked "LOCK" Space around the house with SPACEX/Y and CHAR offset CHARX/Y/Z \todo Remove temp variable */ void buildhouse( pClient client, pTarget t ) { int i = t->buffer[2]; char temp[TEMP_STR_SIZE]; //xan -> this overrides the global temp var int loopexit=0;//where they click, and the house/key items uint32_t k, sx = 0, sy = 0, icount=0; uint16_t x, y, id_tile; int16_t z; int hitem[100];//extra "house items" (up to 100) char sect[512]; //file reading char itemsdecay = 0; // set to 1 to make stuff decay in houses static int looptimes=0; //for targeting int cx=0,cy=0,cz=8; //where the char is moved to when they place the house (Inside, on the steps.. etc...)(Offset) int boat=0;//Boats int hdeed=0;//deed id # int norealmulti=0,nokey=0,othername=0; char name[512]; pChar pc = client->currChar(); if ( ! pc ) return; sLocation charpos= pc->getPosition(); int16_t id = INVALID; //house ID hitem[0]=0;//avoid problems if there are no HOUSE_ITEMs by initializing the first one as 0 if (i) { cScpIterator* iter = NULL; char script1[1024]; char script2[1024]; sprintf(sect, "SECTION HOUSE %d", i);//and BTW, .find() adds SECTION on there for you.... iter = Scripts::House->getNewIterator(sect); if (iter==NULL) return; do { iter->parseLine(script1, script2); if ((script1[0]!='}')&&(script1[0]!='{')) { if (!(strcmp(script1,"ID"))) { id = hex2num(script2); } else if (!(strcmp(script1,"SPACEX"))) { sx=str2num(script2)+1; } else if (!(strcmp(script1,"SPACEY"))) { sy=str2num(script2)+1; } else if (!(strcmp(script1,"CHARX"))) { cx=str2num(script2); } else if (!(strcmp(script1,"CHARY"))) { cy=str2num(script2); } else if (!(strcmp(script1,"CHARZ"))) { cz=str2num(script2); } else if( !(strcmp(script1, "ITEMSDECAY" ))) { itemsdecay = str2num( script2 ); } else if (!(strcmp(script1,"HOUSE_ITEM"))) { hitem[icount]=str2num(script2); icount++; } else if (!(strcmp(script1, "HOUSE_DEED"))) { hdeed=str2num(script2); } else if (!(strcmp(script1, "BOAT"))) boat=1;//Boats else if (!(strcmp(script1, "NOREALMULTI"))) norealmulti=1; // LB bugfix for pentas crashing client else if (!(strcmp(script1, "NOKEY"))) nokey=1; else if (!(strcmp(script1, "NAME"))) { strcpy(name,script2); othername=1; } } } while ( (strcmp(script1,"}")) && (++loopexit < MAXLOOPS) ); safedelete(iter); if (!id) { ErrOut("Bad house script # %i!\n",i); return; } } if(!looptimes) { if (i) { if (norealmulti) { pTarget targ = clientInfo[s]->newTarget( new cLocationTarget() ); targ->code_callback=buildhouse; ShortToCharPtr(0x4064, t->buffer); targ->send( ps ); ps->sysmsg( "Select a place for your structure: "); } else client->sysmessage("Select location for building."); nPackets::Sent::TargetMulti pk(0x00010000/*serial*/, id -0x4000/*model*/); client->sendPacket(&pk); } else { client->sysmessage("Select location for building."); nPackets::Sent::TargetMulti pk(0x00010000/*serial*/, ShortFromCharPtr(t->buffer) -0x4000/*model*/); client->sendPacket(&pk); } looptimes++;//for when we come back after they target something return; } if(looptimes) { looptimes=0; if(!pc->IsGM() && SrvParms->houseintown==0) { if ((region[pc->region].priv & rgnFlagGuarded) && itemById::IsHouse(id) ) // popy { client->sysmessage(" You cannot build houses in town!"); return; } } x = ShortFromCharPtr(buffer[s] +11); //where they targeted y = ShortFromCharPtr(buffer[s] +13); z = ShortFromCharPtr(buffer[s] +15); id_tile = ShortFromCharPtr(buffer[s] +17); z += tileHeight(id_tile); //XAN : House placing fix :) if ( (( x<XBORDER || y <YBORDER ) || ( x>(uint32_t)((map_width*8)-XBORDER) || y >(uint32_t)((map_height*8)-YBORDER) )) ) { client->sysmessage("You cannot build your structure there!"); return; } /* if (ishouse(id1, id2)) // strict checking only for houses ! LB { if(!(CheckBuildSite(x,y,z,sx,sy))) { client->sysmessage("Can not build a house at that location (CBS)!"); return; } }*/ for (k=0;k<sx;k++)//check the SPACEX and SPACEY to make sure they are valid locations.... { for (uint32_t l=0;l<sy;l++) { sLocation loc; loc.x=x+k; loc.y=y+l; loc.z=z; sLocation newpos = sLocation( x+k, y+l, z ); if ( (isWalkable( newpos ) == illegal_z ) && ((charpos.x != x+k)&&(charpos.y != y+l)) ) /*This will take the char making the house out of the space check, be careful you don't build a house on top of your self..... this had to be done So you could extra space around houses, (12+) and they would still be buildable.