コード例 #1
ファイル: confsearch.cpp プロジェクト: fredrikw/openbabel
int OBForceField::DiverseConfGen(double rmsd, unsigned int nconfs, double energy_gap, bool verbose)
    _energies.clear(); // Wipe any energies from previous conformer generators

    // Remove all conformers (e.g. from previous conformer generators) even the current conformer
    double *initialCoord = new double [_mol.NumAtoms() * 3]; // initial state
    double *store_initial = new double [_mol.NumAtoms() * 3]; // store the initial state
    std::vector<double *> newConfs(1, initialCoord);

    if (_mol.NumRotors() == 0) {
      delete [] store_initial;
      return 0;

    // Get estimate of lowest energy conf using FastRotorSearch
    double lowest_energy = Energy(false);

    OBRotorList rl;
    OBBitVec fixed = _constraints.GetFixedBitVec();
    if (_loglvl == 0)
      rl.SetQuiet(); // Don't print info on symmetry removal

    OBRotorIterator ri;
    OBRotamerList rotamerlist;
    rotamerlist.Setup(_mol, rl);

    // Can take shortcut later, as 4 components of the energy will be constant
    double energy_offset = E_Bond(false) + E_Angle(false) + E_StrBnd(false) + E_OOP(false);
    lowest_energy -= energy_offset;

    OBRotorKeys rotorKeys;
    OBRotor* rotor = rl.BeginRotor(ri);
    unsigned int combinations = 1;
    vector<size_t> rotor_sizes;
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < rl.Size() + 1; ++i, rotor = rl.NextRotor(ri)) { // foreach rotor
      size_t size = rotor->GetResolution().size();
      combinations *= size;
      if(verbose) {
        cout << "....rotor " << i << " from " << rotor->GetBond()->GetBeginAtomIdx() << " to "
             << rotor->GetBond()->GetEndAtomIdx() << " has " << size << " values" << endl;
    if (rotor_sizes.size() > 0 && combinations == 0) { // Overflow!
      combinations = UINT_MAX;
    cout << "..tot conformations = " << combinations << "\n";

    if (nconfs == 0)
      nconfs = 1 << 20;
    unsigned int max_combinations = min<unsigned int>(nconfs , combinations);
    LFSR lfsr(max_combinations); // Systematic random number generator
    if (verbose && combinations > max_combinations) {
      cout << "....Using a cutoff of "
           << nconfs << " we will only explore " << std::fixed << setprecision(1)
           << static_cast<float>(nconfs * 100)/static_cast<float>(combinations) << "% of these\n";

    unsigned int combination;
    OBDiversePoses divposes(_mol, rmsd, false);
    vector<int> my_rotorkey(rotor_sizes.size() + 1, 0);
    unsigned int counter = 0;

    // Main loop over rotamers
    unsigned int N_low_energy = 0;
    do {

      combination = lfsr.GetNext();
      unsigned int t = combination;
      // Convert the combination number into a rotorkey
      for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < rotor_sizes.size(); ++i) {
        my_rotorkey[i + 1] = t % rotor_sizes[i];
        t /= rotor_sizes[i];

      rotamerlist.SetCurrentCoordinates(_mol, my_rotorkey);
      double currentE = E_VDW(false) + E_Torsion(false) + E_Electrostatic(false);
      if (currentE < lowest_energy + energy_gap) { // Don't retain high energy poses
        divposes.AddPose(_mol.GetCoordinates(), currentE);
        if (currentE < lowest_energy)
          lowest_energy = currentE;
    } while (combination != 1 && counter < nconfs); // The LFSR always terminates with a 1
    cout << "..tot confs tested = " << counter << "\n..below energy threshold = " << N_low_energy << "\n";

    // Reset the coordinates to those of the initial structure

    // Get results from the tree
    UpdateConformersFromTree(&_mol, _energies, &divposes, verbose);

    // Add back the energy offset
    transform(_energies.begin(), _energies.end(), _energies.begin(), bind2nd(plus<double>(), energy_offset));

    // Clean up
    delete [] store_initial;

    return 0;