Molecule * OpenbabelWrapper::openFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &fileType, const QString &fileOptions) { // Check that the file can be read from disk if (!canOpen(fileName, QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) return 0; // Construct the OpenBabel objects, set the file type OBConversion conv; OBFormat *inFormat; if (!fileType.isEmpty() && !conv.SetInFormat(fileType.toAscii().data())) // Input format not supported return 0; else { inFormat = conv.FormatFromExt(fileName.toAscii().data()); if (!conv.SetInFormat(inFormat)) // Input format not supported return 0; } // set any options if (!fileOptions.isEmpty()) { foreach(const QString &option, fileOptions.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { conv.AddOption(option.toAscii().data(), OBConversion::INOPTIONS); } }
// Helper function to read molecule from file shared_ptr<OBMol> GetMol(const std::string &filename) { // Create the OBMol object. shared_ptr<OBMol> mol(new OBMol); // Create the OBConversion object. OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format = conv.FormatFromExt(filename.c_str()); if (!format || !conv.SetInFormat(format)) { std::cout << "Could not find input format for file " << filename << std::endl; return mol; } // Open the file. std::ifstream ifs(filename.c_str()); if (!ifs) { std::cout << "Could not open " << filename << " for reading." << std::endl; return mol; } // Read the molecule. if (!conv.Read(mol.get(), &ifs)) { std::cout << "Could not read molecule from file " << filename << std::endl; return mol; } return mol; }
bool MakeQueriesFromMolInFile(vector<OBQuery*>& queries, const std::string& filename, int* pnAtoms, bool noH) { OBMol patternMol; patternMol.SetIsPatternStructure(); OBConversion patternConv; OBFormat* pFormat; //Need to distinguish between filename and SMARTS. Not infallable... if( filename.empty() || filename.find('.')==string::npos || !(pFormat = patternConv.FormatFromExt(filename.c_str())) || !patternConv.SetInFormat(pFormat) || !patternConv.ReadFile(&patternMol, filename) || patternMol.NumAtoms()==0) return false; if(noH) patternMol.DeleteHydrogens(); do { *pnAtoms = patternMol.NumHvyAtoms(); queries.push_back(CompileMoleculeQuery(&patternMol)); }while(patternConv.Read(&patternMol)); return true; }
void InputFileExtension::readOutputFile(const QString filename) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); OBConversion conv; OBFormat *inFormat = conv.FormatFromExt( filename.toAscii() ); if ( !inFormat || !conv.SetInFormat( inFormat ) ) { QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); QMessageBox::warning(m_widget, tr("Avogadro"), tr("Cannot read file format of file %1.").arg(filename)); return; } // TODO: Switch to MoleculeFile ifstream ifs;; if (!ifs) { // shouldn't happen, already checked file above QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); QMessageBox::warning(m_widget, tr("Avogadro"), tr("Cannot read file %1.").arg( filename ) ); return; } OBMol *obmol = new OBMol; if (conv.Read(obmol, &ifs)) { Molecule *mol = new Molecule; mol->setOBMol(obmol); mol->setFileName(filename); emit moleculeChanged(mol, Extension::DeleteOld); m_molecule = mol; } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { char *program_name= argv[0]; int c; char *FileIn = NULL; if (argc != 2) { cerr << " Usage: " << program_name << " <input file>\n"; exit(-1); } else { FileIn = argv[1]; } // Find Input filetype OBConversion conv; OBFormat *inFormat = conv.FormatFromExt(FileIn); if (!inFormat || !conv.SetInFormat(inFormat)) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input format!" << endl; exit (-1); } ifstream ifs; // Read the file; if (!ifs) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input file!" << endl; exit (-1); } OBMol mol; OBPointGroup pg; for (c = 1;; ++c) { mol.Clear(); conv.Read(&mol, &ifs); if (mol.Empty()) break; // not needed by OBPointGroup, but useful for external programs mol.Center(); mol.ToInertialFrame(); pg.Setup(&mol); cout << "Point Group: " << pg.IdentifyPointGroup() << endl; } // end for loop return(1); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { OBFunctionFactory *factory = OBFunctionFactory::GetFactory("MMFF94"); OBFunction *function = factory->NewInstance(); if (!function) { cout << "ERROR: could not find MMFF94 function" << endl; return -1; } if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>" << endl; return -1; } OBMol mol; OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format = conv.FormatFromExt(argv[1]); if (!format || !conv.SetInFormat(format)) { cout << "ERROR: could not find format for file " << argv[1] << endl; return -1; } std::ifstream ifs;[1]); conv.Read(&mol, &ifs); ifs.close(); cout << "# atoms = " << mol.NumAtoms() << endl; function->GetLogFile()->SetOutputStream(&std::cout); function->GetLogFile()->SetLogLevel(OBLogFile::Low); // read options file if (argc == 3) { std::ifstream cifs;[2]); std::stringstream options; std::string line; while (std::getline(cifs, line)) options << line << std::endl; function->SetOptions(options.str()); } function->Setup(mol); OBMinimize minimize(function); minimize.SteepestDescent(50); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " filename" << std::endl; return -1; } // read a molecule OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format = conv.FormatFromExt(argv[1]); conv.SetInFormat(format); std::string filename(argv[1]); std::ifstream ifs;; if (!ifs) { std::cerr << "Could not open " << filename << std::endl; return -1; } CairoPainter *painter = new CairoPainter; OBDepict depictor(painter); string::size_type pos = filename.find_last_of("."); if (pos != string::npos) filename = filename.substr(0, pos); OBMol mol; unsigned int count = 1; while (conv.Read(&mol, &ifs)) { // depict the molecule depictor.DrawMolecule(&mol); depictor.AddAtomLabels(OBDepict::AtomSymmetryClass); std::stringstream ss; ss << filename << count << ".png"; painter->WriteImage(ss.str()); count++; } return 0; }
bool verifyLSSR(const std::string &filename, const LSSR &ref) { cout << "Verify LSSR: " << filename << endl; std::string file = OBTestUtil::GetFilename(filename); // read a smiles string OBMol mol; OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format = conv.FormatFromExt(file.c_str()); OB_REQUIRE( format ); OB_REQUIRE( conv.SetInFormat(format) ); std::ifstream ifs;; OB_REQUIRE( ifs ); OB_REQUIRE( conv.Read(&mol, &ifs) ); std::vector<int> ringSizeCount(20, 0); std::vector<OBRing*> lssr = mol.GetLSSR(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lssr.size(); ++i) { ringSizeCount[lssr[i]->_path.size()]++; } /* cout << "ringSize: ringCount" << endl; cout << "3: " << ringSizeCount[3] << endl; cout << "4: " << ringSizeCount[4] << endl; cout << "5: " << ringSizeCount[5] << endl; cout << "6: " << ringSizeCount[6] << endl; */ bool fail = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ref.size_count.size(); ++i) { const LSSR::Size_Count &size_count = ref.size_count[i]; OB_ASSERT( ringSizeCount[size_count.ringSize] == size_count.ringCount ); } return true; }