*/ { client->sysmessage("You cannot build your stucture there."); return; //ConOut("Invalid %i,%i [%i,%i]\n",k,l,x+k,y+l); } //else ConOut("DEBUG: Valid at %i,%i [%i,%i]\n",k,l,x+k,y+l); if ( !norealmulti && cMulti::getAt(loc) ) { client->sysmessage("You cant build structures inside structures"); return; } } } if((id % 256)>=18) sprintf(temp,"%s's house",pc->getCurrentName().c_str());//This will make the little deed item you see when you have showhs on say the person's name, thought it might be helpful for GMs. else strcpy(temp, "a mast"); if(norealmulti) strcpy(temp, name); //--^ if (othername) strcpy(temp,name); if (id == INVALID) return; pItem pHouse = item::CreateFromScript( "$item_hardcoded" ); if ( !pHouse ) return; pHouse->setId( id ); pHouse->setCurrentName( temp ); pc->making=0; pHouse->setPosition(x, y, z); pHouse->setDecay( false ); pHouse->setNewbie( false ); pHouse->setDispellable( false ); pHouse->more4 = itemsdecay; // set to 1 to make items in houses decay pHouse->morex=hdeed; // crackerjack 8/9/99 - for converting back *into* deeds pHouse->setOwner(pc); if (pHouse->isInWorld()) { mapRegions->add(pHouse); } if (!hitem[0] && !boat) { pc->teleport(); return;//If there's no extra items, we don't really need a key, or anything else do we? ;-) } if(boat) { if(!Build(s,pHouse, id%256/*id2*/)) { pHouse->Delete(); return; } } if (i) { pItem pFx1 = MAKE_ITEM_REF( pc->fx1 ); if ( pFx1 != 0 ) pFx1->Delete(); // this will del the deed no matter where it is } pc->fx1=-1; //reset fx1 so it does not interfere // bugfix LB ... was too early reseted pItem pKey=NULL; pItem pKey2=NULL; pItem pBackPack = pc->getBackpack(); //Key... //Altered key naming to include pc's name. Integrated backpack and bankbox handling (Sparhawk) if ((id%256 >=0x70) && (id%256 <=0x73)) { sprintf(temp,"%s's tent key",pc->getCurrentName().c_str()); pKey = item::CreateFromScript( "$item_iron_key", pBackPack ); //iron key for tents pKey2= item::CreateFromScript( "$item_iron_key", pBackPack ); } else if(id%256 <=0x18) { sprintf(temp,"%s's ship key",pc->getCurrentName().c_str()); pKey= item::CreateFromScript( "$item_bronze_key", pBackPack ); //Boats -Rusty Iron Key pKey2= item::CreateFromScript( "$item_bronze_key", pBackPack ); } else { sprintf(temp,"%s's house key",pc->getCurrentName().c_str()); pKey= item::CreateFromScript( "$item_gold_key", pBackPack ); //gold key for everything else; pKey2= item::CreateFromScript( "$item_gold_key", pBackPack ); } if ( ! pKey || ! pKey2 ) return; pKey->Refresh(); pKey2->Refresh(); pHouse->st = pKey->getSerial(); // Create link from house to housekeys to allow easy renaming of pHouse->st2= pKey2->getSerial(); // house, housesign and housekeys without having to loop trough // all world items (Sparhawk) pKey->more = pHouse->getSerial(); //use the house's serial for the more on the key to keep it unique pKey->type=ITYPE_KEY; pKey->setNewbie(); pKey2->more = pHouse->getSerial(); //use the house's serial for the more on the key to keep it unique pKey2->type=ITYPE_KEY; pKey2->setNewbie(); pItem bankbox = pc->GetBankBox(); if(bankbox!=NULL) // we sould add a key in bankbox only if the player has a bankbox =) { pItem p_key3=item::CreateFromScript( "$item_gold_key" ); if ( ! p_key3 ) return; p_key3->setCurrentName( "a house key" ); p_key3->more = pHouse->getSerial(); p_key3->type=ITYPE_KEY; p_key3->setNewbie(); bankbox->AddItem(p_key3); } if(nokey) { pKey->Delete(); // No key for .. nokey items pKey2->Delete(); // No key for .. nokey items } for (k=0;k<icount;k++)//Loop through the HOUSE_ITEMs { cScpIterator* iter = NULL; char script1[1024]; char script2[1024]; sprintf(sect,"SECTION HOUSE ITEM %i",hitem[k]); iter = Scripts::House->getNewIterator(sect); if (iter!=NULL) { pItem pi_l=NULL; loopexit=0; do { iter->parseLine(script1, script2); if (script1[0]!='}') { if (!(strcmp(script1,"ITEM"))) { pi_l=item::CreateScriptItem(s,str2num(script2),0);//This opens the item script... so we gotta keep track of where we are with the other script. if(pi_l) { pi_l->magic=2;//Non-Movebale by default pi_l->setDecay( false ); //since even things in houses decay, no-decay by default pi_l->setNewbie( false ); pi_l->setDispellable( false ); pi_l->setPosition(x, y, z); pi_l->setOwner(pc); // SPARHAWK 2001-01-28 Added House sign naming if (pi_l->IsSign()) if ((id%256 >=0x70) && (id%256<=0x73)) pi_l->setCurrentName("%s's tent",pc->getCurrentName().c_str()); else if (id%256<=0x18) pi_l->setCurrentName("%s's ship",pc->getCurrentName().c_str()); else pi_l->setCurrentName("%s's house",pc->getCurrentName().c_str()); } } if (!