static int OGRWFSCheckSRIDArg( swq_expr_node *op, int iSubArgIndex ) { if( op->papoSubExpr[iSubArgIndex]->field_type == SWQ_INTEGER ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; if( oSRS.importFromEPSGA((int)op->papoSubExpr[iSubArgIndex]->int_value) != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Wrong value for argument %d of %s", iSubArgIndex + 1, op->string_value); return FALSE; } } else if( op->papoSubExpr[iSubArgIndex]->field_type == SWQ_STRING ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; if( oSRS.SetFromUserInput(op->papoSubExpr[iSubArgIndex]->string_value) != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Wrong value for argument %d of %s", iSubArgIndex + 1, op->string_value); return FALSE; } } else { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Wrong field type for argument %d of %s", iSubArgIndex + 1, op->string_value); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
static CPLString ProjToWKT(const CPLString &proj) { char* wkt = NULL; OGRSpatialReference sr; CPLString srs; if (sr.SetFromUserInput(proj.c_str()) != OGRERR_NONE) return srs; sr.exportToWkt(&wkt); srs = wkt; OGRFree(wkt); return srs; }
CPLString ProjToWKT(const CPLString &proj) { char* wkt = nullptr; OGRSpatialReference sr; CPLString srs; /* We could of course recognize OSGEO:41001 to SetFromUserInput(), but this hackish SRS */ /* is almost only used in the context of WMS */ if (strcmp(proj.c_str(),"OSGEO:41001") == 0) { if (sr.SetFromUserInput("EPSG:3857") != OGRERR_NONE) return srs; } else if (EQUAL(proj.c_str(),"EPSG:NONE")) { return srs; } else { if (sr.SetFromUserInput(proj.c_str()) != OGRERR_NONE) return srs; } sr.exportToWkt(&wkt); srs = wkt; CPLFree(wkt); return srs; }
bool hasSourceSRS(const std::string& sourceURN) { if (m_transformation == nullptr) { return false; } OGRSpatialReference refSys; OGRErr err = refSys.SetFromUserInput(sourceURN.c_str()); if (err != OGRERR_NONE) { return false; } return refSys.IsSame(m_transformation->GetSourceCS()); }
void setSourceSRS(const std::string& sourceURN) { if (m_transformation != nullptr) { OCTDestroyCoordinateTransformation(m_transformation); m_transformation = nullptr; } OGRSpatialReference sourceSRS; OGRErr err = sourceSRS.SetFromUserInput(sourceURN.c_str()); if (err != OGRERR_NONE) { CITYGML_LOG_ERROR(m_logger, "Could not create OGRSpatialReference for source SRS " << sourceURN << ". OGR error code: " << err << "."); return; } m_transformation = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(&sourceSRS, &m_destSRS); if (m_transformation == nullptr) { CITYGML_LOG_ERROR(m_logger, "Could not create transformation from source SRS " << sourceURN << " to destination SRS " << m_destSRSURN << "."); return; } m_sourceURN = sourceURN; }
CPLErr VRTDataset::XMLInit( CPLXMLNode *psTree, const char *pszVRTPath ) { if( pszVRTPath != NULL ) this->pszVRTPath = CPLStrdup(pszVRTPath); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for an SRS node. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( strlen(CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "SRS", "")) > 0 ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; CPLFree( pszProjection ); pszProjection = NULL; if( oSRS.SetFromUserInput( CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "SRS", "") ) == OGRERR_NONE ) oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszProjection ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for a GeoTransform node. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( strlen(CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "GeoTransform", "")) > 0 ) { const char *pszGT = CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "GeoTransform", ""); char **papszTokens; papszTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszGT, ",", FALSE, FALSE ); if( CSLCount(papszTokens) != 6 ) { CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "GeoTransform node does not have expected six values."); } else { for( int iTA = 0; iTA < 6; iTA++ ) adfGeoTransform[iTA] = atof(papszTokens[iTA]); bGeoTransformSet = TRUE; } CSLDestroy( papszTokens ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for GCPs. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psGCPList = CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "GCPList" ); if( psGCPList != NULL ) { CPLXMLNode *psXMLGCP; OGRSpatialReference oSRS; const char *pszRawProj = CPLGetXMLValue(psGCPList, "Projection", ""); CPLFree( pszGCPProjection ); if( strlen(pszRawProj) > 0 && oSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszRawProj ) == OGRERR_NONE ) oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszGCPProjection ); else pszGCPProjection = CPLStrdup(""); // Count GCPs. int nGCPMax = 0; for( psXMLGCP = psGCPList->psChild; psXMLGCP != NULL; psXMLGCP = psXMLGCP->psNext ) nGCPMax++; pasGCPList = (GDAL_GCP *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(GDAL_GCP),nGCPMax); for( psXMLGCP = psGCPList->psChild; psXMLGCP != NULL; psXMLGCP = psXMLGCP->psNext ) { GDAL_GCP *psGCP = pasGCPList + nGCPCount; if( !EQUAL(psXMLGCP->pszValue,"GCP") || psXMLGCP->eType != CXT_Element ) continue; GDALInitGCPs( 1, psGCP ); CPLFree( psGCP->pszId ); psGCP->pszId = CPLStrdup(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Id","")); CPLFree( psGCP->pszInfo ); psGCP->pszInfo = CPLStrdup(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Info","")); psGCP->dfGCPPixel = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Pixel","0.0")); psGCP->dfGCPLine = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Line","0.0")); psGCP->dfGCPX = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"X","0.0")); psGCP->dfGCPY = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Y","0.0")); psGCP->dfGCPZ = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Z","0.0")); nGCPCount++; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Apply any dataset level metadata. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ oMDMD.XMLInit( psTree, TRUE ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create dataset mask band. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psChild; /* Parse dataset mask band first */ CPLXMLNode* psMaskBandNode = CPLGetXMLNode(psTree, "MaskBand"); if (psMaskBandNode) psChild = psMaskBandNode->psChild; else psChild = NULL; for( ; psChild != NULL; psChild=psChild->psNext ) { if( psChild->eType == CXT_Element && EQUAL(psChild->pszValue,"VRTRasterBand") ) { VRTRasterBand *poBand = NULL; const char *pszSubclass = CPLGetXMLValue( psChild, "subclass", "VRTSourcedRasterBand" ); if( EQUAL(pszSubclass,"VRTSourcedRasterBand") ) poBand = new VRTSourcedRasterBand( this, 0 ); else if( EQUAL(pszSubclass, "VRTDerivedRasterBand") ) poBand = new VRTDerivedRasterBand( this, 0 ); else if( EQUAL(pszSubclass, "VRTRawRasterBand") ) poBand = new VRTRawRasterBand( this, 0 ); else if( EQUAL(pszSubclass, "VRTWarpedRasterBand") ) poBand = new VRTWarpedRasterBand( this, 0 ); else CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "VRTRasterBand of unrecognised subclass '%s'.", pszSubclass ); if( poBand != NULL && poBand->XMLInit( psChild, pszVRTPath ) == CE_None ) { SetMaskBand(poBand); break; } else { if( poBand ) delete poBand; return CE_Failure; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create band information objects. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nBands = 0; for( psChild=psTree->psChild; psChild != NULL; psChild=psChild->psNext ) { if( psChild->eType == CXT_Element && EQUAL(psChild->pszValue,"VRTRasterBand") ) { VRTRasterBand *poBand = NULL; const char *pszSubclass = CPLGetXMLValue( psChild, "subclass", "VRTSourcedRasterBand" ); if( EQUAL(pszSubclass,"VRTSourcedRasterBand") ) poBand = new VRTSourcedRasterBand( this, nBands+1 ); else if( EQUAL(pszSubclass, "VRTDerivedRasterBand") ) poBand = new VRTDerivedRasterBand( this, nBands+1 ); else if( EQUAL(pszSubclass, "VRTRawRasterBand") ) poBand = new VRTRawRasterBand( this, nBands+1 ); else if( EQUAL(pszSubclass, "VRTWarpedRasterBand") ) poBand = new VRTWarpedRasterBand( this, nBands+1 ); else CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "VRTRasterBand of unrecognised subclass '%s'.", pszSubclass ); if( poBand != NULL && poBand->XMLInit( psChild, pszVRTPath ) == CE_None ) { SetBand( ++nBands, poBand ); } else { if( poBand ) delete poBand; return CE_Failure; } } } return CE_None; }
int main( int nArgc, char ** papszArgv ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; int i; int bReportXML = FALSE; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Processing command line arguments. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ nArgc = OGRGeneralCmdLineProcessor( nArgc, &papszArgv, 0 ); if( nArgc < 2 ) Usage(); for( i = 1; i < nArgc; i++ ) { if( EQUAL(papszArgv[i],"-xml") ) bReportXML = TRUE; else if( EQUAL(papszArgv[i],"-t") && i < nArgc - 4 ) { OGRSpatialReference oSourceSRS, oTargetSRS; OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT; double x, y, z_orig, z; int nArgsUsed = 4; if( oSourceSRS.SetFromUserInput(papszArgv[i+1]) != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "SetFromUserInput(%s) failed.", papszArgv[i+1] ); continue; } if( oTargetSRS.SetFromUserInput(papszArgv[i+2]) != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "SetFromUserInput(%s) failed.", papszArgv[i+2] ); continue; } poCT = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation( &oSourceSRS, &oTargetSRS ); x = CPLAtof( papszArgv[i+3] ); y = CPLAtof( papszArgv[i+4] ); if( i < nArgc - 5 && (CPLAtof(papszArgv[i+5]) > 0.0 || papszArgv[i+5][0] == '0') ) { z_orig = z = CPLAtof(papszArgv[i+5]); nArgsUsed++; } else z_orig = z = 0; if( poCT == NULL || !poCT->Transform( 1, &x, &y, &z ) ) printf( "Transformation failed.\n" ); else printf( "(%f,%f,%f) -> (%f,%f,%f)\n", CPLAtof( papszArgv[i+3] ), CPLAtof( papszArgv[i+4] ), z_orig, x, y, z ); i += nArgsUsed; } else { /* coverity[tainted_data] */ if( oSRS.SetFromUserInput(papszArgv[i]) != OGRERR_NONE ) CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Error occurred translating %s.\n", papszArgv[i] ); else { char *pszWKT = NULL; if( oSRS.Validate() != OGRERR_NONE ) printf( "Validate Fails.\n" ); else printf( "Validate Succeeds.\n" ); oSRS.exportToPrettyWkt( &pszWKT, FALSE ); printf( "WKT[%s] =\n%s\n", papszArgv[i], pszWKT ); CPLFree( pszWKT ); printf( "\n" ); oSRS.exportToPrettyWkt( &pszWKT, TRUE ); printf( "Simplified WKT[%s] =\n%s\n", papszArgv[i], pszWKT ); CPLFree( pszWKT ); printf( "\n" ); OGRSpatialReference *poSRS2; poSRS2 = oSRS.Clone(); poSRS2->StripCTParms(); poSRS2->exportToWkt( &pszWKT ); printf( "Old Style WKT[%s] = %s\n", papszArgv[i], pszWKT ); CPLFree( pszWKT ); OGRSpatialReference::DestroySpatialReference( poSRS2 ); poSRS2 = oSRS.Clone(); poSRS2->morphToESRI(); poSRS2->exportToPrettyWkt( &pszWKT, FALSE ); printf( "ESRI'ified WKT[%s] = \n%s\n", papszArgv[i], pszWKT ); CPLFree( pszWKT ); OGRSpatialReference::DestroySpatialReference( poSRS2 ); oSRS.exportToProj4( &pszWKT ); printf( "PROJ.4 rendering of [%s] = %s\n", papszArgv[i], pszWKT ); CPLFree( pszWKT ); if( bReportXML ) { char *pszRawXML; if( oSRS.exportToXML(&pszRawXML) == OGRERR_NONE ) { printf( "XML[%s] =\n%s\n", papszArgv[i], pszRawXML ); CPLFree( pszRawXML ); } else { printf( "XML translation failed\n" ); } } printf( "\n" ); } } } CSLDestroy( papszArgv ); OSRCleanup(); CPLFinderClean(); CPLCleanupTLS(); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { GDALDriverH hDriver; const char *pszSource=NULL, *pszDest=NULL, *pszFormat = "GTiff"; int bFormatExplicitelySet = FALSE; char **papszLayers = NULL; const char *pszBurnAttribute = NULL; double dfIncreaseBurnValue = 0.0; double dfMultiplyBurnValue = 1.0; const char *pszWHERE = NULL, *pszSQL = NULL; GDALDataType eOutputType = GDT_Float64; char **papszCreateOptions = NULL; GUInt32 nXSize = 0, nYSize = 0; double dfXMin = 0.0, dfXMax = 0.0, dfYMin = 0.0, dfYMax = 0.0; int bIsXExtentSet = FALSE, bIsYExtentSet = FALSE; GDALGridAlgorithm eAlgorithm = GGA_InverseDistanceToAPower; void *pOptions = NULL; char *pszOutputSRS = NULL; int bQuiet = FALSE; GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress = GDALTermProgress; int i; OGRGeometry *poSpatialFilter = NULL; int bClipSrc = FALSE; OGRGeometry *poClipSrc = NULL; const char *pszClipSrcDS = NULL; const char *pszClipSrcSQL = NULL; const char *pszClipSrcLayer = NULL; const char *pszClipSrcWhere = NULL; /* Check strict compilation and runtime library version as we use C++ API */ if (! GDAL_CHECK_VERSION(argv[0])) exit(1); GDALAllRegister(); OGRRegisterAll(); argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 ); if( argc < 1 ) exit( -argc ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Parse arguments. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if( EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version") ) { printf("%s was compiled against GDAL %s and is running against GDAL %s\n", argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME, GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")); return 0; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"--help") ) Usage(); else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-of") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); pszFormat = argv[++i]; bFormatExplicitelySet = TRUE; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-q") || EQUAL(argv[i],"-quiet") ) { bQuiet = TRUE; pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-ot") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); int iType; for( iType = 1; iType < GDT_TypeCount; iType++ ) { if( GDALGetDataTypeName((GDALDataType)iType) != NULL && EQUAL(GDALGetDataTypeName((GDALDataType)iType), argv[i+1]) ) { eOutputType = (GDALDataType) iType; } } if( eOutputType == GDT_Unknown ) { Usage(CPLSPrintf("Unknown output pixel type: %s.", argv[i + 1] )); } i++; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-txe") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(2); dfXMin = atof(argv[++i]); dfXMax = atof(argv[++i]); bIsXExtentSet = TRUE; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-tye") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(2); dfYMin = atof(argv[++i]); dfYMax = atof(argv[++i]); bIsYExtentSet = TRUE; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-outsize") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(2); nXSize = atoi(argv[++i]); nYSize = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-co") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); papszCreateOptions = CSLAddString( papszCreateOptions, argv[++i] ); } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-zfield") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); pszBurnAttribute = argv[++i]; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-z_increase") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); dfIncreaseBurnValue = atof(argv[++i]); } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-z_multiply") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); dfMultiplyBurnValue = atof(argv[++i]); } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-where") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); pszWHERE = argv[++i]; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-l") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); papszLayers = CSLAddString( papszLayers, argv[++i] ); } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-sql") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); pszSQL = argv[++i]; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-spat") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(4); OGRLinearRing