bool doShuffleTestMultiFile(const std::string &filename) { cout << "Shuffling: " << filename << endl; std::string file = OBTestUtil::GetFilename(filename); // read a smiles string OBMol mol; OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format = conv.FormatFromExt(file.c_str()); OB_REQUIRE( format ); OB_REQUIRE( conv.SetInFormat(format) ); std::ifstream ifs;; OB_REQUIRE( ifs ); bool result = true; while (conv.Read(&mol, &ifs)) { bool res = doShuffleTestMolecule(mol); if (!res) result = res; } return result; }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { char *program_name= argv[0]; int c; int verbose = 0; bool hydrogens = false; string basename, filename = "", option, option2, ff = ""; OBConversion conv; if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: obenergy [options] <filename>" << endl << endl; cout << "options: description:" << endl << endl; cout << " -v verbose: print out indivual energy interactions" << endl << endl; cout << " -h add hydrogens before calculating energy" << endl << endl; cout << " -ff ffid select a forcefield" << endl << endl; cout << " available forcefields:" << endl << endl; OBPlugin::List("forcefields", "verbose"); exit(-1); } else { int ifile = 1; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { option = argv[i]; if (option == "-v") { verbose = 1; ifile++; break; } if (option == "-h") { hydrogens = true; ifile++; } if ((option == "-ff") && (argc > (i+1))) { ff = argv[i+1]; ifile += 2; } } basename = filename = argv[ifile]; size_t extPos = filename.rfind('.'); size_t startPos = 0; if (extPos!= string::npos) { basename = filename.substr(startPos, extPos); } } // Find Input filetype OBFormat *format_in = conv.FormatFromExt(filename.c_str()); if (!format_in || !conv.SetInFormat(format_in)) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input format!" << endl; exit (-1); } ifstream ifs; ofstream ofs; // Read the file; if (!ifs) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input file!" << endl; exit (-1); } OBForceField* pFF = OBForceField::FindForceField(ff); if (!pFF) { cerr << program_name << ": could not find forcefield '" << ff << "'." <<endl; exit (-1); } pFF->SetLogFile(&cout); pFF->SetLogLevel(OBFF_LOGLVL_NONE); // if (verbose) // pFF->SetLogLevel(OBFF_LOGLVL_HIGH); // else // pFF->SetLogLevel(OBFF_LOGLVL_MEDIUM); Timer totalTimer, readTimer, setupTimer, computeTimer; double totalTime, readTime, setupTime, computeTime; int nthreads = 1; // single core is just one thread unsigned int totalSteps = 1; // total steps is only used when doing minimization #ifdef _OPENMP // START OPENMP DEBUG #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(nthreads) { nthreads = omp_get_num_threads(); // determine the number of threads } // parallel region completes #endif // END OPENMP DEBUG // This code only deals with creating a file to store the timings for // the execution of the program along with other interesting statistics char cwd[1024]; // a reasonably large current working directory (cwd) char filepath[1100]; // a reasonably large file name plus cwd const char * statsfile = "obenergy_runstats"; std::ofstream output; if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof (cwd)) != NULL) { std::cout << "Current working dir: " << cwd << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "The getcwd() method failed. Aborting." << std::endl; exit(1); }//if(getcwd() sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s_%s_t%d.mat", cwd, statsfile, ff.c_str(), nthreads); std::cout << "Writing output file to: " << filepath << std::endl;, ios::out | ios::app ); // The file is open in append mode // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 output << "#METHOD: " << ff << " DATASET: " << filename.c_str() << std::endl; output << "#THREADS ENERGY MOL_MASS NUM_ATOMS NUM_ROTORS NUM_CONF TOT_TIME TIME_READ TIME_SETUP TIME_COMPUTE STEPS #MOL_NAME " << std::endl; // A second file is created to store information on the timings of specific parts // from the MMFF94 calculation routines. breakdown of time spent in calculations char filepath2[1100]; std::ofstream output2; sprintf(filepath2, "%s/%s_%s_t%d_compute.mat", cwd, statsfile, ff.c_str(), nthreads); std::cout << "Writing method breakdown detail file to: " << filepath2 << std::endl;, ios::out | ios::app ); // The file is open in append mode // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 output2 << "#METHOD: " << ff << " THREADS: " << nthreads << " DATASET: " << filename.c_str() << std::endl; output2 << "#E_BOND E_ANGLE E_STRBND E_TORSION E_OOP E_VDW E_ELEC N_ATOMS PAIRS_VDW PAIRS_ELEC MEM_VDW MEM_ELEC " << std::endl; // A third file is created to store information on the memory allocation of data structures // from the MMFF94 calculation routines. breakdown of memory allocated for each calculation type char filepath3[1100]; std::ofstream output3; sprintf(filepath3, "%s/%s_%s_t%d_malloc.mat", cwd, statsfile, ff.c_str(), nthreads); std::cout << "Writing memory allocation breakdown detail file to: " << filepath3 << std::endl;, ios::out | ios::app ); // The file is open in append mode // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 output3 << "#METHOD: " << ff << " THREADS: " << nthreads << " DATASET: " << filename.c_str() << std::endl; output3 << "#ATOMS M_BOND M_ANGLE M_STRBND M_TORSION M_OOP M_VDW M_ELEC C_BOND C_ANGLE C_STRBND C_TORSION C_OOP C_VDW C_ELEC" << std::endl; double bondCalcTime, angleCalcTime, strbndCalcTime, torsionCalcTime, oopCalcTime, vdwCalcTime, electrostaticCalcTime; int numPairsVDW, numPairsElectrostatic; OBMol mol; double energy; for (c=1;;c++) { mol.Clear(); totalTimer.start(); readTimer.start(); if (!conv.Read(&mol, &ifs)) break; if (mol.Empty()) break; if (hydrogens) mol.AddHydrogens(); readTime = readTimer.get(); setupTimer.start(); if (!pFF->Setup(mol)) { cerr << program_name << ": could not setup force field." << endl; exit (-1); } setupTime = setupTimer.get(); computeTimer.start(); energy = pFF->Energy(false); computeTime = computeTimer.get(); totalTime = totalTimer.get(); // THREADS ENERGY MOL_MASS NUM_ATOMS NUM_ROTORS NUM_CONF TOT_TIME TIME_READ TIME_SETUP TIME_COMPUTE STEPS #MOL_NAME output << nthreads << " " << energy << " " << mol.GetExactMass() << " " << mol.NumAtoms() << " " << mol.NumRotors() << " " << mol.NumConformers() << " " << totalTime << " " << readTime << " " << " " << setupTime << " " << computeTime << " " << totalSteps << " #" << mol.GetTitle() // comment added to avoid errors when reading matrix in Octave << std::endl; map<string, double> timings = pFF->getTimings(); map<string, size_t> memalloc = pFF->getAllocatedMemory(); MapKeys mk; // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 // E_BOND E_ANGLE E_STRBND E_TORSION E_OOP E_VDW E_ELEC N_ATOMS PAIRS_VDW PAIRS_ELEC MEM_VDW MEM_ELEC output2 << timings[mk.TIME_BOND_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 1 << timings[mk.TIME_ANGLE_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 2 << timings[mk.TIME_STRBND_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 3 << timings[mk.TIME_TORSION_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 4 << timings[mk.TIME_OOP_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 5 << timings[mk.TIME_VDW_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 6 << timings[mk.TIME_ELECTROSTATIC_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 7 << mol.NumAtoms() << " " // 8 << timings[mk.TOTAL_VDW_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 9 << timings[mk.TOTAL_ELECTROSTATIC_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 10 << memalloc[mk.MEM_VDW_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 11 << memalloc[mk.MEM_ELECTROSTATIC_CALCULATIONS] << std::endl; // 12 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // ATOMS M_BOND M_ANGLE M_STRBND M_TORSION M_OOP M_VDW M_ELEC C_BOND C_ANGLE C_STRBND C_TORSION C_OOP C_VDW C_ELEC output3 << mol.NumAtoms() << " " // 1 << memalloc[mk.MEM_BOND_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 2 << memalloc[mk.MEM_ANGLE_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 3 << memalloc[mk.MEM_STRBND_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 4 << memalloc[mk.MEM_TORSION_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 5 << memalloc[mk.MEM_OOP_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 6 << memalloc[mk.MEM_VDW_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 7 << memalloc[mk.MEM_ELECTROSTATIC_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 8 << timings[mk.TOTAL_BOND_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 9 << timings[mk.TOTAL_ANGLE_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 10 << timings[mk.TOTAL_STRBND_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 11 << timings[mk.TOTAL_TORSION_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 12 << timings[mk.TOTAL_OOP_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 13 << timings[mk.TOTAL_VDW_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 14 << timings[mk.TOTAL_ELECTROSTATIC_CALCULATIONS] << " " // 15 << std::endl; if (!isfinite(energy)) { cerr << " Title: " << mol.GetTitle() << endl; FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, mol) { cerr << " x: " << atom->x() << " y: " << atom->y() << " z: " << atom->z() << endl; } } } // end for loop
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 3) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <molecule_file> <output_score_file>" << std::endl; return 1; } unsigned long numAtoms = 0; unsigned long numAromaticAtoms = 0; unsigned long numCyclicAtoms = 0; std::map<int, unsigned long> mass; std::map<int, unsigned long> elem; std::map<int, unsigned long> aromelem; std::map<int, unsigned long> aliphelem; std::map<int, unsigned long> hcount; std::map<int, unsigned long> charge; std::map<int, unsigned long> connect; std::map<int, unsigned long> degree; std::map<int, unsigned long> implicit; std::map<int, unsigned long> rings; std::map<int, unsigned long> size; std::map<int, unsigned long> valence; std::map<int, unsigned long> chiral; std::map<int, unsigned long> hyb; std::map<int, unsigned long> ringconnect; unsigned long numBonds = 0; unsigned long numSingleBonds = 0; unsigned long numDoubleBonds = 0; unsigned long numTripleBonds = 0; unsigned long numAromaticBonds = 0; unsigned long numRingBonds = 0; OBConversion conv; conv.SetInFormat(conv.FormatFromExt(argv[1])); std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]); conv.SetInStream(&ifs); OBMol mol; unsigned long molecule = 0; while (conv.Read(&mol)) { ++molecule; //if ((molecule % 1000) == 0) // std::cout << molecule << std::endl; FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL (atom, mol) { numAtoms++; if (atom->IsAromatic()) { numAromaticAtoms++; aromelem[atom->GetAtomicNum()]++; } else aliphelem[atom->GetAtomicNum()]++; if (atom->IsInRing()) numCyclicAtoms++; mass[atom->GetIsotope()]++; elem[atom->GetAtomicNum()]++; hcount[atom->ExplicitHydrogenCount() + atom->ImplicitHydrogenCount()]++; charge[atom->GetFormalCharge()]++; connect[atom->GetImplicitValence()]++; degree[atom->GetValence()]++; implicit[atom->ImplicitHydrogenCount()]++; rings[atom->MemberOfRingCount()]++; for (int i = 3; i < 25; ++i) if (atom->IsInRingSize(i)) size[i]++; valence[atom->KBOSum() - (atom->GetSpinMultiplicity() ? atom->GetSpinMultiplicity() - 1 : 0)]++; hyb[atom->GetHyb()]++; ringconnect[atom->CountRingBonds()]++; } FOR_BONDS_OF_MOL (bond, mol) { numBonds++; if (bond->IsSingle()) numSingleBonds++; else if (bond->IsDouble()) numDoubleBonds++; else if (bond->IsTriple()) numTripleBonds++; if (bond->IsAromatic()) numAromaticBonds++; if (bond->IsInRing()) numRingBonds++;; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \brief Generate rough 3D coordinates for SMILES (or other 0D files). // int main(int argc,char **argv) { char *program_name= argv[0]; int c; string basename, filename = "", option, option2, ff = "MMFF94"; list<string> argl(argv+1, argv+argc); list<string>::iterator optff = find(argl.begin(), argl.end(), "-ff"); if (optff != argl.end()) { list<string>::iterator optffarg = optff; ++optffarg; if (optffarg != argl.end()) { ff = *optffarg; argl.erase(optff,++optffarg); } else { argl.erase(optff); } } if (argl.empty()) { cout << "Usage: obgen <filename> [options]" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "options: description:" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -ff select a forcefield" << endl; cout << endl; OBPlugin::List("forcefields", "verbose"); exit(-1); } basename = filename = *argl.begin(); size_t extPos = filename.rfind('.'); if (extPos!= string::npos) { basename = filename.substr(0, extPos); } // Find Input filetype OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format_in = conv.FormatFromExt(filename.c_str()); OBFormat *format_out = conv.FindFormat("sdf"); if (!format_in || !format_out || !conv.SetInAndOutFormats(format_in, format_out)) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input/output format!" << endl; exit (-1); } ifstream ifs; ofstream ofs; // Read the file; if (!ifs) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input file!" << endl; exit (-1); } OBMol mol; for (c=1;;c++) { mol.Clear(); if (!conv.Read(&mol, &ifs)) break; if (mol.Empty()) break; OBForceField* pFF = OBForceField::FindForceField(ff); if (!pFF) { cerr << program_name << ": could not find forcefield '" << ff << "'." <<endl; exit (-1); } //mol.AddHydrogens(false, true); // hydrogens must be added before Setup(mol) is called pFF->SetLogFile(&cerr); pFF->SetLogLevel(OBFF_LOGLVL_LOW); //pFF->GenerateCoordinates(); OBBuilder builder; builder.Build(mol); mol.AddHydrogens(false, true); // hydrogens must be added before Setup(mol) is called if (!pFF->Setup(mol)) { cerr << program_name << ": could not setup force field." << endl; exit (-1); } pFF->SteepestDescent(500, 1.0e-4); pFF->WeightedRotorSearch(250, 50); pFF->SteepestDescent(500, 1.0e-6); pFF->UpdateCoordinates(mol); //pFF->ValidateGradients(); //pFF->SetLogLevel(OBFF_LOGLVL_HIGH); //pFF->Energy(); //char FileOut[32]; //sprintf(FileOut, "%s_obgen.pdb", basename.c_str()); //; //conv.Write(&mol, &ofs); //ofs.close(); conv.Write(&mol, &cout); } // end for loop return(0); }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { char *program_name= argv[0]; int c; char *FileIn = NULL; if (argc != 2) { string err = "Usage: "; err += program_name; err += " <filename>\n" "Output format:\n" "name NAME\n" "formula FORMULA\n" "mol_weight MOLECULAR_WEIGHT\n" "exact_mass ISOTOPIC MASS\n" "canonical_SMILES STRING\n" "InChI STRING\n" "num_atoms NUM\n" "num_bonds NUM\n" "num_residues NUM\n" "num_rotors NUM\n" "sequence RESIDUE_SEQUENCE\n" "num_rings NUMBER_OF_RING_(SSSR)\n" "logP NUM\n" "PSA POLAR_SURFACE_AREA\n" "MR MOLAR REFRACTIVITY"; err += "$$$$"; // ThrowError(err); wasn't being output because error level too low cerr << err; //Why not do directly exit(-1); } else { FileIn = argv[1]; } // Find Input filetype OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format = conv.FormatFromExt(FileIn); if (!format || !conv.SetInFormat(format)) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input format!" << endl; exit (-1); } ifstream ifs; // Read the file; if (!ifs) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input file!" << endl; exit (-1); } OBMol mol; OBFormat *canSMIFormat = conv.FindFormat("can"); OBFormat *inchiFormat = conv.FindFormat("inchi"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // List of properties // Name // Molecular weight (Standard molar mass given by IUPAC atomic masses) // Number of