(strcmp(script1,"DECAY"))) { if (pi_l) pi_l->setDecay(); } if (!(strcmp(script1,"NODECAY"))) { if (pi_l) pi_l->setDecay( false ); } if (!(strcmp(script1,"PACK")))//put the item in the Builder's Backpack { if (pi_l) pi_l->setContainer(pc->getBackpack()); if (pi_l) pi_l->setPosition("x", rand()%90+31); if (pi_l) pi_l->setPosition("y", rand()%90+31); if (pi_l) pi_l->setPosition("z", 9); } if (!(strcmp(script1,"MOVEABLE"))) { if (pi_l) pi_l->magic=1; } if (!(strcmp(script1,"LOCK")))//lock it with the house key { if (pi_l) pi_l->more = pHouse->getSerial(); } if (!(strcmp(script1,"X")))//offset + or - from the center of the house: { if (pi_l) pi_l->setPosition("x", x+str2num(script2)); } if (!(strcmp(script1,"Y"))) { if (pi_l) pi_l->setPosition("y", y+str2num(script2)); } if (!(strcmp(script1,"Z"))) { if (pi_l) pi_l->setPosition("z", z+str2num(script2)); } } } while ( (strcmp(script1,"}")) && (++loopexit < MAXLOOPS) ); if (pi_l) if (pi_l->isInWorld()) { mapRegions->add(pi_l); } safedelete(iter); } } NxwSocketWrapper sw; sw.fillOnline( pc, false ); for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ ) { pClient ps_i = sw.getClient(); if(ps_i==NULL) continue; pChar pc_i=ps_i->currChar(); if(pc_i) pc_i->teleport(); } //</Luxor> if (!(norealmulti)) { charpos.x= x+cx; //move char inside house charpos.y= y+cy; charpos.dispz= charpos.z= z+cz; pc->setPosition( charpos ); //ConOut("Z: %i Offset: %i Char: %i Total: %i\n",z,cz,chars[currchar[s]].z,z+cz); pc->teleport(); } } }
void checkauto() // Check automatic/timer controlled stuff (Like fighting and regeneration) { // static TIMERVAL checkspawnregions=0; static TIMERVAL checktempfx=0; static TIMERVAL checknpcs=0; static TIMERVAL checktamednpcs=0; static TIMERVAL checknpcfollow=0; static TIMERVAL checkitemstime=0; static TIMERVAL lighttime=0; static TIMERVAL htmltime=0; static TIMERVAL housedecaytimer=0; LOGICAL lightChanged = false; // // Accounts // if (SrvParms->auto_a_reload > 0 && TIMEOUT( Accounts->lasttimecheck + (SrvParms->auto_a_reload*60*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ) ) Accounts->CheckAccountFile(); // // Weather (change is handled by crontab) // // Calendar // if ( TIMEOUT( uotickcount ) ) { if (Calendar::advanceMinute()) day++; uotickcount=uiCurrentTime+secondsperuominute*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (Calendar::g_nMinute%8==0) moon1=(UI08)((moon1+1)%8); if (Calendar::g_nMinute%3==0) moon2=(UI08)((moon2+1)%8); } // // Light // if( TIMEOUT( lighttime ) ) { UI08 lightLevel = worldcurlevel; SI32 timenow = (Calendar::g_nHour * 60) + Calendar::g_nMinute; SI32 dawntime = (Calendar::g_nCurDawnHour * 60) + Calendar::g_nCurDawnMin; SI32 sunsettime = (Calendar::g_nCurSunsetHour * 60) + Calendar::g_nCurSunsetMin; SI32 nighttime = qmin((sunsettime+120), (1439)); SI32 morntime = qmax((dawntime-120), (0)); SI32 const middaytime = 750; // SI32 const midnighttime = 0; // unused variable UI08 dawnlight = (UI08)((((worlddarklevel - worldbrightlevel))/3) + worldbrightlevel); // // default lights at dawn and sunset // if ( timenow == dawntime || timenow==sunsettime ) lightLevel = dawnlight; // // highest light at midday // else if( timenow == middaytime ) lightLevel = (UI08) qmax(worldbrightlevel-1, 0); // // darkest light during night // else if( timenow >= nighttime ) lightLevel = worlddarklevel; // else if( timenow <= morntime ) lightLevel = worlddarklevel; // // fading light slight before dawn // else if( timenow > morntime && timenow < dawntime ) lightLevel = (UI08)linInterpolation(morntime, worlddarklevel, dawntime, dawnlight, timenow); // // fading light slight from dawn to midday else if( timenow > dawntime && timenow < middaytime ) lightLevel = (UI08)linInterpolation(dawntime, dawnlight, middaytime, worldbrightlevel, timenow); // // fading light slight from midday to sunset // else if( timenow > middaytime && timenow < sunsettime ) lightLevel = (UI08)linInterpolation(middaytime, worldbrightlevel, sunsettime, dawnlight, timenow); // // fading light slight from sunset to night // else if( timenow > sunsettime && timenow < nighttime ) lightLevel = (UI08)linInterpolation(sunsettime, dawnlight, nighttime, worlddarklevel, timenow); if (wtype) lightLevel += 2; if (moon1+moon2<4) ++lightLevel; if (moon1+moon2<10) ++lightLevel; if (lightLevel != worldcurlevel) { worldcurlevel = lightLevel; lightChanged = true; } lighttime=uiCurrentTime+secondsperuominute*5*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } // // Housedecay and stabling // if ( TIMEOUT( housedecaytimer ) ) { ////////////////////// ///// check_houses ///////////////////// if( SrvParms->housedecay_secs != UINVALID ) cHouses::check_house_decay(); housedecaytimer = uiCurrentTime+MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC*60*60; // check only each hour } // // Spawns // if( TIMEOUT( Spawns->check ) ) { Spawns->doSpawn(); } // // Shoprestock // Restocks->doRestock(); // // Prison release // prison::checkForFree(); // // Temporary effects // if( TIMEOUT( checktempfx ) ) tempfx::checktempeffects(); // // Characters & items // NxwSocketWrapper sw; sw.fillOnline(); for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ ) { NXWCLIENT ps = sw.getClient(); if( ps == NULL ) continue; P_CHAR pc=ps->currChar(); if( !ISVALIDPC( pc ) ) continue; if( lightChanged ) dolight(ps->toInt(),worldcurlevel); pc->heartbeat(); if( TIMEOUT( checknpcs ) || TIMEOUT( checktamednpcs ) || TIMEOUT( checknpcfollow ) ) { #ifdef SPAR_C_LOCATION_MAP PCHAR_VECTOR *pCV = pointers::getNearbyChars( pc, VISRANGE, pointers::NPC ); PCHAR_VECTOR it( pCV->begin() ), end( pCV->end() ); P_CHAR pNpc = 0; while( it != end ) { pNpc = (*it); if( pNpc->lastNpcCheck != uiCurrentTime && (TIMEOUT( checknpcs ) || (TIMEOUT( checktamednpcs ) && pNpc->tamed) || (TIMEOUT( checknpcfollow ) && pNpc->npcWander == WANDER_FOLLOW ) ) ) { pNpc->heartbeat(); pNpc->lastNpcCheck = uiCurrentTime; } ++it; } #else NxwCharWrapper sc; sc.fillCharsNearXYZ( pc->getPosition(), VISRANGE, true, false ); for( sc.rewind(); !sc.isEmpty(); sc++ ) { P_CHAR npc=sc.getChar(); if(!ISVALIDPC(npc) || !npc->npc ) continue; if( npc->lastNpcCheck != uiCurrentTime && (TIMEOUT( checknpcs ) || (TIMEOUT( checktamednpcs ) && npc->tamed) || (TIMEOUT( checknpcfollow ) && npc->npcWander == WANDER_FOLLOW ) ) ) { npc->heartbeat(); npc->lastNpcCheck = uiCurrentTime; } } #endif } if( TIMEOUT( checkitemstime ) ) { NxwItemWrapper si; si.fillItemsNearXYZ( pc->getPosition(), 2*VISRANGE, false ); for( si.rewind(); !si.isEmpty(); si++ ) { P_ITEM pi=si.getItem(); if( !ISVALIDPI( pi ) ) continue; pi->doDecay(); switch( pi->type ) { case 51 : case 52 : //if( TIMEOUT( pi->gatetime ) ) //for (int k=0;k<2;++k) Sparhawk what's this???? Let's comment it out for now // pi->deleteItem(); // bugfix for items disappearing //pi->deleteItem(); break; case 61 : case 62 : case 63 : case 64 : case 65 : case 69 : case 125 : break; //SPAWNERS may not decay!!! --> Sparhawk then don't use the decay tag in the script case 88 : if( pi->morey >= 0 && pi->morey < 25 ) if (pc->distFrom(pi)<=pi->morey) if( (UI32)RandomNum(1,100) <= pi->morez ) soundeffect4(ps->toInt(), pi, (UI16)pi->morex); break; } } } // Check boats extra, or else they will only be updated every CHECK_ITEMS time std::map<int,P_BOAT>::iterator iter_boat; for ( iter_boat= s_boat.begin();iter_boat != s_boat.end();iter_boat++) { P_BOAT boat=iter_boat->second; P_ITEM pi=boat->getShipLink(); if( pi->type2 == 1 || pi->type2 == 2 ) if( TIMEOUT( pi->gatetime ) ) { if (pi->type2==1) Boats->Move(ps->toInt(),pi->dir,pi); else { int dir=pi->dir+4; dir%=8; Boats->Move(ps->toInt(),dir,pi); } pi->gatetime=(TIMERVAL)(uiCurrentTime + (R64)(SrvParms->boatspeed*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); } } }//for i<now if( TIMEOUT( checkitemstime ) ) checkitemstime = (TIMERVAL)((R64) uiCurrentTime+(speed.itemtime*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); if( TIMEOUT( checknpcs ) ) checknpcs = (TIMERVAL)((R64) uiCurrentTime+(speed.npctime*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); if( TIMEOUT( checktamednpcs ) ) checktamednpcs=(TIMERVAL)((R64) uiCurrentTime+(speed.tamednpctime*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); if( TIMEOUT( checknpcfollow ) ) checknpcfollow=(TIMERVAL)((R64) uiCurrentTime+(speed.npcfollowtime*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); // // Html // if(SrvParms->html>0 && (htmltime<=uiCurrentTime )) { updatehtml(); htmltime=uiCurrentTime+(SrvParms->html*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } // // Finish // if ( TIMEOUT( nextfieldeffecttime ) ) nextfieldeffecttime = (TIMERVAL)((R64) uiCurrentTime + (0.5*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); if ( TIMEOUT( nextdecaytime ) ) nextdecaytime = uiCurrentTime + (15*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC); if( TIMEOUT( checktempfx ) ) checktempfx = (TIMERVAL)((R64) uiCurrentTime+(0.5*MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); }