oRing; oRing.addPoint( atof(argv[i+1]), atof(argv[i+2]) ); oRing.addPoint( atof(argv[i+1]), atof(argv[i+4]) ); oRing.addPoint( atof(argv[i+3]), atof(argv[i+4]) ); oRing.addPoint( atof(argv[i+3]), atof(argv[i+2]) ); oRing.addPoint( atof(argv[i+1]), atof(argv[i+2]) ); poSpatialFilter = new OGRPolygon(); ((OGRPolygon *) poSpatialFilter)->addRing( &oRing ); i += 4; } else if ( EQUAL(argv[i],"-clipsrc") ) { if (i + 1 >= argc) Usage(CPLSPrintf("%s option requires 1 or 4 arguments", argv[i])); bClipSrc = TRUE; errno = 0; const double unused = strtod( argv[i + 1], NULL ); // XXX: is it a number or not? if ( errno != 0 && argv[i + 2] != NULL && argv[i + 3] != NULL && argv[i + 4] != NULL) { OGRLinearRing oRing; oRing.addPoint( atof(argv[i + 1]), atof(argv[i + 2]) ); oRing.addPoint( atof(argv[i + 1]), atof(argv[i + 4]) ); oRing.addPoint( atof(argv[i + 3]), atof(argv[i + 4]) ); oRing.addPoint( atof(argv[i + 3]), atof(argv[i + 2]) ); oRing.addPoint( atof(argv[i + 1]), atof(argv[i + 2]) ); poClipSrc = new OGRPolygon(); ((OGRPolygon *) poClipSrc)->addRing( &oRing ); i += 4; (void)unused; } else if (EQUALN(argv[i + 1], "POLYGON", 7) || EQUALN(argv[i + 1], "MULTIPOLYGON", 12)) { OGRGeometryFactory::createFromWkt(&argv[i + 1], NULL, &poClipSrc); if ( poClipSrc == NULL ) { Usage("Invalid geometry. " "Must be a valid POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON WKT."); } i++; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "spat_extent") ) { i++; } else { pszClipSrcDS = argv[i + 1]; i++; } } else if ( EQUAL(argv[i], "-clipsrcsql") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); pszClipSrcSQL = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if ( EQUAL(argv[i], "-clipsrclayer") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); pszClipSrcLayer = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if ( EQUAL(argv[i], "-clipsrcwhere") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); pszClipSrcWhere = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-a_srs") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); OGRSpatialReference oOutputSRS; if( oOutputSRS.SetFromUserInput( argv[i+1] ) != OGRERR_NONE ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to process SRS definition: %s\n", argv[i+1] ); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit( 1 ); } oOutputSRS.exportToWkt( &pszOutputSRS ); i++; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i],"-a") ) { CHECK_HAS_ENOUGH_ADDITIONAL_ARGS(1); if ( ParseAlgorithmAndOptions( argv[++i], &eAlgorithm, &pOptions ) != CE_None ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to process algorithm name and parameters.\n" ); exit( 1 ); } } else if( argv[i][0] == '-' ) { Usage(CPLSPrintf("Unknown option name '%s'", argv[i])); } else if( pszSource == NULL ) { pszSource = argv[i]; } else if( pszDest == NULL ) { pszDest = argv[i]; } else { Usage("Too many command options."); } } if( pszSource == NULL ) { Usage("Source datasource is not specified."); } if( pszDest == NULL ) { Usage("Target dataset is not specified."); } if( pszSQL == NULL && papszLayers == NULL ) { Usage("Neither -sql nor -l are specified."); } if ( bClipSrc && pszClipSrcDS != NULL ) { poClipSrc = LoadGeometry( pszClipSrcDS, pszClipSrcSQL, pszClipSrcLayer, pszClipSrcWhere ); if ( poClipSrc == NULL ) { Usage("Cannot load source clip geometry."); } } else if ( bClipSrc && poClipSrc == NULL && !poSpatialFilter ) { Usage("-clipsrc must be used with -spat option or \n" "a bounding box, WKT string or datasource must be " "specified."); } if ( poSpatialFilter ) { if ( poClipSrc ) { OGRGeometry *poTemp = poSpatialFilter->Intersection( poClipSrc ); if ( poTemp ) { OGRGeometryFactory::destroyGeometry( poSpatialFilter ); poSpatialFilter = poTemp; } OGRGeometryFactory::destroyGeometry( poClipSrc ); poClipSrc = NULL; } } else { if ( poClipSrc ) { poSpatialFilter = poClipSrc; poClipSrc = NULL; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find the output driver. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( pszFormat ); if( hDriver == NULL ) { int iDr; fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE: Output driver `%s' not recognised.\n", pszFormat ); fprintf( stderr, "The following format drivers are configured and support output:\n" ); for( iDr = 0; iDr < GDALGetDriverCount(); iDr++ ) { GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDriver(iDr); if( GDALGetMetadataItem( hDriver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, NULL ) != NULL || GDALGetMetadataItem( hDriver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY, NULL ) != NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, " %s: %s\n", GDALGetDriverShortName( hDriver ), GDALGetDriverLongName( hDriver ) ); } } printf( "\n" ); Usage(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Open input datasource. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRDataSourceH hSrcDS; hSrcDS = OGROpen( pszSource, FALSE, NULL ); if( hSrcDS == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open input datasource \"%s\".\n", pszSource ); fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ); exit( 3 ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create target raster file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GDALDatasetH hDstDS; int nLayerCount = CSLCount(papszLayers); int nBands = nLayerCount; if ( pszSQL ) nBands++; // FIXME if ( nXSize == 0 ) nXSize = 256; if ( nYSize == 0 ) nYSize = 256; if (!bQuiet && !bFormatExplicitelySet) CheckExtensionConsistency(pszDest, pszFormat); hDstDS = GDALCreate( hDriver, pszDest, nXSize, nYSize, nBands, eOutputType, papszCreateOptions ); if ( hDstDS == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create target dataset \"%s\".\n", pszDest ); fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ); exit( 3 ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If algorithm was not specified assigh default one. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( !pOptions ) ParseAlgorithmAndOptions( szAlgNameInvDist, &eAlgorithm, &pOptions ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process SQL request. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( pszSQL != NULL ) { OGRLayerH hLayer; hLayer = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL( hSrcDS, pszSQL, (OGRGeometryH)poSpatialFilter, NULL ); if( hLayer != NULL ) { // Custom layer will be rasterized in the first band. ProcessLayer( hLayer, hDstDS, poSpatialFilter, nXSize, nYSize, 1, bIsXExtentSet, bIsYExtentSet, dfXMin, dfXMax, dfYMin, dfYMax, pszBurnAttribute, dfIncreaseBurnValue, dfMultiplyBurnValue, eOutputType, eAlgorithm, pOptions, bQuiet, pfnProgress ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process each layer. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( i = 0; i < nLayerCount; i++ ) { OGRLayerH hLayer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName( hSrcDS, papszLayers[i]); if( hLayer == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to find layer \"%s\", skipping.\n", papszLayers[i] ); continue; } if( pszWHERE ) { if( OGR_L_SetAttributeFilter( hLayer, pszWHERE ) != OGRERR_NONE ) break; } if ( poSpatialFilter != NULL ) OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter( hLayer, (OGRGeometryH)poSpatialFilter ); // Fetch the first meaningful SRS definition if ( !pszOutputSRS ) { OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS = OGR_L_GetSpatialRef( hLayer ); if ( hSRS ) OSRExportToWkt( hSRS, &pszOutputSRS ); } ProcessLayer( hLayer, hDstDS, poSpatialFilter, nXSize, nYSize, i + 1 + nBands - nLayerCount, bIsXExtentSet, bIsYExtentSet, dfXMin, dfXMax, dfYMin, dfYMax, pszBurnAttribute, dfIncreaseBurnValue, dfMultiplyBurnValue, eOutputType, eAlgorithm, pOptions, bQuiet, pfnProgress ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Apply geotransformation matrix. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double adfGeoTransform[6]; adfGeoTransform[0] = dfXMin; adfGeoTransform[1] = (dfXMax - dfXMin) / nXSize; adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0; adfGeoTransform[3] = dfYMin; adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0; adfGeoTransform[5] = (dfYMax - dfYMin) / nYSize; GDALSetGeoTransform( hDstDS, adfGeoTransform ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Apply SRS definition if set. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( pszOutputSRS ) { GDALSetProjection( hDstDS, pszOutputSRS ); CPLFree( pszOutputSRS ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleanup */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGR_DS_Destroy( hSrcDS ); GDALClose( hDstDS ); OGRGeometryFactory::destroyGeometry( poSpatialFilter ); CPLFree( pOptions ); CSLDestroy( papszCreateOptions ); CSLDestroy( argv ); CSLDestroy( papszLayers ); OGRCleanupAll(); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); return 0; }
OGRLayer* OGRVRTDataSource::InstanciateWarpedLayer( CPLXMLNode *psLTree, const char *pszVRTDirectory, int bUpdate, int nRecLevel) { if( !EQUAL(psLTree->pszValue,"OGRVRTWarpedLayer") ) return NULL; CPLXMLNode *psSubNode; OGRLayer* poSrcLayer = NULL; for( psSubNode=psLTree->psChild; psSubNode != NULL; psSubNode=psSubNode->psNext ) { if( psSubNode->eType != CXT_Element ) continue; poSrcLayer = InstanciateLayer(psSubNode, pszVRTDirectory, bUpdate, nRecLevel + 1); if( poSrcLayer != NULL ) break; } if( poSrcLayer == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot instanciate source layer" ); return NULL; } const char* pszTargetSRS = CPLGetXMLValue(psLTree, "TargetSRS", NULL); if( pszTargetSRS == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Missing TargetSRS element within OGRVRTWarpedLayer" ); delete poSrcLayer; return NULL; } const char* pszGeomFieldName = CPLGetXMLValue(psLTree, "WarpedGeomFieldName", NULL); int iGeomField = 0; if( pszGeomFieldName != NULL ) { iGeomField = poSrcLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldIndex(pszGeomFieldName); if( iGeomField < 0 ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot find source geometry field '%s'", pszGeomFieldName ); delete poSrcLayer; return NULL; } } OGRSpatialReference* poSrcSRS; OGRSpatialReference* poTargetSRS; const char* pszSourceSRS = CPLGetXMLValue(psLTree, "SrcSRS", NULL); if( pszSourceSRS == NULL ) { poSrcSRS = poSrcLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeomField)->GetSpatialRef(); if( poSrcSRS != NULL) poSrcSRS = poSrcSRS->Clone(); } else { poSrcSRS = new OGRSpatialReference(); if( poSrcSRS->SetFromUserInput(pszSourceSRS) != OGRERR_NONE ) { delete poSrcSRS; poSrcSRS = NULL; } } if( poSrcSRS == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Failed to import source SRS" ); delete poSrcLayer; return NULL; } poTargetSRS = new OGRSpatialReference(); if( poTargetSRS->SetFromUserInput(pszTargetSRS) != OGRERR_NONE ) { delete poTargetSRS; poTargetSRS = NULL; } if( poTargetSRS == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Failed to import target SRS" ); delete poSrcSRS; delete poSrcLayer; return NULL; } if( pszSourceSRS == NULL && poSrcSRS->IsSame(poTargetSRS) ) { delete poSrcSRS; delete poTargetSRS; return poSrcLayer; } OGRCoordinateTransformation* poCT = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation( poSrcSRS, poTargetSRS ); OGRCoordinateTransformation* poReversedCT = (poCT != NULL) ? OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation( poTargetSRS, poSrcSRS ) : NULL; delete poSrcSRS; delete poTargetSRS; if( poCT == NULL ) { delete poSrcLayer; return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Build the OGRWarpedLayer. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRWarpedLayer* poLayer = new OGRWarpedLayer(poSrcLayer, iGeomField, TRUE, poCT, poReversedCT); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set Extent if provided */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char* pszExtentXMin = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "ExtentXMin", NULL ); const char* pszExtentYMin = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "ExtentYMin", NULL ); const char* pszExtentXMax = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "ExtentXMax", NULL ); const char* pszExtentYMax = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "ExtentYMax", NULL ); if( pszExtentXMin != NULL && pszExtentYMin != NULL && pszExtentXMax != NULL && pszExtentYMax != NULL ) { poLayer->SetExtent( CPLAtof(pszExtentXMin), CPLAtof(pszExtentYMin), CPLAtof(pszExtentXMax), CPLAtof(pszExtentYMax) ); } return poLayer; }
OGRLayer* OGRVRTDataSource::InstanciateUnionLayer( CPLXMLNode *psLTree, const char *pszVRTDirectory, int bUpdate, int nRecLevel) { CPLXMLNode *psSubNode; if( !EQUAL(psLTree->pszValue,"OGRVRTUnionLayer") ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get layer name. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszLayerName = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "name", NULL ); if( pszLayerName == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Missing name attribute on OGRVRTUnionLayer" ); return FALSE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Do we have a fixed geometry type? If not derive from the */ /* source layer. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char* pszGType = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "GeometryType", NULL ); int bGlobalGeomTypeSet = FALSE; OGRwkbGeometryType eGlobalGeomType = wkbUnknown; if( pszGType != NULL ) { int bError; bGlobalGeomTypeSet = TRUE; eGlobalGeomType = OGRVRTGetGeometryType(pszGType, &bError); if( bError ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GeometryType %s not recognised.", pszGType ); return NULL; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Apply a spatial reference system if provided */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char* pszLayerSRS = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "LayerSRS", NULL ); OGRSpatialReference* poGlobalSRS = NULL; int bGlobalSRSSet = FALSE; if( pszLayerSRS != NULL ) { bGlobalSRSSet = TRUE; if( !EQUAL(pszLayerSRS,"NULL") ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; if( oSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszLayerSRS ) != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Failed to import LayerSRS `%s'.", pszLayerSRS ); return FALSE; } poGlobalSRS = oSRS.Clone(); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find field declarations. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRFieldDefn** papoFields = NULL; int nFields = 0; OGRUnionLayerGeomFieldDefn** papoGeomFields = NULL; int nGeomFields = 0; for( psSubNode=psLTree->psChild; psSubNode != NULL; psSubNode=psSubNode->psNext ) { if( psSubNode->eType != CXT_Element ) continue; if( psSubNode->eType == CXT_Element && EQUAL(psSubNode->pszValue,"Field") ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Field name. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszName = CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "name", NULL ); if( pszName == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unable to identify Field name." ); break; } OGRFieldDefn oFieldDefn( pszName, OFTString ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Type */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszArg = CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "type", NULL ); if( pszArg != NULL ) { int iType; for( iType = 0; iType <= (int) OFTMaxType; iType++ ) { if( EQUAL(pszArg,OGRFieldDefn::GetFieldTypeName( (OGRFieldType)iType)) ) { oFieldDefn.SetType( (OGRFieldType) iType ); break; } } if( iType > (int) OFTMaxType ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unable to identify Field type '%s'.", pszArg ); break; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Width and precision. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nWidth = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "width", "0" )); if (nWidth < 0) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "Invalid width for field %s.", pszName ); break; } oFieldDefn.SetWidth(nWidth); int nPrecision = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "precision", "0" )); if (nPrecision < 0 || nPrecision > 1024) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "Invalid precision for field %s.", pszName ); break; } oFieldDefn.SetPrecision(nPrecision); papoFields = (OGRFieldDefn**) CPLRealloc(papoFields, sizeof(OGRFieldDefn*) * (nFields + 1)); papoFields[nFields] = new OGRFieldDefn(&oFieldDefn); nFields ++; } else if( psSubNode->eType == CXT_Element && EQUAL(psSubNode->pszValue,"GeometryField") ) { const char *pszName = CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "name", NULL ); if( pszName == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unable to identify GeometryField name." ); break; } pszGType = CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "GeometryType", NULL ); if( pszGType == NULL && nGeomFields == 0 ) pszGType = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "GeometryType", NULL ); OGRwkbGeometryType eGeomType = wkbUnknown; int bGeomTypeSet = FALSE; if( pszGType != NULL ) { int bError; eGeomType = OGRVRTGetGeometryType(pszGType, &bError); bGeomTypeSet = TRUE; if( bError || eGeomType == wkbNone ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GeometryType %s not recognised.", pszGType ); break; } } const char* pszSRS = CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "SRS", NULL ); if( pszSRS == NULL && nGeomFields == 0 ) pszSRS = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "LayerSRS", NULL ); OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = NULL; int bSRSSet = FALSE; if( pszSRS != NULL ) { bSRSSet = TRUE; if( !EQUAL(pszSRS,"NULL") ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; if( oSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszSRS ) != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Failed to import SRS `%s'.", pszSRS ); break; } poSRS = oSRS.Clone(); } } OGRUnionLayerGeomFieldDefn* poFieldDefn = new OGRUnionLayerGeomFieldDefn(pszName, eGeomType); if( poSRS != NULL ) { poFieldDefn->SetSpatialRef(poSRS); poSRS->Dereference(); } poFieldDefn->bGeomTypeSet = bGeomTypeSet; poFieldDefn->bSRSSet = bSRSSet; const char* pszExtentXMin = CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "ExtentXMin", NULL ); const char* pszExtentYMin = CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "ExtentYMin", NULL ); const char* pszExtentXMax = CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "ExtentXMax", NULL ); const char* pszExtentYMax = CPLGetXMLValue( psSubNode, "ExtentYMax", NULL ); if( pszExtentXMin != NULL && pszExtentYMin != NULL && pszExtentXMax != NULL && pszExtentYMax != NULL ) { poFieldDefn->sStaticEnvelope.MinX = CPLAtof(pszExtentXMin); poFieldDefn->sStaticEnvelope.MinY = CPLAtof(pszExtentYMin); poFieldDefn->sStaticEnvelope.MaxX = CPLAtof(pszExtentXMax); poFieldDefn->sStaticEnvelope.MaxY = CPLAtof(pszExtentYMax); } papoGeomFields = (OGRUnionLayerGeomFieldDefn**) CPLRealloc(papoGeomFields, sizeof(OGRUnionLayerGeomFieldDefn*) * (nGeomFields + 1)); papoGeomFields[nGeomFields] = poFieldDefn; nGeomFields ++; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set Extent if provided */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char* pszExtentXMin = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "ExtentXMin", NULL ); const char* pszExtentYMin = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "ExtentYMin", NULL ); const char* pszExtentXMax = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "ExtentXMax", NULL ); const char* pszExtentYMax = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "ExtentYMax", NULL ); if( eGlobalGeomType != wkbNone && nGeomFields == 0 && (bGlobalGeomTypeSet || bGlobalSRSSet || (pszExtentXMin != NULL && pszExtentYMin != NULL && pszExtentXMax != NULL && pszExtentYMax != NULL)) ) { OGRUnionLayerGeomFieldDefn* poFieldDefn = new OGRUnionLayerGeomFieldDefn("", eGlobalGeomType); if( poGlobalSRS != NULL ) { poFieldDefn->SetSpatialRef(poGlobalSRS); poGlobalSRS->Dereference(); poGlobalSRS = NULL; } poFieldDefn->bGeomTypeSet = bGlobalGeomTypeSet; poFieldDefn->bSRSSet = bGlobalSRSSet; if( pszExtentXMin != NULL && pszExtentYMin != NULL && pszExtentXMax != NULL && pszExtentYMax != NULL ) { poFieldDefn->sStaticEnvelope.MinX = CPLAtof(pszExtentXMin); poFieldDefn->sStaticEnvelope.MinY = CPLAtof(pszExtentYMin); poFieldDefn->sStaticEnvelope.MaxX = CPLAtof(pszExtentXMax); poFieldDefn->sStaticEnvelope.MaxY = CPLAtof(pszExtentYMax); } papoGeomFields = (OGRUnionLayerGeomFieldDefn**) CPLRealloc(papoGeomFields, sizeof(OGRUnionLayerGeomFieldDefn*) * (nGeomFields + 1)); papoGeomFields[nGeomFields] = poFieldDefn; nGeomFields ++; } else { delete poGlobalSRS; poGlobalSRS = NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find source layers */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nSrcLayers = 0; OGRLayer** papoSrcLayers = NULL; for( psSubNode=psLTree->psChild; psSubNode != NULL; psSubNode=psSubNode->psNext ) { if( psSubNode->eType != CXT_Element ) continue; OGRLayer* poSrcLayer = InstanciateLayer(psSubNode, pszVRTDirectory, bUpdate, nRecLevel + 1); if( poSrcLayer != NULL ) { papoSrcLayers = (OGRLayer**) CPLRealloc(papoSrcLayers, sizeof(OGRLayer*) * (nSrcLayers + 1)); papoSrcLayers[nSrcLayers] = poSrcLayer; nSrcLayers ++; } } if( nSrcLayers == 0 ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot find source layers" ); int iField; for(iField = 0; iField < nFields; iField++) delete papoFields[iField]; CPLFree(papoFields); for(iField = 0; iField < nGeomFields; iField++) delete papoGeomFields[iField]; CPLFree(papoGeomFields); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Build the OGRUnionLayer. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRUnionLayer* poLayer = new OGRUnionLayer( pszLayerName, nSrcLayers, papoSrcLayers, TRUE ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set the source layer field name attribute. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char* pszSourceLayerFieldName = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "SourceLayerFieldName", NULL ); poLayer->SetSourceLayerFieldName(pszSourceLayerFieldName); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set the PreserveSrcFID attribute. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int bPreserveSrcFID = FALSE; const char* pszPreserveFID = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "PreserveSrcFID", NULL ); if( pszPreserveFID != NULL ) bPreserveSrcFID = CSLTestBoolean(pszPreserveFID); poLayer->SetPreserveSrcFID(bPreserveSrcFID); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set fields */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ FieldUnionStrategy eFieldStrategy = FIELD_UNION_ALL_LAYERS; const char* pszFieldStrategy = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "FieldStrategy", NULL ); if( pszFieldStrategy != NULL ) { if( EQUAL(pszFieldStrategy, "FirstLayer") ) eFieldStrategy = FIELD_FROM_FIRST_LAYER; else if( EQUAL(pszFieldStrategy, "Union") ) eFieldStrategy = FIELD_UNION_ALL_LAYERS; else if( EQUAL(pszFieldStrategy, "Intersection") ) eFieldStrategy = FIELD_INTERSECTION_ALL_LAYERS; else { CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unhandled value for FieldStrategy `%s'.", pszFieldStrategy ); } } if( nFields != 0 || nGeomFields > 1 ) { if( pszFieldStrategy != NULL ) CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "Ignoring FieldStrategy value, because explicit Field or GeometryField is provided") ; eFieldStrategy = FIELD_SPECIFIED; } poLayer->SetFields(eFieldStrategy, nFields, papoFields, (nGeomFields == 0 && eGlobalGeomType == wkbNone) ? -1 : nGeomFields, papoGeomFields); int iField; for(iField = 0; iField < nFields; iField++) delete papoFields[iField]; CPLFree(papoFields); for(iField = 0; iField < nGeomFields; iField++) delete papoGeomFields[iField]; CPLFree(papoGeomFields); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set FeatureCount if provided */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char* pszFeatureCount = CPLGetXMLValue( psLTree, "FeatureCount", NULL ); if( pszFeatureCount != NULL ) { poLayer->SetFeatureCount(atoi(pszFeatureCount)); } return poLayer; }
OGRNASLayer *OGRNASDataSource::TranslateNASSchema( GMLFeatureClass *poClass ) { OGRwkbGeometryType eGType = wkbNone; if( poClass->GetGeometryPropertyCount() != 0 ) { eGType = static_cast<OGRwkbGeometryType>( poClass->GetGeometryProperty(0)->GetType() ); if( poClass->GetFeatureCount() == 0 ) eGType = wkbUnknown; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Translate SRS. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char* pszSRSName = poClass->GetSRSName(); OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = NULL; if (pszSRSName) { const char *pszHandle = strrchr( pszSRSName, ':' ); if( pszHandle != NULL ) { pszHandle += 1; poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference(); for( int i = 0; apszURNNames[i*2+0] != NULL; i++ ) { const char *pszTarget = apszURNNames[i*2+0]; const int nTLen = static_cast<int>(strlen(pszTarget)); // Are we just looking for a prefix match? if( pszTarget[nTLen-1] == '*' ) { if( EQUALN(pszTarget,pszHandle,nTLen-1) ) pszSRSName = apszURNNames[i*2+1]; } else { if( EQUAL(pszTarget,pszHandle) ) pszSRSName = apszURNNames[i*2+1]; } } if (poSRS->SetFromUserInput(pszSRSName) != OGRERR_NONE) { CPLDebug( "NAS", "Failed to translate srsName='%s'", pszSRSName ); delete poSRS; poSRS = NULL; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create an empty layer. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRNASLayer *poLayer = new OGRNASLayer( poClass->GetName(), poSRS, eGType, this ); delete poSRS; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Added attributes (properties). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( int iField = 0; iField < poClass->GetPropertyCount(); iField++ ) { GMLPropertyDefn *poProperty = poClass->GetProperty( iField ); OGRFieldType eFType; if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_Untyped ) eFType = OFTString; else if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_String ) eFType = OFTString; else if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_Integer ) eFType = OFTInteger; else if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_Real ) eFType = OFTReal; else if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_StringList ) eFType = OFTStringList; else if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_IntegerList ) eFType = OFTIntegerList; else if( poProperty->GetType() == GMLPT_RealList ) eFType = OFTRealList; else eFType = OFTString; OGRFieldDefn oField( poProperty->GetName(), eFType ); if ( STARTS_WITH_CI(oField.GetNameRef(), "ogr:") ) oField.SetName(poProperty->GetName()+4); if( poProperty->GetWidth() > 0 ) oField.SetWidth( poProperty->GetWidth() ); poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->AddFieldDefn( &oField ); } return poLayer; }
int GDALJP2Metadata::ParseGMLCoverageDesc() { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Do we have an XML doc that is apparently a coverage */ /* description? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszCoverage = CSLFetchNameValue( papszGMLMetadata, "gml.root-instance" ); if( pszCoverage == NULL ) return FALSE; CPLDebug( "GDALJP2Metadata", "Found GML Box:\n%s", pszCoverage ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Try parsing the XML. Wipe any namespace prefixes. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psXML = CPLParseXMLString( pszCoverage ); if( psXML == NULL ) return FALSE; CPLStripXMLNamespace( psXML, NULL, TRUE ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Isolate RectifiedGrid. Eventually we will need to support */ /* other georeferencing objects. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psRG = CPLSearchXMLNode( psXML, "=RectifiedGrid" ); CPLXMLNode *psOriginPoint = NULL; const char *pszOffset1=NULL, *pszOffset2=NULL; if( psRG != NULL ) { psOriginPoint = CPLGetXMLNode( psRG, "origin.Point" ); CPLXMLNode *psOffset1 = CPLGetXMLNode( psRG, "offsetVector" ); if( psOffset1 != NULL ) { pszOffset1 = CPLGetXMLValue( psOffset1, "", NULL ); pszOffset2 = CPLGetXMLValue( psOffset1->psNext, "=offsetVector", NULL ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we are missing any of the origin or 2 offsets then give up. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( psOriginPoint == NULL || pszOffset1 == NULL || pszOffset2 == NULL ) { CPLDestroyXMLNode( psXML ); return FALSE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Extract origin location. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRPoint *poOriginGeometry = NULL; const char *pszSRSName = NULL; if( psOriginPoint != NULL ) { poOriginGeometry = (OGRPoint *) OGR_G_CreateFromGMLTree( psOriginPoint ); if( poOriginGeometry != NULL && wkbFlatten(poOriginGeometry->getGeometryType()) != wkbPoint ) { delete poOriginGeometry; poOriginGeometry = NULL; } // SRS? pszSRSName = CPLGetXMLValue( psOriginPoint, "srsName", NULL ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Extract offset(s) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char **papszOffset1Tokens = NULL; char **papszOffset2Tokens = NULL; int bSuccess = FALSE; papszOffset1Tokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszOffset1, " ,", FALSE, FALSE ); papszOffset2Tokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszOffset2, " ,", FALSE, FALSE ); if( CSLCount(papszOffset1Tokens) >= 2 && CSLCount(papszOffset2Tokens) >= 2 && poOriginGeometry != NULL ) { adfGeoTransform[0] = poOriginGeometry->getX(); adfGeoTransform[1] = atof(papszOffset1Tokens[0]); adfGeoTransform[2] = atof(papszOffset2Tokens[0]); adfGeoTransform[3] = poOriginGeometry->getY(); adfGeoTransform[4] = atof(papszOffset1Tokens[1]); adfGeoTransform[5] = atof(papszOffset2Tokens[1]); // offset from center of pixel. adfGeoTransform[0] -= adfGeoTransform[1]*0.5; adfGeoTransform[0] -= adfGeoTransform[2]*0.5; adfGeoTransform[3] -= adfGeoTransform[4]*0.5; adfGeoTransform[3] -= adfGeoTransform[5]*0.5; bSuccess = TRUE; bHaveGeoTransform = TRUE; } CSLDestroy( papszOffset1Tokens ); CSLDestroy( papszOffset2Tokens ); if( poOriginGeometry != NULL ) delete poOriginGeometry; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we still don't have an srsName, check for it on the */ /* boundedBy Envelope. Some products */ /* (ie. EuropeRasterTile23.jpx) use this as the only srsName */ /* delivery vehicle. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( pszSRSName == NULL ) { pszSRSName = CPLGetXMLValue( psXML, "=FeatureCollection.boundedBy.Envelope.srsName", NULL ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we have gotten a geotransform, then try to interprete the */ /* srsName. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int bNeedAxisFlip = FALSE; if( bSuccess && pszSRSName != NULL && (pszProjection == NULL || strlen(pszProjection) == 0) ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; if( EQUALN(pszSRSName,"epsg:",5) ) { if( oSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszSRSName ) == OGRERR_NONE ) oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszProjection ); } else if( EQUALN(pszSRSName,"urn:",4) && strstr(pszSRSName,":def:") != NULL && oSRS.importFromURN(pszSRSName) == OGRERR_NONE ) { const char *pszCode = strrchr(pszSRSName,':') + 1; oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszProjection ); // Per #2131 if( atoi(pszCode) >= 4000 && atoi(pszCode) <= 4999 ) { CPLDebug( "GMLJP2", "Request axis flip for SRS=%s", pszSRSName ); bNeedAxisFlip = TRUE; } } else if( !GMLSRSLookup( pszSRSName ) ) { CPLDebug( "GDALJP2Metadata", "Unable to evaluate SRSName=%s", pszSRSName ); } } if( pszProjection ) CPLDebug( "GDALJP2Metadata", "Got projection from GML box: %s", pszProjection ); CPLDestroyXMLNode( psXML ); psXML = NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Do we need to flip the axes? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( bNeedAxisFlip && CSLTestBoolean( CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_IGNORE_AXIS_ORIENTATION", "FALSE" ) ) ) { bNeedAxisFlip = FALSE; CPLDebug( "GMLJP2", "Supressed axis flipping based on GDAL_IGNORE_AXIS_ORIENTATION." ); } if( bNeedAxisFlip ) { double dfTemp; CPLDebug( "GMLJP2", "Flipping axis orientation in GMLJP2 coverage description." ); dfTemp = adfGeoTransform[0]; adfGeoTransform[0] = adfGeoTransform[3]; adfGeoTransform[3] = dfTemp; dfTemp = adfGeoTransform[1]; adfGeoTransform[1] = adfGeoTransform[4]; adfGeoTransform[4] = dfTemp; dfTemp = adfGeoTransform[2]; adfGeoTransform[2] = adfGeoTransform[5]; adfGeoTransform[5] = dfTemp; } return pszProjection != NULL && bSuccess; }