rings : the size of the smallest set of smallest rings (SSSR) //.....ADD YOURS HERE..... for (c = 1;; ++c) { mol.Clear(); conv.Read(&mol, &ifs); if (mol.Empty()) break; if (!mol.HasHydrogensAdded()) mol.AddHydrogens(); // Print the properties if (strlen(mol.GetTitle()) != 0) cout << "name " << mol.GetTitle() << endl; else cout << "name " << FileIn << " " << c << endl; cout << "formula " << mol.GetFormula() << endl; cout << "mol_weight " << mol.GetMolWt() << endl; cout << "exact_mass " << mol.GetExactMass() << endl; string smilesString = "-"; if (canSMIFormat) { conv.SetOutFormat(canSMIFormat); smilesString = conv.WriteString(&mol); if ( smilesString.length() == 0 ) { smilesString = "-"; } } cout << "canonical_SMILES " << smilesString << endl; string inchiString = "-"; if (inchiFormat) { conv.SetOutFormat(inchiFormat); inchiString = conv.WriteString(&mol); if ( inchiString.length() == 0 ) { inchiString = "-"; } } cout << "InChI " << inchiString << endl; cout << "num_atoms " << mol.NumAtoms() << endl; cout << "num_bonds " << mol.NumBonds() << endl; cout << "num_residues " << mol.NumResidues() << endl; cout << "num_rotors " << mol.NumRotors() << endl; if (mol.NumResidues() > 0) cout << "sequence " << sequence(mol) << endl; else cout << "sequence " << "-" << endl; cout << "num_rings " << nrings(mol) << endl; OBDescriptor* pDesc; pDesc= OBDescriptor::FindType("logP"); if(pDesc) cout << "logP " << pDesc->Predict(&mol) << endl; pDesc = OBDescriptor::FindType("TPSA"); if(pDesc) cout << "PSA " << pDesc->Predict(&mol) << endl; pDesc = OBDescriptor::FindType("MR"); if(pDesc) cout << "MR " << pDesc->Predict(&mol) << endl; cout << "$$$$" << endl; // SDF like end of compound descriptor list //Other OBDescriptors could be output here, even ones that were rarely // used. Since these are plugin classes, they may not be loaded, but // then with code like the above they are just ignored. } // end for loop return(0); }
bool FastSearchFormat::ObtainTarget(OBConversion* pConv, vector<OBMol>& patternMols, const string& indexname) { //Obtains an OBMol from: // the filename in the -s option or // the SMARTS string in the -s option or // by converting the file in the -S or -aS options (deprecated). // If there is no -s -S or -aS option, information on the index file is displayed. OBMol patternMol; patternMol.SetIsPatternStructure(); const char* p = pConv->IsOption("s",OBConversion::GENOPTIONS); bool OldSOption=false; //If no -s option, make OBMol from file in -S option or -aS option (both deprecated) if(!p) { p = pConv->IsOption("S",OBConversion::GENOPTIONS); if(!p) p = pConv->IsOption("S",OBConversion::INOPTIONS);//for GUI mainly OldSOption = true; } if(p) { vector<string> vec; tokenize(vec, p); //ignore leading ~ (not relevant to fastsearch) if(vec[0][0]=='~') vec[0].erase(0,1); if(vec.size()>1 && vec[1]=="exact") pConv->AddOption("e", OBConversion::INOPTIONS); OBConversion patternConv; OBFormat* pFormat; //Interpret as a filename if possible string& txt =vec [0]; if( txt.empty() || txt.find('.')==string::npos || !(pFormat = patternConv.FormatFromExt(txt.c_str())) || !patternConv.SetInFormat(pFormat) || !patternConv.ReadFile(&patternMol, txt) || patternMol.NumAtoms()==0) //if false, have a valid patternMol from a file { //is SMARTS/SMILES //Replace e.g. [#6] in SMARTS by C so that it can be converted as SMILES //for the fingerprint phase, but allow more generality in the SMARTS phase. for(;;) { string::size_type pos1, pos2; pos1 = txt.find("[#"); if(pos1==string::npos) break; pos2 = txt.find(']'); int atno; if(pos2!=string::npos && (atno = atoi(txt.substr(pos1+2, pos2-pos1-2).c_str())) && atno>0) txt.replace(pos1, pos2-pos1+1, etab.GetSymbol(atno)); else { obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__,"Ill-formed [#n] atom in SMARTS", obError); return false; } } bool hasTildeBond; if( (hasTildeBond = (txt.find('~')!=string::npos)) ) // extra parens to indicate truth value { //Find ~ bonds and make versions of query molecule with a single and aromatic bonds //To avoid having to parse the SMILES here, replace ~ by $ (quadruple bond) //and then replace this in patternMol. Check first that there are no $ already //Sadly, isocynanides may have $ bonds. if(txt.find('$')!=string::npos) { obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, "Cannot use ~ bonds in patterns with $ (quadruple) bonds.)", obError); return false; } replace(txt.begin(),txt.end(), '~' , '$'); } //read as standard SMILES patternConv.SetInFormat("smi"); if(!patternConv.ReadString(&patternMol, vec[0])) { obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__,"Cannot read the SMILES string",obError); return false; } if(hasTildeBond) { AddPattern(patternMols, patternMol, 0); //recursively add all combinations of tilde bond values return true; } } else { // target(s) are in a file patternMols.push_back(patternMol); while(patternConv.Read(&patternMol)) patternMols.push_back(patternMol); return true; } } if(OldSOption) //only when using deprecated -S and -aS options { //make -s option for later SMARTS test OBConversion conv; if(conv.SetOutFormat("smi")) { string optiontext = conv.WriteString(&patternMol, true); pConv->AddOption("s", OBConversion::GENOPTIONS, optiontext.c_str()); } } if(!p) { //neither -s or -S options provided. Output info rather than doing search const FptIndexHeader& header = fs.GetIndexHeader(); string id(header.fpid); if(id.empty()) id = "default"; clog << indexname << " is an index of\n " << header.datafilename << ".\n It contains " << header.nEntries << " molecules. The fingerprint type is " << id << " with " << OBFingerprint::Getbitsperint() * header.words << " bits.\n" << "Typical usage for a substructure search:\n" << "obabel indexfile.fs -osmi -sSMILES\n" << "(-s option in GUI is 'Convert only if match SMARTS or mols in file')" << endl; return false; } patternMols.push_back(patternMol); return true; }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { char *program_name = argv[0]; int Nsymm = 0, Nrot = 0; bool bKJ = false; double dBdT = 0; string filename, option; OBConversion conv; double unit_factor = 1; string e_unit("kcal/mol"); string s_unit("cal/mol K"); if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: obthermo [options] <filename>" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "options: description:" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " --symm N override symmetry number used in input file" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " --nrot N number of rotatable bonds for conformational entropy" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " --dbdt x temperature derivative of second virial coefficient for cp calculation" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " --kj output kJ/mol related units (default kcal/mol)" << endl; cout << endl; exit(-1); } else { int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; ) { option = argv[i]; if ((option == "--symm") && (argc > (i+1))) { Nsymm = atoi(argv[i+1]); if (Nsymm < 1) { cerr << program_name << ": the symmetry number should be >= 1!" << endl; exit(-1); } i += 2; } else if ((option == "--nrot") && (argc > (i+1))) { Nrot = atoi(argv[i+1]); if (Nrot < 0) { cerr << program_name << ": the number of rotatable bonds should be >= 0!" << endl; exit(-1); } i += 2; } else if ((option == "--dbdt") && (argc > (i+1))) { dBdT = atof(argv[i+1]); if (dBdT < 0) { cerr << program_name << ": the derivative of the second virial coefficient with respect to temperature should be >= 0!" << endl; exit(-1); } i += 2; } else if (option == "--kj") { bKJ = true; unit_factor = 4.184; e_unit.assign("kJ/mol"); s_unit.assign("J/mol K"); i += 1; } else { filename.assign(argv[i]); i += 1; } } } if (filename.size() == 0) { cerr << program_name << ": no filename specified" << endl; exit (-1); } // Find Input filetype OBFormat *format_in = conv.FormatFromExt(filename.c_str()); if (!format_in || !conv.SetInFormat(format_in)) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input format in file \"" << filename << "\"" << endl; exit (-1); } ifstream ifs; // Read the file; if (!ifs) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input file!" << endl; exit (-1); } OBMol mol; if ((conv.Read(&mol, &ifs)) && ! mol.Empty()) { OBPointGroup obPG; double temperature, DeltaHf0, DeltaHfT, DeltaGfT, DeltaSfT, S0T, CVT, CPT, ZPVE; std::vector<double> Scomponents; obPG.Setup(&mol); printf("obthermo - extract thermochemistry data from quantum chemistry logfiles\n"); printf("Number of rotatable bonds: %d\n", Nrot); if (dBdT == 0) { printf("Please supply --dbdt option to get reliable heat capacity at constant pressure.