コード例 #1
// Take all the tokens from a purse and add them to this purse.
// Don't allow duplicates.
bool OTPurse::Merge(OTPseudonym & theOldNym, OTPseudonym & theNewNym, OTPurse & theNewPurse)
	mapOfTokenPointers theMap;
	while (this->Count() > 0) 
		OTToken * pToken = this->Pop(theOldNym);
		OT_ASSERT_MSG(NULL != pToken, "OTPurse::Merge: Assert: NULL != this->Pop(theOldNym) \n");
		const OTASCIIArmor & ascTokenID = pToken->GetSpendable();
        std::list<mapOfTokenPointers::iterator> listOfTokenMapIterators;
		// I just popped a Token off of *this. Let's see if it's in my temporary map...
		// If it's already there, then just delete it (duplicate).
		FOR_EACH(mapOfTokenPointers, theMap)
			OTToken * pTempToken = (*it).second;
			OT_ASSERT(NULL != pTempToken);
			const OTASCIIArmor & ascTempTokenID = pTempToken->GetSpendable();
			// --------------------------------
			// It's already there. Delete the one that's already there.
			// (That way we can add it after, whether it was there originally or not.)
			if (ascTempTokenID == ascTokenID)
//				theMap.erase(it);
//				delete pTempToken;
//              pTempToken = NULL;
				//break; // In case there are multiple duplicates, not just one.
        while (listOfTokenMapIterators.size() > 0)
            OTToken * pTempToken = (listOfTokenMapIterators.back())->second;
            delete pTempToken;
            pTempToken = NULL;
		// Now we know there aren't any duplicates on the temporary map, let's add the token to it.
		std::string theKey = ascTokenID.Get();		
		theMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, OTToken*>(theKey, pToken));
コード例 #2
// Take all the tokens from a purse and add them to this purse.
// Don't allow duplicates.
bool OTPurse::Merge(OTPseudonym & theNym, OTPurse & theNewPurse)
    mapOfTokenPointers theMap;

    while (this->Count() > 0)
        OTToken * pToken = this->Pop(theNym);

        OT_ASSERT(NULL != pToken);

        const OTASCIIArmor & ascTokenID = pToken->GetSpendable();

        // I just popped a Token off of *this. Let's see if it's in my temporary map...
        // If it's already there, then just delete it (duplicate).
        for (mapOfTokenPointers::iterator ii = theMap.begin(); ii != theMap.end(); ++ii)
            OTToken * pTempToken = (*ii).second;

            OT_ASSERT(NULL != pTempToken);

            const OTASCIIArmor & ascTempTokenID = pTempToken->GetSpendable();

            // --------------------------------
            // It's already there. Delete the one that's already there.
            // (That way we can add it after, whether it was there originally or not.)
            if (ascTempTokenID == ascTokenID)
                delete pTempToken;
                //break; // In case there are multiple duplicates, not just one.

        // Now we know there aren't any duplicates on the temporary map, let's add the token to it.
        std::string theKey = ascTokenID.Get();
        theMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, OTToken*>(theKey, pToken));

    // At this point, all of the tokens on *this have been popped, and added
    // to the temporary map as token pointers, with any duplicates removed.

    // -----------------------------------------------------------

    // Basically now I just want to do the exact same thing with the other purse.

    while (theNewPurse.Count() > 0)
        OTToken * pToken = theNewPurse.Pop(theNym); // TODO:  This isn't necessarily the right nym. Need to fix purse to allow dummy nyms.

        OT_ASSERT(NULL != pToken);

        const OTASCIIArmor & ascTokenID = pToken->GetSpendable();

        // I just popped a Token off of theNewPurse. Let's see if it's in my temporary map...
        // If it's already there, then just delete it (duplicate).
        for (mapOfTokenPointers::iterator ii = theMap.begin(); ii != theMap.end(); ++ii)
            OTToken * pTempToken = (*ii).second;

            OT_ASSERT(NULL != pTempToken);

            const OTASCIIArmor & ascTempTokenID = pTempToken->GetSpendable();

            // --------------------------------
            // It's already there. Delete the one that's already there.
            // (That way we can add it after, whether it was there originally or not.)
            if (ascTempTokenID == ascTokenID)
                delete pTempToken;
                //break; // In case there are multiple duplicates, not just one.

        // Now we know there aren't any duplicates on the temporary map, let's add the token to it.
        std::string theKey = ascTokenID.Get();
        theMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, OTToken*>(theKey, pToken));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------

    // At this point, all of the tokens on *this AND theNewPurse have been popped, and added
    // to the temporary map as token pointers, with any duplicates removed.

    // Now I just loop through that same map, and Push ALL of those tokens back onto *this.

    for (mapOfTokenPointers::iterator ii = theMap.begin(); ii != theMap.end(); ++ii)
        OTToken * pToken = (*ii).second;

        OT_ASSERT(NULL != pToken);

        bool bPush = this->Push(theNym, *pToken); // purse makes it's own copy of the token into string form.

        if (!bPush)
            OTLog::Error("Failure pushing token in OTPurse::Merge.\n");

    // -----------------------------------------------------

    // Next I clean up all the tokens out of the temporary map, since they will leak otherwise.

    while (!theMap.empty())
        OTToken * pToken = theMap.begin()->second;

        OT_ASSERT(NULL != pToken);

        delete pToken;
        pToken = NULL;


    // -----------------------------------------------------

    return true;