/*! \brief Load geometry (polygon BUD/PAR layers) \return number of invalid features */ int VFKDataBlockDB::LoadGeometryPolygon() { int nInvalidNoLines, nInvalidNoRings, nGeometries, nBridges; int rowId, nCount, nCountMax; size_t nLines; GIntBig iFID; bool bIsPar, bNewRing, bFound; CPLString osSQL; const char *vrColumn[2]; GUIntBig vrValue[2]; GUIntBig id, idOb; sqlite3_stmt *hStmt; VFKReaderDB *poReader; VFKDataBlockDB *poDataBlockLines1, *poDataBlockLines2; VFKFeatureDB *poFeature; VFKFeatureDBList poLineList; /* first is to be considered as exterior */ PointListArray poRingList; std::vector<OGRLinearRing *> poLinearRingList; OGRPolygon ogrPolygon; OGRLinearRing *poOgrRing; nInvalidNoLines = nInvalidNoRings = nGeometries = 0; poReader = (VFKReaderDB*) m_poReader; if (EQUAL (m_pszName, "PAR")) { poDataBlockLines1 = (VFKDataBlockDB *) m_poReader->GetDataBlock("HP"); poDataBlockLines2 = poDataBlockLines1; bIsPar = TRUE; } else { poDataBlockLines1 = (VFKDataBlockDB *) m_poReader->GetDataBlock("OB"); poDataBlockLines2 = (VFKDataBlockDB *) m_poReader->GetDataBlock("SBP"); bIsPar = FALSE; } if (NULL == poDataBlockLines1) { CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_FileIO, "Data block %s not found. Unable to build geometry for %s.", bIsPar ? "HP" : "OB", m_pszName); return -1; } if (NULL == poDataBlockLines2) { CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_FileIO, "Data block %s not found. Unable to build geometry for %s.", "SBP", m_pszName); return -1; } poDataBlockLines1->LoadGeometry(); poDataBlockLines2->LoadGeometry(); if (LoadGeometryFromDB()) /* try to load geometry from DB */ return 0; if (bIsPar) { vrColumn[0] = "PAR_ID_1"; vrColumn[1] = "PAR_ID_2"; } else { vrColumn[0] = "OB_ID"; vrColumn[1] = "PORADOVE_CISLO_BODU"; vrValue[1] = 1; } osSQL.Printf("SELECT ID,%s,rowid FROM %s", FID_COLUMN, m_pszName); if (poReader->IsSpatial()) poReader->ExecuteSQL("BEGIN"); std::vector<VFKDbValue> record; record.push_back(VFKDbValue(DT_BIGINT)); record.push_back(VFKDbValue(DT_BIGINT)); record.push_back(VFKDbValue(DT_INT)); poReader->PrepareStatement(osSQL.c_str()); while(poReader->ExecuteSQL(record) == OGRERR_NONE) { nBridges = 0; /* read values */ id = static_cast<GIntBig> (record[0]); iFID = static_cast<GIntBig> (record[1]); rowId = static_cast<int> (record[2]); poFeature = (VFKFeatureDB *) GetFeatureByIndex(rowId - 1); CPLAssert(NULL != poFeature && poFeature->GetFID() == iFID); if (bIsPar) { vrValue[0] = vrValue[1] = id; poLineList = poDataBlockLines1->GetFeatures(vrColumn, vrValue, 2); } else { VFKFeatureDB *poLineSbp; std::vector<VFKFeatureDB *> poLineListOb; sqlite3_stmt *hStmtOb; osSQL.Printf("SELECT ID FROM %s WHERE BUD_ID = " CPL_FRMT_GUIB, poDataBlockLines1->GetName(), id); if (poReader->IsSpatial()) { CPLString osColumn; osColumn.Printf(" AND %s IS NULL", GEOM_COLUMN); osSQL += osColumn; } std::vector<VFKDbValue> record1; record1.push_back(VFKDbValue(DT_BIGINT)); poReader->PrepareStatement(osSQL.c_str(), 1); while(poReader->ExecuteSQL(record, 1) == OGRERR_NONE) { idOb = static_cast<GIntBig> (record[0]); vrValue[0] = idOb; poLineSbp = poDataBlockLines2->GetFeature(vrColumn, vrValue, 2); if (poLineSbp) poLineList.push_back(poLineSbp); } } nLines = poLineList.size(); if (nLines < 1) { CPLDebug("OGR-VFK", "%s: unable to collect rings for polygon fid = %ld (no lines)", m_pszName, iFID); nInvalidNoLines++; continue; } /* clear */ ogrPolygon.empty(); poRingList.clear(); /* collect rings from lines */ bFound = FALSE; nCount = 0; nCountMax = static_cast<int>(nLines) * 2; while (poLineList.size() > 0 && nCount < nCountMax) { bNewRing = !bFound ? TRUE : FALSE; bFound = FALSE; int i = 1; for (VFKFeatureDBList::iterator iHp = poLineList.begin(), eHp = poLineList.end(); iHp != eHp; ++iHp, ++i) { const OGRLineString *pLine = (OGRLineString *) (*iHp)->GetGeometry(); if (pLine && AppendLineToRing(&poRingList, pLine, bNewRing)) { bFound = TRUE; poLineList.erase(iHp); break; } } nCount++; } CPLDebug("OGR-VFK", "%s: fid = %ld nlines = %d -> nrings = %d", m_pszName, iFID, (int)nLines, (int)poRingList.size()); if (poLineList.size() > 0) { CPLDebug("OGR-VFK", "%s: unable to collect rings for polygon fid = %ld", m_pszName, iFID); nInvalidNoRings++; continue; } /* build rings */ poLinearRingList.clear(); int i = 1; for (PointListArray::const_iterator iRing = poRingList.begin(), eRing = poRingList.end(); iRing != eRing; ++iRing) { OGRPoint *poPoint; PointList *poList = *iRing; poLinearRingList.push_back(new OGRLinearRing()); poOgrRing = poLinearRingList.back(); CPLAssert(NULL != poOgrRing); for (PointList::iterator iPoint = poList->begin(), ePoint = poList->end(); iPoint != ePoint; ++iPoint) { poPoint = &(*iPoint); poOgrRing->addPoint(poPoint); } i++; } /* find exterior ring */ if (poLinearRingList.size() > 1) { double dArea, dMaxArea; std::vector<OGRLinearRing *>::iterator exteriorRing; exteriorRing = poLinearRingList.begin(); dMaxArea = -1.; for (std::vector<OGRLinearRing *>::iterator iRing = poLinearRingList.begin(), eRing = poLinearRingList.end(); iRing != eRing; ++iRing) { poOgrRing = *iRing; if (!IsRingClosed(poOgrRing)) continue; /* skip unclosed rings */ dArea = poOgrRing->get_Area(); if (dArea > dMaxArea) { dMaxArea = dArea; exteriorRing = iRing; } } if (exteriorRing != poLinearRingList.begin()) { std::swap(*poLinearRingList.begin(), *exteriorRing); } } /* build polygon from rings */ for (std::vector<OGRLinearRing *>::iterator iRing = poLinearRingList.begin(), eRing = poLinearRingList.end(); iRing != eRing; ++iRing) { poOgrRing = *iRing; /* check if ring is closed */ if (IsRingClosed(poOgrRing)) { ogrPolygon.addRing(poOgrRing); } else { if (poOgrRing->getNumPoints() == 2) { CPLDebug("OGR-VFK", "%s: Polygon (fid = %ld) bridge removed", m_pszName, iFID); nBridges++; } else { CPLDebug("OGR-VFK", "%s: Polygon (fid = %ld) unclosed ring skipped", m_pszName, iFID); } } delete poOgrRing; *iRing = NULL; } /* set polygon */ ogrPolygon.setCoordinateDimension(2); /* force 2D */ if (ogrPolygon.getNumInteriorRings() + nBridges != (int) poLinearRingList.size() - 1 || !poFeature->SetGeometry(&ogrPolygon)) { nInvalidNoRings++; continue; } /* store also geometry in DB */ if (poReader->IsSpatial() && SaveGeometryToDB(&ogrPolygon, rowId) != OGRERR_FAILURE) nGeometries++; } /* free ring list */ for (PointListArray::iterator iRing = poRingList.begin(), eRing = poRingList.end(); iRing != eRing; ++iRing) { delete (*iRing); *iRing = NULL; } CPLDebug("OGR-VFK", "%s: nolines = %d norings = %d", m_pszName, nInvalidNoLines, nInvalidNoRings); /* update number of geometries in VFK_DB_TABLE table */ UpdateVfkBlocks(nGeometries); if (poReader->IsSpatial()) poReader->ExecuteSQL("COMMIT"); return nInvalidNoLines + nInvalidNoRings; }