\n"); } printf("Point group according to OpenBabel: %s\n", obPG.IdentifyPointGroup()); bool bVerbose = true; if (extract_thermochemistry(mol, bVerbose, &Nsymm, Nrot, dBdT, &temperature, &DeltaHf0, &DeltaHfT, &DeltaGfT, &DeltaSfT, &S0T, &CVT, &CPT, Scomponents, &ZPVE)) { double Rgas = 1.9872041; // cal/mol K printf("DeltaHform(0K) %10g %s\n", DeltaHf0*unit_factor, e_unit.c_str()); printf("Temperature %10g K\n", temperature); printf("DeltaHform(T) %10g %s\n", DeltaHfT*unit_factor, e_unit.c_str()); printf("DeltaGform(T) %10g %s\n", DeltaGfT*unit_factor, e_unit.c_str()); printf("DeltaSform(T) %10g %s\n", DeltaSfT*unit_factor, s_unit.c_str()); printf("cv(T) %10g %s\n", CVT*unit_factor, s_unit.c_str()); printf("cp(T) %10g %s\n", CPT*unit_factor, s_unit.c_str()); printf("Strans(T) %10g %s\n", Scomponents[0]*unit_factor, s_unit.c_str()); printf("Srot(T) %10g %s\n", Scomponents[1]*unit_factor, s_unit.c_str()); printf("Svib(T) %10g %s\n", Scomponents[2]*unit_factor, s_unit.c_str()); if (Scomponents[3] != 0) { printf("Ssymm %10g %s\n", Scomponents[3]*unit_factor, s_unit.c_str()); } if (Scomponents[4] != 0) { printf("Sconf %10g %s\n", Scomponents[4]*unit_factor, s_unit.c_str()); } printf("S0(T) %10g %s\n", S0T*unit_factor, s_unit.c_str()); } else { printf("Could not find all necessary information to determine thermochemistry values.\n"); } } ifs.close(); return 0; }
bool OBReader::readFile(QString fileName) { using namespace OpenBabel; OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format = conv.FormatFromExt(fileName.toStdString()); if (!format || !conv.SetInFormat(format)) { qDebug() << "Unsupported File Format."; return false; } std::ifstream ifs;; if (!ifs) { qDebug() << "Could not open the file."; return false; } OBMol obMol; if (!conv.Read(&obMol, &ifs)) { qDebug() << "Error occured while reading the file."; return false; } if (!obMol.Has3D()) { static bool showMsgBox = true; if (showMsgBox) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("OBReader")); msgBox.setText(tr("No 3D coordinate values present in this file.")); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("OBReader will generate the rough molecular geometry.")); msgBox.setCheckBox(new QCheckBox(tr("Don’t show this message again."))); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); msgBox.exec(); showMsgBox = !msgBox.checkBox()->isChecked(); } if (!buildGeometry(&obMol)) { qDebug() << "Error in buildGeometry()"; return false; } } if (!toMolecule(&obMol)) { qDebug() << "Could not convert OBMol to Molecule."; return false; } return true; }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { char *program_name= argv[0]; int c; int verbose = 0; bool hydrogens = false; string basename, filename = "", option, option2, ff = ""; if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: obenergy [options] <filename>" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "options: description:" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -v verbose: print out indivual energy interactions" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -h add hydrogens before calculating energy" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -ff ffid select a forcefield" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " available forcefields:" << endl; cout << endl; OBPlugin::List("forcefields", "verbose"); exit(-1); } else { int ifile = 1; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { option = argv[i]; if (option == "-v") { verbose = 1; ifile++; break; } if (option == "-h") { hydrogens = true; ifile++; } if ((option == "-ff") && (argc > (i+1))) { ff = argv[i+1]; ifile += 2; } } basename = filename = argv[ifile]; size_t extPos = filename.rfind('.'); if (extPos!= string::npos) { basename = filename.substr(0, extPos); } } // Find Input filetype OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format_in = conv.FormatFromExt(filename.c_str()); if (!format_in || !conv.SetInFormat(format_in)) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input format!" << endl; exit (-1); } ifstream ifs; ofstream ofs; // Read the file; if (!ifs) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input file!" << endl; exit (-1); } OBForceField* pFF = OBForceField::FindForceField(ff); if (!pFF) { cerr << program_name << ": could not find forcefield '" << ff << "'." <<endl; exit (-1); } pFF->SetLogFile(&cout); if (verbose) pFF->SetLogLevel(OBFF_LOGLVL_HIGH); else pFF->SetLogLevel(OBFF_LOGLVL_MEDIUM); OBMol mol; double energy; for (c=1;;c++) { mol.Clear(); if (!conv.Read(&mol, &ifs)) break; if (mol.Empty()) break; if (hydrogens) mol.AddHydrogens(); if (!pFF->Setup(mol)) { cerr << program_name << ": could not setup force field." << endl; exit (-1); } energy = pFF->Energy(false); if (!isfinite(energy)) { cerr << " Title: " << mol.GetTitle() << endl; FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, mol) { cerr << " x: " << atom->x() << " y: " << atom->y() << " z: " << atom->z() << endl; } } } // end for loop
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \brief compute rms between chemically identical molecules int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool firstOnly = false; if (argc != 3 && argc != 4) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [-firstonly] <reference structure(s)> <comparison structure(s)>\n"; cerr << "Computes the heavy-atom RMSD of identical compound structures.\n"; cerr << "Structures in multi-structure files are compared one-by-one unless -firstonly\n" << "is passed, in which case only the first structure in the reference file is used.