int FindSRS( const char *pszInput, OGRSpatialReference &oSRS, int bDebug ) { int bGotSRS = FALSE; VSILFILE *fp = NULL; GDALDataset *poGDALDS = NULL; OGRDataSource *poOGRDS = NULL; OGRLayer *poLayer = NULL; char *pszProjection = NULL; CPLErrorHandler oErrorHandler = NULL; int bIsFile = FALSE; OGRErr eErr = CE_None; /* temporarily supress error messages we may get from xOpen() */ if ( ! bDebug ) oErrorHandler = CPLSetErrorHandler ( CPLQuietErrorHandler ); /* Test if argument is a file */ fp = VSIFOpenL( pszInput, "r" ); if ( fp ) { bIsFile = TRUE; VSIFCloseL( fp ); CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "argument is a file" ); } /* try to open with GDAL */ CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "trying to open with GDAL" ); poGDALDS = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( pszInput, GA_ReadOnly ); if ( poGDALDS != NULL && poGDALDS->GetProjectionRef( ) != NULL ) { pszProjection = (char *) poGDALDS->GetProjectionRef( ); if( oSRS.importFromWkt( &pszProjection ) == CE_None ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from GDAL" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; } GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH) poGDALDS ); if ( ! bGotSRS ) CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "did not open with GDAL" ); } #ifdef OGR_ENABLED /* if unsuccessful, try to open with OGR */ if ( ! bGotSRS ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "trying to open with OGR" ); poOGRDS = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open( pszInput, FALSE, NULL ); if( poOGRDS != NULL ) { poLayer = poOGRDS->GetLayer( 0 ); if ( poLayer != NULL ) { OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = poLayer->GetSpatialRef( ); if ( poSRS != NULL ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from OGR" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; OGRSpatialReference* poSRSClone = poSRS->Clone(); oSRS = *poSRSClone; OGRSpatialReference::DestroySpatialReference( poSRSClone ); } } OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( poOGRDS ); poOGRDS = NULL; } if ( ! bGotSRS ) CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "did not open with OGR" ); } #endif // OGR_ENABLED /* Try ESRI file */ if ( ! bGotSRS && bIsFile && (strstr(pszInput,".prj") != NULL) ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "trying to get SRS from ESRI .prj file [%s]", pszInput ); char **pszTemp; if ( strstr(pszInput,"ESRI::") != NULL ) pszTemp = CSLLoad( pszInput+6 ); else pszTemp = CSLLoad( pszInput ); if( pszTemp ) { eErr = oSRS.importFromESRI( pszTemp ); CSLDestroy( pszTemp ); } else eErr = OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS; if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "did not get SRS from ESRI .prj file" ); } else { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from ESRI .prj file" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; } } /* Last resort, try OSRSetFromUserInput() */ if ( ! bGotSRS ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "trying to get SRS from user input [%s]", pszInput ); eErr = oSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszInput ); if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "did not get SRS from user input" ); } else { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from user input" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; } } /* restore error messages */ if ( ! bDebug ) CPLSetErrorHandler ( oErrorHandler ); return bGotSRS; }
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { int i; int bGotSRS = FALSE; int bPretty = FALSE; int bOutputAll = FALSE; int bValidate = FALSE; const char *pszInput = NULL; const char *pszOutputType = "all"; char *pszOutput = NULL; OGRSpatialReference oSRS; VSILFILE *fp = NULL; GDALDataset *poGDALDS = NULL; OGRDataSource *poOGRDS = NULL; OGRLayer *poLayer = NULL; char *pszProjection = NULL; int bDebug = FALSE; CPLErrorHandler oErrorHandler = NULL; int bIsFile = FALSE; /* Check strict compilation and runtime library version as we use C++ API */ if (! GDAL_CHECK_VERSION(argv[0])) exit(1); /* Must process GDAL_SKIP before GDALAllRegister(), but we can't call */ /* GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor before it needs the drivers to be registered */ /* for the --format or --formats options */ for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if( EQUAL(argv[i],"--config") && i + 2 < argc && EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "GDAL_SKIP") ) { CPLSetConfigOption( argv[i+1], argv[i+2] ); i += 2; } } argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 ); if( argc < 1 ) exit( -argc ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Parse arguments. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got arg #%d : [%s]", i, argv[i] ); if( EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version") ) { printf("%s was compiled against GDAL %s and is running against GDAL %s\n", argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME, GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")); return 0; } else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-h") ) Usage(); else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-o") && i < argc - 1) pszOutputType = argv[++i]; else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-p") ) bPretty = TRUE; else if( EQUAL(argv[i], "-V") ) bValidate = TRUE; else if( argv[i][0] == '-' ) { CSLDestroy( argv ); Usage(); } else pszInput = argv[i]; } if ( pszInput == NULL ) { CSLDestroy( argv ); Usage(); } /* Register drivers */ GDALAllRegister(); OGRRegisterAll(); /* Search for SRS */ /* temporarily supress error messages we may get from xOpen() */ bDebug = CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("CPL_DEBUG", "OFF")); if ( ! bDebug ) oErrorHandler = CPLSetErrorHandler ( CPLQuietErrorHandler ); /* If argument is a file, try to open it with GDALOpen() and get the projection */ fp = VSIFOpenL( pszInput, "r" ); if ( fp ) { bIsFile = TRUE; VSIFCloseL( fp ); /* try to open with GDAL */ CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "trying to open with GDAL" ); poGDALDS = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( pszInput, GA_ReadOnly ); if ( poGDALDS != NULL && poGDALDS->GetProjectionRef( ) != NULL ) { pszProjection = (char *) poGDALDS->GetProjectionRef( ); if( oSRS.importFromWkt( &pszProjection ) == CE_None ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from GDAL" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; } GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH) poGDALDS ); } if ( ! bGotSRS ) CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "did not open with GDAL" ); /* if unsuccessful, try to open with OGR */ if ( ! bGotSRS ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "trying to open with OGR" ); poOGRDS = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open( pszInput, FALSE, NULL ); if( poOGRDS != NULL ) { poLayer = poOGRDS->GetLayer( 0 ); if ( poLayer != NULL ) { OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = poLayer->GetSpatialRef( ); if ( poSRS != NULL ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from OGR" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; OGRSpatialReference* poSRSClone = poSRS->Clone(); oSRS = *poSRSClone; OGRSpatialReference::DestroySpatialReference( poSRSClone ); } } OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( poOGRDS ); poOGRDS = NULL; } if ( ! bGotSRS ) CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "did not open with OGR" ); /* OGR_DS_Destroy( hOGRDS ); */ } } /* If didn't get the projection from the file, try OSRSetFromUserInput() */ /* File might not be a dataset, but contain projection info (e.g. .prf files) */ if ( ! bGotSRS ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "trying to get SRS from user input [%s]", pszInput ); if( oSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszInput ) != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "did not get SRS from user input" ); } else { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from user input" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; } } /* restore error messages */ if ( ! bDebug ) CPLSetErrorHandler ( oErrorHandler ); CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "bGotSRS: %d bValidate: %d pszOutputType: %s bPretty: %d", bGotSRS, bValidate, pszOutputType, bPretty ); /* Make sure we got a SRS */ if ( ! bGotSRS ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "ERROR - failed to load SRS definition from %s", pszInput ); } else { /* Validate - not well tested!*/ if ( bValidate ) { OGRErr eErr = oSRS.Validate( ); if ( eErr != OGRERR_NONE ) { printf( "\nValidate Fails" ); if ( eErr == OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA ) printf( " - SRS is not well formed"); else if ( eErr == OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS ) printf(" - contains non-standard PROJECTION[] values"); printf("\n"); } else printf( "\nValidate Succeeds\n" ); } /* Output */ if ( EQUAL("all", pszOutputType ) ) { bOutputAll = TRUE; bPretty = TRUE; } printf("\n"); if ( bOutputAll || EQUAL("proj4", pszOutputType ) ) { if ( bOutputAll ) printf("PROJ.4 : "); oSRS.exportToProj4( &pszOutput ); printf("\'%s\'\n\n",pszOutput); CPLFree( pszOutput ); } if ( bOutputAll || EQUAL("wkt", pszOutputType ) ) { if ( bOutputAll ) printf("OGC WKT :\n"); if ( bPretty ) oSRS.exportToPrettyWkt( &pszOutput, FALSE ); else oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszOutput ); printf("%s\n\n",pszOutput); CPLFree( pszOutput ); } if ( bOutputAll || EQUAL("wkt_simple", pszOutputType ) ) { if ( bOutputAll ) printf("OGC WKT (simple) :\n"); oSRS.exportToPrettyWkt( &pszOutput, TRUE ); printf("%s\n\n",pszOutput); CPLFree( pszOutput ); } if ( EQUAL("wkt_old", pszOutputType ) ) { if ( bOutputAll ) printf("OGC WKT (old) :\n"); oSRS.StripCTParms( ); if ( bPretty ) oSRS.exportToPrettyWkt( &pszOutput, FALSE ); else oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszOutput ); printf("%s\n\n",pszOutput); CPLFree( pszOutput ); } if ( bOutputAll || EQUAL("wkt_esri", pszOutputType ) ) { if ( bOutputAll ) printf("ESRI WKT :\n"); OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = oSRS.Clone(); poSRS->morphToESRI( ); if ( bPretty ) poSRS->exportToPrettyWkt( &pszOutput, FALSE ); else poSRS->exportToWkt( &pszOutput ); printf("%s\n\n",pszOutput); CPLFree( pszOutput ); OGRSpatialReference::DestroySpatialReference( poSRS ); } /* mapinfo and xml are not output with "all" */ if ( EQUAL("mapinfo", pszOutputType ) ) { if ( bOutputAll ) printf("MAPINFO : "); oSRS.exportToMICoordSys( &pszOutput ); printf("\'%s\'\n\n",pszOutput); CPLFree( pszOutput ); } if ( EQUAL("xml", pszOutputType ) ) { if ( bOutputAll ) printf("XML :\n"); oSRS.exportToXML( &pszOutput, NULL ); printf("%s\n\n",pszOutput); CPLFree( pszOutput ); } } /* cleanup anything left */ GDALDestroyDriverManager(); OGRCleanupAll(); CSLDestroy( argv ); return 0; }
static int ProxyMain(int argc, char **argv) { GDALDatasetH hDataset, hOutDS; int i; int nRasterXSize, nRasterYSize; const char *pszSource = NULL, *pszDest = NULL, *pszFormat = "GTiff"; GDALDriverH hDriver; int *panBandList = NULL; /* negative value of panBandList[i] means mask band of ABS(panBandList[i]) */ int nBandCount = 0, bDefBands = TRUE; double adfGeoTransform[6]; GDALDataType eOutputType = GDT_Unknown; int nOXSize = 0, nOYSize = 0; char *pszOXSize = NULL, *pszOYSize = NULL; char **papszCreateOptions = NULL; int anSrcWin[4], bStrict = FALSE; const char *pszProjection; int bScale = FALSE, bHaveScaleSrc = FALSE, bUnscale = FALSE; double dfScaleSrcMin = 0.0, dfScaleSrcMax = 255.0; double dfScaleDstMin = 0.0, dfScaleDstMax = 255.0; double dfULX, dfULY, dfLRX, dfLRY; char **papszMetadataOptions = NULL; char *pszOutputSRS = NULL; int bQuiet = FALSE, bGotBounds = FALSE; GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress = GDALTermProgress; int nGCPCount = 0; GDAL_GCP *pasGCPs = NULL; int iSrcFileArg = -1, iDstFileArg = -1; int bCopySubDatasets = FALSE; double adfULLR[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int bSetNoData = FALSE; int bUnsetNoData = FALSE; double dfNoDataReal = 0.0; int nRGBExpand = 0; int bParsedMaskArgument = FALSE; int eMaskMode = MASK_AUTO; int nMaskBand = 0; /* negative value means mask band of ABS(nMaskBand) */ int bStats = FALSE, bApproxStats = FALSE; anSrcWin[0] = 0; anSrcWin[1] = 0; anSrcWin[2] = 0; anSrcWin[3] = 0; dfULX = dfULY = dfLRX = dfLRY = 0.0; /* Check strict compilation and runtime library version as we use C++ API */ if (!GDAL_CHECK_VERSION(argv[0])) exit(1); /* Must process GDAL_SKIP before GDALAllRegister(), but we can't call */ /* GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor before it needs the drivers to be registered */ /* for the --format or --formats options */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (EQUAL(argv[i], "--config") && i + 2 < argc && EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "GDAL_SKIP")) { CPLSetConfigOption(argv[i + 1], argv[i + 2]); i += 2; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register standard GDAL drivers, and process generic GDAL */ /* command options. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GDALAllRegister(); argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor(argc, &argv, 0); if (argc < 1) exit(-argc); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle command line arguments. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (EQUAL(argv[i], "--utility_version")) { printf("%s was compiled against GDAL %s and is running against GDAL %s\n", argv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME, GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")); return 0; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-of") && i < argc - 1) pszFormat = argv[++i]; else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-q") || EQUAL(argv[i], "-quiet")) { bQuiet = TRUE; pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-ot") && i < argc - 1) { int iType; for (iType = 1; iType < GDT_TypeCount; iType++) { if (GDALGetDataTypeName((GDALDataType)iType) != NULL && EQUAL(GDALGetDataTypeName((GDALDataType)iType), argv[i + 1])) { eOutputType = (GDALDataType) iType; } } if (eOutputType == GDT_Unknown) { printf("Unknown output pixel type: %s\n", argv[i + 1]); Usage(); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(2); } i++; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-b") && i < argc - 1) { const char *pszBand = argv[i + 1]; int bMask = FALSE; if (EQUAL(pszBand, "mask")) pszBand = "mask,1"; if (EQUALN(pszBand, "mask,", 5)) { bMask = TRUE; pszBand += 5; /* If we use tha source mask band as a regular band */ /* don't create a target mask band by default */ if (!bParsedMaskArgument) eMaskMode = MASK_DISABLED; } int nBand = atoi(pszBand); if (nBand < 1) { printf("Unrecognizable band number (%s).