/*! \brief Load geometry (polygon BUD/PAR layers) \return number of invalid features */ int VFKDataBlock::LoadGeometryPolygon() { long nInvalid; bool bIsPar, bNewRing, bFound; GUIntBig id, idOb; int nCount, nCountMax; int idxId, idxPar1, idxPar2, idxBud, idxOb, idxIdOb; VFKFeature *poFeature; VFKDataBlock *poDataBlockLines1, *poDataBlockLines2; VFKFeatureList poLineList; PointListArray poRingList; /* first is to be considered as exterior */ OGRLinearRing ogrRing; OGRPolygon ogrPolygon; idxPar1 = idxPar2 = idxBud = idxOb = idxIdOb = 0; nInvalid = 0; if (EQUAL (m_pszName, "PAR")) { poDataBlockLines1 = (VFKDataBlock *) m_poReader->GetDataBlock("HP"); poDataBlockLines2 = poDataBlockLines1; bIsPar = TRUE; } else { poDataBlockLines1 = (VFKDataBlock *) m_poReader->GetDataBlock("OB"); poDataBlockLines2 = (VFKDataBlock *) m_poReader->GetDataBlock("SBP"); bIsPar = FALSE; } if (NULL == poDataBlockLines1 || NULL == poDataBlockLines2) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Data block %s not found.\n", m_pszName); return nInvalid; } poDataBlockLines1->LoadGeometry(); poDataBlockLines2->LoadGeometry(); idxId = GetPropertyIndex("ID"); if (idxId < 0) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Corrupted data (%s).\n", m_pszName); return nInvalid; } if (bIsPar) { idxPar1 = poDataBlockLines1->GetPropertyIndex("PAR_ID_1"); idxPar2 = poDataBlockLines1->GetPropertyIndex("PAR_ID_2"); if (idxPar1 < 0 || idxPar2 < 0) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Corrupted data (%s).\n", m_pszName); return nInvalid; } } else { /* BUD */ idxIdOb = poDataBlockLines1->GetPropertyIndex("ID"); idxBud = poDataBlockLines1->GetPropertyIndex("BUD_ID"); idxOb = poDataBlockLines2->GetPropertyIndex("OB_ID"); if (idxIdOb < 0 || idxBud < 0 || idxOb < 0) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Corrupted data (%s).\n", m_pszName); return nInvalid; } } for (int i = 0; i < ((IVFKDataBlock *) this)->GetFeatureCount(); i++) { poFeature = (VFKFeature *) GetFeatureByIndex(i); id = strtoul(poFeature->GetProperty(idxId)->GetValueS(), NULL, 0); if (bIsPar) { poLineList = poDataBlockLines1->GetFeatures(idxPar1, idxPar2, id); } else { VFKFeature *poLineOb, *poLineSbp; std::vector<VFKFeature *> poLineListOb; poLineListOb = poDataBlockLines1->GetFeatures(idxBud, id); for (std::vector<VFKFeature *>::const_iterator iOb = poLineListOb.begin(), eOb = poLineListOb.end(); iOb != eOb; ++iOb) { poLineOb = (*iOb); idOb = strtoul(poLineOb->GetProperty(idxIdOb)->GetValueS(), NULL, 0); poLineSbp = poDataBlockLines2->GetFeature(idxOb, idOb); if (poLineSbp) poLineList.push_back(poLineSbp); } } if (poLineList.size() < 1) continue; /* clear */ ogrPolygon.empty(); poRingList.clear(); /* collect rings (points) */ bFound = FALSE; nCount = 0; nCountMax = poLineList.size() * 2; while (poLineList.size() > 0 && nCount < nCountMax) { bNewRing = !bFound ? TRUE : FALSE; bFound = FALSE; for (VFKFeatureList::iterator iHp = poLineList.begin(), eHp = poLineList.end(); iHp != eHp; ++iHp) { const OGRLineString *pLine = (OGRLineString *) (*iHp)->GetGeometry(); if (pLine && AppendLineToRing(&poRingList, pLine, bNewRing)) { bFound = TRUE; poLineList.erase(iHp); break; } } nCount++; } /* create rings */ for (PointListArray::const_iterator iRing = poRingList.begin(), eRing = poRingList.end(); iRing != eRing; ++iRing) { PointList *poList = *iRing; ogrRing.empty(); for (PointList::iterator iPoint = poList->begin(), ePoint = poList->end(); iPoint != ePoint; ++iPoint) { ogrRing.addPoint(&(*iPoint)); } ogrPolygon.addRing(&ogrRing); } /* set polygon */ ogrPolygon.setCoordinateDimension(2); /* force 2D */ if (!poFeature->SetGeometry(&ogrPolygon)) nInvalid++; } /* free ring list */ for (PointListArray::iterator iRing = poRingList.begin(), eRing = poRingList.end(); iRing != eRing; ++iRing) { delete (*iRing); *iRing = NULL; } poDataBlockLines1->ResetReading(); poDataBlockLines2->ResetReading(); return nInvalid; }