\n"; exit(-1); } char *fileRef = argv[1]; char *fileTest = argv[2]; if (argc == 4) { //if iterate is passed as first command, try to match structures in first file to strucutres in second if (strcmp("-firstonly", argv[1]) != 0) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [-firstonly] <reference structure(s)> <comparison structure(s)>\n"; exit(-1); } fileRef = argv[2]; fileTest = argv[3]; firstOnly = true; } //open mols OBConversion refconv; OBFormat *refFormat = refconv.FormatFromExt(fileRef); if (!refFormat || !refconv.SetInFormat(refFormat) || !refconv.SetOutFormat("SMI")) { cerr << "Cannot read reference molecule format!" << endl; exit(-1); } OBConversion testconv; OBFormat *testFormat = testconv.FormatFromExt(fileTest); if (!testFormat || !testconv.SetInAndOutFormats(testFormat, testFormat)) { cerr << "Cannot read reference molecule format!" << endl; exit(-1); } //read reference ifstream ifsref; OBMol molref;; if (!ifsref) { cerr << "Cannot read fixed molecule file: " << fileRef << endl; exit(-1); } //check comparison file ifstream ifstest;; if (!ifstest) { cerr << "Cannot read file: " << fileTest << endl; exit(-1); } while (refconv.Read(&molref, &ifsref)) { processMol(molref); Matcher matcher(molref);// create the matcher OBMol moltest; while (testconv.Read(&moltest, &ifstest)) { if (moltest.Empty()) break; processMol(moltest); double rmsd = matcher.computeRMSD(moltest); cout << "RMSD " << moltest.GetTitle() << " " << rmsd << "\n"; if (!firstOnly) { break; } } } return (0); }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { char *program_name= argv[0]; char *FileIn = NULL; if (argc != 2) { cout << "Usage: " << program_name << " <filename>" << endl; exit(-1); } else { FileIn = argv[1]; // const char* p = strrchr(FileIn,'.'); } // Find Input filetype OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format = conv.FormatFromExt(FileIn); if (!format || !conv.SetInAndOutFormats(format, format)) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input format!" << endl; exit (-1); } ifstream ifs; // Read the file; if (!ifs) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input file!" << endl; exit (-1); } OBMol mol; OBAtom *atom; for (int c=1;;++c) // big for loop (replace with do while?) { mol.Clear(); conv.Read(&mol, &ifs); if (mol.Empty()) break; cout << "Molecule "<< c << ": " << mol.GetTitle() << endl; //mol.FindChiralCenters(); // labels all chiral atoms vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i; // iterate over all atoms for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i)) { if(!atom->IsChiral())continue; // aborts if atom isn't chiral cout << "Atom " << atom->GetIdx() << " Is Chiral "; cout << atom->GetType()<<endl; OBChiralData* cd = (OBChiralData*)atom->GetData(OBGenericDataType::ChiralData); if (cd){ vector<unsigned int> x=cd->GetAtom4Refs(input); size_t n=0; cout <<"Atom4refs:"; for (n=0;n<x.size();++n) cout <<" "<<x[n]; cout <<endl; } else{cd=new OBChiralData;atom->SetData(cd);} vector<unsigned int> _output; unsigned int n; for(n=1;n<5;++n) _output.push_back(n); cd->SetAtom4Refs(_output,output); /* // MOLV3000 uses 1234 unless an H then 123H if (atom->GetHvyValence()==3) { OBAtom *nbr; int Hid=1000;// max Atom ID +1 should be used here vector<unsigned int> nbr_atms; vector<OBBond*>::iterator i; for (nbr = atom->BeginNbrAtom(i);nbr;nbr = atom->NextNbrAtom(i)) { if (nbr->IsHydrogen()){Hid=nbr->GetIdx();continue;} nbr_atms.push_back(nbr->GetIdx()); } sort(nbr_atms.begin(),nbr_atms.end()); nbr_atms.push_back(Hid); OBChiralData* cd=(OBChiralData*)atom->GetData(OBGenericDataType::ChiralData); cd->SetAtom4Refs(nbr_atms,output); } else if (atom->GetHvyValence()==4) { OBChiralData* cd=(OBChiralData*)atom->GetData(OBGenericDataType::ChiralData); vector<unsigned int> nbr_atms; int n; for(n=1;n<5;++n)nbr_atms.push_back(n); cd->SetAtom4Refs(nbr_atms,output); } */ /* FIXME if (!mol.HasNonZeroCoords()) { cout << "Calcing 0D chirality "<< CorrectChirality(mol,atom)<<endl; } else { cout << "Volume= "<< CalcSignedVolume(mol,atom) << endl; OBChiralData* cd=(OBChiralData*)atom->GetData(OBGenericDataType::ChiralData); size_t n; vector<unsigned int> refs=cd->GetAtom4Refs(output); cout<<"Atom refs="; for(n=0;n<refs.size();++n)cout<<" "<<refs[n]; cout<<endl; } cout << "Clockwise? " << atom->IsClockwise() << endl; */ } // end iterating over atoms } // end big for loop return(0); } // end main
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { // turn off slow sync with C-style output (we don't use it anyway). std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); OBConversion conv; OBFormat *inFormat, *canFormat; OBMol mol; ifstream ifs; vector<OBMol> fragments; unsigned int fragmentCount = 0; // track how many in library -- give a running count map<string, int> index; // index of cansmi string currentCAN; unsigned int size; OBAtom *atom; OBBond *bond; bool nonRingAtoms, nonRingBonds; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]; canFormat = conv.FindFormat("can"); conv.SetOutFormat(canFormat); if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: obfragment <file>" << endl; return(-1); } for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { cerr << " Reading file " << argv[i] << endl; inFormat = conv.FormatFromExt(argv[i]); if(inFormat==NULL || !conv.SetInFormat(inFormat)) { cerr << " Cannot read file format for " << argv[i] << endl; continue; // try next file }[i]); if (!ifs) { cerr << "Cannot read input file: " << argv[i] << endl; continue; } while(ifs.peek() != EOF && ifs.good()) { conv.Read(&mol, &ifs); if (!mol.Has3D()) continue; // invalid coordinates! mol.DeleteHydrogens(); // remove these before we do anything else do { nonRingAtoms = false; size = mol.NumAtoms(); for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= size; ++i) { atom = mol.GetAtom(i); if (!atom->IsInRing()) { mol.DeleteAtom(atom); nonRingAtoms = true; break; // don't know how many atoms there are } // Previously, we changed atoms to carbon here. // Now we perform this alchemy in terms of string-rewriting // once the canonical SMILES is generated } } while (nonRingAtoms); if (mol.NumAtoms() < 3) continue; if (mol.NumBonds() == 0) continue; do { nonRingBonds = false; size = mol.NumBonds(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { bond = mol.GetBond(i); if (!bond->IsInRing()) { mol.DeleteBond(bond); nonRingBonds = true; break; // don't know how many bonds there are } } } while (nonRingBonds); fragments = mol.Separate(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fragments.size(); ++i) { if (fragments[i].NumAtoms() < 3) // too small to care continue; currentCAN = conv.WriteString(&fragments[i], true); currentCAN = RewriteSMILES(currentCAN); // change elements to "a/A" for compression if (index.find(currentCAN) != index.end()) { // already got this index[currentCAN] += 1; // add to the count for bookkeeping continue; } index[currentCAN] = 1; // don't ever write this ring fragment again // OK, now retrieve the canonical ordering for the fragment vector<string> canonical_order; if (fragments[i].HasData("Canonical Atom Order")) { OBPairData *data = (OBPairData*)fragments[i].GetData("Canonical Atom Order"); tokenize(canonical_order, data->GetValue().c_str()); } // Write out an XYZ-style file with the CANSMI as the title cout << fragments[i].NumAtoms() << '\n'; cout << currentCAN << '\n'; // endl causes a flush vector<string>::iterator can_iter; unsigned int order; OBAtom *atom; fragments[i].Center(); fragments[i].ToInertialFrame(); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < canonical_order.size(); ++index) { order = atoi(canonical_order[index].c_str()); atom = fragments[i].GetAtom(order); snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "C%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n", atom->x(), atom->y(), atom->z()); cout << buffer; } } fragments.clear(); if (index.size() > fragmentCount) { fragmentCount = index.size(); cerr << " Fragments: " << fragmentCount << endl; } } // while reading molecules (in this file) ifs.close(); ifs.clear(); } // while reading files // loop through the map and output frequencies map<string, int>::const_iterator indexItr; for (indexItr = index.begin(); indexItr != index.end(); ++indexItr) { cerr << (*indexItr).second << " INDEX " << (*indexItr).first << "\n"; } return(0); }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { char *program_name= argv[0]; int c; int steps = 2500; double crit = 1e-6; bool sd = false; bool cut = false; bool newton = false; bool hydrogens = false; double rvdw = 6.0; double rele = 10.0; int freq = 10; string basename, filename = "", option, option2, ff = "MMFF94"; char *oext; OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format_out = conv.FindFormat("pdb"); // default output format if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: obminimize [options] <filename>" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "options: description:" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -c crit set convergence criteria (default=1e-6)" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -cg use conjugate gradients algorithm (default)" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -sd use steepest descent algorithm" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -newton use Newton2Num linesearch (default=Simple)" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -ff ffid select a forcefield:" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -h add hydrogen atoms" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -n steps specify the maximum numer of steps (default=2500)" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -cut use cut-off (default=don't use cut-off)" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -rvdw rvdw specify the VDW cut-off distance (default=6.0)" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -rele rele specify the Electrostatic cut-off distance (default=10.0)" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " -pf freq specify the frequency to update the non-bonded pairs (default=10)" << endl; cout << endl; OBPlugin::List("forcefields", "verbose"); exit(-1); } else { int ifile = 1; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { option = argv[i]; // steps if ((option == "-n") && (argc > (i+1))) { steps = atoi(argv[i+1]); ifile += 2; } // vdw cut-off if ((option == "-rvdw") && (argc > (i+1))) { rvdw = atof(argv[i+1]); ifile += 2; } // ele cut-off if ((option == "-rele") && (argc > (i+1))) { rele = atof(argv[i+1]); ifile += 2; } // pair update frequency if ((option == "-pf") && (argc > (i+1))) { freq = atoi(argv[i+1]); ifile += 2; } // steepest descent if (option == "-sd") { sd = true; ifile++; } // enable cut-off if (option == "-cut") { cut = true; ifile++; } // enable Newton2Num if (option == "-newton") { newton = true; ifile++; } if (strncmp(option.c_str(), "-o", 2) == 0) { oext = argv[i] + 2; if(!*oext) { oext = argv[++i]; //space left after -o: use next argument ifile++; } format_out = conv.FindFormat(oext); ifile++; } if (option == "-h") { hydrogens = true; ifile++; } if (option == "-cg") { sd = false; ifile++; } if ((option == "-c") && (argc > (i+1))) { crit = atof(argv[i+1]); ifile += 2; } if ((option == "-ff") && (argc > (i+1))) { ff = argv[i+1]; ifile += 2; } } basename = filename = argv[ifile]; size_t extPos = filename.rfind('.'); if (extPos!= string::npos) { basename = filename.substr(0, extPos); } } // Find Input filetype OBFormat *format_in = conv.FormatFromExt(filename.c_str()); if (!format_in || !format_out || !conv.SetInAndOutFormats(format_in, format_out)) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input/output format!" << endl; exit (-1); } ifstream ifs; ofstream ofs; // Read the file; if (!ifs) { cerr << program_name << ": cannot read input file!" << endl; exit (-1); } OBForceField* pFF = OBForceField::FindForceField(ff); if (!pFF) { cerr << program_name << ": could not find forcefield '" << ff << "'." <<endl; exit (-1); } // set some force field variables pFF->SetLogFile(&cerr); pFF->SetLogLevel(OBFF_LOGLVL_LOW); pFF->SetVDWCutOff(rvdw); pFF->SetElectrostaticCutOff(rele); pFF->SetUpdateFrequency(freq); pFF->EnableCutOff(cut); if (newton) pFF->SetLineSearchType(LineSearchType::Newton2Num); OBMol mol; for (c=1;;c++) { mol.Clear(); if (!conv.Read(&mol, &ifs)) break; if (mol.Empty()) break; if (hydrogens) mol.AddHydrogens(); if (!pFF->Setup(mol)) { cerr << program_name << ": could not setup force field." << endl; exit (-1); } bool done = true; OBStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); if (sd) { pFF->SteepestDescentInitialize(steps, crit); } else { pFF->ConjugateGradientsInitialize(steps, crit); } unsigned int totalSteps = 1; while (done) { if (sd) done = pFF->SteepestDescentTakeNSteps(1); else done = pFF->ConjugateGradientsTakeNSteps(1); totalSteps++; if (pFF->DetectExplosion()) { cerr << "explosion has occured!" << endl; conv.Write(&mol, &cout); return(1); } else pFF->GetCoordinates(mol); } double timeElapsed = timer.Elapsed(); pFF->GetCoordinates(mol); conv.Write(&mol, &cout); cerr << "Time: " << timeElapsed << "seconds. Iterations per second: " << double(totalSteps) / timeElapsed << endl; } // end for loop return(0); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! \brief Set a tortional bond to a given angle int main(int argc,char **argv) { const char *Pattern=NULL; unsigned int i, t, errflg = 0; int c; char flags[255]; string err; bool graphOutput=false; // parse the command line -- optional -a flag to change all matching torsions if (argc < 3 || argc > 4) { errflg++; } else { FileIn = argv[1]; Pattern = "[!$(*#*)&!D1]-!@[!$(*#*)&!D1]"; // Read the atom position c = sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &angleSum); angle = 360./angleSum; if (argc == 4) { c = sscanf(argv[3], "%s", flags); int flagid=1; while (flags[flagid]!=0) switch (flags[flagid++]) { case 'g': graphOutput=true; case 'e': forceField=OBForceField::FindForceField("MMFF94"); isEnergyCalcing=true; break; } } } if (errflg) { cerr << "Usage: rkrotate <filename> <angle> [options]" << endl; exit(-1); } // create pattern OBSmartsPattern sp; sp.Init(Pattern); OBFormat* format = conv.FormatFromExt(FileIn); if(!(format && conv.SetInAndOutFormats(format, format))) { //in and out formats same cerr << "obrotate: cannot read and/or write this file format!" << endl; exit (-1); } //...NF //Open the molecule file ifstream ifs; // Read the file; if (!ifs) { cerr << "obrotate: cannot read input file!" << endl; exit (-1); } OBMol mol; vector< vector <int> > maplist; // list of matched atoms // vector< vector <int> >::iterator m; // and its iterators // int tindex; // Set the angles for (;;) { mol.Clear(); //NF ifs >> mol; // Read molecule conv.Read(&mol,&ifs); //NF if (mol.Empty()) break; if (sp.Match(mol)) { // if match perform rotation maplist = sp.GetUMapList(); // get unique matches if (maplist.size() > 1) cerr << "obrotate: Found " << maplist.size() << " matches." << endl; energySheet=new MultiVector<double>(degrees=maplist.size(),angleSum); indexSheet=new int[maplist.size()]; for (int EXO=0;EXO<maplist.size();++EXO) totalSum*=angleSum+EXO; // look at all the mapping atom but save only the last one. turnMol(mol,maplist,maplist.size()-1); if (graphOutput) { ofstream ofs("energyGraph.mlog"); int ind[degrees]; for (int i=0;i<degrees;++i) ind[i]=0; do { for (int i=0;i<degrees;++i) ofs<<ind[i]<<'\t'; ofs<<energySheet->getVectorValue(ind)<<endl; } while(energySheet->incressIndex(ind)); } if (isEnergyCalcing) { std::vector<int*> lowEnergySheet; totalSum=energySheet->getMinValues(lowEnergySheet); if (totalSum) outputMol(lowEnergySheet,mol,maplist,maplist.size()-1); else cerr << "rkrotate: No low energy conformation found." << endl; } cout << sum; } else { cerr << "obrotate: Found 0 matches for the SMARTS pattern." << endl; exit(-1); } //NF cout << mol; } return(0); }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { OBForceField* pFF = OBForceField::FindForceField("Ghemical"); pFF->SetLogFile(&cout); pFF->SetLogLevel(OBFF_LOGLVL_LOW); OBMol