\n", argv[i + 1]); Usage(); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(2); } i++; nBandCount++; panBandList = (int*) CPLRealloc(panBandList, sizeof(int) * nBandCount); panBandList[nBandCount - 1] = nBand; if (bMask) panBandList[nBandCount - 1] *= -1; if (panBandList[nBandCount - 1] != nBandCount) bDefBands = FALSE; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-mask") && i < argc - 1) { bParsedMaskArgument = TRUE; const char *pszBand = argv[i + 1]; if (EQUAL(pszBand, "none")) { eMaskMode = MASK_DISABLED; } else if (EQUAL(pszBand, "auto")) { eMaskMode = MASK_AUTO; } else { int bMask = FALSE; if (EQUAL(pszBand, "mask")) pszBand = "mask,1"; if (EQUALN(pszBand, "mask,", 5)) { bMask = TRUE; pszBand += 5; } int nBand = atoi(pszBand); if (nBand < 1) { printf("Unrecognizable band number (%s).\n", argv[i + 1]); Usage(); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(2); } eMaskMode = MASK_USER; nMaskBand = nBand; if (bMask) nMaskBand *= -1; } i++; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-not_strict")) bStrict = FALSE; else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-strict")) bStrict = TRUE; else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-sds")) bCopySubDatasets = TRUE; else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-gcp") && i < argc - 4) { char *endptr = NULL; /* -gcp pixel line easting northing [elev] */ nGCPCount++; pasGCPs = (GDAL_GCP*) CPLRealloc(pasGCPs, sizeof(GDAL_GCP) * nGCPCount); GDALInitGCPs(1, pasGCPs + nGCPCount - 1); pasGCPs[nGCPCount - 1].dfGCPPixel = CPLAtofM(argv[++i]); pasGCPs[nGCPCount - 1].dfGCPLine = CPLAtofM(argv[++i]); pasGCPs[nGCPCount - 1].dfGCPX = CPLAtofM(argv[++i]); pasGCPs[nGCPCount - 1].dfGCPY = CPLAtofM(argv[++i]); if (argv[i + 1] != NULL && (CPLStrtod(argv[i + 1], &endptr) != 0.0 || argv[i + 1][0] == '0')) { /* Check that last argument is really a number and not a filename */ /* looking like a number (see ticket #863) */ if (endptr && *endptr == 0) pasGCPs[nGCPCount - 1].dfGCPZ = CPLAtofM(argv[++i]); } /* should set id and info? */ } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-a_nodata") && i < argc - 1) { if (EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "none")) { bUnsetNoData = TRUE; } else { bSetNoData = TRUE; dfNoDataReal = CPLAtofM(argv[i + 1]); } i += 1; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-a_ullr") && i < argc - 4) { adfULLR[0] = CPLAtofM(argv[i + 1]); adfULLR[1] = CPLAtofM(argv[i + 2]); adfULLR[2] = CPLAtofM(argv[i + 3]); adfULLR[3] = CPLAtofM(argv[i + 4]); bGotBounds = TRUE; i += 4; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-co") && i < argc - 1) { papszCreateOptions = CSLAddString(papszCreateOptions, argv[++i]); } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-scale")) { bScale = TRUE; if (i < argc - 2 && ArgIsNumeric(argv[i + 1])) { bHaveScaleSrc = TRUE; dfScaleSrcMin = CPLAtofM(argv[i + 1]); dfScaleSrcMax = CPLAtofM(argv[i + 2]); i += 2; } if (i < argc - 2 && bHaveScaleSrc && ArgIsNumeric(argv[i + 1])) { dfScaleDstMin = CPLAtofM(argv[i + 1]); dfScaleDstMax = CPLAtofM(argv[i + 2]); i += 2; } else { dfScaleDstMin = 0.0; dfScaleDstMax = 255.999; } } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-unscale")) { bUnscale = TRUE; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-mo") && i < argc - 1) { papszMetadataOptions = CSLAddString(papszMetadataOptions, argv[++i]); } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-outsize") && i < argc - 2) { pszOXSize = argv[++i]; pszOYSize = argv[++i]; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-srcwin") && i < argc - 4) { anSrcWin[0] = atoi(argv[++i]); anSrcWin[1] = atoi(argv[++i]); anSrcWin[2] = atoi(argv[++i]); anSrcWin[3] = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-projwin") && i < argc - 4) { dfULX = CPLAtofM(argv[++i]); dfULY = CPLAtofM(argv[++i]); dfLRX = CPLAtofM(argv[++i]); dfLRY = CPLAtofM(argv[++i]); } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-a_srs") && i < argc - 1) { OGRSpatialReference oOutputSRS; if (oOutputSRS.SetFromUserInput(argv[i + 1]) != OGRERR_NONE) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to process SRS definition: %s\n", argv[i + 1]); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(1); } oOutputSRS.exportToWkt(&pszOutputSRS); i++; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-expand") && i < argc - 1) { if (EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "gray")) nRGBExpand = 1; else if (EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "rgb")) nRGBExpand = 3; else if (EQUAL(argv[i + 1], "rgba")) nRGBExpand = 4; else { printf("Value %s unsupported. Only gray, rgb or rgba are supported.\n\n", argv[i]); Usage(); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(2); } i++; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-stats")) { bStats = TRUE; bApproxStats = FALSE; } else if (EQUAL(argv[i], "-approx_stats")) { bStats = TRUE; bApproxStats = TRUE; } else if (argv[i][0] == '-') { printf("Option %s incomplete, or not recognised.\n\n", argv[i]); Usage(); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(2); } else if (pszSource == NULL) { iSrcFileArg = i; pszSource = argv[i]; } else if (pszDest == NULL) { pszDest = argv[i]; iDstFileArg = i; } else { printf("Too many command options.\n\n"); Usage(); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(2); } } if (pszDest == NULL) { Usage(); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(10); } if (strcmp(pszSource, pszDest) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Source and destination datasets must be different.\n"); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(1); } if (strcmp(pszDest, "/vsistdout/") == 0) { bQuiet = TRUE; pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Attempt to open source file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hDataset = GDALOpenShared(pszSource, GA_ReadOnly); if (hDataset == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "GDALOpen failed - %d\n%s\n", CPLGetLastErrorNo(), CPLGetLastErrorMsg()); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle subdatasets. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!bCopySubDatasets && CSLCount(GDALGetMetadata(hDataset, "SUBDATASETS")) > 0 && GDALGetRasterCount(hDataset) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Input file contains subdatasets. Please, select one of them for reading.\n"); GDALClose(hDataset); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(1); } if (CSLCount(GDALGetMetadata(hDataset, "SUBDATASETS")) > 0 && bCopySubDatasets) { char **papszSubdatasets = GDALGetMetadata(hDataset, "SUBDATASETS"); char *pszSubDest = (char*) CPLMalloc(strlen(pszDest) + 32); int i; int bOldSubCall = bSubCall; char **papszDupArgv = CSLDuplicate(argv); int nRet = 0; CPLFree(papszDupArgv[iDstFileArg]); papszDupArgv[iDstFileArg] = pszSubDest; bSubCall = TRUE; for (i = 0; papszSubdatasets[i] != NULL; i += 2) { CPLFree(papszDupArgv[iSrcFileArg]); papszDupArgv[iSrcFileArg] = CPLStrdup(strstr(papszSubdatasets[i], "=") + 1); sprintf(pszSubDest, "%s%d", pszDest, i / 2 + 1); nRet = ProxyMain(argc, papszDupArgv); if (nRet != 0) break; } CSLDestroy(papszDupArgv); bSubCall = bOldSubCall; CSLDestroy(argv); GDALClose(hDataset); if (!bSubCall) { GDALDumpOpenDatasets(stderr); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); } return nRet; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Collect some information from the source file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ nRasterXSize = GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset); nRasterYSize = GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset); if (!bQuiet) printf("Input file size is %d, %d\n", nRasterXSize, nRasterYSize); if (anSrcWin[2] == 0 && anSrcWin[3] == 0) { anSrcWin[2] = nRasterXSize; anSrcWin[3] = nRasterYSize; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Build band list to translate */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (nBandCount == 0) { nBandCount = GDALGetRasterCount(hDataset); if (nBandCount == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Input file has no bands, and so cannot be translated.\n"); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(1); } panBandList = (int*) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * nBandCount); for (i = 0; i < nBandCount; i++) panBandList[i] = i + 1; } else { for (i = 0; i < nBandCount; i++) { if (ABS(panBandList[i]) > GDALGetRasterCount(hDataset)) { fprintf(stderr, "Band %d requested, but only bands 1 to %d available.\n", ABS(panBandList[i]), GDALGetRasterCount(hDataset)); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(2); } } if (nBandCount != GDALGetRasterCount(hDataset)) bDefBands = FALSE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Compute the source window from the projected source window */ /* if the projected coordinates were provided. Note that the */ /* projected coordinates are in ulx, uly, lrx, lry format, */ /* while the anSrcWin is xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize with the */ /* xoff,yoff being the ulx, uly in pixel/line. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (dfULX != 0.0 || dfULY != 0.0 || dfLRX != 0.0 || dfLRY != 0.0) { double adfGeoTransform[6]; GDALGetGeoTransform(hDataset, adfGeoTransform); if (adfGeoTransform[2] != 0.0 || adfGeoTransform[4] != 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "The -projwin option was used, but the geotransform is\n" "rotated. This configuration is not supported.\n"); GDALClose(hDataset); CPLFree(panBandList); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); exit(1); } anSrcWin[0] = (int) ((dfULX - adfGeoTransform[0]) / adfGeoTransform[1] + 0.001); anSrcWin[1] = (int) ((dfULY - adfGeoTransform[3]) / adfGeoTransform[5] + 0.001); anSrcWin[2] = (int) ((dfLRX - dfULX) / adfGeoTransform[1] + 0.5); anSrcWin[3] = (int) ((dfLRY - dfULY) / adfGeoTransform[5] + 0.5); if (!bQuiet) fprintf(stdout, "Computed -srcwin %d %d %d %d from projected window.\n", anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1], anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3]); if (anSrcWin[0] < 0 || anSrcWin[1] < 0 || anSrcWin[0] + anSrcWin[2] > GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset) || anSrcWin[1] + anSrcWin[3] > GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset)) { fprintf(stderr, "Computed -srcwin falls outside raster size of %dx%d.\n", GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset), GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset)); exit(1); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Verify source window. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (anSrcWin[0] < 0 || anSrcWin[1] < 0 || anSrcWin[2] <= 0 || anSrcWin[3] <= 0 || anSrcWin[0] + anSrcWin[2] > GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset) || anSrcWin[1] + anSrcWin[3] > GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset)) { fprintf(stderr, "-srcwin %d %d %d %d falls outside raster size of %dx%d\n" "or is otherwise illegal.\n", anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1], anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3], GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset), GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset)); exit(1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Find the output driver. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hDriver = GDALGetDriverByName(pszFormat); if (hDriver == NULL) { int iDr; printf("Output driver `%s' not recognised.\n", pszFormat); printf("The following format drivers are configured and support output:\n"); for (iDr = 0; iDr < GDALGetDriverCount(); iDr++) { GDALDriverH hDriver = GDALGetDriver(iDr); if (GDALGetMetadataItem(hDriver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, NULL) != NULL || GDALGetMetadataItem(hDriver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY, NULL) != NULL) { printf(" %s: %s\n", GDALGetDriverShortName(hDriver), GDALGetDriverLongName(hDriver)); } } printf("\n"); Usage(); GDALClose(hDataset); CPLFree(panBandList); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); CSLDestroy(argv); CSLDestroy(papszCreateOptions); exit(1); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The short form is to CreateCopy(). We use this if the input */ /* matches the whole dataset. Eventually we should rewrite */ /* this entire program to use virtual datasets to construct a */ /* virtual input source to copy from. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int bSpatialArrangementPreserved = ( anSrcWin[0] == 0 && anSrcWin[1] == 0 && anSrcWin[2] == GDALGetRasterXSize(hDataset) && anSrcWin[3] == GDALGetRasterYSize(hDataset) && pszOXSize == NULL && pszOYSize == NULL); if (eOutputType == GDT_Unknown && !bScale && !bUnscale && CSLCount(papszMetadataOptions) == 0 && bDefBands && eMaskMode == MASK_AUTO && bSpatialArrangementPreserved && nGCPCount == 0 && !bGotBounds && pszOutputSRS == NULL && !bSetNoData && !bUnsetNoData && nRGBExpand == 0 && !bStats) { hOutDS = GDALCreateCopy(hDriver, pszDest, hDataset, bStrict, papszCreateOptions, pfnProgress, NULL); if (hOutDS != NULL) GDALClose(hOutDS); GDALClose(hDataset); CPLFree(panBandList); if (!bSubCall) { GDALDumpOpenDatasets(stderr); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); } CSLDestroy(argv); CSLDestroy(papszCreateOptions); return hOutDS == NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Establish some parameters. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (pszOXSize == NULL) { nOXSize = anSrcWin[2]; nOYSize = anSrcWin[3]; } else { nOXSize = (int) ((pszOXSize[strlen(pszOXSize) - 1] == '%' ? CPLAtofM(pszOXSize) / 100 * anSrcWin[2] : atoi(pszOXSize))); nOYSize = (int) ((pszOYSize[strlen(pszOYSize) - 1] == '%' ? CPLAtofM(pszOYSize) / 100 * anSrcWin[3] : atoi(pszOYSize))); } /* ==================================================================== */ /* Create a virtual dataset. */ /* ==================================================================== */ VRTDataset *poVDS; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Make a virtual clone. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poVDS = (VRTDataset*) VRTCreate(nOXSize, nOYSize); if (nGCPCount == 0) { if (pszOutputSRS != NULL) { poVDS->SetProjection(pszOutputSRS); } else { pszProjection = GDALGetProjectionRef(hDataset); if (pszProjection != NULL && strlen(pszProjection) > 0) poVDS->SetProjection(pszProjection); } } if (bGotBounds) { adfGeoTransform[0] = adfULLR[0]; adfGeoTransform[1] = (adfULLR[2] - adfULLR[0]) / nOXSize; adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0; adfGeoTransform[3] = adfULLR[1]; adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0; adfGeoTransform[5] = (adfULLR[3] - adfULLR[1]) / nOYSize; poVDS->SetGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform); } else if (GDALGetGeoTransform(hDataset, adfGeoTransform) == CE_None && nGCPCount == 0) { adfGeoTransform[0] += anSrcWin[0] * adfGeoTransform[1] + anSrcWin[1] * adfGeoTransform[2]; adfGeoTransform[3] += anSrcWin[0] * adfGeoTransform[4] + anSrcWin[1] * adfGeoTransform[5]; adfGeoTransform[1] *= anSrcWin[2] / (double) nOXSize; adfGeoTransform[2] *= anSrcWin[3] / (double) nOYSize; adfGeoTransform[4] *= anSrcWin[2] / (double) nOXSize; adfGeoTransform[5] *= anSrcWin[3] / (double) nOYSize; poVDS->SetGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform); } if (nGCPCount != 0) { const char *pszGCPProjection = pszOutputSRS; if (pszGCPProjection == NULL) pszGCPProjection = GDALGetGCPProjection(hDataset); if (pszGCPProjection == NULL) pszGCPProjection = ""; poVDS->SetGCPs(nGCPCount, pasGCPs, pszGCPProjection); GDALDeinitGCPs(nGCPCount, pasGCPs); CPLFree(pasGCPs); } else if (GDALGetGCPCount(hDataset) > 0) { GDAL_GCP *pasGCPs; int nGCPs = GDALGetGCPCount(hDataset); pasGCPs = GDALDuplicateGCPs(nGCPs, GDALGetGCPs(hDataset)); for (i = 0; i < nGCPs; i++) { pasGCPs[i].dfGCPPixel -= anSrcWin[0]; pasGCPs[i].dfGCPLine -= anSrcWin[1]; pasGCPs[i].dfGCPPixel *= (nOXSize / (double) anSrcWin[2]); pasGCPs[i].dfGCPLine *= (nOYSize / (double) anSrcWin[3]); } poVDS->SetGCPs(nGCPs, pasGCPs, GDALGetGCPProjection(hDataset)); GDALDeinitGCPs(nGCPs, pasGCPs); CPLFree(pasGCPs); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Transfer generally applicable metadata. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poVDS->SetMetadata(((GDALDataset*)hDataset)->GetMetadata()); AttachMetadata((GDALDatasetH) poVDS, papszMetadataOptions); const char *pszInterleave = GDALGetMetadataItem(hDataset, "INTERLEAVE", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE"); if (pszInterleave) poVDS->SetMetadataItem("INTERLEAVE", pszInterleave, "IMAGE_STRUCTURE"); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Transfer metadata that remains valid if the spatial */ /* arrangement of the data is unaltered. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (bSpatialArrangementPreserved) { char **papszMD; papszMD = ((GDALDataset*)hDataset)->GetMetadata("RPC"); if (papszMD != NULL) poVDS->SetMetadata(papszMD, "RPC"); papszMD = ((GDALDataset*)hDataset)->GetMetadata("GEOLOCATION"); if (papszMD != NULL) poVDS->SetMetadata(papszMD, "GEOLOCATION"); } int nSrcBandCount = nBandCount; if (nRGBExpand != 0) { GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand; poSrcBand = ((GDALDataset*) hDataset)->GetRasterBand(ABS(panBandList[0])); if (panBandList[0] < 0) poSrcBand = poSrcBand->GetMaskBand(); GDALColorTable *poColorTable = poSrcBand->GetColorTable(); if (poColorTable == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error : band %d has no color table\n", ABS(panBandList[0])); GDALClose(hDataset); CPLFree(panBandList); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); CSLDestroy(argv); CSLDestroy(papszCreateOptions); exit(1); } /* Check that the color table only contains gray levels */ /* when using -expand gray */ if (nRGBExpand == 1) { int nColorCount = poColorTable->GetColorEntryCount(); int nColor; for (nColor = 0; nColor < nColorCount; nColor++) { const GDALColorEntry *poEntry = poColorTable->GetColorEntry(nColor); if (poEntry->c1 != poEntry->c2 || poEntry->c1 != poEntry->c2) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning : color table contains non gray levels colors\n"); break; } } } if (nBandCount == 1) nBandCount = nRGBExpand; else if (nBandCount == 2 && (nRGBExpand == 3 || nRGBExpand == 4)) nBandCount = nRGBExpand; else { fprintf(stderr, "Error : invalid use of -expand option.\n"); exit(1); } } int bFilterOutStatsMetadata = (bScale || bUnscale || !bSpatialArrangementPreserved || nRGBExpand != 0); /* ==================================================================== */ /* Process all bands. */ /* ==================================================================== */ for (i = 0; i < nBandCount; i++) { VRTSourcedRasterBand *poVRTBand; GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand; GDALDataType eBandType; int nComponent = 0; int nSrcBand; if (nRGBExpand != 0) { if (nSrcBandCount == 2 && nRGBExpand == 4 && i == 3) nSrcBand = panBandList[1]; else { nSrcBand = panBandList[0]; nComponent = i + 1; } } else nSrcBand = panBandList[i]; poSrcBand = ((GDALDataset*) hDataset)->GetRasterBand(ABS(nSrcBand)); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Select output data type to match source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (eOutputType == GDT_Unknown) eBandType = poSrcBand->GetRasterDataType(); else eBandType = eOutputType; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create this band. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poVDS->AddBand(eBandType, NULL); poVRTBand = (VRTSourcedRasterBand*) poVDS->GetRasterBand(i + 1); if (nSrcBand < 0) { poVRTBand->AddMaskBandSource(poSrcBand); continue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Do we need to collect scaling information? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double dfScale = 1.0, dfOffset = 0.0; if (bScale && !bHaveScaleSrc) { double adfCMinMax[2]; GDALComputeRasterMinMax(poSrcBand, TRUE, adfCMinMax); dfScaleSrcMin = adfCMinMax[0]; dfScaleSrcMax = adfCMinMax[1]; } if (bScale) { if (dfScaleSrcMax == dfScaleSrcMin) dfScaleSrcMax += 0.1; if (dfScaleDstMax == dfScaleDstMin) dfScaleDstMax += 0.1; dfScale = (dfScaleDstMax - dfScaleDstMin) / (dfScaleSrcMax - dfScaleSrcMin); dfOffset = -1 * dfScaleSrcMin * dfScale + dfScaleDstMin; } if (bUnscale) { dfScale = poSrcBand->GetScale(); dfOffset = poSrcBand->GetOffset(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create a simple or complex data source depending on the */ /* translation type required. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (bUnscale || bScale || (nRGBExpand != 0 && i < nRGBExpand)) { poVRTBand->AddComplexSource(poSrcBand, anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1], anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3], 0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize, dfOffset, dfScale, VRT_NODATA_UNSET, nComponent); } else poVRTBand->AddSimpleSource(poSrcBand, anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1], anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3], 0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* In case of color table translate, we only set the color */ /* interpretation other info copied by CopyBandInfo are */ /* not relevant in RGB expansion. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (nRGBExpand == 1) { poVRTBand->SetColorInterpretation(GCI_GrayIndex); } else if (nRGBExpand != 0 && i < nRGBExpand) { poVRTBand->SetColorInterpretation((GDALColorInterp) (GCI_RedBand + i)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* copy over some other information of interest. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else { CopyBandInfo(poSrcBand, poVRTBand, !bStats && !bFilterOutStatsMetadata, !bUnscale, !bSetNoData && !bUnsetNoData); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set a forcable nodata value? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (bSetNoData) { double dfVal = dfNoDataReal; int bClamped = FALSE, bRounded = FALSE; #define CLAMP(val, type, minval, maxval) \ do { if (val < minval) { bClamped = TRUE; val = minval; \ } \ else if (val > maxval) { bClamped = TRUE; val = maxval; } \ else if (val != (type)val) { bRounded = TRUE; val = (type)(val + 0.5); } \ } \ while (0) switch (eBandType) { case GDT_Byte: CLAMP(dfVal, GByte, 0.0, 255.0); break; case GDT_Int16: CLAMP(dfVal, GInt16, -32768.0, 32767.0); break; case GDT_UInt16: CLAMP(dfVal, GUInt16, 0.0, 65535.0); break; case GDT_Int32: CLAMP(dfVal, GInt32, -2147483648.0, 2147483647.0); break; case GDT_UInt32: CLAMP(dfVal, GUInt32, 0.0, 4294967295.0); break; default: break; } if (bClamped) { printf("for band %d, nodata value has been clamped " "to %.0f, the original value being out of range.\n", i + 1, dfVal); } else if (bRounded) { printf("for band %d, nodata value has been rounded " "to %.0f, %s being an integer datatype.\n", i + 1, dfVal, GDALGetDataTypeName(eBandType)); } poVRTBand->SetNoDataValue(dfVal); } if (eMaskMode == MASK_AUTO && (GDALGetMaskFlags(GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, 1)) & GMF_PER_DATASET) == 0 && (poSrcBand->GetMaskFlags() & (GMF_ALL_VALID | GMF_NODATA)) == 0) { if (poVRTBand->CreateMaskBand(poSrcBand->GetMaskFlags()) == CE_None) { VRTSourcedRasterBand *hMaskVRTBand = (VRTSourcedRasterBand*)poVRTBand->GetMaskBand(); hMaskVRTBand->AddMaskBandSource(poSrcBand, anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1], anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3], 0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize); } } } if (eMaskMode == MASK_USER) { GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand = (GDALRasterBand*)GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, ABS(nMaskBand)); if (poSrcBand && poVDS->CreateMaskBand(GMF_PER_DATASET) == CE_None) { VRTSourcedRasterBand *hMaskVRTBand = (VRTSourcedRasterBand*) GDALGetMaskBand(GDALGetRasterBand((GDALDatasetH)poVDS, 1)); if (nMaskBand > 0) hMaskVRTBand->AddSimpleSource(poSrcBand, anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1], anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3], 0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize); else hMaskVRTBand->AddMaskBandSource(poSrcBand, anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1], anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3], 0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize); } } else if (eMaskMode == MASK_AUTO && nSrcBandCount > 0 && GDALGetMaskFlags(GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, 1)) == GMF_PER_DATASET) { if (poVDS->CreateMaskBand(GMF_PER_DATASET) == CE_None) { VRTSourcedRasterBand *hMaskVRTBand = (VRTSourcedRasterBand*) GDALGetMaskBand(GDALGetRasterBand((GDALDatasetH)poVDS, 1)); hMaskVRTBand->AddMaskBandSource((GDALRasterBand*)GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, 1), anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1], anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3], 0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Compute stats if required. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (bStats) { for (i = 0; i < poVDS->GetRasterCount(); i++) { double dfMin, dfMax, dfMean, dfStdDev; poVDS->GetRasterBand(i + 1)->ComputeStatistics(bApproxStats, &dfMin, &dfMax, &dfMean, &dfStdDev, GDALDummyProgress, NULL); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Write to the output file using CopyCreate(). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ hOutDS = GDALCreateCopy(hDriver, pszDest, (GDALDatasetH) poVDS, bStrict, papszCreateOptions, pfnProgress, NULL); if (hOutDS != NULL) { int bHasGotErr = FALSE; CPLErrorReset(); GDALFlushCache(hOutDS); if (CPLGetLastErrorType() != CE_None) bHasGotErr = TRUE; GDALClose(hOutDS); if (bHasGotErr) hOutDS = NULL; } GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) poVDS); GDALClose(hDataset); CPLFree(panBandList); CPLFree(pszOutputSRS); if (!bSubCall) { GDALDumpOpenDatasets(stderr); GDALDestroyDriverManager(); } CSLDestroy(argv); CSLDestroy(papszCreateOptions); return hOutDS == NULL; }
CPLErr GDALPamDataset::XMLInit( CPLXMLNode *psTree, const char *pszVRTPath ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for an SRS node. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( strlen(CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "SRS", "")) > 0 ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; CPLFree( psPam->pszProjection ); psPam->pszProjection = NULL; if( oSRS.SetFromUserInput( CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "SRS", "") ) == OGRERR_NONE ) oSRS.exportToWkt( &(psPam->pszProjection) ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for a GeoTransform node. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( strlen(CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "GeoTransform", "")) > 0 ) { const char *pszGT = CPLGetXMLValue(psTree, "GeoTransform", ""); char **papszTokens; papszTokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszGT, ",", FALSE, FALSE ); if( CSLCount(papszTokens) != 6 ) { CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "GeoTransform node does not have expected six values."); } else { for( int iTA = 0; iTA < 6; iTA++ ) psPam->adfGeoTransform[iTA] = atof(papszTokens[iTA]); psPam->bHaveGeoTransform = TRUE; } CSLDestroy( papszTokens ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for GCPs. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psGCPList = CPLGetXMLNode( psTree, "GCPList" ); if( psGCPList != NULL ) { CPLXMLNode *psXMLGCP; OGRSpatialReference oSRS; const char *pszRawProj = CPLGetXMLValue(psGCPList, "Projection", ""); CPLFree( psPam->pszGCPProjection ); if( strlen(pszRawProj) > 0 && oSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszRawProj ) == OGRERR_NONE ) oSRS.exportToWkt( &(psPam->pszGCPProjection) ); else psPam->pszGCPProjection = CPLStrdup(""); // Count GCPs. int nGCPMax = 0; for( psXMLGCP = psGCPList->psChild; psXMLGCP != NULL; psXMLGCP = psXMLGCP->psNext ) nGCPMax++; psPam->pasGCPList = (GDAL_GCP *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(GDAL_GCP),nGCPMax); for( psXMLGCP = psGCPList->psChild; psXMLGCP != NULL; psXMLGCP = psXMLGCP->psNext ) { GDAL_GCP *psGCP = psPam->pasGCPList + psPam->nGCPCount; if( !EQUAL(psXMLGCP->pszValue,"GCP") || psXMLGCP->eType != CXT_Element ) continue; GDALInitGCPs( 1, psGCP ); CPLFree( psGCP->pszId ); psGCP->pszId = CPLStrdup(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Id","")); CPLFree( psGCP->pszInfo ); psGCP->pszInfo = CPLStrdup(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Info","")); psGCP->dfGCPPixel = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Pixel","0.0")); psGCP->dfGCPLine = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Line","0.0")); psGCP->dfGCPX = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"X","0.0")); psGCP->dfGCPY = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Y","0.0")); psGCP->dfGCPZ = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psXMLGCP,"Z","0.0")); psPam->nGCPCount++; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Apply any dataset level metadata. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ oMDMD.XMLInit( psTree, TRUE ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process bands. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psBandTree; for( psBandTree = psTree->psChild; psBandTree != NULL; psBandTree = psBandTree->psNext ) { if( psBandTree->eType != CXT_Element || !EQUAL(psBandTree->pszValue,"PAMRasterBand") ) continue; int nBand = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psBandTree, "band", "0")); if( nBand < 1 || nBand > GetRasterCount() ) continue; GDALPamRasterBand *poBand = (GDALPamRasterBand *) GetRasterBand(nBand); if( poBand == NULL || !(poBand->GetMOFlags() & GMO_PAM_CLASS) ) continue; poBand->XMLInit( psBandTree, pszVRTPath ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Clear dirty flag. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ nPamFlags &= ~GPF_DIRTY; return CE_None; }