void wear_item(NXWCLIENT ps) // Item is dropped on paperdoll { if ( ps == NULL ) return; NXWSOCKET s = ps->toInt(); if (s < 0) return; P_CHAR pc=ps->currChar(); VALIDATEPC( pc ); P_CHAR pck = pointers::findCharBySerPtr(buffer[s]+6); VALIDATEPC( pck ); if( pck->dead ) //Exploit fix: Dead ppl can't equip anything. return; P_ITEM pi=pointers::findItemBySerPtr(buffer[s]+1); VALIDATEPI(pi); bool resetDragging = false; if( (pi->getId()>>8) >= 0x40) // LB, client crashfix if multi-objects are moved to PD resetDragging = true; tile_st tile; int serial/*, letsbounce=0*/; // AntiChrist (5) - new ITEMHAND system data::seekTile(pi->getId(), tile); if( ( clientDimension[s]==3 ) && (tile.quality==0) ) { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You can't wear that")); resetDragging = true; } else { P_ITEM outmost = pi->getOutMostCont(); P_CHAR vendor = pointers::findCharBySerial( outmost->getContSerial() ); if( ISVALIDPC( vendor ) && ( vendor->getOwnerSerial32() != pc->getSerial32() ) ) { resetDragging = true; } } if( resetDragging ) { Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); item_bounce4(s,pi); UpdateStatusWindow(s,pi); } return; } if ( pck->getSerial32() == pc->getSerial32() || pc->IsGM() ) { if ( !pc->IsGM() && pi->st > pck->getStrength() && !pi->isNewbie() ) // now you can equip anything if it's newbie { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You are not strong enough to use that.")); resetDragging = true; } else if ( !pc->IsGM() && !checkItemUsability(pc, pi, ITEM_USE_WEAR) ) { resetDragging = true; } else if ( (pc->getId() == BODY_MALE) && ( pi->getId()==0x1c00 || pi->getId()==0x1c02 || pi->getId()==0x1c04 || pi->getId()==0x1c06 || pi->getId()==0x1c08 || pi->getId()==0x1c0a || pi->getId()==0x1c0c ) ) // Ripper...so males cant wear female armor { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You cant wear female armor!")); resetDragging = true; } else if ((((pi->magic==2)||((tile.weight==255)&&(pi->magic!=1))) && !pc->canAllMove()) || ( (pi->magic==3|| pi->magic==4) && !(pi->getOwnerSerial32()==pc->getSerial32()))) { resetDragging = true; } if( resetDragging ) { Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); item_bounce4(s,pi); UpdateStatusWindow(s,pi); } return; } // - AntiChrist (4) - checks for new ITEMHAND system // - now you can't equip 2 hnd weapons with 1hnd weapons nor shields!! serial= pck->getSerial32(); //xan -> k not cc :) P_ITEM pj = NULL; P_CHAR pc_currchar= pck; // P_ITEM pack= pc_currchar->getBackpack(); //<Luxor> P_ITEM pW = pc_currchar->getWeapon(); if (tile.quality == 1 || tile.quality == 2) { //weapons layers if ( (pi->layer == LAYER_2HANDWEAPON && ISVALIDPI(pc_currchar->getShield())) ) { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You cannot wear two weapons.")); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); UpdateStatusWindow(s,pi); } pi->setContSerial( pi->getContSerial(true) ); pi->setPosition( pi->getOldPosition() ); pi->layer = pi->oldlayer; pi->Refresh(); return; } if (ISVALIDPI(pW)) { if (pi->itmhand != 3 && pi->lodamage != 0 && pi->itmhand == pW->itmhand) { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You cannot wear two weapons.")); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); UpdateStatusWindow(s,pi); } pi->setContSerial( pi->getContSerial(true) ); pi->setPosition( pi->getOldPosition() ); pi->layer = pi->oldlayer; pi->Refresh(); return; } } } //</Luxor> int drop[2]= {-1, -1}; // list of items to drop // there no reason for it to be larger int curindex= 0; NxwItemWrapper si; si.fillItemWeared( pc_currchar, false, true, true ); for( si.rewind(); !si.isEmpty(); si++ ) { // we CANNOT directly bounce the item, or the containersearch() function will not work // so we store the item ID in letsbounce, and at the end we bounce the item pj=si.getItem(); if(!ISVALIDPI(pj)) continue; if ((tile.quality == 1) || (tile.quality == 2))// weapons { if (pi->itmhand == 2) // two handed weapons or shield { if (pj->itmhand == 2) drop[curindex++]= DEREF_P_ITEM(pj); if ( (pj->itmhand == 1) || (pj->itmhand == 3) ) drop[curindex++]= DEREF_P_ITEM(pj); } if (pi->itmhand == 3) { if ((pj->itmhand == 2) || pj->itmhand == 3) drop[curindex++]= DEREF_P_ITEM(pj); } if ((pi->itmhand == 1) && ((pj->itmhand == 2) || (pj->itmhand == 1))) drop[curindex++]= DEREF_P_ITEM(pj); } else // not a weapon { if (pj->layer == tile.quality) drop[curindex++]= DEREF_P_ITEM(pj); } } if (ServerScp::g_nUnequipOnReequip) { if (drop[0] > -1) // there is at least one item to drop { for (int i= 0; i< 2; i++) { if (drop[i] > -1) { P_ITEM p_drop=MAKE_ITEM_REF(drop[i]); if(ISVALIDPI(p_drop)) pc_currchar->UnEquip( p_drop, 0); } } } pc->playSFX( itemsfx(pi->getId()) ); // pc_currchar->Equip(pi, 1); // Item is equipped twice ???? } else { if (drop[0] == -1) { pc->playSFX( itemsfx(pi->getId()) ); // pc_currchar->Equip(pi, 1);// Item is equipped twice ???? } else { ps->sysmsg("You cannot wear two weapons."); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); UpdateStatusWindow(s,pi); } pi->setContSerial( pi->getContSerial(true) ); pi->setPosition( pi->getOldPosition() ); pi->layer = pi->oldlayer; pi->Refresh(); return; } } if (!(pc->IsGM())) //Ripper..players cant equip items on other players or npc`s paperdolls. { if ((pck->getSerial32() != pc->getSerial32())/*&&(chars[s].npc!=k)*/) //-> really don't understand this! :|, xan { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You can't put items on other people!")); item_bounce6(ps,pi); return; } } NxwSocketWrapper sws; sws.fillOnline( pi ); for( sws.rewind(); !sws.isEmpty(); sws++ ) SendDeleteObjectPkt( sws.getSocket(), pi->getSerial32() ); pi->layer=buffer[s][5]; pi->setContSerial(LongFromCharPtr(buffer[s] +6)); if (g_nShowLayers) InfoOut("Item equipped on layer %i.\n",pi->layer); wearIt(s,pi); NxwSocketWrapper sw; sw.fillOnline( pck, false ); for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ ) { NXWSOCKET j=sw.getSocket(); if( j!=INVALID ) wornitems(j, pck ); } pc->playSFX( itemsfx(pi->getId()) ); weights::NewCalc(pc); // Ison 2-20-99 statwindow(pc_currchar,pc_currchar); // if (pi->glow>0) // { // pc->removeHalo(pi); // if gm equips on differnt player it needs to be deleted out of the hashteble // pck->addHalo(pi); // pck->glowHalo(pi); // } if ( pck->Equip(pi, 1) == 2) // bypass called { P_ITEM pack = pck->getBackpack(); pc->playSFX( itemsfx(pi->getId()) ); pi->layer= 0; pi->setContSerial( pack->getSerial32() ); sendbpitem(s, pi); return; } } }
void pack_item(NXWCLIENT ps, PKGx08 *pp) // Item is put into container { if (ps == NULL) return; char temp[TEMP_STR_SIZE]; //xan -> this overrides the global temp var char temp2[TEMP_STR_SIZE]; //xan -> this overrides the global temp var int serial/*, serhash*/; tile_st tile; // bool abort=false; NXWSOCKET s=ps->toInt(); P_CHAR pc=ps->currChar(); VALIDATEPC(pc); Location charpos= pc->getPosition(); P_ITEM pack; P_ITEM pCont = pointers::findItemBySerial(pp->Tserial); VALIDATEPI(pCont); P_ITEM pItem = pointers::findItemBySerial(pp->Iserial); VALIDATEPI(pItem); if (pItem->getId() >= 0x4000) { // abort=true; // LB crashfix that prevents moving multi objcts in BP's ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("Hey, putting houses in your pack crashes your back and client!")); } //ndEndy recurse only a time P_ITEM contOutMost = pCont->getOutMostCont(); P_CHAR contOwner = ( !contOutMost->isInWorld() )? pointers::findCharBySerial( contOutMost->getContSerial() ) : NULL; if( ISVALIDPC(contOwner) ) { //if ((contOwner->npcaitype==NPCAI_PLAYERVENDOR) && (contOwner->npc) && (contOwner->getOwnerSerial32()!=pc->getSerial32()) ) if ( contOwner->getSerial32() != pc->getSerial32() && contOwner->getOwnerSerial32() != pc->getSerial32() && !pc->IsGM() ) { // Luxor ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("This aint your backpack!")); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); item_bounce3(pItem); if (pCont->getId() >= 0x4000) senditem(s, pCont); } return; } } if (pCont->amxevents[EVENT_IONPUTITEM]!