mol; mol.Clear(); char commandline[100]; vector<string> vs; cout << endl; cout << "openbabel " << endl; cout << "M O L E C U L A R M E C H A N I C S" << endl; cout << " program" << endl; cout << " v 0.1 " << endl << endl; while (1) { cout << "command > "; cin.getline(commandline, 100); // // commands with no parameters // if (EQn(commandline, "quit", 4) || cin.eof()) { cout << "bye." << endl; exit(0); } if (EQn(commandline, "help", 4) || cin.eof()) { cout << endl; cout << "commands: description:" << endl; cout << "load <filename> load a molecule from filename" << endl; cout << "save <filename> save currently loaded molecule to filename" << endl; cout << "ff <forcefield> select the force field" << endl; cout << "forcefields print the available forcefields" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "energy calculate the energy" << endl; cout << "ebond calculate the bond stretching energy" << endl; cout << "eangle calculate the angle bending energy" << endl; cout << "estrbnd calculate the stretch-bending enregy" << endl; cout << "eoop calculate the out-of-plane bending energy" << endl; cout << "etorsion calculate the torsional energy" << endl; cout << "evdw calculate the Van der Waals energy" << endl; cout << "eeq calculate the electrostatic energy" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "sd <n> steepest descent energy minimization for n steps" << endl; cout << "cg <n> conjugate gradients energy minimization for n steps" << endl; cout << "" << endl; cout << "addH add hydrogens" << endl; cout << "delH delete hydrogens" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "gen generate/minimize a (random) structure" << endl; cout << "rs rotate around all rotatable bonds" << endl; cout << "nconf print the number of conformers" << endl; cout << "conf <n> select conformer n" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "quit quit" << endl; cout << endl; continue; } // calculate the energy if (EQn(commandline, "energy", 6)) { if (mol.Empty()) { cout << "no molecule loaded." << endl; continue; } cout << endl << " total energy = " << pFF->Energy() << " " << pFF->GetUnit() << endl << endl; continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "ebond", 5)) { if (mol.Empty()) { cout << "no molecule loaded." << endl; continue; } cout << endl << " bond stretching energy = " << pFF->E_Bond() << " " << pFF->GetUnit() << endl << endl; continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "eangle", 6)) { if (mol.Empty()) { cout << "no molecule loaded." << endl; continue; } cout << endl << " angle bending energy = " << pFF->E_Angle() << " " << pFF->GetUnit() << endl << endl; continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "estrbnd", 7)) { if (mol.Empty()) { cout << "no molecule loaded." << endl; continue; } cout << endl << " stretch-bending energy = " << pFF->E_StrBnd() << " " << pFF->GetUnit() << endl << endl; continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "eoop", 4)) { if (mol.Empty()) { cout << "no molecule loaded." << endl; continue; } cout << endl << " out-of-plane bending energy = " << pFF->E_OOP() << " " << pFF->GetUnit() << endl << endl; continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "etorsion", 8)) { if (mol.Empty()) { cout << "no molecule loaded." << endl; continue; } cout << endl << " torsional energy = " << pFF->E_Torsion() << " " << pFF->GetUnit() << endl << endl; continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "evdw", 4)) { if (mol.Empty()) { cout << "no molecule loaded." << endl; continue; } cout << endl << " Van der Waals energy = " << pFF->E_VDW() << " " << pFF->GetUnit() << endl << endl; continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "eeq", 3)) { if (mol.Empty()) { cout << "no molecule loaded." << endl; continue; } cout << endl << " electrostatic energy = " << pFF->E_Electrostatic() << " " << pFF->GetUnit() << endl << endl; continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "addH", 4)) { int num1, num2; num1 = mol.NumAtoms(); mol.AddHydrogens(false, true); num2 = mol.NumAtoms(); cout << (num2 - num1) << " hydrogens added." << endl; if (!pFF->Setup(mol)) { cout << "error while initializing the force field for this molecule." <<endl; continue; } continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "delH", 4)) { int num1, num2; num1 = mol.NumAtoms(); mol.DeleteHydrogens(); num2 = mol.NumAtoms(); cout << (num1 - num2) << " hydrogens deleted." << endl; if (!pFF->Setup(mol)) { cout << "error while initializing the force field for this molecule." <<endl; continue; } continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "gen", 3)) { //pFF->GenerateCoordinates(); pFF->UpdateCoordinates(mol); continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "rs", 2)) { pFF->SystematicRotorSearch(); pFF->UpdateCoordinates(mol); continue; } if (EQn(commandline, "nconf", 5)) { cout << endl << " number of conformers = " << mol.NumConformers() << endl << endl; continue; } // // commands with parameters // tokenize(vs, commandline); // select forcefield if (EQn(commandline, "ff", 2)) { if (vs.size() < 2) { cout << "no <forcefield> specified." << endl; continue; } pFF = OBForceField::FindForceField(vs[1]); if (!mol.Empty()) if (!pFF->Setup(mol)) cout << "error while initializing the force field (" << vs[1] << ") for this molecule." <<endl; continue; } // load <filename> if (EQn(commandline, "load", 4)) { if (vs.size() < 2) { cout << "no <filename> specified." << endl; continue; } ifstream ifs; OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format_in = conv.FormatFromExt(vs[1].c_str()); if (!format_in || !conv.SetInFormat(format_in)) { cout << "could not detect format." << endl; continue; }[1].c_str()); if (!ifs) { cout << "could not open '" << vs[1] << "'." <<endl; continue; } mol.Clear(); if (!conv.Read(&mol, &ifs)) { cout << "could not read a molecule from '" << vs[1] << "'." <<endl; continue; } if (mol.Empty()) { cout << "this molecule is empty." <<endl; continue; } if (!pFF->Setup(mol)) { cout << "error while initializing the force field for this molecule." <<endl; continue; } cout << "molecule succesfully loaded." << endl; cout << " " << mol.NumAtoms() << " atoms" << endl; cout << " " << mol.NumBonds() << " bonds" << endl; ifs.close(); continue; } // save <filename> if (EQn(commandline, "save", 4)) { if (vs.size() < 2) { cout << "no <filename> specified." << endl; continue; } ofstream ofs; OBConversion conv; OBFormat *format_out = conv.FormatFromExt(vs[1].c_str()); if (!format_out || !conv.SetOutFormat(format_out)) { cout << "could not detect format." << endl; continue; }[1].c_str()); if (!ofs) { cout << "could not open '" << vs[1] << "'." <<endl; continue; } if (!conv.Write(&mol, &ofs)) { cout << "could not read a molecule from '" << vs[1] << "'." <<endl; continue; } cout << "molecule succesfully saved." << endl; cout << " " << mol.NumAtoms() << " atoms" << endl; cout << " " << mol.NumBonds() << " bonds" << endl; ofs.close(); continue; } // steepest descent if (EQn(commandline, "sd", 2)) { if (vs.size() < 2) { cout << "no <n> steps specified." << endl; continue; } pFF->SteepestDescent(atoi(vs[1].c_str()), OBFF_ANALYTICAL_GRADIENT); pFF->UpdateCoordinates(mol); continue; } // conjugate gradients if (EQn(commandline, "cg", 2)) { if (vs.size() < 2) { cout << "no <n> steps specified." << endl; continue; } pFF->ConjugateGradients(atoi(vs[1].c_str()), OBFF_ANALYTICAL_GRADIENT); pFF->UpdateCoordinates(mol); continue; } cout << "invalid command." << endl; } return(1); }