OGRSpatialReference* OGRGeoJSONReadSpatialReference( json_object* poObj) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read spatial reference definition. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = NULL; json_object* poObjSrs = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObj, "crs" ); if( NULL != poObjSrs ) { json_object* poObjSrsType = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObjSrs, "type" ); if (poObjSrsType == NULL) return NULL; const char* pszSrsType = json_object_get_string( poObjSrsType ); // TODO: Add URL and URN types support if( EQUALN( pszSrsType, "NAME", 4 ) ) { json_object* poObjSrsProps = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObjSrs, "properties" ); if (poObjSrsProps == NULL) return NULL; json_object* poNameURL = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObjSrsProps, "name" ); if (poNameURL == NULL) return NULL; const char* pszName = json_object_get_string( poNameURL ); poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference(); if( OGRERR_NONE != poSRS->SetFromUserInput( pszName ) ) { delete poSRS; poSRS = NULL; } } if( EQUALN( pszSrsType, "EPSG", 4 ) ) { json_object* poObjSrsProps = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObjSrs, "properties" ); if (poObjSrsProps == NULL) return NULL; json_object* poObjCode = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObjSrsProps, "code" ); if (poObjCode == NULL) return NULL; int nEPSG = json_object_get_int( poObjCode ); poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference(); if( OGRERR_NONE != poSRS->importFromEPSG( nEPSG ) ) { delete poSRS; poSRS = NULL; } } if( EQUALN( pszSrsType, "URL", 3 ) || EQUALN( pszSrsType, "LINK", 4 ) ) { json_object* poObjSrsProps = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObjSrs, "properties" ); if (poObjSrsProps == NULL) return NULL; json_object* poObjURL = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObjSrsProps, "url" ); if (NULL == poObjURL) { poObjURL = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObjSrsProps, "href" ); } if (poObjURL == NULL) return NULL; const char* pszURL = json_object_get_string( poObjURL ); poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference(); if( OGRERR_NONE != poSRS->importFromUrl( pszURL ) ) { delete poSRS; poSRS = NULL; } } if( EQUAL( pszSrsType, "OGC" ) ) { json_object* poObjSrsProps = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObjSrs, "properties" ); if (poObjSrsProps == NULL) return NULL; json_object* poObjURN = OGRGeoJSONFindMemberByName( poObjSrsProps, "urn" ); if (poObjURN == NULL) return NULL; poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference(); if( OGRERR_NONE != poSRS->importFromURN( json_object_get_string(poObjURN) ) ) { delete poSRS; poSRS = NULL; } } } return poSRS; }
CPLErr GNMFileNetwork::Create( const char* pszFilename, char** papszOptions ) { // check required options // check name const char* pszNetworkName = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, GNM_MD_NAME); if( NULL == pszNetworkName ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "The network name should be present" ); return CE_Failure; } else { m_soName = pszNetworkName; } const char* pszNetworkDescription = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, GNM_MD_DESCR); if(NULL != pszNetworkDescription) sDescription = pszNetworkDescription; // check Spatial reference const char* pszSRS = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, GNM_MD_SRS); if( NULL == pszSRS ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "The network spatial reference should be present" ); return CE_Failure; } else { OGRSpatialReference spatialRef; if (spatialRef.SetFromUserInput(pszSRS) != OGRERR_NONE) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "The network spatial reference should be present" ); return CE_Failure; } char *wktSrs = NULL; if (spatialRef.exportToWkt(&wktSrs) != OGRERR_NONE) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "The network spatial reference should be present" ); return CE_Failure; } m_soSRS = wktSrs; CPLFree(wktSrs); } int nResult = CheckNetworkExist(pszFilename, papszOptions); if(TRUE == nResult) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "The network already exist" ); return CE_Failure; } // Create the necessary system layers and fields // Create meta layer CPLErr eResult = CreateMetadataLayerFromFile(pszFilename, GNM_VERSION_NUM, papszOptions); if(CE_None != eResult) { //an error message should come from function return CE_Failure; } // Create graph layer eResult = CreateGraphLayerFromFile(pszFilename, papszOptions); if(CE_None != eResult) { DeleteMetadataLayer(); return CE_Failure; } // Create features layer eResult = CreateFeaturesLayerFromFile(pszFilename, papszOptions); if(CE_None != eResult) { DeleteMetadataLayer(); DeleteGraphLayer(); return CE_Failure; } return CE_None; }
CPLErr GNMDatabaseNetwork::Create( const char* pszFilename, char** papszOptions ) { FormName(pszFilename, papszOptions); if(m_soName.empty() || m_soNetworkFullName.empty()) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "The network name should be present" ); return CE_Failure; } if(NULL == m_poDS) { m_poDS = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpenEx( m_soNetworkFullName, GDAL_OF_VECTOR | GDAL_OF_UPDATE, NULL, NULL, papszOptions ); } if( NULL == m_poDS ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Open '%s' failed", m_soNetworkFullName.c_str() ); return CE_Failure; } GDALDriver *l_poDriver = m_poDS->GetDriver(); if(NULL == l_poDriver) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Get dataset driver failed"); return CE_Failure; } if(!CheckStorageDriverSupport(l_poDriver->GetDescription())) { return CE_Failure; } // check required options const char* pszNetworkDescription = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, GNM_MD_DESCR); if(NULL != pszNetworkDescription) sDescription = pszNetworkDescription; // check Spatial reference const char* pszSRS = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, GNM_MD_SRS); if( NULL == pszSRS ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "The network spatial reference should be present" ); return CE_Failure; } else { OGRSpatialReference spatialRef; if (spatialRef.SetFromUserInput(pszSRS) != OGRERR_NONE) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "The network spatial reference should be present" ); return CE_Failure; } char *wktSrs = NULL; if (spatialRef.exportToWkt(&wktSrs) != OGRERR_NONE) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "The network spatial reference should be present" ); return CE_Failure; } m_soSRS = wktSrs; CPLFree(wktSrs); } int nResult = CheckNetworkExist(pszFilename, papszOptions); if(TRUE == nResult) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, "The network already exist" ); return CE_Failure; } // Create the necessary system layers and fields // Create meta layer CPLErr eResult = CreateMetadataLayer(m_poDS, GNM_VERSION_NUM); if(CE_None != eResult) { //an error message should come from function return CE_Failure; } // Create graph layer eResult = CreateGraphLayer(m_poDS); if(CE_None != eResult) { DeleteMetadataLayer(); return CE_Failure; } // Create features layer eResult = CreateFeaturesLayer(m_poDS); if(CE_None != eResult) { DeleteMetadataLayer(); DeleteGraphLayer(); return CE_Failure; } return CE_None; }
CPLErr GDALParseGMLCoverage( CPLXMLNode *psXML, int *pnXSize, int *pnYSize, double *padfGeoTransform, char **ppszProjection ) { CPLStripXMLNamespace( psXML, NULL, TRUE ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Isolate RectifiedGrid. Eventually we will need to support */ /* other georeferencing objects. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psRG = CPLSearchXMLNode( psXML, "=RectifiedGrid" ); CPLXMLNode *psOriginPoint = NULL; const char *pszOffset1=NULL, *pszOffset2=NULL; if( psRG != NULL ) { psOriginPoint = CPLGetXMLNode( psRG, "origin.Point" ); if( psOriginPoint == NULL ) psOriginPoint = CPLGetXMLNode( psRG, "origin" ); CPLXMLNode *psOffset1 = CPLGetXMLNode( psRG, "offsetVector" ); if( psOffset1 != NULL ) { pszOffset1 = CPLGetXMLValue( psOffset1, "", NULL ); pszOffset2 = CPLGetXMLValue( psOffset1->psNext, "=offsetVector", NULL ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we are missing any of the origin or 2 offsets then give up. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( psRG == NULL || psOriginPoint == NULL || pszOffset1 == NULL || pszOffset2 == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unable to find GML RectifiedGrid, origin or offset vectors"); return CE_Failure; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Search for the GridEnvelope and derive the raster size. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char **papszLow = CSLTokenizeString( CPLGetXMLValue( psRG, "limits.GridEnvelope.low", "")); char **papszHigh = CSLTokenizeString( CPLGetXMLValue( psRG, "limits.GridEnvelope.high","")); if( CSLCount(papszLow) < 2 || CSLCount(papszHigh) < 2 ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Unable to find or parse GridEnvelope.low/high." ); return CE_Failure; } if( pnXSize != NULL ) *pnXSize = atoi(papszHigh[0]) - atoi(papszLow[0]) + 1; if( pnYSize != NULL ) *pnYSize = atoi(papszHigh[1]) - atoi(papszLow[1]) + 1; CSLDestroy( papszLow ); CSLDestroy( papszHigh ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Extract origin location. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRPoint *poOriginGeometry = NULL; const char *pszSRSName = NULL; if( psOriginPoint != NULL ) { int bOldWrap = FALSE; // old coverages (ie. WCS) just have <pos> under <origin> so we // may need to temporarily force <origin> to <Point> if( psOriginPoint->eType == CXT_Element && EQUAL(psOriginPoint->pszValue,"origin") ) { strcpy( psOriginPoint->pszValue, "Point"); bOldWrap = TRUE; } poOriginGeometry = (OGRPoint *) OGR_G_CreateFromGMLTree( psOriginPoint ); if( poOriginGeometry != NULL && wkbFlatten(poOriginGeometry->getGeometryType()) != wkbPoint ) { delete poOriginGeometry; poOriginGeometry = NULL; } if( bOldWrap ) strcpy( psOriginPoint->pszValue, "origin"); // SRS? pszSRSName = CPLGetXMLValue( psOriginPoint, "srsName", NULL ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Extract offset(s) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char **papszOffset1Tokens = NULL; char **papszOffset2Tokens = NULL; int bSuccess = FALSE; papszOffset1Tokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszOffset1, " ,", FALSE, FALSE ); papszOffset2Tokens = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszOffset2, " ,", FALSE, FALSE ); if( CSLCount(papszOffset1Tokens) >= 2 && CSLCount(papszOffset2Tokens) >= 2 && poOriginGeometry != NULL ) { padfGeoTransform[0] = poOriginGeometry->getX(); padfGeoTransform[1] = atof(papszOffset1Tokens[0]); padfGeoTransform[2] = atof(papszOffset1Tokens[1]); padfGeoTransform[3] = poOriginGeometry->getY(); padfGeoTransform[4] = atof(papszOffset2Tokens[0]); padfGeoTransform[5] = atof(papszOffset2Tokens[1]); // offset from center of pixel. padfGeoTransform[0] -= padfGeoTransform[1]*0.5; padfGeoTransform[0] -= padfGeoTransform[2]*0.5; padfGeoTransform[3] -= padfGeoTransform[4]*0.5; padfGeoTransform[3] -= padfGeoTransform[5]*0.5; bSuccess = TRUE; //bHaveGeoTransform = TRUE; } CSLDestroy( papszOffset1Tokens ); CSLDestroy( papszOffset2Tokens ); if( poOriginGeometry != NULL ) delete poOriginGeometry; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we have gotten a geotransform, then try to interprete the */ /* srsName. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( bSuccess && pszSRSName != NULL && (*ppszProjection == NULL || strlen(*ppszProjection) == 0) ) { if( EQUALN(pszSRSName,"epsg:",5) ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; if( oSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszSRSName ) == OGRERR_NONE ) oSRS.exportToWkt( ppszProjection ); } else if( EQUALN(pszSRSName,"urn:ogc:def:crs:",16) ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; if( oSRS.importFromURN( pszSRSName ) == OGRERR_NONE ) oSRS.exportToWkt( ppszProjection ); } else *ppszProjection = CPLStrdup(pszSRSName); } if( *ppszProjection ) CPLDebug( "GDALJP2Metadata", "Got projection from GML box: %s", *ppszProjection ); return CE_None; }
int FindSRS( const char *pszInput, OGRSpatialReference &oSRS ) { int bGotSRS = FALSE; VSILFILE *fp = NULL; GDALDataset *poGDALDS = NULL; OGRLayer *poLayer = NULL; const char *pszProjection = NULL; CPLErrorHandler oErrorHandler = NULL; int bIsFile = FALSE; OGRErr eErr = OGRERR_NONE; int bDebug = FALSE; /* temporarily suppress error messages we may get from xOpen() */ bDebug = CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("CPL_DEBUG", "OFF")); if ( ! bDebug ) oErrorHandler = CPLSetErrorHandler ( CPLQuietErrorHandler ); /* Test if argument is a file */ fp = VSIFOpenL( pszInput, "r" ); if ( fp ) { bIsFile = TRUE; VSIFCloseL( fp ); CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "argument is a file" ); } /* try to open with GDAL */ if( strncmp(pszInput, "", strlen("")) != 0 ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "trying to open with GDAL" ); poGDALDS = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpenEx( pszInput, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } if ( poGDALDS != NULL ) { pszProjection = poGDALDS->GetProjectionRef( ); if( pszProjection != NULL && pszProjection[0] != '\0' ) { char* pszProjectionTmp = (char*) pszProjection; if( oSRS.importFromWkt( &pszProjectionTmp ) == OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from GDAL" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; } } else if( poGDALDS->GetLayerCount() > 0 ) { poLayer = poGDALDS->GetLayer( 0 ); if ( poLayer != NULL ) { OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = poLayer->GetSpatialRef( ); if ( poSRS != NULL ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from OGR" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; OGRSpatialReference* poSRSClone = poSRS->Clone(); oSRS = *poSRSClone; OGRSpatialReference::DestroySpatialReference( poSRSClone ); } } } GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH) poGDALDS ); if ( ! bGotSRS ) CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "did not open with GDAL" ); } /* Try ESRI file */ if ( ! bGotSRS && bIsFile && (strstr(pszInput,".prj") != NULL) ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "trying to get SRS from ESRI .prj file [%s]", pszInput ); char **pszTemp; if ( strstr(pszInput,"ESRI::") != NULL ) pszTemp = CSLLoad( pszInput+6 ); else pszTemp = CSLLoad( pszInput ); if( pszTemp ) { eErr = oSRS.importFromESRI( pszTemp ); CSLDestroy( pszTemp ); } else eErr = OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS; if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "did not get SRS from ESRI .prj file" ); } else { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from ESRI .prj file" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; } } /* Last resort, try OSRSetFromUserInput() */ if ( ! bGotSRS ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "trying to get SRS from user input [%s]", pszInput ); eErr = oSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszInput ); if( eErr != OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "did not get SRS from user input" ); } else { CPLDebug( "gdalsrsinfo", "got SRS from user input" ); bGotSRS = TRUE; } } /* restore error messages */ if ( ! bDebug ) CPLSetErrorHandler ( oErrorHandler ); return bGotSRS; }