=NULL) { g_bByPass = false; pCont->amxevents[EVENT_IONPUTITEM]->Call( pCont->getSerial32(), pItem->getSerial32(), pc->getSerial32() ); if (g_bByPass) { item_bounce6(ps,pItem); return; } } /* g_bByPass = false; pCont->runAmxEvent( EVENT_IONPUTITEM, pCont->getSerial32(), pItem->getSerial32(), pc->getSerial32() ); if (g_bByPass) { //AntiChrist to preview item disappearing item_bounce6(ps,pItem); return; } */ if (pCont->layer==0 && pCont->getId() == 0x1E5E && pCont->getContSerial()==pc->getSerial32()) { // Trade window??? serial=calcserial(pCont->moreb1, pCont->moreb2, pCont->moreb3, pCont->moreb4); if(serial==-1) return; P_ITEM pi_z = pointers::findItemBySerial(serial); if (ISVALIDPI(pi_z)) if ((pi_z->morez || pCont->morez)) { pi_z->morez=0; pCont->morez=0; sendtradestatus( pi_z, pCont ); } } if(SrvParms->usespecialbank)//only if special bank is activated { if(pCont->morey==MOREY_GOLDONLYBANK && pCont->morex==MOREX_BANK && pCont->type==ITYPE_CONTAINER) { if ( pItem->getId() == ITEMID_GOLD ) {//if they're gold ok pc->playSFX( goldsfx(2) ); } else {//if they're not gold..bounce on ground ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You can only put golds in this bank box!")); pItem->setContSerial(-1); pItem->MoveTo( charpos ); pItem->Refresh(); pc->playSFX( itemsfx(pItem->getId()) ); return; } } } // Xanathars's Bank Limit Code if (ServerScp::g_nBankLimit != 0) { if( ISVALIDPI( contOutMost ) && contOutMost->morex==MOREX_BANK ) { int n = contOutMost->CountItems( INVALID, INVALID, false); n -= contOutMost->CountItems( ITEMID_GOLD, INVALID, false); if( pItem->type == ITYPE_CONTAINER ) n += pItem->CountItems( INVALID, INVALID, false); else ++n; if( n > ServerScp::g_nBankLimit ) { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You exceeded the number of maximimum items in bank of %d"), ServerScp::g_nBankLimit); item_bounce6(ps,pItem); return; } } } //ndEndy this not needed because when is dragging cont serial is INVALID //testing UOP Blocking Tauriel 1-12-99 if (!pItem->isInWorld()) { item_bounce6(ps,pItem); return; } data::seekTile(pItem->getId(), tile); if (( ( (pItem->magic==2) || ( (tile.weight==255) && (pItem->magic != 1 ) ) ) && !pc->canAllMove()) || ( (pItem->magic==3|| pItem->magic==4) && !(pItem->getOwnerSerial32()==pc->getSerial32()))) { Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); item_bounce3(pItem); if (pCont->getId() >= 0x4000) senditem(s, pCont); } return; } // - Trash container if( pCont->type==ITYPE_TRASH) { pItem->Delete(); ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("As you let go of the item it disappears.")); return; } // - Spell Book if (pCont->type==ITYPE_SPELLBOOK) { if (!pItem->IsSpellScroll72()) { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You can only place spell scrolls in a spellbook!")); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); item_bounce3(pItem); } if (pCont->getId() >= 0x4000) senditem(s, pCont); return; } pack= pc->getBackpack(); if(ISVALIDPI(pack)) { if ((!(pCont->getContSerial()==pc->getSerial32())) && (!(pCont->getContSerial()==pack->getSerial32())) && (!(pc->CanSnoop()))) { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You cannot place spells in other peoples spellbooks.")); item_bounce6(ps,pItem); return; } if( strncmp(pItem->getCurrentNameC(), "#", 1) ) pItem->getName(temp2); else strcpy(temp2,pItem->getCurrentNameC()); NxwItemWrapper sii; sii.fillItemsInContainer( pCont, false ); for( sii.rewind(); !sii.isEmpty(); sii++ ) { P_ITEM pi_ci=sii.getItem(); if (ISVALIDPI(pi_ci)) { if( strncmp(pi_ci->getCurrentNameC(), "#", 1) ) pi_ci->getName(temp); else strcpy(temp,pi_ci->getCurrentNameC()); if(!(strcmp(temp,temp2)) || !(strcmp(temp,"All-Spell Scroll"))) { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You already have that spell!")); item_bounce6(ps,pItem); return; } } // Juliunus, to prevent ppl from wasting scrolls. if (pItem->amount > 1) { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You can't put more than one scroll at a time in your book.")); item_bounce6(ps,pItem); return; } } } pCont->AddItem( pItem ); ps->sendSpellBook(pCont); return; } if (pCont->type == ITYPE_CONTAINER) { if ( ISVALIDPC(contOwner) ) { if ( (contOwner->npcaitype==NPCAI_PLAYERVENDOR) && (contOwner->npc) && (contOwner->getOwnerSerial32()==pc->getSerial32()) ) { pc->fx1= DEREF_P_ITEM(pItem); pc->fx2=17; pc->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("Set a price for this item.")); } } short xx=pp->TxLoc; short yy=pp->TyLoc; pCont->AddItem(pItem,xx,yy); pc->playSFX( itemsfx(pItem->getId()) ); statwindow(pc,pc); } // end of player run vendors else // - Unlocked item spawner or unlockable item spawner if (pCont->type==ITYPE_UNLOCKED_CONTAINER || pCont->type==ITYPE_NODECAY_ITEM_SPAWNER || pCont->type==ITYPE_DECAYING_ITEM_SPAWNER) { pCont->AddItem(pItem, pp->TxLoc, pp->TyLoc); //Luxor pc->playSFX( itemsfx(pItem->getId()) ); } else // - Pileable if (pCont->pileable && pItem->pileable) { if ( !pCont->PileItem( pItem ) ) { item_bounce6(ps,pItem); return; } } else { if( pItem->getContSerial( true )==INVALID ) //current cont serial is invalid because is dragging { NxwSocketWrapper sw; sw.fillOnline( pItem->getPosition() ); for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ ) SendDeleteObjectPkt(sw.getSocket(), pItem->getSerial32() ); mapRegions->remove(pItem); } pItem->setPosition( pp->TxLoc, pp->TyLoc, pp->TzLoc); pItem->setContSerial( pCont->getContSerial() ); pItem->Refresh(); } }