GDALDataset *DIMAPDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo ) { if( !Identify( poOpenInfo ) ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Confirm the requested access is supported. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "The DIMAP driver does not support update access to existing" " datasets.\n" ); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get the metadata filename. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLString osMDFilename; if( poOpenInfo->bIsDirectory ) { osMDFilename = CPLFormCIFilename( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "METADATA.DIM", NULL ); } else osMDFilename = poOpenInfo->pszFilename; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Ingest the xml file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psProduct, *psImageAttributes; psProduct = CPLParseXMLFile( osMDFilename ); if( psProduct == NULL ) return NULL; CPLXMLNode *psDoc = CPLGetXMLNode( psProduct, "=Dimap_Document" ); psImageAttributes = CPLGetXMLNode( psDoc, "Raster_Dimensions" ); if( psImageAttributes == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to find <Raster_Dimensions> in document." ); return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the dataset. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DIMAPDataset *poDS = new DIMAPDataset(); poDS->psProduct = psProduct; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get overall image information. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef DEBUG int nBands = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psImageAttributes, "NBANDS", "-1" )); #endif poDS->nRasterXSize = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psImageAttributes, "NCOLS", "-1" )); poDS->nRasterYSize = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue( psImageAttributes, "NROWS", "-1" )); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get the name of the underlying file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszHref = CPLGetXMLValue( psDoc, "Data_Access.Data_File.DATA_FILE_PATH.href", "" ); CPLString osPath = CPLGetPath(osMDFilename); CPLString osImageFilename = CPLFormFilename( osPath, pszHref, NULL ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Try and open the file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poDS->poImageDS = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( osImageFilename, GA_ReadOnly ); if( poDS->poImageDS == NULL ) { delete poDS; return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Attach the bands. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iBand; CPLAssert( nBands == poDS->poImageDS->GetRasterCount() ); for( iBand = 1; iBand <= poDS->poImageDS->GetRasterCount(); iBand++ ) poDS->SetBand( iBand, poDS->poImageDS->GetRasterBand( iBand ) ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Try to collect simple insertion point. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psGeoLoc = CPLGetXMLNode( psDoc, "Geoposition.Geoposition_Insert" ); if( psGeoLoc != NULL ) { poDS->bHaveGeoTransform = TRUE; poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psGeoLoc,"ULXMAP","0")); poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psGeoLoc,"XDIM","0")); poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0; poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psGeoLoc,"ULYMAP","0")); poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0; poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] = -atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psGeoLoc,"YDIM","0")); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Collect GCPs. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ psGeoLoc = CPLGetXMLNode( psDoc, "Geoposition.Geoposition_Points" ); if( psGeoLoc != NULL ) { CPLXMLNode *psNode; // count gcps. poDS->nGCPCount = 0; for( psNode = psGeoLoc->psChild; psNode != NULL; psNode = psNode->psNext ) { if( EQUAL(psNode->pszValue,"Tie_Point") ) poDS->nGCPCount++ ; } poDS->pasGCPList = (GDAL_GCP *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(GDAL_GCP),poDS->nGCPCount); poDS->nGCPCount = 0; for( psNode = psGeoLoc->psChild; psNode != NULL; psNode = psNode->psNext ) { char szID[32]; GDAL_GCP *psGCP = poDS->pasGCPList + poDS->nGCPCount; if( !EQUAL(psNode->pszValue,"Tie_Point") ) continue; poDS->nGCPCount++ ; sprintf( szID, "%d", poDS->nGCPCount ); psGCP->pszId = CPLStrdup( szID ); psGCP->pszInfo = CPLStrdup(""); psGCP->dfGCPPixel = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psNode,"TIE_POINT_DATA_X","0"))-0.5; psGCP->dfGCPLine = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psNode,"TIE_POINT_DATA_Y","0"))-0.5; psGCP->dfGCPX = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psNode,"TIE_POINT_CRS_X","")); psGCP->dfGCPY = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psNode,"TIE_POINT_CRS_Y","")); psGCP->dfGCPZ = atof(CPLGetXMLValue(psNode,"TIE_POINT_CRS_Z","")); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Collect the CRS. For now we look only for EPSG codes. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszSRS = CPLGetXMLValue( psDoc, "Coordinate_Reference_System.Horizontal_CS.HORIZONTAL_CS_CODE", NULL ); if( pszSRS != NULL ) { OGRSpatialReference oSRS; if( oSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszSRS ) == OGRERR_NONE ) { if( poDS->nGCPCount > 0 ) { CPLFree(poDS->pszGCPProjection); oSRS.exportToWkt( &(poDS->pszGCPProjection) ); } else { char *pszProjection = NULL; oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszProjection ); poDS->osProjection = pszProjection; CPLFree( pszProjection ); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Translate other metadata of interest. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static const char *apszMetadataTranslation[] = { "Production", "", "Production.Facility", "FACILITY_", "Dataset_Sources.Source_Information.Scene_Source", "", "Data_Processing", "", "Image_Interpretation.Spectral_Band_Info", "SPECTRAL_", NULL, NULL }; int iTrItem; for( iTrItem = 0; apszMetadataTranslation[iTrItem] != NULL; iTrItem += 2 ) { CPLXMLNode *psParent = CPLGetXMLNode( psDoc, apszMetadataTranslation[iTrItem] ); if( psParent == NULL ) continue; // hackey logic to support directly access a name/value entry // or a parent element with many name/values. CPLXMLNode *psTarget; if( psParent->psChild != NULL && psParent->psChild->eType == CXT_Text ) psTarget = psParent; else psTarget = psParent->psChild; for( ; psTarget != NULL && psTarget != psParent; psTarget = psTarget->psNext ) { if( psTarget->eType == CXT_Element && psTarget->psChild != NULL && psTarget->psChild->eType == CXT_Text ) { CPLString osName = apszMetadataTranslation[iTrItem+1]; osName += psTarget->pszValue; poDS->SetMetadataItem( osName, psTarget->psChild->pszValue ); } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set Band metadata from the <Spectral_Band_Info> content */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psImageInterpretationNode = CPLGetXMLNode( psDoc, "Image_Interpretation" ); if (psImageInterpretationNode != NULL) { CPLXMLNode *psSpectralBandInfoNode = psImageInterpretationNode->psChild; while (psSpectralBandInfoNode != NULL) { if (psSpectralBandInfoNode->eType == CXT_Element && EQUAL(psSpectralBandInfoNode->pszValue, "Spectral_Band_Info")) { CPLXMLNode *psTag = psSpectralBandInfoNode->psChild; int nBandIndex = 0; while(psTag != NULL) { if (psTag->eType == CXT_Element && psTag->psChild != NULL && psTag->psChild->eType == CXT_Text && psTag->pszValue != NULL) { if (EQUAL(psTag->pszValue, "BAND_INDEX")) { nBandIndex = atoi(psTag->psChild->pszValue); if (nBandIndex <= 0 || nBandIndex > poDS->poImageDS->GetRasterCount()) { CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "Bad BAND_INDEX value : %s", psTag->psChild->pszValue); nBandIndex = 0; } } else if (nBandIndex >= 1) { poDS->GetRasterBand(nBandIndex)->SetMetadataItem( psTag->pszValue, psTag->psChild->pszValue); } } psTag = psTag->psNext; } } psSpectralBandInfoNode = psSpectralBandInfoNode->psNext; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Initialize any PAM information. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poDS->SetDescription( osMDFilename ); poDS->TryLoadXML(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check for overviews. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, osMDFilename ); return( poDS ); }
/** Apply a vertical shift grid to a source (DEM typically) dataset. * * hGridDataset will typically use WGS84 as horizontal datum (but this is * not a requirement) and its values are the values to add to go from geoid * elevations to WGS84 ellipsoidal heights. * * hGridDataset will be on-the-fly reprojected and resampled to the projection * and resolution of hSrcDataset, using bilinear resampling by default. * * Both hSrcDataset and hGridDataset must be single band datasets, and have * a valid geotransform and projection. * * On success, a reference will be taken on hSrcDataset and hGridDataset. * Reference counting semantics on the source and grid datasets should be * honoured. That is, don't just GDALClose() it, unless it was opened with * GDALOpenShared(), but rather use GDALReleaseDataset() if wanting to * immediately release the reference(s) and make the returned dataset the * owner of them. * * Valid use cases: * * \code * hSrcDataset = GDALOpen(...) * hGridDataset = GDALOpen(...) * hDstDataset = GDALApplyVerticalShiftGrid(hSrcDataset, hGridDataset, ...) * GDALReleaseDataset(hSrcDataset); * GDALReleaseDataset(hGridDataset); * if( hDstDataset ) * { * // Do things with hDstDataset * GDALClose(hDstDataset) // will close hSrcDataset and hGridDataset * } * \endcode * * @param hSrcDataset source (DEM) dataset. Must not be NULL. * @param hGridDataset vertical grid shift dataset. Must not be NULL. * @param bInverse if set to FALSE, hGridDataset values will be added to * hSrcDataset. If set to TRUE, they will be subtracted. * @param dfSrcUnitToMeter the factor to convert values from hSrcDataset to * meters (1.0 if source values are in meter). * @param dfDstUnitToMeter the factor to convert shifted values from meter * (1.0 if output values must be in meter). * @param papszOptions list of options, or NULL. Supported options are: * <ul> * <li>RESAMPLING=NEAREST/BILINEAR/CUBIC. Defaults to BILINEAR.</li> * <li>MAX_ERROR=val. Maximum error measured in input pixels that is allowed in * approximating the transformation (0.0 for exact calculations). Defaults * to 0.125</li> * <li>DATATYPE=Byte/UInt16/Int16/Float32/Float64. Output data type. If not * specified will be the same as the one of hSrcDataset. * <li>ERROR_ON_MISSING_VERT_SHIFT=YES/NO. Whether a missing/nodata value in * hGridDataset should cause I/O requests to fail. Default is NO (in which case * 0 will be used) * <li>SRC_SRS=srs_def. Override projection on hSrcDataset; * </ul> * * @return a new dataset corresponding to hSrcDataset adjusted with * hGridDataset, or NULL. If not NULL, it must be closed with GDALClose(). * * @since GDAL 2.2 */ GDALDatasetH GDALApplyVerticalShiftGrid( GDALDatasetH hSrcDataset, GDALDatasetH hGridDataset, int bInverse, double dfSrcUnitToMeter, double dfDstUnitToMeter, const char* const* papszOptions ) { VALIDATE_POINTER1( hSrcDataset, "GDALApplyVerticalShiftGrid", nullptr ); VALIDATE_POINTER1( hGridDataset, "GDALApplyVerticalShiftGrid", nullptr ); double adfSrcGT[6]; if( GDALGetGeoTransform(hSrcDataset, adfSrcGT) != CE_None ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Source dataset has no geotransform."); return nullptr; } const char* pszSrcProjection = CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "SRC_SRS", GDALGetProjectionRef(hSrcDataset)); if( pszSrcProjection == nullptr || pszSrcProjection[0] == '\0' ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Source dataset has no projection."); return nullptr; } if( GDALGetRasterCount(hSrcDataset) != 1 ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Only single band source dataset is supported."); return nullptr; } double adfGridGT[6]; if( GDALGetGeoTransform(hGridDataset, adfGridGT) != CE_None ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Grid dataset has no geotransform."); return nullptr; } const char* pszGridProjection = GDALGetProjectionRef(hGridDataset); if( pszGridProjection == nullptr || pszGridProjection[0] == '\0' ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Grid dataset has no projection."); return nullptr; } if( GDALGetRasterCount(hGridDataset) != 1 ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Only single band grid dataset is supported."); return nullptr; } GDALDataType eDT = GDALGetRasterDataType(GDALGetRasterBand(hSrcDataset,1)); const char* pszDataType = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "DATATYPE"); if( pszDataType ) eDT = GDALGetDataTypeByName(pszDataType); if( eDT == GDT_Unknown ) { CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Invalid DATATYPE=%s", pszDataType); return nullptr; } const int nSrcXSize = GDALGetRasterXSize(hSrcDataset); const int nSrcYSize = GDALGetRasterYSize(hSrcDataset); OGRSpatialReference oSRS; CPLString osSrcProjection(pszSrcProjection); oSRS.SetFromUserInput(osSrcProjection); if( oSRS.IsCompound() ) { OGR_SRSNode* poNode = oSRS.GetRoot()->GetChild(1); if( poNode != nullptr ) { char* pszWKT = nullptr; poNode->exportToWkt(&pszWKT); osSrcProjection = pszWKT; CPLFree(pszWKT); } } void* hTransform = GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer3( pszGridProjection, adfGridGT, osSrcProjection, adfSrcGT ); if( hTransform == nullptr ) return nullptr; GDALWarpOptions* psWO = GDALCreateWarpOptions(); psWO->hSrcDS = hGridDataset; psWO->eResampleAlg = GRA_Bilinear; const char* pszResampling = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "RESAMPLING"); if( pszResampling ) { if( EQUAL(pszResampling, "NEAREST") ) psWO->eResampleAlg = GRA_NearestNeighbour; else if( EQUAL(pszResampling, "BILINEAR") ) psWO->eResampleAlg = GRA_Bilinear; else if( EQUAL(pszResampling, "CUBIC") ) psWO->eResampleAlg = GRA_Cubic; } psWO->eWorkingDataType = GDT_Float32; int bHasNoData = FALSE; const double dfSrcNoData = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( GDALGetRasterBand(hGridDataset, 1), &bHasNoData ); if( bHasNoData ) { psWO->padfSrcNoDataReal = static_cast<double*>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(double))); psWO->padfSrcNoDataReal[0] = dfSrcNoData; } psWO->padfDstNoDataReal = static_cast<double*>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(double))); const bool bErrorOnMissingShift = CPLFetchBool( papszOptions, "ERROR_ON_MISSING_VERT_SHIFT", false ); psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[0] = (bErrorOnMissingShift) ? -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() : 0.0; psWO->papszWarpOptions = CSLSetNameValue(psWO->papszWarpOptions, "INIT_DEST", "NO_DATA"); psWO->pfnTransformer = GDALGenImgProjTransform; psWO->pTransformerArg = hTransform; const double dfMaxError = CPLAtof(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "MAX_ERROR", "0.125")); if( dfMaxError > 0.0 ) { psWO->pTransformerArg = GDALCreateApproxTransformer( psWO->pfnTransformer, psWO->pTransformerArg, dfMaxError ); psWO->pfnTransformer = GDALApproxTransform; GDALApproxTransformerOwnsSubtransformer(psWO->pTransformerArg, TRUE); } psWO->nBandCount = 1; psWO->panSrcBands = static_cast<int *>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(int))); psWO->panSrcBands[0] = 1; psWO->panDstBands = static_cast<int *>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(int))); psWO->panDstBands[0] = 1; VRTWarpedDataset* poReprojectedGrid = new VRTWarpedDataset(nSrcXSize, nSrcYSize); // This takes a reference on hGridDataset CPLErr eErr = poReprojectedGrid->Initialize(psWO); CPLAssert(eErr == CE_None); CPL_IGNORE_RET_VAL(eErr); GDALDestroyWarpOptions(psWO); poReprojectedGrid->SetGeoTransform(adfSrcGT); poReprojectedGrid->AddBand(GDT_Float32, nullptr); GDALApplyVSGDataset* poOutDS = new GDALApplyVSGDataset( reinterpret_cast<GDALDataset*>(hSrcDataset), poReprojectedGrid, eDT, CPL_TO_BOOL(bInverse), dfSrcUnitToMeter, dfDstUnitToMeter, // Undocumented option. For testing only atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "BLOCKSIZE", "256")) ); poReprojectedGrid->ReleaseRef(); if( !poOutDS->IsInitOK() ) { delete poOutDS; return nullptr; } poOutDS->SetDescription( GDALGetDescription( hSrcDataset ) ); return reinterpret_cast<GDALDatasetH>(poOutDS); }