void dump_item(NXWCLIENT ps, PKGx08 *pp) // Item is dropped on ground or a character { if (ps == NULL) return; tile_st tile; NXWSOCKET s=ps->toInt(); P_CHAR pc=ps->currChar(); VALIDATEPC(pc); P_ITEM pi=pointers::findItemBySerial(pp->Iserial); if (!ISVALIDPI(pi)) { LogError("client sent bad itemserial %d",pp->Iserial); return; } if ( isCharSerial(pi->getContSerial()) && pi->getContSerial() != pc->getSerial32() ) { P_CHAR pc_i = pointers::findCharBySerial(pi->getContSerial()); if (ISVALIDPC(pc_i)) pc_i->sysmsg("Warning, backpack disappearing bug located!"); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); UpdateStatusWindow(s,pi); } pi->setContSerial( pi->getContSerial(true) ); pi->setPosition( pi->getOldPosition() ); pi->layer = pi->oldlayer; pi->Refresh(); } if (pi->magic == 2) { //Luxor -- not movable objects if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); UpdateStatusWindow(s,pi); } pi->setContSerial( pi->getContSerial(true) ); pi->MoveTo( pi->getOldPosition() ); pi->layer = pi->oldlayer; pi->Refresh(); return; } if(pi!=NULL) { weights::NewCalc(pc); statwindow(pc,pc); } //Ripper...so order/chaos shields disappear when on ground. if( pi->getId()==0x1BC3 || pi->getId()==0x1BC4 ) { pc->playSFX( 0x01FE); staticeffect(DEREF_P_CHAR(pc), 0x37, 0x2A, 0x09, 0x06); pi->Delete(); return; } //test UOP blocking Tauriel 1-12-99 if (!pi->isInWorld()) { item_bounce6(ps,pi); return; } data::seekTile(pi->getId(), tile); if (!pc->IsGM() && ((pi->magic==2 || (tile.weight==255 && pi->magic!=1))&&!pc->canAllMove()) || ( (pi->magic==3 || pi->magic==4) && !(pi->getOwnerSerial32()==pc->getSerial32()))) { item_bounce6(ps,pi); return; } if (buffer[s][5]!=(unsigned char)'\xFF') { if (pi->amxevents[EVENT_IDROPINLAND]!=NULL) { g_bByPass = false; pi->MoveTo(pp->TxLoc,pp->TyLoc,pp->TzLoc); pi->amxevents[EVENT_IDROPINLAND]->Call( pi->getSerial32(), pc->getSerial32() ); if (g_bByPass) { pi->Refresh(); return; } } /* //<Luxor> g_bByPass = false; pi->runAmxEvent( EVENT_IDROPINLAND, pi->getSerial32(), pc->getSerial32() ); if (g_bByPass) { pi->Refresh(); return; } //</Luxor> */ NxwSocketWrapper sw; sw.fillOnline( pi ); for( sw.rewind(); !sw.isEmpty(); sw++ ) { SendDeleteObjectPkt( sw.getSocket(), pi->getSerial32() ); } pi->MoveTo(pp->TxLoc,pp->TyLoc,pp->TzLoc); pi->setContSerial(-1); P_ITEM p_boat = Boats->GetBoat(pi->getPosition()); if(ISVALIDPI(p_boat)) { pi->SetMultiSerial(p_boat->getSerial32()); } pi->Refresh(); } else { if ( !ItemDroppedOnChar(ps, pp, pi) ) { //<Luxor>: Line of sight check //This part avoids the circle of transparency walls bug //----- if ( !lineOfSight( pc->getPosition(), Loc( pp->TxLoc, pp->TyLoc, pp->TzLoc ) ) ) { ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("You cannot place an item there!")); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); UpdateStatusWindow(s,pi); } pi->setContSerial( pi->getContSerial(true) ); pi->setPosition( pi->getOldPosition() ); pi->layer = pi->oldlayer; pi->Refresh(); return; } //</Luxor> //<Luxor> Items count check if (!pc->IsGM()) { NxwItemWrapper si; si.fillItemsAtXY( pp->TxLoc, pp->TyLoc ); if (si.size() >= 2) { //Only 2 items permitted ps->sysmsg(TRANSLATE("There is not enough space there!")); Sndbounce5(s); if (ps->isDragging()) { ps->resetDragging(); UpdateStatusWindow(s,pi); } if (ISVALIDPI(pc->getBackpack())) { pi->setCont(pc->getBackpack()); pi->SetRandPosInCont(pc->getBackpack()); } else { pi->setContSerial( pi->getContSerial(true) ); pi->setPosition( pi->getOldPosition() ); } pi->layer = pi->oldlayer; pi->Refresh(); return; } } //</Luxor> } weights::NewCalc(pc); // Ison 2-20-99 statwindow(pc,pc); pc->playSFX( itemsfx(pi->getId()) ); //Boats ! if (pc->getMultiSerial32() > 0) //How can they put an item in a multi if they aren't in one themselves Cut lag by not checking everytime something is put down { P_ITEM multi = pointers::findItemBySerial( pc->getMultiSerial32() ); if (ISVALIDPI(multi)) { //setserial(DEREF_P_ITEM(pi),DEREF_P_ITEM(multi),7); pi->SetMultiSerial(multi->getSerial32()); } } //End Boats } }